1、IELTS Grammar,Carrol Han,Lesson 3-1,名词性从句- 主语从句,一、定义: 主语从句是在复合句中充当主语的从句。主语从句的位置与陈述句基本结构中的主语相同。,主语从句的引导词:,(1)从属连词that ,whether 中国有着悠久的历史是众所周知的事实。That China is a country with a long history is a well-known fact. 手机是否给我们带来的坏处多于好处已经引起了热烈的讨论。Whether mobile phones bring more harm than good to us hascaused
2、/aroused/sparked heated/fierce/hot debate/issue/discussion/argument/topic. 燃油价格的提高能否解决环境污染的问题是一个有争议的话题。Whether the increase of fuel price can solve the worlds environmental problem is a controversial issue. 大学是否应该提供给学生实践的技能还是学术知识是一个有争议的话题。Whether universities should provide students with practical s
3、kills or academic knowledge is a controversial issue. 体育明星是否应该赚取高额工资仍被热烈讨论。Whether sports stars should earn a high salary is still discussed heatedly.,(2)连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever, 你所说的是正确的。What you said is quite correct. 大多数的公司需要的不是机器人,而是能够贡献主意的有创造能力的人。What mos
4、t companies need is not robots, but creative people who can contribute ideas. 贫困国家最需要的不是钱,而是先进的科技和人才。What the poor countries need most is not money, but advanced technologies and talents. Whoever wants to reach a distant goal must take many small steps. Whatever you love and trust in this world love
5、s you in return.(3)连接副词 where, when, how, why 这件事是怎么发生的任何人都不清楚。How this happened is not clear to anyone. 你的思想和行动将会影响你的人生。How you think and act will influence your life. 为什么早晨的太阳看上去比中午的太阳大是很有趣的。Why the sun in the morning looks bigger than the sun at noon is very interesting.,二、主语从句的拓展: 主语从句放在句首,句子常常显
6、得比较笨重,因此常把它移至句子末尾,而用it来作形式主语。例如:,That he is the best student in the class is obvious.=,It is obvious that he is the best student in the class.,很奇怪,Bill昨天没有来。It is strange that Bill did not come yesterday.,飞机何时起飞还没宣布。It has not been announced when the plane is to take off.,用“it”作形式主语的主语从句常见的有: It is
7、+ 名词 + 从句: It is a fact that It is good news that It is common knowledge that 事实上投资教育就是投资一个人的未来。It is a fact that investing in education is investing in ones future.,用“it”作形式主语的主语从句常见的有:,It is + 形容词 +从句: It is clear that It is (un)likely that It is important that It is certain that 很明显我们生活在信息时代。It i
8、s obvious that we are living in an information age.It is + 过去分词 + 从句:It is said that It is reported that It has been proved thatIt is estimated that 已证明人类活动对环境有着最大的影响。It has been proved that human activities have the greatest impact on environment.,造句练习: 你是否能成功地实现梦想取决于努力工作而不是运气。Whether you can succe
9、ed in making your dream come true depends on hard work more than luck. 据报道中国又成功地向太空发射了一颗人造地球卫星。It is reported that China has sent another man-made earth satellite into space. 信息技术是福是祸正被人们热烈讨论。Whether technology is a blessing or a curse is discussed heatedly by people. 恐龙为什么会灭绝对于科学家和研究者来说一直是个迷。 Why d
10、inosaurs became extinct has long been a mystery to scientists and researchers. 家长在孩子面前的一举一动将对小孩的行为举止有重大影响。What the parents do and how they behave in front of their children will have a great impact on their children in shaping their behaviors. 什么因素导致一些稀有物种的灭绝一直是科学家的研究重点。What factors contribute to th
11、e disappearance of some rare species has always been a research focus of scientists.,现在,人们普遍认为没有一所大学能够在学生毕业的时候教给他们所需要的所有知识。Now, it is generally/widely believed/acknowledged that no college or university can give students all the knowledge they need by the time they graduate. 人们普遍认为现代科技使我们社会发生了巨大的变化,
12、近年来人类在科技方面取得了惊人的进步。It is commonly thought that our society has dramatically changed by modern science and technology, and human have made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades. 无可否认,私家车的使用是交通和污染问题增加的主要原因之一,但提升燃油价格不太可能长期限制驾车人的数量。While it is undeniable that private car use is one of the main causes of the increase in traffic and pollution, higher fuel costs are unlikely to limit the number of drivers for long. 无可争辩的,计算机和其它机器已经成为社会必不可少的一部分。It is indisputable that computer and other machines have become an indispensable part of our society.,