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1、美国副总统切尼在上海复旦大学的演讲Remarks by U.S. Vice President at Fudan UniversityApril 15, 2004Fudan University, Shanghai, China2004 年 4 月 15 日复旦大学,中国上海THE VICE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Mayor Han, I appreciate the kind words of introduction. And were delighted to be here today. My wife and I are privileged

2、 to have the opportunity once again to travel in China. We are grateful for the welcome we have received, especially for the kind of reception here at Fudan University. We thank you for the honor, and we bring you good wishes from President George W. Bush and the people of the United States.切尼副总统:韩市

3、长,非常感谢您。谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。今天我们很高兴来到这里。我夫人与我为有这次机会再次来到中国访问感到荣幸,感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,特别感谢复旦大学的热情接待。我们为此感到不胜荣幸,谢谢你们。我们此行带来了布什总统和美国人民的良好祝愿。I know that many of you will soon graduate from this great university. I am told the standards are extremely demanding here, and a degree from Fudan University signifies years of h

4、ard work and discipline. I congratulate each one of you on your achievement, and I commend your teachers for upholding the tradition of excellence that marks the 99-year history of Fudan University.我知道在座的许多人很快就要从这所优秀的大学毕业。我听说贵校有极为严格的标准,得到复旦大学的学位代表着多年的刻苦攻读。我祝贺在座各位学业有成。我赞赏诸位老师承上启下,发扬复旦长达九十九年的优良传统。I ha

5、rdly need to tell you that you are beginning careers in a nation remarkably different from just a generation ago. My first glimpse of China came in 1975, when I traveled to Beijing with President Gerald Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. That was only three years after President Richard Ni

6、xon had paid his historic visit to your country. Mao Zedong still held power. The aftershocks of the Cultural Revolution were still being felt. There were some hopes of reform, but people largely kept those hopes to themselves.无庸讳言,仅与你们上一代人相比,在诸位事业生涯起步之时,贵国的情况已发生翻天覆地的变化。我在 1975 年第一次访问中国,当时我陪同福特总统和基辛

7、格国务卿前往北京,距尼克松总统对贵国具有历史意义的访问仅短短三年的时光。当时毛泽东仍然在位,文化大革命的余波尚未平息。虽然人们对改革抱有一些希望,但这些希望大都隐藏在人们心中。Those were the latter years of a difficult era for the people of China. When America and China set out to restore diplomatic relations, it was in part because we perceived a common challenge in the Soviet Union.

8、Yet Americas leaders understood something else, as well. They knew that in China, beneath the harsh conformity of that era, lay the diversity and the boundless energy of a great people. In the decades since, as more freedom and opportunity have come to this land, you have only begun to show the worl

9、d the creativity and enterprise of your country.对中国人民而言,那是艰苦岁月的尾声。当年美国和中国着手恢复外交关系,原因之一是我们都认为苏联对我们构成了共同的挑战,不过,美国领导人还注意到其他一些情况。他们知道,那个时代的中国表面上一成不变,但在伟大人民的心底蕴藏着丰富的多样性和取之不竭的能量。几十年来,随着这片土地获得更多的自由和机会,你们已经开始向全世界展示贵国的创造力和创业精神。Each of you is a witness to that potential, in what you have learned and achieved

10、here, and in your own hopes for the future. Twenty years ago, almost to the day, President Ronald Reagan spoke at this university and expressed the essence of economic and political freedom. It is based, he said, on a belief “in the dignity of each man, woman, and child.“ Free institutions, he said,

11、 reflect, “an appreciation of the special genius of each individual, and of his special right to make his own decisions and lead his own life.“诸位在这里学业有成,诸位对未来充满憧憬,在座的每一位都是这种潜力的见证。几乎在整整二十年前,里根总统曾到贵校发表演讲,道出了经济和政治自由的真谛,他说,自由的根基在于坚持男女老幼都具有尊严的信念。他还说,自由的制度反映了尊重每一个人特有的聪明才智,尊重每一个人拥有自主自决、自由自在生活的特定权利。Compared

12、 to President Nixons, or even President Reagans day, many Chinese citizens are now freer to make their own way in life - to choose careers, to acquire property, and to travel. And across this land are many millions of young people just like you, with their own abilities and their own expectations of

13、 a better life for themselves, their families and their country.与尼克松总统访华甚至里根总统访华的时期相比,如今大量中国公民获得了更多的自由,正在开拓自己的生活道路。他们可以选择职业,购置产业和外出旅行。全中国各地有许许多多与诸位一样的年轻人,他们依靠自己的能力,殷切希望他们自己和自己的家人生活蒸蒸日上,期盼国家繁荣昌盛。On the path of reform that began a quarter-century ago, the Chinese people have made great strides. Over t

