1、Unit 6 In a nature park,Lets learn,sky,fly,why,cloud,s,house,mouse,There is the sun in the_.,sky,There are _ in the sky.,clouds,grass,flowers,glass,sky,clouds,There are_ on the grass.,flowers,Lets chant,The sky is blue.,_ are white.,The clouds,is green.,The grass,_ are red.,The flowers,Beautiful day
2、,Beautiful day!,There is / are _on the path .,path,(小路,小道),There is a_ _ in the river.,river,f_ _est,o r,There is /are _in the forest.,There is /are _ on the mountain.,moutain,cloud,l,Lake ( 湖泊),西湖:Xihu Lake,东钱湖:Dongqianhu Lake,River(河流),长江:Changjiang River,黄河:Huanghe River,path,river,forest,Lets play!,mountain,lake,flower,grass,cloud,Thank you sooooo much .,Byebye!,