,Stella Artois戛纳电影节,法国戛纳电影节因大海、美女和阳光(Sea Sex Sun)而被称为3S电影节。戛纳国际电影节与Stella的集合,体现到Stella的高端定位,能让消费者感受到超凡4S (Stella Sea Sex Sun)魅力。,附:每6支时代SBT送一张刮卡,可见元素包括易拉宝,遮阳伞,KV灯箱和挂画等物料,Stella Artois Festival De CANNES,The cannes film festival was called 3S because of the Sea, Sex and Sun. When the cannes film festival and stella artois become a successful combination. It makes the customer feeling high quality and positioning, the charming of 4S (Stella Sea Sex Sun),PS:Every six SBT of Stella giving one Scratch card.,Visibility including umbrella and KV light,