14、he past twenty-five years, Chinas rapid and sustained economic growth has lifted the living standards of many citizens and raised China into the ranks of the worlds largest economies. You have reduced poverty, and in recent years, have consistently reported high economic growth rates. This dramatic

15、economic progress shows what is possible when governments leave more decision-making power in the hands of private enterprises and individuals. Above all, it is a tribute to the Chinese citizens whose talents and daily efforts are making this a vibrant modern economy.在始于 25 年前的改革道路上,中国人民取得了长足的进展。25

16、年来,中国经济持续快速增长,提高了许多公民的生活水平,使中国跻身于世界最大经济体的行列。贵国减少了贫困,近年来始终保持高经济增长率。这种种巨大的经济成就表明,政府允许私营企业和个人享有更多的决策权能带来什么样的变化。归根结底,这是对中国公民的一曲颂歌。正是由于中国公民的聪明才智和日复一日的辛勤劳动,中国现代化经济才能如此生机勃勃。Chinas economic success has also come about through far greater integration into the world economy. In the last two decades, your coun

17、try has emerged as a major exporter of all kinds of manufactured goods, from heavy machinery, to computers, to toys. China has gained enormously from access to foreign markets. Its development has also been fed by vast inflows of investment capital - over 50 billion dollars last year alone - and by

18、imports of foreign technology, and the ever-increasing quantities of energy and raw materials necessary to sustain growth.中国经济取得的成就也是更大成度融入世界经济的结果。过去 20 年来,贵国已经成为各类制造业产品的出口大国,从重型机械、电脑到玩具应有尽有。中国产品进入外国市场,因此获得巨大的利益。中国的发展还因外来投资大量涌入仅去年一年,外来投资已超过五百亿美元及吸收外国技术和获得持续增长所需的源源不绝的能源和原材料供应获得动力。Today over five perc

19、ent of all trade conducted in the world - some 850 billion dollars - is accounted for by China alone. And Chinas two-way trade with the United States has grown seven-fold in just the last 12 years.如今,中国在世界贸易总量中的份额超过 5%,约达八千五百亿美元。中国与美国的双向贸易仅在过去 12 年中就增长了七倍。Continued economic progress will require car

20、eful stewardship. As your new generation of leaders knows, rapid growth can lead to social and economic challenges at home. And as China gains in economic strength, it also takes on new responsibilities for keeping the global economy in balance. As your leaders and I discussed, in this interdependen

21、t world, nations have a responsibility to lower barriers to imports, to protect intellectual property rights, and to maintain flexible, market-driven exchange rates. We are working together on these vital issues.经济继续取得进展需要得到良好的管理。贵国新一代领导人知道,经济快速增长可导致国内面临各种社会和经济问题。中国在经济实力不断增长的同时,也承担了新的责任以保持全球经济平衡。我与贵

22、国领导人已经谈到,在这个相互依存的世界上,各国都有责任降低进口壁垒,保护知识产权,并让市场决定汇率,保持汇率的灵活性。在这些关键问题上,我们正共同努力。Chinas progress is part of a much wider story. So many of the great nations of Asia began the 20th Century ruled by colonial powers, or by dynasty, or bitterly divided by civil strife. And throughout that century, ideologies

23、 of violence and malice took hold in Asia, as they did in Europe, and caused terrible harm and grief. Now the people of Asia are writing a different chapter. Great nations in this region have entered the 21st century as independent peoples, growing in prosperity and individual freedom. The dramatic

24、changes in Asia - from Beijing to Tokyo, from Seoul to Singapore - have removed many old sources of conflict, and lifted millions of lives.中国取得的成就已成为在更大范围内取得进展的组成部份。在进入二十世纪之时,亚洲许多伟大的国家或者处于列强的殖民统治之下,或者仍实行王朝制度,或者因国内冲突而四分五裂。整个二十世纪,主张暴力和仇恨的思潮在亚洲和欧洲泛滥,造成了极大的伤害和痛苦。如今,亚洲人民正谱写截然不同的新篇章,在这个地区,一个个伟大的国家,一批批独立自主

25、的人民跨入二十一世纪,国家日益繁荣昌盛,个人的自由程度也越来越高。从北京到东京,从汉城到新加坡,亚洲发生了翻天覆地的变化,往日造成冲突的种种宿怨被消除,成千上万人的生活得到改善。In the past half century, Asia has been transformed from a war-torn and impoverished region into the worlds biggest and fastest-growing center for the creation of wealth and knowledge. Throughout this region, on

