1、英汉翻译语篇衔接和翻译策略,索梦霞,Abstract,1.我们在翻译文章时首先应该了解语篇的特性,即具有“成篇性”。“成篇性”具体有七个标准:意向性、可接受性、情境性、信息性、连贯、衔接和互文性。 2语篇由句子组成,但不是句子的随意堆砌。构成语篇的句子之间有着深层的语义关系连贯性,即衔接性。 3翻译的过程就是识别连贯并重构连贯的过程。,项目实施的过程,1.理解阶段。翻译之前,要对原文内容有大概的了解。 2.表达转换阶段。翻译过程中,综合运用多种翻译策略使篇章译的连贯并且流畅。 3审校润色阶段。翻完后进行自我修改。 4项目报告撰写阶段。要综合考虑多种因素。,翻译过程中需要解决的难点及解决原则,1
2、背景知识。 2再现原文的连贯性。确保译文在语言上和文化上均为译文读者所接受。,难点,解决原则,案例剖析,1.As the examples make clear, peoples attitudes toward other people are complicated. They can be obvious or subtle, clear or ambivalent, passionate or dispassionate. 译:正如例子中所说的那样,人们对其他人的态度是复杂的:有的态度可能很明显,有的则可能比较隐晦;有的态度可能明确,有的则可能含糊不清;有的十分热情,有的则不带感情。(
3、方法:改变词汇衔接方式),2.The apology offered by Harper was emotionally significant for many Canadians because it acknowledged that First Nations people have experienced significant oppression for too long and it seemed to provide a sense of hope for positive changes among those listening to the apology. 译:对许多
4、加拿大人来说,哈珀的道歉在感情上意义重大。因为有了这一道歉,就代表人们承认印第安人长久以来受着巨大的压迫。而且这一道歉似乎让印第安人看到了改变现状的希望。(方法:转换人称代词)(为什么叫第一民族?补充文化空位,呵呵。),3.Evidence consistent with the “principled conservatism” critique shows that people particularly dislike affirmative action programs that clearly deviate from the principle of merit in terms
5、 of the way in which they are implemented, implying that unprejudiced persons may oppose affirmative action not because of prejudice but because it is viewed as unfair procedurally. 译:能够证明原则性保守主义的观点正确的事实依据表明人们特别不喜欢反歧视行动项目。就项目的施行方式而言,该类项目明显偏离了价值原则。这就意味着,不带偏见的人反对歧视行动可能不是因为偏见因素,而是因为他们认为反歧视行动在施行程序上是不公平的
6、。(in which 状语移到前面翻)(将毫无停顿的英文句子翻成几个关系连接紧密的汉语。),4.Obamas messages of inclusiveness, hope, and genuine freedom and democracy apparently resonated with those in the American public who brought him to victory and also among others around the world who were inspired by the humanity of his vision. 译:显然,奥巴马
7、所宣扬的政治主张包容、希望、真自由、民主与那些支持他的美国公众的观点产生了共鸣,也在世界上其他国家产生了轰动效应,他的人道主张激励了那些国家的人们。(麦克米兰英语词典注释message:1 a piece of written or spoken information that you send to someone ,especially when you cannot speak to them directly; 2 the main moral, social or political idea that you want people to remember from a spee
8、ch, advertisement, article, etc.)(方法:语义分析及推理,意译),5. He was an old man, bent and wrinkled with a pitiful look on his face. Over his shoulder he had a ragged brown coat, all torn and dirty. His thick boots were patched and well worn, and with one hand he leant on a rough stick. In the other hand he held out a hat for money. 译:那是一位老人,弯着腰,满脸皱纹,看上去一脸可怜相。他的肩上披着一件破烂的棕色外套,又颇有脏。他的厚靴子打着补丁,已经很破旧了。他的一只手拄着一根粗糙木棍,另一只手伸出帽子讨钱。(便于认清描述的主语),Thank you!,