1、Chapter 11 Cooperative Principle & Culture Difference,1. IntroductionJack forgot that today is Marys birthday.Only Philip is going to London.A: Where is Jack?B: His bike is not here.His English is very good. He knows all the 26 letters. Conventional implicature:In uttering a sentence S, a speaker im
2、plies that P is the case if S suggests P as its conclusion, without P having been literally said. This is conventional implicature. Jack forgot that today is Marys birthday.Today is Marys birthday.Only Philip is going to London.No one else is going to London.,Chapter 11 Cooperative Principle & Cultu
3、re Difference,Conversational implicature When an implicature rests not only on the conventional meaning of the uttered expression but also on the supposition that the speaker is following or is intentionally breaking certain maxims of conversation, then the implication is called a conversational imp
4、licature. It is something you dont say directly but that you seem to want people to believe. It is what the utterance expresses beyond the literal meaning.A: Philip is meeting a woman. B: What do you think of the movie?,Chapter 11 Cooperative Principle & Culture Difference,2. The Cooperative Princip
5、le and its Maxims1) The maxim of Quantitya. make your contribution as informative as is required for the currentpurpose of the exchangeb. do not make your contribution more informative than is required 2) The maxim of QualityTry to make your contribution one that is true, specifically:a. do not say
6、what you believe to be falseb. do not say that which you lack adequate evidence,Chapter 11 Cooperative Principle & Culture Difference,3) The maxim of Relevance Make your contribution relevant (relevant to the topic)4) The maxim of MannerBe perspicuous and specially:a) avoid obscurityb) avoid ambigui
7、tyc) be briefd) be orderly 3. Violation of the Principle & Conversational ImplicatureA: Where does he live?B: Along the Huaihai road.A: Where is Philip?B: My wallet is missing.,Chapter 11 Cooperative Principle & Culture Difference,a. The speaker declares that he wont cooperate; b. The speaker violat
8、es the principle without the hearers knowing; he ismisleading the hearer; c. Sometimes the speaker observes one maxim while having to violateanother;d. The speaker deliberately violates one maxim and he knows that thehearer knows that he is violating the maxim. In this case, he wantsthe hearer to in
9、fer the exact meaning.A: Whats the time now?B: The postman has just come.,Chapter 11 Cooperative Principle & Culture Difference,4. Inference of conversational implicature 1) maxim of quantitya. violation of Ma Dear Sir, Mr. Johnsons command of English is excellent, and his attendance at tutorials ha
10、s been regular. Yours, 晋国大夫董叔想娶范宣子之女。叔向劝阻道,“范氏富,不如算了吧。”(国语 晋语九),Chapter 11 Cooperative Principle & Culture Difference,b. violation of MbAunt: How did Jimmy do in his history examination?Mother: Oh, not at all well. They asked things that hashappened before the poor boy was born. War is war. Girls ar
11、e girls. 2) maxim of qualityviolation of Ma 3) maxim of Relevance 4) Maxim of Mannera. violation of MaA: Lets get the kids something.B: Okay, but I veto CHOCOLATE.,Chapter 11 Cooperative Principle & Culture Difference,b. violation of MbI personally advised president Reagon, when he picked out his ca
12、binet. (Readers Digest, June, 1986) A: Name and title, please.B: John Smith, Associate editor and professor.c. violation of Mc She produced a series of sounds that corresponded loosely withthe score of Home, Sweet Home.“第一局我不曾赢,第二局他没输,第三局我要和,他不肯,就算了。” 5. CP, PR, PP and Cultural Difference 1) Princip
13、le of relevancecommunication, inference, manifestness, assumption, optimal relevance: effect and effortcognitive environment, context,Chapter 11 Cooperative Principle & Culture Difference,2) politeness principlea. Tact Maximb. Generosity Maximc. Approbation Maximd. Modesty Maxime. Agreement Maximf.
14、Sympathy Maxim,Chapter 11 Cooperative Principle & Culture Difference,赵母嫁女,女去,教之曰:“慎勿为好。”女曰:“不为好,可为恶乎?”母曰:“好尚不可为,何况恶乎?”Philip said: “Oh, Lucy, you are charmer each passing week. I guess no one can help loving you when they see you,” Miss Johnson smiled: “Thank you, Philip, Thank you.” ( A Party, Will
15、iam Huxly),Chapter 11 Cooperative Principle & Culture Difference,田惠中笑眯眯地举起酒杯:“来、来。今天各位光临寒舍,蓬荜增辉。我代表我自己,也代表我美丽的夫人 ” “去,去,去!”章淑娴扬着手,象哄一只苍蝇“ 再就是,我们美丽的密斯林远道而来。”“什么密斯林,都老太太了。”密斯林又笑又摇头。(宝玉、黛玉一起偷读西厢记后)宝玉笑道:“妹妹,你说(书)好不好?”黛玉笑着点头儿。宝玉笑道:“我就是多愁多病的身,你就是那倾国倾城的貌。”黛玉听了不觉带腮连耳的通红了,桃腮带怒,薄面含嗔,指着宝玉道:“你这该死的,胡说了,好好儿的,把这些淫
16、词艳曲弄了来,说这些混帐话,欺负我。”说道“欺负”二字 就把眼圈儿红了,转身就走。,Chapter 11 Cooperative Principle & Culture Difference,她指着水桶:“那你就一天给我挑两趟水吧。”魏德胜:“那,容易,那我就一天给你挑两趟水罢。”玉贞:“挑到我儿子娶媳妇,挑到我闺女出门子,给我挑一辈子!”魏德胜:“挑一辈子?”他并不假思索。一抬头,接触到玉贞热情、温柔、羞赧的目光,震动、愕然。玉贞重述:“挑一辈子。”“您别生我的气,”涅莉答道,“我一定要服药,可是您爱我吗?”“要是你听话,我就非常爱你。”“非常?”“非常。” “现在您不爱我吗?”“现在也爱”“要是我想吻您,您会吻我吗?”是的,如果你应该得到吻的话。“好吧,我要吃药,”涅莉用她那衰弱无力的声音叫道:“可我长大以后,成了大人之后,您会让我嫁给您吗?”“If its crazy to love you, I guess I am.” Marva stopped her steps and said, “Then that makes two of us.” Maurice, feeling encouraged, clutched her to him, held her in his tight gripand out his lips on hers.,