1、,Insomnia,-“失眠症”又叫“不寐”,A brief introduction of insomnia ,including the different translations , the related disease in modern medicine ,the diagnosis , the differentiations and the self-conditions methods of insomnia,the Bilingual of Insomnia “失眠症”英文对照: Insomnia ; anhypnosis ; anhypnia ;vigilance; p
2、ervigilium;Relative explanations: ,In modern medicine,neurosis神经官能症 menopausal syndrome 更年期综合征 anaemia 贫血 chronic wasting disease 慢性消耗性疾病 take insomnia as the main performance,Insomnia is the perception or complaint of inadequate or poor-quality sleep because of one or more of the following: difficu
3、lty falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night with difficulty returning to sleep, waking up too early in the morning, sometimes even can not falling to sleep at all overnight.不寐是以经常不能获得正常睡眠为特征的一类病证,主要表现为睡眠时间、深度的不足,轻者入睡困难,或寐而易醒,或醒后不能再寐,重则彻夜不寐,常影响人们正常的工作、生活、学习和健康。Insomnia is the bodys way
4、of saying that something isnt right. Things that may cause insomnia include stress, too much caffeine, depression, changes in work shifts, and pain from medical problems, such as arthritis.,Diagnosis,1. The light will feel difficulty to fall asleep or to wake to sleep easily, wake up after the Insom
5、nia for more than three weeks ;unable to sleep at night in serious cases.轻者入睡困难或睡而易醒,醒后不寐,连续3周以上,重者彻夜难眠。2.It is often accompanied by Headache , dizziness, palpitations forgetful, weakness, dreams and so on.常伴有头痛头昏、心悸健忘、神疲乏力、多梦等。3. By the various systems and laboratory examination found no prejudice
6、to the other organic lesion sleep.经各系统及实验室检查,未发现有妨碍睡眠的其他器质性病变。,Differentiation,Defficiency of Both the Heart and Spleen-Qi心脾两虚 :Main Manifestations :Difficulty in falling asleep, dreamy, palpitation, poor memory, lassitude, anorexia, sallow complexion, pale tongue with thin coating, thready, weak pu
7、lse. 主症难于入睡,多梦易醒,心悸健忘,体倦神疲,饮食无味,面色少华,舌淡苔薄,脉细弱。Disharmony between the Heart and Kidney心肾不交 :Main Manifestations: Restlessness, poor sleep, dizziness, tinnitus, dry mouth with little saliva, burning sensation of the chest, palms and soles, red tongue, thready, rapid pulse, or nocturnal emission, poor
8、memory, palpitation, lumbar pain. 主症心烦不眠,头晕耳鸣,口干津少,五心烦热,舌质红,脉细数,或兼见梦遗,健忘,心悸。腰酸等症。,Differentiation,Upward Disturbance of the Liver-Fire肝火上扰 : Main Manifestations :Irritability due to insomnia, dreamy sleep, headache, bitter taste in the mouth, distension in the costal region, string-taut pulse. 主症失眠,
9、性情急噪,多梦,头痛口苦,胁胀,脉弦。 Dysfunction of the Stomach胃气不和:Main Manifestations: Insomnia, suffocating feeling and distending pain in the epigastric region, poor appetite, difficult defecation, sticky tongue coating, rolling pulse. 主症失眠而胃脘胀痛堵闷,不思饮食,大便不爽,苔腻脉滑。,Treatment The points of Heart Meridian and Three
10、Foot Yin Meridians are selected as principal points. Reinforcing is applied for deficiency syndrome, while reducing for excess syndrome to calm the heart and soothe the mind. Acupuncture is desirable in the afternoon or in the evening before sleep. 治法 取手少阴和足三阴经穴为主。针刺虚证用补法,实证用泻法,以宁心安神。针治时间以下午或晚间睡前为佳。
11、Prescription Shenmen (HT 7), Sishencong (EX-HN 1), Sanyinjiao (SP 6), Anmian (EX). the stomach.处方 神门 四神聪 三阴交 安眠,Additional Points Add Xinshu (BL 15), Pishu (BL 20) for deficiency of the heart and spleen, Xinshu (BL 15), Taixi (KI 3), Zhaohai (KI 6) for disharmony between the heart and kidney, Xingji
12、an (LR 2) for upward disturbance of the liver-fire, Zhongwan (CV 12), Zusanli (ST 36) for dysfunction of the stomach. 随证配穴心脾两虚:心俞、脾俞; 心肾不交:心俞、太溪、照海; 肝火上扰:行间; 胃气不和:中脘、足三里,a self-conditioning methods,Sleep or awakening is a normal physiological process, but it is not fully self-control human activitie
13、s, but a passive process. It is not like some human activities can be the peoples will, that stay, only then ended. Insomnia is often difficult to sleep induced by its own divisions and frustration. In fact, the early mild insomnia, a self-conditioning methods often can benefit from specific summari
14、zed as follows:,a self-conditioning methods,(1) normal and natural state of mind.平常而自然的心态 (2) to seek and eliminate the causes of insomnia.寻求并消除失眠的原因 (3) physical and mental relaxation is useful for sleep.身心松驰,有益睡眠 the method of closing the eyes and then being quiet guadually .闭目入静法 the method of ming tian gu.鸣天鼓法 (4) induced sleep.睡眠诱导 (5) the method of the method of drinking hot milk.饮热牛奶法 (6) suitableSleeping posture .合适的睡姿,thanks,