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1、驻英国大使刘晓明在英国剑桥大学的演讲成功的道路,全面的发展驻英国大使刘晓明在英国剑桥大学的演讲英国剑桥大学嘉治商学院2011年 2月 22日The Road to Success and Comprehensive Development-Speech by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the University of CambridgeJudge Business School, University of Cambridge22 February 2011尊敬的剑桥大学校长博里塞维奇爵士,老师们,同学们:Vice Chancellor Sir Lesz

2、ek Borysiewicz,Faculty members,Students,很高兴应博里塞维奇校长的邀请访问剑桥大学并作演讲。It is my great pleasure and privilege to visit Cambridge at the invitation of the Vice Chancellor and to speak at the Judge Business School.这是我出使英国后第一次来到剑桥,但我对剑桥丝毫没有陌生感。This is my first visit to Cambridge as Chinese Ambassador to the U

3、K. Yet Cambridge is no stranger to me.虽然我到英国后先去了牛津,但我知道“牛津出首相、剑桥出诺贝尔奖”这句佳话,知道剑桥大学校友获得了 88个诺贝尔奖,相当于英国所获诺奖的总和,在世界所有大学中保持最高纪录。I heard a saying: “If you want to meet prime ministers, go to Oxford; but for Nobel Prize winners, go to Cambridge“. Cambridge alumni won 88 Nobel Prizes, as many as the prizes

4、won by Britain as a country, ranking first in all the universities around the world.我最早相识剑桥,是因为徐志摩先生在这里留下了再别康桥这样的千古绝唱,也是因为李约瑟博士在这里写就了鸿篇巨著中国科学技术史。I first got to know Cambridge from Chinese poet Xu Zhimo who wrote his best-known poem Farewell to Cambridge, and later from Dr Joseph Needham who wrote an

5、d edited the epic series Science and Civilisation in China.我第一次走进“剑桥”,是 29年前我在美国塔夫茨大学弗莱彻学院读书的时候。当时弗莱彻学院由塔夫茨大学和哈佛大学共同管理,两院校图书馆使用统一索引,我经常去位于“剑桥”的哈佛大学图书馆查阅资料。My first visit to a place called Cambridge was 29 years ago when I was a student at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, which was then join

6、tly administered by Tufts and Harvard. As Fletcher and Harvard shared the same library call number, I went to the Harvard Cambridge Library quite often.今天,我走进“正宗”的剑桥,这既是一次工作性质的访问,推动剑桥大学与中国的教育合作,也是一次个人的精神寻旅,品味剑桥 800年的文化积淀。当然,我也愿就大家关心的中国话题,与你们交流讨论。Today I have finally come to the real Cambridge, both

7、on a personal journey to fulfil a long-cherished dream of seeing Cambridge and experiencing its 800-year heritage and on an official visit to discuss educational cooperation and to talk about China.上周,根据中日两国的最新 GDP统计数字,中国正式超过日本成为了世界第二大经济体。世界上各大媒体都将此作为热点新闻进行报道。世界再次聚焦中国,围绕中国问题的讨论一直方兴未艾,现在再次升温。我总结了一下人们

8、热议的几个问题:一是中国成为世界第二说明了什么?二是中国是否很快会成为世界第一?三是中国能否持续高速发展?四是中国发展对世界意味什么?今天,我想就这些问题谈谈我的看法。Last week one of the headline news was that China has officially overtaken Japan as the worlds second largest economy. This has put China in the limelight once again and stoked an ongoing discussion about China. Many

9、 questions were asked: What does China being the second largest economy tell us? How soon is China going to be number one? Will China be able to sustain such rapid growth? What does Chinas development mean to the world? The list can go on and on. But these are the most asked questions. Let me share

10、my thoughts about these questions.首先,中国成为世界第二大经济体说明什么?我认为,它说明了中国发展道路的成功。First question: What does it tell us that China rolls in at number two? I think it tells the successful story of Chinas development.中国为什么会取得如此成功?中国成功的经验是什么?中国成功靠走适合自己国情的道路。一个十三亿人口的大国,一个有五千年文明历史的古国,该走什么样的道路才能发展,教科书上没有现成的答案,历史上也没有

11、可以参考的先例。但中国人“摸着石头过河”,牢牢把握自己的国情,不断探索实践,开拓创新,借鉴吸取世界各国有益经验,实现了天翻地覆的变化。The secret of Chinas success is simple and open. That is China has found a development model well suited to its national conditions. How should we go about developing a country with 1.3 billion people and a history of 5 thousand year

12、s? Neither textbooks nor history has given us the ready answer. As Mr Deng Xiaoping termed it, we managed to “cross the river by feeling for the stones“. We explored our way forward in a pioneering spirit by combining the useful experiences of other countries with the unique circumstances of China.中

