1、,加拿大枫糖节,枫糖节(Maple Syrup Festival),加拿大盛产枫叶,其中以东南部的魁北克省和安大略省的枫叶最多最美。人们采集糖枫叶,熬制枫糖浆。 枫糖节(Maple Syrup Festival)是加拿大传统的民间节日,每年三月春意盎然时,生产枫糖的农场被粉饰一新,披上节日的盛装,大家在一起品尝大自然送给他们的甜蜜礼品。,Come celebrate spring in the scenic and beautiful Northumberhills. There is no finer sound to the ear than the soft crystal granul
2、ar crunch of snow underfoot with the familiar aroma of the home fire smell of burning wood intermingled with the unforgettable mouth watering sweet scent of natures tree nectar lingering in the air. Spring has arrived at Sandy Flats Sugar Bush and the Maple Syrup is here. Enjoy the famous Maple Syrup Festival held near Warkworth Ontario. Come and see the sights and sounds and aromas of Maple Syrup making at its best.,