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1、preface,1.concept concerning translation 2. possibility and restriction of translation 3.nature and classification of translation 4.unit of translation 5.translation criteria 6.translation method 7.requirement of translator,1 翻译的概念,翻译是跨语言(cross-linguistic)、跨文化(cross-cultural)、跨社会(cross-social)的交际活动。

2、翻译的过程不仅是语言转换过程,而且是反映不同社会特征的文化转换过程。翻译是科学(science),因为它涉及思维和语言,反映了存在与认识、主体与客体的关系,这种关系可用受一定规律支配的语言加以描述,翻译有科学规律可循,所以是科学。,1 翻译的概念,翻译是艺术(art),因为它是译者对原文(source text)进行再创造的过程。译者在理解原文信息(information)(意义、神韵、风格等)和作者创作意图时不可避免会带上主观色彩,在克服语言和文化差异再现(to reproduce)原文信息时,可能会采用独特的处理方法,体现自己的风格,也就是独创性,所以,翻译是艺术。,1 翻译的概念,翻译是

3、技能(craft),因为译文(target text)的信息需用译语(target language)以恰当的方式再现。在再现的过程中由于译语和原语(source language)的差异,译语和原语所在文化氛围的不同,译者和作者对语言的认识和使用语言的习惯不可能一致,甚至还有不同的价值观,信息的损失(loss)不可避免。,2 翻译的可能性与局限性,翻译的可能性,建立在文化的共性上。翻译的局限性,建立在文化的个性上。文化是一种极为复杂的概念,对文化所下的定义几乎近百种。由于文化渗透到人类物质生活和精神生活的各个方面,可以说,文化是人类物质文明和精神文明的总和。按范围分,文化可大致分为三类:,2

4、 翻译的可能性与局限性,(1)物质文化(人类创造的一切物质文明);(2)制度文化(社会制度、家庭制度、生活教育制度、宗教制度、生活方式、风俗习惯、礼俗规范、语言等);(3)心理文化(思维方式、信仰、价值观念、审美情趣等)。(1)类文化看得见、摸得着,是显型文化,容易认识和了解。(2)类文化和(3)类文化中的某些部分寓于文字和客观现实构成的规律之中,人们通过细心观察和耳濡目染可以习得,也属显型文化;但有些部分,如个体的价值观念和审美情趣存在于微妙的自我意识深处,具有极少的共性特征,属隐型文化,不易认识和了解,是构成文化内容多重性的基础。 ,2 翻译的可能性与局限性,语言属制度文化,因为它由社会中

5、的人创造,有其使用规律,为全社会的人所共有;语言又是一种特殊的文化,它是文化的重要组成部分,也是文化的载体,可用来解释描述一切文化现象,是表达和传播化、促进文化发展的重要工具。人类在同一地球上生活繁衍,不同国家不同民族的人民都拥有上述三类文化,它们的许多共同之处便是翻译的基础。 例如,一种语言的词汇可在另一种语言中找到意义相符的词:,2 翻译的可能性与局限性,山-mountain、河-river、水-water、太阳-sun、月亮-moon、星-star、平原-plain、高原-plateau、风-wind、霜-frost、雨-rain、雪-snow、白天-day、黑夜-night、花-flo


7、词-word、句-sentence、段-paragraph、修辞-rhetoric等。,2 翻译的可能性与局限性,由于人类居住的生态环境有别,各国的社会历史不完全相同,各国人民创造的物质文明也有许多不同之处,特别是语言特征和表情达意的手法也有差别,它们都是文化交流的障碍,有些障碍甚 至不可逾越,这是造成翻译局限性的首要原因。其次,文化的习得依靠个人的学习、思考和理解,同时也受制于个人心智、语言能力和社会背景等相关因素。享有同一文化群体中的每个人对其特有的文化现象看法不一定完全一致,处于文化交叉环境中的译者,对 原语所反映文化的理解,也不一定与作者的理解完全相同。,译者虽然是双语者(biling


