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    关 键  词:

    1、Campus,Romance,Pen pal,Key pal,Love,friendship,A,Valentine,Story,Key words and phrases,1straighten vt& vi1)(使)变直,(使)平整 2)整理,收拾 3)变直,变平 【例句】1)Can you straighten that piece of wire for me?请帮我把那根铁丝拉直好吗? He straightened his tie when he saw the girl看见那女孩,他拉直了领带。 2)She straightened the kitchen up她把厨房收拾得整整

    2、齐齐。,3)The road straightened out there路从那里开始变直。 【扩展】straight a直的,连续的,直率的;straightness n平直,整齐 【考点】1)straighten a piece of wire(ones tie)拉直一段金属丝(或其人的领带) 2)straighten sthout/up 使变直,平整;straighten out an account清理账目;get the case straightened out把情况弄清 3)比较:level v(使)变平坦 flatten v使平,make ones way(to/towards

    3、),(朝)走去 【例句】With a heavy heart,she made her way to the railway station她心事重重地向火车站走去。 The two kids made their way to the amusement land两个孩子向娱乐场走去。 【考点】,all the way一直 by the way顺便地 by way of经由 give way让路;让步;倒塌 go out of ones way特地 go ones way向某人走去 in a way在某种程度上 in the/sbs way挡某人的道 in no way决不 make one

    4、s way前往 make way让路 no way无论如何不 one way or another以某种形式 out of the way得到解决;难以达到的 under way在行进中,paraphrase,Paras.3 He tried to find the girl who shared many of his views, interests and feelings, but who he had never met before. The girl was supposed to wear a rose at their first meeting.,2absorb,vt1)吸

    5、收 2)吸引的注意,使全神贯注 3)把并入 【例句】1)Rice paper absorbs ink宣纸吸墨。 Plants absorb nutrients from the soil植物从土壤吸收养分。 2)He was so absorbed in the book that he didnt hear her他看书时全神贯注,没有听见她说话。,3)The region is being absorbed into its neighboring country这一地区正在并入邻国。 【扩展】absorbent a有吸引力的,吸水的 absorption n吸收,专注 【考点】1)abs

    6、orb(water,knowledge,etc)吸收(液体、热力、光线、知识等) 2)be absorbed in全神贯注于 3)比较:digest 吸收,消化,3. margin,n. C1)页边空白 2)差数,差额 3)余地,余裕 4)边,边缘 【例句】1)Please leave a wide margin in/on the page.请在页边上留下一道宽边。 The students made note in the margins of the book.学生们啊书页四周空白处做笔记。 2)He was elected by a narrow margin.他以微弱多数当选了。 3

    7、)Leave a good safety margin between your car and the next.在你的车和下一辆车之间留出足够的安全空挡。,【扩展】marginal a. 微小的,少量的;仅以微弱多数票获胜的;有旁注的 【考点】1)in the margin(of)在的空白处,在的边缘 by a narrow margin差一点儿 by a big(or substantial)margin大幅度地 gross margin毛利 2)比较:border界限;边界;给加上边 edge边缘;刀口;优势;侧着移动 boundary分界线 middle中部;中部的,4. refle

    8、ct,vt1)反映,显示 2)反射,映现 3)深思,考虑,反省 【例句】1)Her happy looks reflected the thoughts passing through her mind她幸福的表情反映出她内心的思想。 Does this letter reflect how you really think?这封信是否反映了你的真实思想? 2)The sunlight was reflected from the water日光由水面反射出来。 3)I must reflect on the question我必须思考一下这个问题。,【扩展】reflection n反射,映象

    9、,反映,非议,深思 reflector n反射器,反射体 reflective a沉思的,经常思考的 【考点】1)reflect(light,heat,sound,etc)(指一表面)反射(光、热、声等) 2)reflect on/upon表示考虑某事或不信任 3)比较:show v显示,显露,5thoughtful,a1)沉思的,思考的 2)体贴的,关心的 【例句】1)His thoughtful looks told everybody that it was not a simple matter他沉思的表情告诉大家事情并不简单。 His face took on a thoughtfu

    10、l expression.他的脸上露出沉思的表情。 2)It was very thoughtful of you to bring the sandwiches hereWe are all starving你带三明治过来,真是考虑得周到。我们都饿极了。 【扩展】thoughtfulness n深思,体贴 thoughtless a粗心的,疏忽的,【考点】1)be thoughtful/considerate of为着想,考虑周到 2)比较:considerate体贴的 kind仁慈的,亲切的 attentive留心的,关怀的 sympathetic同情的,体谅的,6. previous,a