13、国成功靠“改革开放”。开放,不仅是经济上的对外开放,从封闭半封闭到全方位、多层次、宽领域对外开放,更是思想头脑的解放,社会的自由宽松,政府的公开透明。改革,不仅是改革经济制度,将高度集中的计划经济体制改革为充满生机和活力的社会主义市场经济体制,也是政治、社会、文化的全面改革和建设。Chinas success also lies in its commitment to reform and opening-up. Opening-up means embracing the global economy at every level and in every area. But it is

14、much more than that. It also means freeing your mind, fostering a more open and diverse society. It means nurturing a culture of open and transparent government. Reform is about transforming the planned economy to a vibrant socialist market economy. It is also about making comprehensive progress in

15、political, social and cultural spheres.西方有些人认为,中国只搞经济改革,不搞政治改革。这是对中国全面改革的一种误解。事实上,30 多年来,中国的经济体制改革每推进一步,政治体制改革也深化一步。人民代表大会制度、中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度,在中国政治生活中的地位和作用越来越大。30 多年来,中国民主法制建设不断加强,坚持依法治国,几千年形成的人治社会正在向法治社会转变。30 多年来,中国人权事业有了大发展,我们将尊重和保障人权写入了宪法,依法保障全体社会成员平等参与、平等发展的权利,同时加强国际人权合作。Some people in the W

16、est believe China has carried out reform only in economic sector, not in political system. This is a misunderstanding of Chinas comprehensive reform. During the past 3 decades, political reform has come with economic reform every step of the way, and political progress has been achieved hand in hand

17、 with economic growth. We have seen a growing role of the National Peoples Congress and multi-party political consultation under the leadership of the Communist Party. Democratic decision making and the legal system has been strengthened. The millennium-old pattern of “rule by man“ is giving way to

18、the rule of law. We have also seen significant progress in human rights. The promotion and protection of human rights has been written into the Chinese Constitution. All citizens enjoy the rights protected by law to equal participation and development. We have also strengthened international coopera

19、tion on human rights.历史上,中国并非没有尝试过西方式的民主,但都并未给中国带来繁荣和富强。今天,我们找到了一条适合自己发展的道路,建立了有中国特色的民主制度,我们有什么理由动摇?有什么理由折腾?It was not for lack of trying that Western-style democracy did not bring China the prosperity and strength it had wanted so badly in its modern history. Now that we have found our own road to

20、success and Chinese style democracy, why should we waver or give it up?第二个问题,中国是否已在坐二望一,很快超过美国?回答这个问题前,我们不妨看以下几对关键词:Second question, how soon is China going to overtake the US? Before we answer this question, lets look at some key words:一是“总量”和“人均”。尽管中国经济总量成了世界第二,去年达到 5.8万亿美元,但人均 GDP只有 4300美元,仍排在世界百

21、位左右,离中等发达国家相距甚远,仅占英国的 1/9,美国的 1/10。“Aggregates“ and “per capita“. Chinas economic aggregates stood at 5.8 trillion US dollars in 2010, ranking second in the world. But its per capita GDP was merely 4,300 US dollars, lower than about 100 other countries, only one ninth of the UK, and one tenth of the

22、 US.二是“沿海”与“内地”及“城市”与“农村”。中国的沿海很发达,城市很繁荣,但是中国西部经济仍很落后,而且中国的城镇化率仅有 46%,城乡居民收入比高达 3.23:1。我曾在中国最贫困的省份之一甘肃担任两年省长助理,对此深有感受。甘肃地处大西北,自然条件恶劣,沙漠化对当地人民的生存构成了严峻挑战,经济发展困难很大。许多农村的孩子们没有电脑,更从来没有上过互联网。很多孩子在完成国家 9年义务阶段教育后,由于经济原因不得不中止学业。“Coastal“ and “inland“, “urban“ and “rural“. We have in China both rich cities in

23、 the coastal regions and under developed poor regions in the west of the country. The urbanisation rate is only 46%, and the urban/rural income ratio is as high as 3.23 to 1. I served for two years as Assistant Governor in one of the poorest provinces in northwest China Gansu. Gansu suffers from tou

24、gh natural conditions. Desertification threatens the livelihood of the local people and economic development is a huge challenge. Many of the children in the countryside do not have access to computers or the internet. Many boys and girls have to drop out of school because their families cannot affo

25、rd their continued education.三是“制造”与“创造”。中国是制造业大国,但很多产品只有加工、封装等劳动力密集型环节在中国完成,研发设计、关键部件和市场营销都在国外,中国处在国际产业链的末端。中国出口商品中 90%是贴牌生产,每部手机售价的20%、计算机售价的 30%、数控机床售价的 20%到 40%,都要支付给国外专利持有者。从“中国制造”到“中国创造”还有很长的路要走。“Made in China“ and “created in China“. For all its manufacturing strength, China is still at the l

