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1、6.2 Slope Engineering 边坡工程,一、重点专业词汇和词组 return on investment 投资回报率 variability 可变性 slope angle 边坡角 slope failure 滑坡 steeper 陡峻的,陡峭的 the cost of 以为代价 curve k:v 曲线,Net 净利,实价,净赚,得到,纯粹的,净余的 as a function of 根据 criteria kraitiri 标准、条件 from the standpoint of 从角度来看 safety factor 安全系数 civil engineering 土木工程

2、basis for 以作为基础 quasi kweizai 类似的;准的;外表的,random events 随机事件 approach to 接近,约等于,通往的方法 Reliability 可靠性 Whereby 凭什么,靠什么 probability ,prbbilti 机率,可能性,或然率 whether or not 不论,是否 input values 输入值 Standpoint 立场,观点 magnitude mnitju:d 大小, 重要,震级,量级,Displacement 位移 static solutions 静态方案 Monitoring 监视,监控,检验,检查 ,监

3、听,监督 advance warning 预警 accompanied by 连同,随附,由陪同 remedial measures 补救措施 In spite of 尽管 mine steep slopes 陡坡开采 Inter-ramp 内部斜坡,Configuration 结构 face angle (坡)面角 Bedding 基床,层理 dipping into 浸在里;稍加研究 day-lighting 采光,日光照明 Shear 修剪,剥夺,剪切,切变,大剪刀 daylighting plane shear 采光切面 cut into 切入,割入,砍入,Undercut 从下边切,

4、底切,根切,咬边 Conduct 带领,导电,行为,进行,实施 potential instability 潜在不稳度 interactive process 交互过程,动态过程 trial pit 探坑,试井 Sectors 部门,分区,把分成部分 Domain 领域,产业,地产,计域名 Boundaries 边界,界线 lithologic ,liuldik 岩性的,岩石学,Contact 接触,联系, 使接触 Dissimilar 不同的 Significantly 值得注意地,显著地 Slab 厚板 whereas hwz 然而,反之,鉴于 minor main 较小的;次要的 rav

5、eling rvli 解开,剥落,松散 Preliminary 初步的,最初的 Plot 划分,标绘,绘图,标示,二、复合难句1、In the design of a typical open pit , increasing the slope angle decreases thestripping andor increases the recoverable ore , which produces a higher benefit or return on investment在典型(常规、一般)的露天矿设计中,增大边坡角会减少剥离量或增大可采矿石量,这就意味着获得更好的收益或投资回

6、报。,2、Because of the variability of geologic structure and rock properties , there is not a unique angle below which there is no slope instability and above which massive failure occurs由于地质构造和岩石性能的可变性,因此没有一个特定的(唯一的)角度使小于它的边坡角都是稳定的,大于它的就会发生大量的垮塌。,3、More typically , as the slope angle is increased , th

7、e number , size , and movement rate of slope failures increases. 一般情况是:随着边坡角的增大,滑坡的泥土量、滑坡的范围及滑动速度都会增加。,4、These slope failures result in operating costs such as the expense of cleaning up failed material , lost production , and unrecovered Ore滑坡导致的后果是增大了作业成本,比如清理滑下物质的费用、耽误的生产、不能再开采的矿石等。,5、Thus the ne

8、t benefit curve obtained by subtracting the cost of instability from the gross benefit has a maximum因此,用总利润减去边坡不稳定产生的费用可获得净利润曲线,其中会有一个最大值。,6、The slope angle at which this maximum occurs is the optimum angle , since mining at a flatter angle results in higher stripping costs and reduced ore recovery.