    11、. 1)先前,以前的 2)在之前 【例句】 1)I regret that a previous engagement prevents me from accepting your kind invitation.我有约在先,故不能接受你善意的邀请,实在感到遗憾。 There is a picture on the previous page前面一页有一幅图画。 2)His mother died two days previous to his arrival他母亲在他抵达前两天就去世了。 【扩展】previously ad先前地,【考点】1)on the previous night在前

    12、一天晚上 2)previous to在以前 3)比较:former在前的 preceding在先的 prior在前的,3. previous,preceding,former,prior 本组词无比较级或最高级形式,且除了prior外均只作定语。 former可以表示“以前的”,即时间上在前的;也可以表示“前者的”,即已提及的两个事物中的前一个。preceding表示在时间、位置、顺序上紧接在他物之前的,强调中间没有间隙。previous指在时间上“较早的”,顺序上“在前的”,表示一事做于另一事之前或指目前某事之前一件事,常用于修饰预先准备的行动。prior与 previous一样,表示时间上

    13、早一些,除可用在名词前作定语外,还可后接介词to作后置定语或表语。 She met her former husband at the railway station yesterday她昨天在火车站遇到了她的前夫。 That topic has already been discussed in the preceding chapters那个主题在前面几章里就讨论过了。 There is a picture on the previous page.前面一页有一幅图画。,7insight,n 1)洞察;洞察力 2)见识,远见 【例句】1)Hemingways novels show dee

    14、p insight into human character海明威的小说深刻地洞察了人性。 This book is full of remarkable insights.这本书很有真知灼见。 2)A man of insight wont make a rash decision一个有远见的人不会这么卤莽地作决定。 【扩展】insightful a充满洞察力的,【考点】1)insight into human character洞察人性 2)sb/sthof insight 有洞察力的人或物insight into sth对某物的洞察力,8. locate,v1)vt探明,找出 2)vi位

    15、于,使坐落于 【例句】1)We located the island in the map我们在地图上找到了那个岛的位置。 He can locate his seat in the cinema by himself,though he is only three years old.尽管他只有三岁,他能自己在电影院里找到座位。 2)Our school is not located in the center of town我们学校没有位于市中心。 【扩展】location n位置,场所,(电影等的)外景拍摄地,【考点】1)locate a town on the map在地图上查找一个城

    16、镇 2)比较:be located in/at位于地方;on location拍外景 3)注意:locate,situate 用于被动语态 ie不用于被动语态。,locate,situate locate表达“使坐落于某处”的含义时,既可以用于主动语态,又可以用于被动语态,该词还可以表示“探明、找出”某物在什么地方的含义;situate一般只以过去分词形式出现作表语,即仅用于be situated结构中,表达“坐落在某处”的意思,可与be located互换使用;此短语还可以表示“处于境地”。 The company wishes to locate its new factory besid

    17、e a river那家公司希望把工厂设在河边上。 The new school is situated on the south side of town新学校坐落在城的南面。,9. correspond,vi1)相符合,成一致 2)相当,相类似 3)通信 【例句】1)This book corresponds with my needs这本书符合我的需要。 2)The USCongress corresponds to the British Parliament美国国会相当于英国议会。 3)I have been corresponding with my American friend我

    18、一直与我的美国朋友保持通信。 【扩展】correspondence n信件,通信,符合correspondent n记者;通讯员corresponding a相应的;相当的,符合的,【考点】1)correspond with his words与他说的相符 correspond to his income与他的收入相称 2)比较:correspond with与某人通信,与符合correspond to相当(于),相当,10. fertile,a1)肥沃的,富饶的 2)能繁殖的,多产的,丰产的 3)(想像力或创造力)丰富的 【例句】1)Fertile soil in this region b

    19、rings lots of wealth to the people这片地区肥沃的土壤给当地人带来巨大的财富。 2)Some fish are very fertile;they lay thousands of eggs有些鱼繁殖力很强,它们产下数以千计的卵。 3)This successful film is the result of the boys fertile imagination这部成功的电影源自那男孩丰富的想像力。,【扩展】fertility n肥沃,多产,丰富fertilize v使肥沃fertilizer n化肥infertile a贫瘠的 【考点】1)fertile

    20、field(soil)肥沃的田地(土壤)fertile seeds(eggs)能生长的种子(受精卵) 2)fertile in在方面富于创造力的 3)比较:rich盛产的;富有的 productive多产的,富饶的 abundant丰富的,富裕的 fruitful富有成效的,多产的 poor贫乏的 barren(土地等)贫瘠的;不结果实的,11. haunt,vt1)(鬼魂等)常出没于 2)使苦恼,使担忧 3)(思想等)萦绕在心头,缠绕n常去的地方 【例句】1)The old castle is said to be haunted那座古堡据说有鬼。 Legends tell us that