9、脏腑、经络的生理、病理等内容”,如“脏为阴,腑为阳”、“气为阳、血为阴”、“阴血主要为濡润和滋养组织,阳气主要为温养和固卫肢体”、“温性药称为阳,凉性药称为阴”等。但中医学名词“阴阳学说”译为:the doctrine of Yin and Yang,是很难让英语读者理解的,即使将“阴”(yin)和“阳”(yang)用斜写体表示,表明是音译,甚至加上一长串解释, 如:“(in Chinese philosophy,medicine,etc) the two opposing principles in nature,the former feminine and negative,the la

10、tter masculine and positive“。,而中国读者看见“阴”和“阳”,便会产生“背着太阳”和“向着太阳”的一对概念,看见“阴阳”一词,便会产生对立统一的联想,这种联想,是音译yin和yang不能产生的。 又如“马走日”和“象走田”是中国象棋中“马”和“象”两棋子的基本走法。“日”字此处不代表“太阳”(sun),“田”字此处不代表“田地”(field),它们只是表示棋子“马”和“象”只能在棋盘的日形格和田形格中呈对角线方向移动。“他只会马走日,象走田。”非常生动、形象地说明“他”只会中国象棋的基本走法,不懂下象棋的策略和布局。译成英语恐怕也只能译成“He only knows

11、 the basic moves of the Chinese chess”原文的生动和形象无法再现。,还有汉语中的拆字也无法翻译。如:“我姓张,弓长张”中的“弓”和“长”是无法译出的。汉语的双关和回文等修辞格也极难翻译。中国菜色、香、味俱全,世界闻名,中国莱的命名,已不是单纯的商品标签,而是文化的一种艺术表现,既有写实主义手法,又有浪漫主义色彩,多彩多姿,令人目不暇接,翻译时也很难处理。如“红烧狮子头”,若译为“Stewed Lionhead”,,岂不让讲英语的顾客吓一大跳,以为中国人无所不吃,连“百兽之王”的头也可搬上餐桌;若译为“Stewed Pork Ball in Casserole

12、,意义很完整,原文的趣味则全无。由豆腐、开洋 (虾米)和鱼肉组成的“老少平安”一菜,是因其清淡可口、营养丰富且老少咸宜而得名,若直译为”Peace to Old and Young,也会让英美等西方人摸不着头脑,若译为“Steamed Beancurd with Fish,原文的意境又失去了。,由于翻译的局限性,轻视贬低翻译者便不乏其人。有人将译作比做“土耳其挂毯的反面(反面不及正面美)”;有人将译作称为“水煮过之杨梅(形存味失)”;还有人认为读译作等于“隔被嗅花香”。这些观点虽然反映了翻译的局限性,不免有失偏颇。尽管世上没有完美无缺的翻译,尽管翻译是一门让人感到遗憾的艺术,但它从语言把人们分

13、隔之日起就存在并为人类文明的发展作出了巨大贡献,这一事实本身就说明了翻译的可能。俄国大文豪普希金 曾将翻译誉为“人类心灵的信使”,艾萨克巴辛格认为:“既然每一种语言都包含自己独特的真理,那么翻译就恰恰体现了人类的文明。,认识到翻译的可能性可以增强我们学习翻译的信心,认识到翻译的局限性会激励我们努力学习各种文化知识,提高自己的文化素养,在从事翻译时认真负责、兢兢业业,将原文信息的失真减到最小。,3.nature and classification of translationgrasp some terms in our text 4.unit of translationword, phra

14、se, sentence, paragraph ,textexamples to show the importance of word translation,瘦: thin, lean, slim, skinny (derog) ,bony 胖: fat, portly,(肥胖的,魁梧的,常指年长者), stout,(矮胖的,强壮的), obese,(过度胖,肥大的),5.translation criteria: 严复 傅雷 equivalence 刘重德 钱钟书 鲁迅 Alexander F.Tytler Our textbook: similarity in function and

15、 correspondence in meaning (more explanation about function and meaning),6. translation method Literal translation and free translation are two basic skills of translation. Literal translation refers to translate a sentence originally, keep the original message form, including construction of senten

16、ce, meaning of the original words, metaphor of the original and so on. Translation would be fluent and easy to comprehend by target language readers.,Free translation refers to, according to the meaning of the original, without paying attention to the details and translation would also be fluent and

17、 natural. Free translation need not pay attention to the form of the original, including construction of the original sentences,meaning of the original works, matapher of the original and so on . But free translation does not mean to delete or add contents to the original and translators must consid

