1、 ) ) s原培胜(S/w“v B ,a056027)K1 对污水处理成本的概念和组成进行分析和探讨,确定处理成本的组成,测算处理3万t d污水处理厂的运行成本和处理成本,提出降低处理成本的措施。1oM 城镇 污水处理 处理成本 运行成本0 ) B7/rm, V 3) , “ COD、BOD、SS、,SE bS , V 1 8TB ) , sm 8 。V “ - A, P ) n 3Z T:n Hm,5 BOT、BT1-, ) $; ) b ) ,r P , 、 、l u9F l ;F =5 ,。1 ) # ) 3 , “-X1 , / 3 CE, V ) s:? C、 3 r、SBR、 X、
2、A B。 ) 、? 、 %“ ) ) 。 ) ) :|、n; ) s: n、 n、n、04n n, n #F、5 n、 n, n n,n ! !n、NVnn、!vn5n,04n k4、 4、hn。 TV U:C =A +W +P +M +R +QT C ) ) ;A|n;W n;P n;Mn;R04n;Q n,v -5n5%9。2 ) sS u) 3t d 3 ) s。2.1 人员费Wn ) 、 、L、5 n,tnB1 %, M。 H, n1 v9。s ) ) H, V I nB 。6?r u,25 , ( n1600, nW40000。2.2 动力费P n1 n n。n )1,1c,_、 n
3、,Y%E qBV10 kW,= C qV5kW, qV15 kW,hW q9l,7 O 24h, tn,_ n1 l,V5%。n Cn, V 9。2.2.1 ,_nB,_n:B =720KXT B ,_n, 4 6,、 C ,、 C,n,;K $l Hn, (kWh);, r q;X , q,kW。720 , HW,v 30 d55 2008 M426 2 9 。3t d ) ,4 4 6, q455kW(220kW), 5 C# ,5 22 kW(110 kW),n0.5 (kWh)9 , r q0.7,5B,_n:B =83160()。2.2.2 nD 、 ) 、 !9 ! q450 55
4、0 kW, ! q75%P, |W q500kW。n:D=135 000()。 n:P =1.05(B +D)=229 068()。2.3 维修费Mn ! !n、NVnn、 !vn5n, !nNVnnB Mv !g-5%94, !vn5nB+ M1Q, Mv!g-2%94。!gB1200P,v5 M1Q !v, n:M=70000()。2.4 药剂费R04n k4、 4、hn。g hZE: o、= o、,Loh4,+hZE V, ) Ydv、 9B“。= oE,; Vh, V“ , O=Q ;hgv、; oh4 g0,A aRv ) ;,LhZE;A oh “ - RhZE, ,r ?, 8n
5、 K。“ -1V6 I n hZ T,BF o= oZEh,h 0.025 t 1-2 。 k4 4, 1 l,) 04n0.03 t, 104n:R =27 000。2.5 折旧A| lg m ,| M M4 |B -T lg。v M9 ZE,V I nn, M4 |3 :A =PVAn ADFi nT A M|n;PVAn 9g-;ADFin MC“ , iLC q,B q9 ;n| MK。L !9g2 500, q6%,| MK25 M(BBOTg ) 25 30 M), M|:A =PVAn ADFin =1 955 722()。2.6 处理成本) :C =A +W +P +M +R
6、+Q =547347:(W +P +S +M +R +Q)(3030000)=0.43() :C(3030000)=0.61() 1 nm1。1 nm2。m1 ) mm2 m、 f , ) Y1 v, ) By,4 | %,n M, nn 1s,) 55.7%79%。3 ) n 3.1 选择污水处理工艺) ,) i“dY,S ) V HB1 b W%, 4 a) 。3.2 确定建厂的地址z) , 、 5 ,5 ,_ P ?K5gK56 2008 M426 2 8。 6, . s f ) y /ZLZ,h ,i O = 。3.3 加强管理,降低成本5 $, ) 1?c,45 , e。3.4 定期
7、保养设备,降低维修费用 ! !、 j ! ,1S # HF,l h# H,E C !# H/1 v#p。3.5 改进运行方式,降耗节能 、 T, P)KD ,v q ! :,、 !1z ,i O1 !M , ! 3 1 a 。 ) 1 V ? , 12 , P ) 12 ! ,4 ! qrq, ? !n。3.6 选择性能优良的设备4 ? !,K 9F !n,V A,4N1 !h !n, ! P MKvv4,V7 P !9n。4 YV ) ) s, V)y 1,1|、 n、 n、n04n %, nn) 55.7%。 ) , n5Szy ! ) - T, Q nn2y 7Z。n : ! !,h n
8、;Z T, ?。 ID 1 Sy.,Lh ) . y,2006,32(3):190-191 2 Z+, , . g8 ) h-rms. S,2002,15(5):55-57 3 ,.5 .:S v,2003TY) ; 056027 8a gS/w“v B (0310)7189370E-mail yuanpshvip.sina.2007-08-06 l( 98:) ID 1 #8I. #8. : 2v,2003:1-25 2 Zhao Youcai, Robert Stanforth.Production of Zn powder by alkalinetreatment of smithson
9、ite Zn-Pb ores.Hydromtallurgy,2000,56:237-249 3 Zhao Youcai, Robert Stanforth.Selective separation of lead fromalkaline zinc solution by sulfide precipitation.Separation Science andTechnology,2001, 36(11):2561-2570 4 u.B 3B ZE.S:ZL031167543, 2006 5 o. 8 V 3 N# q“d: V . : 2v,2003 6 . 3 N8 FV. ,2006,
10、58(2):99-102 7 R? . 8x 3 Ll. 8, 2002, 18(4):38-41 8 . x 3s). 8 , 2000, 29(5):21-23 9 f C.cBlaE. 8 !9, 2007, 28(2):88-91TY) f C 200092 Z g 6v eSE L iE-mail 2007-06-26 l57 2008 M426 2 is 80with a settling time of 3 h the regeneration effect is best.Underthese regeneration conditions, theused oil basic
11、ally reached thefresh oilstandard.Keywords waste lubricating oil, flocculant, activated clay and regenerationA NEW METHOD OF ENERGY TRANSFORMATION IN SUPERCRITICAL WATER INTERNAL-COMBUSTION Yi Baokui Ma Chunyuan Lu Shenqing et al(50)Abstract Supercritical water thermal decomposition technology is a
12、new typeof energy-efficient treatment of organicwastes.It s anew typeof wastedisposal and recycling of energy.It is introduced the application of this technology in the field of energy use.It is also discussed thethermal decomposition of biomass andwaste tires in supercritical water.Keywords supercr