    21、spirits haunt the graveyard传说幽灵常常出没于那块坟地。 2)A wrong-doer is constantly haunted by fear of discovery作恶者经常提心吊胆,怕被人发觉。,3)The murderer was haunted by the face of the man he killed凶手的脑海总是浮现出被害者的面容。 【例句】Id like to revisit the haunts of my schooldays我很想重游学生时代常去的地方。 【考点】1)haunt sbafter death 死后变鬼来缠某人 be hau

    22、nted by因为而提心吊胆 2)常用于被动语态,be haunted by 被萦绕/缠绕 3)比较:trouble使忧虑或烦恼 worry使不安 disturb搅扰 preoccupy使全神贯注 obsess不断地困扰,12disgust,vt使厌恶,使反感 nU厌恶,反感 【例句】The thought of eating frogs disgusts me吃青蛙的想法使我恶心。 Im completely disgusted at the way his wife has treated him他老婆那样待他,使我反感透了。 【例句】He turned away in disgust他厌

    23、恶地转过身。 【扩展】disgusting a令人恶心的disgustingly ad厌恶地,【考点】1)be disgusted at/by/with sth对感到厌恶disgust at sth/with sb对某事/某人的厌恶in disgust厌恶地 2)比较:sicken 使厌恶 revolt 厌恶 delight使极为高兴,disgust,dislike,hate disgust vt.&vi. 意为“厌恶、反感”,表示令人作呕的、讨厌的或厌恶的事物引起的强烈反感,程度非常强烈,有厌恶得令人作呕的意味;dislike vt.“厌恶、不喜欢”的普通用语,常用词,表示一种明确的、长期的

    24、、有时是天生的对某事的“不喜欢”,程度不如 disgust强烈,语气也较弱;hate vt.“恨”,语气比dislike强,不仅不喜欢,而且还有敌意。 I am completely disgusted with his cheating behavior.我非常讨厌他的欺骗行为。 He dislikes getting up early.他不喜欢早起。 I hate to be late for work.我讨厌上班迟到。,13schedule,nC/U 1)时刻表,日程安排表 2)清单,明细表vt安排,排定 【例句】1)Secretaries are supposed to set up

    25、schedules for their bosses秘书们被指定为老板们制定计划。 Ive got a very full schedule for today今天我的活动安排得很满。 2)The attached schedule gives details of the shipment装运货物的细目见所附清单。 【例句】The President is scheduled to visit the orphanage tomorrow总统定于明天参观孤儿院。,【考点】1)according to schedule 按照进度表 2)on/behind schedule 按计划,准时/落后于

    26、计划,延迟ahead of schedule 提前behind schedule 落后于预定计划(或时间)according to schedule 按照计划的be scheduled to do sth/for sth计划做某事 3)比较:agenda(会议的)议程 calendar(某些阶层用的)行事历 timetable 时间表 plan 计划 program 程序表,14sustain,vt1)保持,使持续下去 2)供养,维持(生命等)3)支持,支撑4)经受,遭遇 【例句】1)An unshakable faith sustained her for years一种不可动摇的信念支持她

    27、这么多年。 That long distance runner was able to sustain the same pace for hours那长跑选手能一连几小时保持同样的速度。 2)He had to sustain a whole family他得养活一大家人。 3)The four pillars sustain the roof of this building四根柱子支撑着这房子的屋顶。,4)I sustained a broken arm in the accident我在事故中胳膊被弄断了。 【扩展】sustained a持久的,持续的sustainable a能承受的

    28、,能保持的,15delicate,a1)纤弱的 2)精密的 3)微妙的 4)灵敏的 【例句】1)She has been in delicate health for several years她纤弱多病已若干年。 Be careful with those wine glassestheyre delicate拿那些玻璃杯要小心它们很容易碎。 2)They have conducted delicate tests for air pollution in Beijing他们对北京的空气污染进行了精密的测试。 3)That was a delicate affair那是一件微妙的事情。,4)

    29、Dogs have a delicate sense of smell狗的鼻子很灵敏。 【考点】1)a delicate question 微妙的问题 2)比较:weak(strong的反义词)弱的 slender苗条的,16thrust,vt&vi1)挤,推,插 2)戳,刺nC 1)戳,刺 U2)要点,要旨 U3)推力 【例句】1)The man thrust his hands into his pockets那个人将双手插入衣袋中。 We thrust our way through the crowd我们从人群中挤过去。 2)Hamlet thought that he had thr