26、ower end of the value chain. In many cases only the labour-intensive parts of production such as processing and packaging are done in China. R China stands for non-interference in others internal affairs and negotiated solutions to international disputes. China believes that security should be based

27、 on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination. China is the largest contributor of peacekeepers amongst the UN Permanent 5, having sent 10 thousand peacekeepers on 24 UN missions. It has sent escort ships to the waters off the Somali coast and worked with the navies of other countries

28、to combat piracy and improve safety in international waters. It has actively worked to facilitate the Six-Party Talks to uphold peace and the stability of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. China is in every way an upholder of peace and a facilitator of stability.二是中国给世界经济带来威胁了吗?金融危机以来,中国为全球经济

29、增长提供了重要支撑。2010 年发达国家经济仍步履维艰,在全球有效需求不足的情况下,中国扮演着向全球输出总需求的重要角色。欧盟去年对华出口增长 31.9%,英国则增长 42%。去年中国经济继续保持两位数增长,对世界经济增长贡献率达到 20%。今后 10年,中国将继续奉行互利共赢的开放战略,市场对外开放程度将进一步提高,在国际贸易中的比重会不断上升,从国际市场的进口仍会迅速增加。这些对世界各国来说,只会是巨大的发展机遇。Is China a threat to the world economy? China has been a crucial support for global growt

30、h since the start of the financial crisis. It drove global demand at a time when developed countries were in economic difficulties. This was reflected in the 31.9% increase of EU exports and the 42% increase of UK exports to China last year. China maintained a double-digit growth last year, and cont

31、ributed 20% of global economic growth. China will continue to pursue a strategy of win-win opening-up over the next decade. Its market will open wider, its share in international trade will increase, and its imports will rise. These will no doubt create enormous opportunities for countries around th

32、e world.三是中国对现行国际体系构成威胁了吗?中国作为一个负责任的大国,是国际体系的参与者、建设者和贡献者。我们与发达国家和新兴经济体就促进世界经济金融治理广泛开展合作,共同倡导加强 G20机制;我们加强与发展中国家的传统友谊,帮助经济开发和实现减贫,过去两年里中国向其他发展中国家的贷款已经超过了世界银行;我们支持、倡导并践行多边主义,推动国际关系民主化,积极参与区域合作进程,努力促进国际体系更加有效地应对气候变化、能源和资源、粮食安全、恐怖主义等全球性挑战。Is China a threat to the international system? China has been par

33、ticipating in and contributing to the current international system as a responsible major player. It has entered into extensive cooperation with its partners in developed and emerging economies on the reform of global economic and financial governance, and jointly advocated a greater role of the G20

34、. It has strengthened traditional friendships with other developing countries and helped them develop their economies and reduce poverty. The loans it has provided to other developing countries in the past two years have surpassed those of the World Bank. It supports and practices multilateralism, a

35、nd stands for greater democracy in international relations. This can be seen by its active participation in regional cooperation, along with the support it gives to tackling global challenges such as climate change, energy, resources, food security and terrorism.总之,中国的发展对世界是福不是祸,是机遇不是威胁。世界对中国不应感到担忧,

36、更不应感到恐惧。美国前总统弗兰克林罗斯福说的好:“我们唯一恐惧的就是恐惧本身。”Chinas development is a blessing, not a catastrophe to the world. It means opportunities, not threats. It is not to be worried about, still less feared. As Franklin Roosevelt put it, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself“.老师们、同学们,Faculty members and s

37、tudents,800多年来,剑桥大学秉承“此地乃启蒙之所和智慧之源”(拉丁语:Hinc lucem et pocula sacra)的校训,努力探索世界,不断追求真理。半个多世纪前,李约瑟博士以其睿智打开了中国古代科技的历史宝库,重拾了伟大的中华文明。今天,当你们放眼中国,你们会发现中国正在走一条前人没有走过的道路,中国的实践可能超出了以往人们的知识积累。面对今天的中国这一丰富的宝藏,我衷心地期望剑桥大学的学子们遵循你们的校训,不断探索,大力挖掘,成为英国乃至世界范围内研究当代中国的领军者。Over the past 8 centuries, the University of Cambri

38、dge has stayed true to its motto “From here, light and sacred draughts“ (Hinc lucem et pocula sacra) in its tireless pursuit of the worlds truth and knowledge. More than half a century ago, Dr Joseph Needham uncovered the treasures of Chinas ancient science and civilisation. Today when you look at C

39、hina, you will realise that it is embarking on a journey no country has ever made. This goes beyond the knowledge of human beings and offers enormous opportunities. I therefore encourage you to follow Cambridges motto to renew your efforts in tapping the rich resources China has to offer and lead the UK and the world in studying and understanding todays China.谢谢。下面我愿回答大家的提问。Thank you and now I would like to take questions from you.


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