9、净利润最大值对应的边坡角就是最佳边坡角,因为在一个平缓的角度下开采会产生高昂的剥离成本同时减少可采矿石。,7、Conversely , mining steeper than the optimum results in slope instability costs greater than the increased ore recover相反地,以超过最佳边坡角的陡坡开采导致边坡不稳定产生的费用大于增加的可采矿石(带来的收益)。,8、From the standpoint of simple mechanics , the stability of a slope is the rati

10、o of the strength of the material to the stresses in the slope. 从单纯的力学角度来看,边坡的稳定性就是边坡抗压力与边坡压力之比(边坡材质的强度与边坡所受应力之比)。,9、If the stress exceeds the strength ,the slope is unstable; conversely , if the strength exceeds the stress , the slope is stable.如果压力大于(超过)所能承受的应力,边坡就是不稳定的;相反地,如果能够承受的应力大于压力,那么边坡就是稳定的

11、。 如果边坡压力大于边坡材质的强度,边坡就是不稳定的;相反地,如果边坡材质的强度大于边坡压力,那么边坡就是稳定的。,10、This ratio is termed(被称为) the safety factor and has been the basis for stability analysis in civil engineering for many years这个比率就是所谓的安全系数,多年来它都作为土木工程稳定性分析的基础。,11、Because of the variability of rock properties, uncertainty in the measuremen

12、t of these properties , and the influence of quasi -random events , such as earthquakes and rainfall , the stresses and strengths used in stability are estimates of populations(总体) with significant distributions rather than single values. 因岩石性能的可变性、对这些性能测量的不确定性、以及类似随机事件的影响,比如地震、降雨、用于稳定性的压力和张力等,都占有重大

13、比重需要进行综合评估而不是单一的评价,12、An alternate approach to defining stability is to use the reliability method , whereby (凭什么,靠什么)the probability of (概率) whether or not (是否)a slope will be stable is calculated from the distribution of input values.另一种确定边坡稳定性的备用方案是使用可靠性的方法,该方法是从输入值的分布中计算出边坡是否稳定的概率,13、Slope insta

14、bility does not necessarily mean slope failure from the operational standpoint. 边坡不稳定性未必就意味着从操作角度产生滑坡14、It is not uncommon for a slope to become unstable , with the resulting displacement being less than 1 m 由于边坡不稳定而产生滑动位移小于1m的情况是很平常的(正常的),15、Whether an unstable slope results in significant cost to

15、the operation depends on the rate of movement , the type of mining operation ,and the relationship of the unstable material to the mining operation一个不稳定边坡是否对运作造成重大的经济损失取决于它的滑动速率、开采工作类型、以及不稳定物质与开采工作的关系,16、On the other hand , a few millimeters of displacement of the rock under a crusher , conveyor , o

16、r building may require extensive repair另一方面,在破碎机、输送机或建筑物下的岩石产生几毫米的位移或许都需要大规模的修护。,17、When the rate of displacement is such that it disrupts(扰乱) the operation or the movement produces damage to mining facilities(设备), it is considered an operational slope failure. 当岩石以扰乱作业或移动引起开采设备破坏那样的速率滑动时,那就把它视为一个操作

17、性的滑坡。 当滑坡的速率达到扰乱作业或引起开采设备破坏那样的情况时,就把它视为一个操作性的滑坡。,18、In an optimized slope ,some slope failure can be expected but the specific location and time of instability cannot be predicted with any certainty.在一个最佳边坡中,有些滑坡是可以预测的,但不稳定的具体位置和时间用任何确定的工具或方法都是无法预测的。,19、Also (而且,另外)the stability analyses utilized in

18、 design , with very few exceptions , are static solutions that do not provide estimates of the rate or magnitude(大小,量) of displacement.而且,极少例外,用于边坡设计的稳定性分析,也只是一些静态方案,并不能提供滑动速率或位移大小的评估。,20、Therefore , to provide safe working conditions and minimize the economic impact of slope instability , there sho

19、uld be a program of displacement monitoring to provide advance warning of major slope displacement ,accompanied by (随附)design of remedial measures(补救措施). 因此,为了提供一个安全的工作环境,并把边坡不稳定的经济影响降到最低,应该有一套提供主要边坡预警的位移监控机制(方案、程序),附在补救措施的设计方案中。,21、In spite of the uncertainty in slope stability , the safety record