26、e nation after another has enjoyed the benefits of greater prosperity. But not prosperity alone. Across Asia, rising prosperity and expanding political freedom have gone hand in hand. When people have the liberty to manage their own lives and to enjoy the fruits of their labors, they work hard and c

27、ontribute more to the well-being of their societies. And when they experience the benefits of economic liberty, they desire greater freedom in expressing their views and choosing their leaders.半个世纪以来,亚洲已经脱胎换骨,从一个饱受战争创伤的贫困地区发展成为全世界规模最大、增长最快的创造财富和开发知识的中心。在整个亚洲地区,经济的更大繁荣使一个又一个国家国力日盛。但并非仅有经济繁荣,亚洲各地的日益繁荣

28、和政治自由的不断扩大齐头并进。人们如果能自由地掌握自己的命运,充份享受自己劳动的果实,就能辛勤劳动,为社会的福址作出更大的贡献。人们一旦体验到经济自由的好处,就会向往更大的自由以表达自己的观点和选择自己的领导人。Freedom is not divisible. If people can be trusted to invest and manage material assets, they will eventually ask why they cannot be trusted with decisions over what to say and what to believe.

29、The insights that foster scientific discovery are not suddenly lost when the topic turns to societys ills. Prosperous societies also come to understand that clothing, cars, and cell phones do not enrich the soul. Economic growth is important in allowing individuals to lead lives of comfort and digni

30、ty, but material goods alone cannot satisfy the deepest yearnings of the human heart; that can only come with full freedom of religion, speech, assembly, and conscience. And that lesson, too, is part of Asias legacy in this last 50 years.自由是一个不可分割的整体。如果人们在投资和掌握物质财富方面能够实现自主,他们终有一天会提出,为什么自己不能决定自己的言论和信

31、仰。当人们的话题触及社会弊病的时候,导致科学发现的洞察力并不会忽然消失。在社会实现繁荣以后,人们也会逐渐明白,衣着、汽车和手机并不能丰富人的灵魂,经济增长固然能使人们过上舒适和有尊严的生活,但物质享受本身无法满足人类心灵最深切的渴望。只有在充份实现宗教自由、言论自由、集会自由和信仰自由之后,这个目标才能达到。这个观念也是过去五十年亚洲留下的遗产之一。The desire for freedom is universal; it is not unique to one country, or culture, or region. And it is something that succes

32、sful societies, and wise leaders, have learned to embrace rather than fear.自由是普天下每一个人的希望,并非专属于某一个国家、某一种文化或某一个地区。已经取得成功的社会和明智的领导人认识到应该提倡自由,绝不应该畏惧自由。The United States of America welcomes the great progress of your country, as we welcome the continued expansion of economic and political freedom across

33、Asia. As a Pacific nation, we benefit, as you do, from trade across the ocean and from the growing vitality of this region. And as a permanent presence here, America, like China, has a vital national interest in stability, and in peaceful relations among Asian peoples.美利坚合众国欢迎贵国取得的长足进步,也欢迎亚洲各地经济和政治自

34、由的不断扩大。作为一个太平洋地区国家,我们和贵国一样受益于跨太平洋贸易,受益于这个地区的蓬勃发展。由于在这个地区的永久存在,美国同中国一样,将稳定及亚洲人民之间的和平关系作为至关重要的国家利益。Yet today we know that the peace and stability that all civilized nations seek are under threat, as new and grave dangers continue to gather. In nations around the globe, terror networks have plotted aga

35、inst civilized people, and have grown bolder in their destructive ambitions. And in this age of rapid technological advance, we face the prospect that deadly weapons might fall into the hands of terrorists. The ultimate threat is that these problems - terrorism and proliferation - may one day come t

36、ogether in a sudden, catastrophic attack by terrorists armed with chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons.但我们现在知道,随着新出现的严重威胁不断集结,所有文明国家寻求的和平与稳定都受到了威胁。在全球各国,恐怖网络阴谋袭击文明的人民,他们的毁灭图谋愈加肆无忌惮。在这个技术突飞猛进的时代,我们面临着致命武器可能落入恐怖分子之手的危险。而恐怖主义和武器扩散等问题构成的最严重的威胁是他们可能同恶相济,恐怖分子可能在某一天持生化武器或核武器发起灾难性的突然袭击。The spread of ter

37、rorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction are a direct challenge to every nation that seeks to build a more open, stable, and prosperous world. For that reason, our countries have been working closely to overcome both of these threats. Since my country was attacked on September 11t

