1、And here are the Top images From the Internet For Year,2008,The best natural exterior picture,88.6% votes,The best natural interior picture,90.7% votes,The best urban picture,87.8% votes,The best “Human” picture,86.2% votes,The best “On the Spot” picture,86.3% votes,Special Category for best “Human
2、Landscape”,87.7% votes,Special Category for Best “Animal World”,89.3% votes,Special Category for Best “Pets (Dogs)”,83.6% votes,Special Category for Best “Pets (Cats)”,82.7% votes,Special Category for Best “Urban Painting”,88.9% votes,Special Category for Best “Body Paints”,86.6% votes,Special Categ
3、ory for Best “Adventure Sport”,80.9% votes,Special Category for Best “Transport”,86.7% votes,Special Category for Best “Public Display (Masculine)”,86.7% votes,Special Category for Best “Public Display (Feminine)”,86.7% votes,Special Category for Best “Public Display (General)”,86.2% votes,The Special Mention,86.7% votes,And finally .,The Prize that leave us with the last word,92.6% votes,YAOUOUOUOUOU!,Till Next Year.,