13、ilical water, organicwaste and thermal decompositionENERGY-SAVING OPTIMUM DESIGN AND APPLICATION OF WASTEWATER CYCLONESEPARATIONSYSTEMIN FGD Wang Fangqun Yin Mingyang DuYungui et al(53)Abstract The wastewater cyclone separation system in FGD has been optimally designed.Two optimization schemes were
14、providedaccording to whether the static pressure produced by the elevation differencebetweeen the overflow of gypsum slurry cyclone separator and inlet ofwastewater cyclone separatormeets theneedof thesum of inlet pressure of wastewater cycloneseparator and head lossin pipelines.Thebeneficialeffect
15、of the optimum design is simplifying design, decreasing equipment costs and operating costs.The optimum design has been successfullyapplied tomore than 10 FGD projects.Keywords FGD, wastewater cyclone separation system, energy-saving, optimum design and applicationTHETREATING COSTANALYSIS OF SEWAGE
16、TREATMENT PLANT Yuan Peisheng(55)Abstract This paper analyzed and discussed the concept and composition of sewage treating cost.It has confirmed composition of runningcost, surveyed running cost and treating cost of a sewage treatment plant (30 000 t d).Themeasures for reducing treating cost were po
17、sed.Keywords town, sewage treatment, treating cost and running costRESEARCH ON DEGRADATION OF OILY WASTEWATER BY HIGH EFFICIENT MICROFLORAZhang Shiping Zheng Guanghong Wang Lei(58)Abstract The bacteriathat could use crude oil as carbon source have been screened from the oil-contaminated soil.They co
18、uld degradehigh concentration oilwastewater effectively.When preliminary concentration is 2 g L, and 10% bacteria are inoculated in the wastewater, theconcentration is only 420 mg L after 7d.The efficiency of degradation could be 80%.If glycerin is entered in the oil wastewater and theconcentration
19、is more than 100 mg L, the efficiency of degradation is retrained.In the condition of high-salinity, if the concentration of seaweedmix salt is more than 1.0 g L, thegrowth of bacteria are restrained.Keywords bacteria, oil wastewater and biodegradationADSORPTION OF HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM IN CLAY BY TPT
20、an Xiao Yu Yongxian Yang Qing et al(61)Abstract Influence of TP on adsorption of hexavalent chromium in the clay was investigated.Effects of reaction time, pH, concentrationsof TP and adding amount were studied.Thereduction of Cr()was examinedwhile the optimum reaction conditionswere determined.TP c
21、ouldenhance the adsorption of Cr()because of the complexion reaction between TP and Cr().The reaction mechanisms of TPwith chromiumand clay surfaces were certified.Keywords TP, hexavalent chromium, clay, complexion and adsorptionPOSSIBILITY OF COKING SEWAGE TREATMENT BY USING COAL-WATER SLURRYTECHNO
22、LOGY Guo Jiping Fang Huibin Liu Shuping(64)Abstract The properties of coking sewage and the domestic treatment process for coking sewage were introduced, the possibility of thecoking sewage treatment by using coal-waterslurry technologywas expounded from water quality、water volume and coal-water slu
23、rry.Keywords coal-water slurry, coking sewage and treatment processANALYSISTHE RESISTIVITY CHARACTERISTICSOF CONTAMINATED SOILBai Lan Zhou Zhonghua Zhang Huyuan et al(66)Abstract This paper analyses all the possible factors that could influence electrical resistivity.In the series of experiments, co
24、ntaminatedloess was made by mixing loess separatelywith NaCl, gasoline and leachate.And finally substantiate thatwe could distinguish contaminated loessand normal loess from their different electrical resistivity.Whichwill also offer significant referenceforthefuture evaluation and reusing of thosecontaminated sites.Keywords contaminated soil, loess, electrical resistivity and influence factors4ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERINGVol.26,No.2,Apr.,2008