38、h, 2001, the United States and China have worked together to apprehend terrorists and to prevent them from killing more innocent people. The recent kidnapping in Iraq of citizens of several countries, including China, speaks to the dangers we all face. Today we are sharing information and working to

39、gether to strengthen the U.N.s counterterror capability and on a vital container security initiative to protect ships and ports. As we deepen our cooperation, however, we must also be mindful of the rights of the innocent. The war on terror must never be used as an excuse for silencing legitimate di

40、ssent and expressions of opinion.恐怖主义的蔓延滋长以及大规模毁灭性武器的扩散,是每个力求建立一个更加开放、稳定和繁荣之世界的国家所面临的直接挑战。为此,我们两国一直在密切合作以克服这双重威胁。自 2001 年 9 月 11 日我国遭受袭击以来,美国和中国携手合作,逮捕了恐怖分子,制止他们杀戮更多的无辜民众。最近,包括在中国在内的若干国家的公民在伊拉克被绑架的事件揭示了我们都面临的威胁。如今,我们正展开信息共享并共同努力加强联合国的反恐能力,共同落实保护船只和港口的集装箱安全倡议。不过,在我们不断深化合作的同时,务必将无辜者的权利铭记在心。绝不能以反恐战争为藉口

41、来压制以正当方式表述异见和观点。China is also accepting its responsibilities to join in stopping the spread of weapons of mass destruction. The peoples of Asia are particularly vulnerable to the dangers of proliferation. Many countries that have the means to develop the deadliest weapons have refrained from doing s

42、o. Yet if governments perceive unchecked proliferation in the region, they might feel compelled to choose a very different course. And that could only heighten the dangers to this region and the likelihood that one day those terrible weapons would be used.中国还承担起了协力制止大规模毁灭性武器扩散的责任。扩散的危险对于亚洲人民尤为严重。许多有

43、能力发展最致命的武器的国家,都自我克制没有开发这类武器。然而,如果有关政府感到扩散在这个地区没有受到遏制,他们就可能被迫选择截然不同的道路。这只会加剧这个地区的危险,增加这些危险武器终有一天被动用的可能性。The dangers of proliferation have not always been fully appreciated. In the past, the technologies that permit the development of sophisticated weapons and delivery systems were sometimes exported

44、without much thought to the long-term consequences. The United States was therefore very pleased to see China declare new restrictions on the movement of those technologies. It is now essential that those restrictions be vigorously enforced.武器扩散的危险并没有始终得到应有的重视。可以用来发展先进武器及其运载系统的技术曾一度在没有顾及远期后果的情况下被输出。

45、因此,看到中国宣布有关限制这些技术转让的新措施,美国感到非常高兴。现在的关键问题是严格执行这些限制措施。President Bush and the American people are also greatly encouraged by the Chinese governments decision to take a leading role in the efforts of the international community to persuade North Korea to completely, verifiably, and irreversibly dismantl

46、e its nuclear programs. We must see this undertaking through to its conclusion. Because of the Pyongyangs regime past history of irresponsibility and deceit, the removal of all of its nuclear capabilities is absolutely essential to the peace and stability of Northeast Asia, and the world.令布什总统和美国人民倍

47、受鼓舞的是,中国政府决定在国际社会努力说服北韩以彻底的、可核查的、不可逆转的方式撤除其核项目的过程中发挥主导作用。我们必须确保这项工作进行到底。鉴于平壤政权历来不负责任且欺骗成性,解除北韩的一切核能力对于东北亚以及整个世界的和平与稳定极为关键。Controlling the spread of terrible weapons is one of the most urgent priorities of our new century. We have no alternative but to act with all the diligence, and more, of the rog

48、ue states and terrorists who wish to acquire such weapons for the threat they pose to innocent people. That is the course we are on - and the course we must maintain far into the future.遏制危险武器的扩散是新世纪迫在眉睫的要务之一。我们别无选择,只能全力以赴地采取行动,打击那些妄图谋取这类武器以威胁无辜人民的无赖国家和恐怖分子。我们正在这条道路上前进,并将在长远的未来继续前进。Confronting and f

49、inally defeating the danger of terrorism will also be a long and difficult struggle. Thats why my country, in consultations with other nations, is committed to pursuing what President Bush has called a forward strategy for freedom in the Greater Middle East. Some nations in the Middle East have had great wealth, or possess the resources that can bring such wealth. But national wealth alone is not enough. To fully and finally overcome the evil of terrorism, we must set before people of this region an alternative to tyranny and corrupt government that has for so lon


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