20、has been excellent compared with mining in general and other activities.尽管边坡稳定性是不确定的,但安全记录一直比一般开采及其他活动更重要。,22、With an appropriate slope management program , it should be possible to mine steep slopes with an equal or greater safety record拥有一套合适的边坡管理方案,用一个等于或大于安全记录中的边坡角进行陡坡开采应该是可能的。,23、Where there ar

21、e haul roads , working levels , or other wide benches , the overall slope angle is the angle of the line from the toe to the crest of the pit在有运输道路、工作水平或其他宽阔平台的地方,从矿坑底部平台的坡底线到顶部平台的坡顶线之间的连线与水平线间的夹角就是最终边坡角。,24、If this angle were used for the overall slope angle , haul roads cut into the slope would un

22、dercut(从下边削切) the bedding and result in inter-ramp instability如果把这个角度用作为最终边坡角的话,那么切入边坡的运输道路将从下边削切矿床,从而导致其中的斜坡不稳定。,25、In addition ,there would be almost no catch(不值得) benches left ,as the bench face angle would be steeper than the bedding此外,也几乎不用再留平台,因为平台坡面角将会比矿床倾角更陡。,26、Slope design is an interactiv

23、e process as a trial pit(探坑) is required to select design sectors , but the development of a trial pit requires slope angles由于选择设计分区需要探坑,而探坑的形成发展又需要边坡角,因此边坡设计是一个动态(交互)过程。,27、To conduct stability analyses and develop optimum slope angles for input into pit design , the proposed pit must be divided in

24、to design sectors that are sections of the pit with similar geologic and operational characteristics为了进行边坡稳定性分析并形成矿坑设计所需的最佳边坡角,必须把拟定矿坑划分成几个具有相似的地质和作业特点的不同设计部分。,28、The first criterion for the selection of design sectors is the structural domain ,which is an area within which the rock properties and f

25、abric are consistent分区设计的第一个选择标准是结构领域,在这个区域里的岩石性能和构造是一致的。,29、Typical structural domain boundaries are lithologic contacts and major structures which separate areas of dissimilar fabric.标准的结构领域界线是岩性的联系方式和分成不同构造区域的主结构。,30、Since rock is usually anisotropic,different wall orientations within the same st

26、ructural domain can have significantly different modes of instability and different optimum angles由于岩石通常是各向异性的,因此在相同结构领域中不同坑壁方向可以有明显不同的不稳定形式和最佳边坡角,31、An extreme example of this is a dipping coal deposit where slab slides occur in the footwall at a slope angle of 18, whereas 45m high benches in the s

27、ame lithologic sequence in the highwall orientation are stable at 70with only minor step path raveling. 这里的一个极端的例子是:一个倾斜煤层矿床,在底盘上以一个18的坡面角发生厚片下滑,然而在边坡(或未开采工作面)方向上相同岩性序列中的45m高的平台在70的边坡角下仍是稳定的,只松开很小的距离。,32、Because of the higher cost of slope failure , sections of the pit wall that will contain in-pit

28、crushers , conveyors , or haul roads require different stability criteria than the same wall orientation in the same structural domain.拟安设坑内压碎器、输送带或运输道路的坑壁部分需要不同的稳定性标准,因为这部分的滑坡产生的费用比相同结构领域中相同坑壁方向的滑坡产生的费用更高。,33、After the optimum angles are selected and a pit designed , the pit plan must be reevaluate

29、d to determine whether the design sectors need to be changed because of changes in the pit geometry在选出最佳边坡角并设计矿坑后,必须对矿区平面图进行再评估,以决定是否需要因矿坑几何学方面的改变而改变设计分区。,34、For each of the design sectors , the rock fabric and major structure orientation data can be plotted on a stereographic projection(立体投影图)对于每个设计分区来说,其岩石构造和主结构方位数据都可以在立体投影图上标示出来。,35、This diagram dairm is used to determine failure modes and select structure sets for stability analyses用这个图形来确定滑坡模型并为稳定性分析选择边坡的结构方案。,小结,1、专业知识: 边坡设计原则、分区设计的选择标准 最佳坡面角、最终边坡角 平台结构 安全系数 2、英语知识,


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