1、 * 大 学 A 卷学 年 第 _ 学 期_测 绘 专 业 英 语_试 题 课程代码 班级 姓名 学号一、Translate the following words into Chinese(14 分)1、mapmaking 2、geodesy 3、land surveying 4、chart 5、traversing 6、aerial photograph 7、data integration 8、cartographer 9、reference station 10、triangulation 11、signal multipath 12、level tube 13、rectify 14、
2、close range photogrammetry二、Translate the following words into English (14 分)1、放样 2、水平距离 3、椭球体 4、误差 5、工程经纬仪 6、数字信息 7、投影变换 8、透视图 9、导航 10、水准测量 11、遥感 12、原始数据 13、摄影(术)14、碎部测量三、Translate the following sentences into Chinese(36 分)1、Surveying is used for two purposes. The first is to make maps, charts and
3、profiles, and therefore to find exactly the relative position and elevation of existing objects. The second purpose is to lay out or mark the desired position and elevations of objections to be built.2、Having established control, the surveyor fits the details on the ground into the network provided
4、by the control points. The calculation of surveys takes account of the different accuracy and methods of survey and control.3、How can a GIS use the information in a map? If the data to be used are not already in digital form, that is, in a form the computer can recognize, various techniques can capt
5、ure the information. Maps can be digitized, or hand-traced with at computer mouse, to collect the coordinates of features.4、Projection is a fundamental component of mapmaking. A projection is a mathematical means of transferring information from the Earths three-dimensional curved surface to a two-d
6、imensional medium-paper or a computer screen.5、GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day in a very precise orbit and transmit signal information to earth. GPS receivers take this information and use triangulation to calculate the users exact location. Essentially, the GPS receiver compares the tim
7、e a signal was transmitted by a satellite with the time it was received. The time difference tells the GPS receiver how far away the satellite is.6、Photogrammetry and remote sensing are sciences concerned with the acquisition of information from images. In photogrammetry the emphasis is layed on geo
8、metric information, while in remote sensing thematic information is more important.四、Translate the following sentences into English(36 分)1、现在可用 GPS 网来收集高度信息。用地面卫星接收机和一个大地重力场模型可获得计算高程所必须的三维数据。对于短边 GPS高程精度仍没有水准测量的精度高。2、任何一个通常用来进行几何水准测量的仪器都有一个水平视线和水准管或一些别的使视线水平的方式,这是它的一个基本特征。3、美国国防部曾经强加使用一种选择可用性(SA)技术来
9、故意降低信号的精度。实施 SA技术的目的是为了阻止敌军使用高精度的 GPS信号。美国政府于 2000年 5月关闭了 SA技术,这对于提高民用 GPS接收机的精度是非常有意义的。4、由于基准站接收机无法知道流动站接收机将要使用它所接收的许多卫星中的哪一颗来计算它的位置,基准站接收机就非常迅速地贯穿所有能看到的卫星并计算每一个误差,然后以标准格式对这些信息进行编码,并把它传送给流动站接收机。5、如果物体是平面物体,并且是从垂直于它的位置对其进行拍照,那么就可以忽略变形校正。这种情况下,照片将会有唯一比例因子,如果目标物体至少有一个距离其长度值为已知,那么我们就可以求出这个比例因子。6、通过任何其它方式很难使之发生联系的信息,我们可以用 GIS来对其进行链接和综合。GIS能组合填图变量来建立和分析新的变量。