    30、ust the sword into his uncles heart,but instead he killed his girlfriends father哈姆雷特认为他将剑刺入了他叔叔的心脏,事实上,他杀死的是他的岳父。,【例句】1)Two of the knife thrusts were fatal刺中的几刀中有两刀是致命的。 2)The major thrust of the World Bank effort is directed toward improving conditions in developing countries世界银行工作的要旨是改善发展中国家的状况。 3

    31、)This produces enough thrust to push the rocket in the required direction这能产生足够的推力,把火箭推向所要求的方向。 【考点】1)thrust sthinto 将某物插入 2)比较:push(与pull相对)推之使移动 drive 驱,逐,赶 plunge使(某物)投入;突入(与into连用)shove(俗语)推,挤,撞,17split,vi&vt1)分裂,分离;使分裂 2)裂开;被撕裂nC 1)裂口 2)分裂 【例句】1)The lightning split the big tree闪电劈开了那棵大树。 The ch

    32、ildren split into groups.孩子们分成了小组。 2)His coat has split down the back他的外套背部从上到下撕裂了。 【例句】1)a split in a bag 袋的裂口 2)a split in the Labor Party 劳工党之内讧,【考点】1)split logs劈木材 2)split(up)(into)(使)分裂,分开split(open)撑破,绽裂split the difference 让步,妥协a splitting headache 剧烈头痛split hairs 吹毛求疵split-second即指时间之短,相当于中文

    33、“一眨眼的工夫” 3)比较:tear撕碎,撕裂 rip(迅速地将某物)拉开;撕开 divide划分,18keen,a1)热心的,渴望的 2)敏锐的,敏捷的 3)激烈的,强烈的 4)锋利的 【例句】1)He is keen to see his hometown again他渴望再次回到故乡。 Recently,Jack has been extremely keen on playing computer games最近,杰克醉心于玩电子游戏。 2)Most of the animals in this area are keen-sighted这个地区的动物大多视觉敏锐。 3)He has

    34、a keen interest in stamp collecting他对集邮非常感兴趣。,4)Careful with that knife;its got a keen edge!小心那把刀子,它有锋利的刀口。 【考点】1)a keen sportsman热心运动者 keen on going abroad渴望着出国 2)be keen to do sth渴望做某事be keen on sb/sth喜欢某人/渴望某物 3)比较:eager热切的;渴望的(与for,after,about,或不定式连用)enthusiastic热心的 ardent热心的 active活跃的 sensitive

    35、敏感的 sharp锋利的 intense(指人)热情的 strong(为weak的反义词)deep深的,19uphold,vt支持,维护 【例句】I cant uphold such a conduct我不赞成这种行为。 【扩展】upholder支持者 【考点】1)uphold such conduct赞成这种行为 2)比较:support支撑;支持 sustain维持 maintain保持,20sensible,a1)明智的,合情理的 2)切实的,实际的 3)发觉的,感知的 【例句】1)Her words made people believe that she was a sensible

    36、 woman她的话让大家相信她是个通情达理的女人。 That seems to be a sensible idea.那个主意似乎很有道理。 2)The boy is in need of a pair of sensible shoes for mountain climbing这个男孩需要一双适合爬山的鞋子。 3)The detective is sensible of the danger of his position侦探已经意识到自身处境的危险。,【扩展】sensibly ad明智地sensibility n感性,情感 【考点】1)a sensible woman明智的女子(注意:b

    37、e sensitive to对敏感) 2)be sensible of 可察觉出 3)比较:sane神智清楚的 rational合理的;理性的 reasonable讲理的 shrewd精明的 wise聪明的,21glow,nsing 1)光亮,光辉 2)(身体)发热vi1)发热,发光,发红 2)(身体)发热。 【例句】1)The glow of the sky at sunset is charming落日余晖非常迷人。 2)The exercise gives a healthy glow to the faces of the skaters锻炼使溜冰运动员们容光焕发。 【例句】1)We

    38、located the glowing metal from the furnace我们找到了从熔炉中取出的那块发红的金属。 His cigarette glowed I the dark.他的香烟在黑暗中发光。,2)His face was glowed with excitement他因兴奋而显得容光焕发。 【扩展】glowing a发光的,颜色鲜明的,灼热的,热烈的 【考点】1)in a glow of enthusiasm 热情洋溢地 2)比较:burn 烧伤 shine 光亮,22hesitate,v1)踌躇,犹豫 2)不情愿 【例句】1)Mike hesitated a momen

