1、1Traffic rules课 题 沪教版二年级下册 Unit 8 Traffic rules 第 2 课时 上课年级主备教师 副备教师 上课时间知识与能力Sentences:Look atItsLets过程与方法Games,imitation, listening, ask and answer教学目标情感态度与价值观Can remember the traffic rules in the life教学重点 The words in Lets talk教学难点 How to apply these sentences in the real situation教具准备 Ppt,video教
2、法运用 Games ask and answer学法指导 imitation, listening,环节 教师授课内容 学生活动 达成目标Ppt、时间2导入Have the students play a game in small groups.Ask them to go around the classroom slowly.When teacher shows the picture of red light,they should stop immediately.They can move on when teacher shows the picture of green lig
3、ht.学生根据老师出示的图片来反应动作:停还是走学生能流利地讲出所学词汇. 5mins3-7初步探究Have the students listen to “lets talk” on page 34 while they look at the picture.Then ask them to act out the dialogue in pairs.S1:Look at the light.S2:Its red.Lets stop.S3:Look at the light.S4:Its green.Lets go.学生根据录音学习课本“lets talk”部分,跟着录音读,然后分角色扮演
4、对话。跟着录音读,不仅可以让学生读的更准确,并且可以锻炼学生的听力。较色扮演可以加深学生对重点句型的印象8mins28-9合作探究引导析疑Show the flashcard of traffic lights and ask the students some questions to review the key patterns and judge the behavior is true or false.T:Look at the light.What colour is it?S:Its red.T:Yes.Look at the light.Its red.LetsS:Stop.
5、T:Good!If youre going to cross the road with your friend and the traffic light is red,you can say”Lets stop.”or “stop!”.S:Lets stop.学生根据老师出示的交通信号灯的生词图片,来回答问题,复习核心句型。通过一问一答的形式,不仅可以让学生的注意力集中,并且可以复习可信句型。10mins环节 教师授课过程(教师活动)学生学习过程(学生活动) 达成目标 Ppt、时间10-11拓展学习巩固训练Have the students look at the picture for”
6、Lets play”.Have the students draw traffic lights on red and green on the cards.Then ask the students to play the game in groups.S1:(hold the card for traffic lights on green)Look at the light.S2:Its green.S3:The lights is green!Lets go.S4:Go!Go!Go!学生自己画上交通信号灯,然后分组游戏。每组中的一名学生负责举起交通信号灯,其他学生相应回答通过当场练习,
7、考验应变能力和口语能力,让其大胆创新4mins检测反馈1.Have the students do “look and circle”on workbook. Then check the answers with them.2.Show a picture of a crossroad. Stick on the pictures of traffic lights on different colours one by one to elicit the key patterns. Have the students practice the dialogue. Then choose s
8、everal pairs to 1、学生做活动手册上P39 页的看图,圈单词,然后对答案。2、学生根据老师给的十字路口的图片,引出核心句型,然后分组扮演对话。检查掌握情况。12-143act it out in front of the class. 8mins15小结Look at the light!Its green/red/yellow.Lets stop/go!学生跟着没声音的屏幕读两遍,分男女组比和小组比赛。训练学生的口头表达能力5mins作业布置 板书设计1、写本节课单词,各 2 行;2、听读课文十五分钟。Unit 8 Traffic rulesLook at the light!Its green/red/yellow.Lets stop/go!教学反思4