18、er the original carefully, know its stress, translate it natually, express the meaning of the original.,Free translation is a skill which translators must know the culture of both source language and target language, and must have extensive knowledge.When translating, we should not use literal trans

19、lation completely or use free translation completely. You should use literal translation frequently and use free translation when neccessary.It can be shown in the examples the translation of idioms,过街老鼠: 直译:like a rat crossing the street 意译:the object of universal condemnation; a bad man hated by e

20、verybody 门庭若市: 直译:The courtyard is like a market 意译:a much visited house; a busy town; bustling; crowded 望梅止渴: 直译:to gaze at plums to quench ones thirst 意译:to console oneself with false hopes; to feed on fancies; imagined satisfaction,7.requirement of translator (examples in our textbook) a. solid f

21、oundation of two languages concerned b. broad scope of knowledge c. high sense of responsibility a: take “上” as an example b: supplement more information about the naming of different people in A Dream of Red Mansions,上场: to appear on the stage 上当: to be taken in 上光:to glaze, to polish 上轨道:to get on

22、 the right track 上火: to get angry 上进: to make progress,上口:to be suitable for reading aloud 上路:to set out on a journey 上马: to mount a horse 上年纪: to be getting on in years 上任: to take up an official post 上膛:to be loaded 上瘾:to be addicted,Supplement some knowledge about the naming of different people i

23、n A Dream of Red Mansions 1 The important person: (Respectable address, and transliteration)Master, lady,Miss, Mrs2 The servants: (free translation)袭人,Aroma, 紫鹃, Nightingale,晴雯, Skybright, 平儿 Patience3 The actors in the play: (French name)芳官:Parfumee4 Some extraordinary persons: (Latin name)妙玉: Adam

24、anina,9. appreciation (1) 登鹳雀楼 On Climbing Guanque Tower王之涣 Wang Zhihuan 白日依山尽, The sun beyond the mountain glows 黄河入海流。 The Yellow River seawards flows. 欲穷千里目, You can enjoy a grander sight 更上一层楼。 By climbing to a greater height.,(2) 静夜思 A Tranquil Night李白 Li Bai 床前明月光, Abed, I see a silver light,

25、疑是地上霜。 I wonder if its frost aground. 举头望明月, Looking up, I find the moon bright, 低头思故乡。 Bowing, in homesickness Im drowned.,(3) 春晓 A Spring Morning孟浩然 Meng Haoran 春眠不觉晓, This morn of spring in bed Im lying, 处处闻啼鸟。 Not woke up till I hear birds crying. 夜来风雨声, After one night of wind and showers, 花落知多

26、少。 How many are the fallen flowers!,展望新世纪初的国内外形势,未来五到十年,是我国经济和社会发展极为重要的时期。世界新科技革命迅猛发展,经济全球化趋势增强,许多国家积极推进产业结构调整,周边国家正在加快发展。国际环境既对我们提出了严峻挑战,也为我们提供了迎头赶上、实现跨越式发展的历史性机遇。,Looking ahead at the situation at home and abroad at the beginning of the 21st century, it can be said that the next five to ten years

27、will be an extremely important period for Chinas economic and social development. The worldwide new scientific and technological revolution is progressing rapidly with great momentum. The economic globalization trend is gaining strength. Many countries are actively restructuring their industries, an

28、d our neighboring countries are accelerating their development. All this serves as a severe challenge and a historic opportunity for us to strive to catch up and achieve development by leaps and bounds.,从国内看,我们正处在经济结构调整的关键时期,改革处于攻坚阶段,加入世贸组织又会带来一些新的问题。各方面任务十分繁重,许多深层次矛盾需要解决,形势要求我们必须抓住机遇,加快发展。同时,我们也具备许

29、多有利条件,能够在一个较长时期实现国民经济较快发展。,At home, we are at a crucial juncture in economic restructuring, and reform is in a very difficult period. Our entry into the World Trade Organization will bring us a number of new problems. We are facing many arduous tasks. Many deep-seated problems need to be solved. All this requires us to seize the opportunity and accelerate development. At the same time, there are many favorable conditions for our national economy to achieve rather rapid development over a fairly long period.,


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