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    unit12课文翻译Microsoft Word 文档.doc

    1、The Story of Florence Nightingale弗劳伦斯.南丁格尔的故事Florence Nightingale was born in Italy on 12 May 1820 and was named Florence after her birthplace. Florence and her sister were educated by their father and private teachers. She excelled in her studies. When she grew up , she decided to become a nurse. T

    2、his decision greatly upset her family, because at that time nurses in England were looked down upon by people. But she was determined, and began caring for the sick in hospitals.弗劳伦斯.南丁格尔于 1820 年 5 月 12 日出生在意大利,并以他的出生地命名。其父亲和私人教师教弗劳伦斯.南丁格尔和她的妹妹学习。她学业优秀。长大后,她决定做一名护士,这个决定令她的家人很不安。因为在当时的英国,护士这个职业被别人看不起

    3、。但是,她已下定决心,并开始在医院护理病患。In 1854 ,England was fighting a war with Russia in Turkey .At the front many British soldiers were wounded or sick. The wounded soldiers lay on the hard floors of a dirty army hospital. In the evening, the tried to sleep, but rats ran over their bodies. The conditions for them

    4、were terrible.1854 年,英国与俄国在土耳其交战,很多英国士兵在前线受伤或患病,伤兵们躺在肮脏的军队医院里坚硬的地板上。到了晚上。他们尽力入睡,但是老鼠在他们身上跑来跑去,他们的环境真是太糟了。Reports of the sufferings of the wounded in the front created anger in Britain. In response, the government appointed Florence Nightingale to hire female nurses to work in the military hospitals

    5、in the front. Florence arrived in Crimea with thirty-eight nurses. At first ,the doctors did not believe that women could help. But in fact, the nurses did make a difference. By day, nurses cleaned the wards and cared for the soldiers. At night, Nightingale took a lamp and walked around the hospital

    6、 attending the patients. The soldiers began to call Florence “The lady with the Lamp”.有关前线伤员们的痛苦遭遇的报道在英国激起了愤慨,为此,政府指派弗劳伦斯.南丁格尔招聘女护士到前线军队医院工作。于是南丁格尔和 38 个女护士来到了克里米亚,刚开始,医生们认为这些女人帮不上忙。但是,事实上护士们所起的作用大不一样。在白天,护士们清理病房,照顾士兵。在晚上,南丁格尔提着灯在医院到处走动照顾病人。这些士兵们开始称“提灯女士” 。Florence also wrote home on behalf of the s

    7、oldiers. she acted as a banker, sending the mens wages home to their families, and set up reading-rooms in the hospital. In return, she gained the respect of the British soldiers.弗劳伦斯替士兵给家人写信,她还当出纳员,把军人的工资寄给他们的家人,又在医院设立了读书室。为此,她赢得了英国士兵的尊敬。1.Nightingale and the nurses worked around the clock, tending

    8、 the sick and the wounded. Thanks to their hard work, many wounded soldiers survived. The death rate of wounded soldiers fell from 42% to 2.2%. 南丁格尔和护士们夜以继日的工作,照顾伤病员。多亏她们辛苦的工作,许多伤员得以存活下来,伤兵的死亡率从 42%下降到 22%。Florence returned to Britain as a heroine. Because of her excellent work she was given many aw

    9、ards. 3With the funds she received ,Florence set up a nursing school to train professional nurses. 4.she continued to offer her advice on hospital reform.In 1910, at the age of 90,nightingale closed her eyes forever. 弗劳伦斯作为一名女英雄回到英国。因为她出色的工作,弗劳伦斯用她获得多项奖励用她所获得奖金建立了一个培训专业护士的护理学校。他不断提出医院改革方面的建议。1910 年,

    10、在她 90 岁时,南丁格尔永远闭上了眼睛。.Nightingale is best known as the founder of the modern profession of nursing and as a hospital reformer. Every year the International Red Cross awards the Florence Nightingale Medial to dedicated nurses of the world. And the day of her birth, May 12,has been made International Nurses Day.南丁格尔作为当代护理专业的开创者和医疗改革者而闻名于世。每年国际红十字会都会给世界上贡献突出的护士们颁发南丁格尔奖章。并且,他的生日 5 月 12 日被定为“国际护士节” 。

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