    39、t before replying迈克犹豫了一会儿才作出回答。 Dont hesitate to contact me if you need any more information如果你想知道更多的情况,请及时与我联系。 2)I hesitated to spend too much time on this我不愿在这上面花太多时间。 【扩展】hesitation n犹豫hesitant a犹豫的,踌躇的,【考点】1)hesitate about joining the expedition犹豫是否参加这次探险 2)hesitate to do sth不愿做某事hesitate about

    40、 doing sth对某事犹豫不决,23identify,vtvi1)认出,鉴定;2)把等同于;认同 【例句】1)Could you identify your mobile phones among twenty others你能在二十部手机中认出你的手机吗? It is impossible for me to identify all the bugs in the software by the end of this month.让我在月底前找出这个软件中的所有毛病是不可能的。 2)Under such conditions,we can identify body A with b

    41、ody B在这种情况下,我们可以将物体A等同于物体B。,I found it hard to identify with any of the characters in this book我对书中的任何角色都难以认同。 【扩展】identification n认同,鉴定,认为同一 identical a同一的,相同的 【考点】1)identify A with B 认为A与B同一identify(oneself)with sb/sth与打成一片,与认同 2)比较:recognize认识;承认 spot认出(从众多之中)name说出(某人或某物的)名字 classify分类 discover发

    42、现,24grateful,a感激的,感谢的 【例句】John was grateful to Mary for what she had done for him约翰感激玛丽为他所做的一切。 【扩展】gratefully ad感激地gratitude n感激,感谢,【考点】1)a grateful shade of tree 令人愉快的树荫 2)be grateful to sbfor sth为某事感激某人be grateful to sb感激某人;be grateful for sth为某事表示感激 3)比较:thankful感谢的 appreciate v感激;鉴赏,25wisdom,nU

    43、 1)明智,正确的判断 2)智慧,学问 【例句】1)I have doubts about the wisdom of the move我对这一行动是否明智表示怀疑。 I would question the wisdom of lending him such a large sum of money借给他这么一大笔钱,我怀疑是否明智。 2)Will they have the wisdom to make the correct choice?他们有作出正确选择的智慧和学识吗?,【扩展】wise a聪明的,明智的 【考点】1)have the wisdom to do sth明智做某事 2

    44、)比较:knowledge U 学识 insightU 洞察力(与into连用,后接某问题)perception U 理解力 witU才智;(单数或复数)理智,心智,8wisdom,wit,intellect,intelligence wisdom U意为“智慧、睿智”,指运用经验、常识对生活与行为作出正确的判断或决定的能力;wit C/U作不可数名词时,指言谈的“风趣”,作可数名词时,指机智、聪明的“头脑”;intellect U意为“智力、理解力”,指研究高深学问的能力,包括推理力、领悟力等;intelligence U意为“智力、思维”,指思考、学习及理解的能力,与 intellect的

    45、区别在于:每个人都具有intelligence,只是有多有少,所以可用average,little,much等形容词来修饰,而intellect是人的大脑成熟到一定阶段才具备的,它与感情及本能相对,可以说小孩子具有intelligence,但一般不说他(她)有intellect。 I would question the wisdom of lending him such a large sum of money借给他这么一大笔钱,我怀疑是否明智。 His sharp wit had them all smiling他的机敏风趣使他们都露出了笑容。,Debates sharpen your

    46、wits辩论能增长你的才智。 Intellect distinguishes humans from other animals人类与禽兽的区别在于人具有思维能力。 All the people at the meeting were amazed at his intelligence所有与会者对他的智慧大为惊讶。,26respond,vi1)回答,答复 2)(对做出)反应,响应 【例句】1)I wrote to them the other day,but they havent responded yet我前几天给他们写了信,但他们还没回信。 He didnt respond to th

    47、e teachers question他没有回答老师的问题。 2)His disease is responding very to the treatment他的病经治疗已大有起色。 response n1)C回答,答复(同answer,reply)2)C/U反应,响应(同reaction) 【,例句】1)In response to our generous offer,they withdrew their lawsuit against us作为对我方慷慨条件的一种反应,他们撤消了对我们的起诉。 2)Their call for action met little responseresponsive a有反应的,回答的,敏感的 1)response to ones letter 给某人的回信 2)response to sth对的反应 in response to sth作为对的回应(回答) 3)比较:answer(对问题等的)回答,答复 reply(较正式的)答复 reaction C(对刺激等的)反应 feedbackU(指信息等的),

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