1、Unit 5 December is the last month. Lesson 27一、教学内容与分析背景介绍:借助图片对 58 月份及相关信息进行简单的介绍。行动目标:学习如何用英语说出 58 月,简单谈论相关的活动。重点聚焦:May is the fifth month of the yearJune is the sixth month of the yearJuly is the seventh month of the yearAugust is the eighth month of the year滚动项目:Labour Day is on May 1stMothers Da
2、y is in May, tooThe first day of June is Childrens Day in ChinaFathers Day is also in JuneThe students have their exams in JulyStudents have their summer holidaysThe people are celebrating Labour DayThey are singing and dancingThe children are performingThe children are going campingThis boy is work
3、ing hard on his studies读图向导:观察图画,捕捉关键信息点;借助图画内容,判断并帮助记忆月份名称。二、课前准备1准备本课的教学挂图、录音磁带和投影片。2准备一个日历册,用颜色笔标出 58 月。3学生准备自制的日历卡片。4号召学生准备反映 58 月特征及相关节日特征的图片和照片。三、教学步骤与建议1热身 / 复习 (Warming-up / Revision)1)播放歌曲 Months of the Year,教师与学生一起欣赏,暂时不要求学生跟唱。2)教师随便抽取学生卡片中的三张贴到黑板上,做猜卡片游戏。首先请一名学生悄悄地选中三张图中的一张,告诉教师。然后同学们通过提问
4、猜出他选中的那张图。猜中者发放小红花奖励。2新课导入 (Presentation)1)教师赞扬学生的卡片做得好,然后展示自己的几张卡片(58 月) ,为大家一一介绍,引导学习本课的单词和句子。2)教师请学生试着说出他们所知道的有关 58 月的相关信息,如节日等,引导学生探究学习,说对者教师及时给予鼓励。3)展示教学挂图,播放录音,教师随着录音内容指示挂图中的内容。教师提问:Do you know what months they are talking about? Please listen again and find the names of the months4)首先让学生听听 5
5、月用英语怎么说。利用暂停健,反复播放第一段,直到有学生说出 May, 教师奖给该学生贴纸,并板书 May 让大家一起认读。继续播放录音让学生依次回答问题:In May, there is a holidayDo you know what holiday is in May? Yes, its Labour DayIts warm in MayWhat are the people in the picture doing?Yes, they are singing and dancing5)再从头放录音,让学生看挂图跟读。6)用同样的方法学习后面的三段话。借助图片、简笔画和手势动作帮助学生理
6、解文中生词的意思,必要的地方可以用汉语适当解释。7)四段话全部理解后,让学生再完整地听一边录音,这一次要求学生跟读,模仿语音语调。3趣味操练 (Practice )1)教师征求学生意见,愿不愿意在模仿录音的基础上,创造性地谈论本课图片,学生先在组内谈论,然后班内交流,教师和学生共同评价。参考问题:Which is the fifth month of the year?What holiday is in May? What are people doing in May?Which is the sixth month of the year?What holiday is in June?
7、 What are children doing in June?Which is the seventh month of the year?What holiday is in July? What are people doing in July?Which is the eighth month of the year?What holiday is in August? What are people doing in August?2)日历游戏:学生 4 人一组,玩猜月份游戏。每组发放 58 月日历卡片,卡片正面写着月份的英文。把卡片反扣在课桌上,让学生依次猜是哪个月份,每个学生一次只能猜一张。先说一个月份的英语单词,再翻开一张卡片,猜对的可以赢得卡片,看谁赢得多。此游戏可以反复进行。3)教师请同学们分成小组,说说自己喜爱的月份和节日,挑出相关图片,用自己的语言进行描述。4)四个学生根据课本内容和自由讨论的内容,分别到前面表演 58 月份的活动,每人表演一种动作,让下面的学生猜表演的动作是哪一个月的:Is it in June? Are you singing and dancing? . 4拓展活动 (Additional activities)演讲大赛:由学生自己选择相关的月份,自己通过网上或其它途径搜集有关资料,编写讲演稿,开展演讲比赛。