1、1. What does the word “BIBLE” mean? book 2. In Platos allegory of the cave, what does the sun represent?Truth3. Who came up with the sardonic 讽刺的 theory of humor?Thomas Hobbes4. According to genesis, god created how many days?Six days 5. Who once attended Platos academy 学院?Aristotle 6. Which writer
2、was imprisoned 被囚禁 during World War?Jean-Paul Sartre7. According to genesis, what is the name of the place where Eve and Atom lived?The Garden of Eden8. Nicolo Machiavelli was what nationality? Italian 9. According to genesis, which part does god use to create Eve from Atom? Rib 10.What is the Sabba
3、th day? The day of rest11.What is a leviathan?Sea monster12.Who said love your enemies?Jesus13.Who does Saul murder in Acts of the Apostles? Stephen (Stoned)14.What may be seen as an irrationalist revolt against traditional Western philosophy, idealism in particular, as it rejects epistemology and t
4、he attempt to ground human knowledge?Jean-Paul Sartre: Existentialism 15.What is a saint?A saint is a holy person. In the Christian Bible, only one person is expressly called a saint: “They envied Moses also in the camp, and Aaron the saint of the LORD.“16.Which female writer lived a “free, lifelong
5、 association” with Jean-Paul Sartre?Simone de Beauvoir17.What is a centurion 百夫长? Roman soldier18.It is much safer to be feared than loved.Machiavelli: The Prince19.Men living together according to reason with out a common superior or earth, with authority to judge between them is properly the state
6、 of Nature.John Locke: Of Civil Government20. Our Father, which art in heaven/hallowed be thy name;thy kingdom come;thy will be done,in earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread.And forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive them that trespass against us.And lead us not into temptation;
7、but deliver us from evil.For thine is the kingdom,the power, and the glory,for ever and ever.Amen.Matthew 21.In the beginning god created the heaven and the earth.Genesis22.Rather, it declares that even if god did exist, that would change nothing. Jean-Paul Sartre: Existentialism23.Behold! Human bei
8、ngs living in a underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their hea
9、ds. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way;Plato: The Republic24.Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.Matthew25.God is a useless and costly hypothesis 假设. Jean-Paul Sartre: Existentialism26.This human anim
10、alprescient, sagacious, complex, acute, full of memory, reason and counsel, which we call man,is generated by the supreme God in a more transcendent condition than most of his fellowcreatures. For he is the only creature among the earthly races of animated beings endued with superior reason and thou
11、ght, in which the rest are deficient. And what is there, I do not say in man alone, but in all heaven and earth, more divine than reason, which, when it becomes ripe and perfect, is justly termed wisdom?Cicero: On the Laws27.Thus humanity is male and man defines woman not in herself but as relative
12、to him; she is not regarded as an autonomous being.Simone de Beauvoir: The Second Sex28.Religion is based, I think, primarily and mainly upon fear. It is partly the terror of the unknown and partly, as I have said, the wish to feel that you have a kind of elder brother who will stand by you in all y
13、our troubles and disputes.Bertrand Russell: Why I Am Not a Christian29.For my part I consider that it is better to be adventurous than cautious, because fortune is a woman, and if you wish to keep her under it is necessary to beat and ill-use her; and it is seen that she allows herself to be mastere
14、d by the adventurous rather than by those who go to work more coldly. She is, therefore, always, woman-like, a lover of young men, because they are less cautious, more violent, and with more audacity command her.Nicolo Machiavelli: The Prince30. The existentialist does not think that man is going to
15、 help himself by finding in the world some omen by which to orient himself. Because he thinks that man will interpret the omen to suit himself. Therefore, he thinks that man, with no support and no aid, is condemned every moment to invent man. Jean-Paul Sartre: Existentialism31.The reason why men en
16、ter into society is the preservation of their property. (P280)John Locke: Of Civil Government32.Man is by nature a political animal. And therefore, men, even when they do not require one anothers help, desire to live together; not but that they are also brought together by their common interests in
17、proportion as they severally attain to any measure of well-being. This is certainly the chief end, both of individuals and of states.Aristotle: The Politics33.A PRINCE ought to have no other aim or thought, nor select anything else for his study, than war and its rules and discipline; for this is th
18、e sole art that belongs to him who rules, and it is of such force that it not only upholds those who are born princes, but it often enables men to rise from a private station to that rank.Nicolo Machiavelli: The Prince34.By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more ef
19、fectually than when he really intends to promote it.Adam smith: The Wealth of Nations35.And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. Exodus36.First, that men are co
20、ntinually in competition for honor and dignity, which these creatures are not; and consequently amongst men there ariseth on that ground, envy, and hatred, and finally war; but amongst these not so.Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan37.And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other
21、 tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.Acts of the Apostles 38.Whereas the truth is that the State in which the rulers are most reluctant to govern is always the best and most quietly governed, and the Stat
22、e in which they are most eager, the worst.Plato: The Republic39.So that in the nature of man, we find three principal cause of quarrel 吵架. First competition; secondly, difference; thirdly, glory. The first maketh men invade for gain; the second, for safety; and the third, for reputation.Thomas Hobbe
23、s: LeviathanThe Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Gospel According to Matthew, Acts of the Apostles) Bertrand Russell:Why I am Not a Christian 上帝不存在,基督不是一个真正慈悲的人。耶稣存在值得怀疑,基督教从古到今一直是世界道德进步的主要敌人。宗教是建立恐惧之上的,并呼吁人类要独立思考,勇敢的面对世界的一切,用知 识、善良、勇气建设一个美好的世界。Plato:The Republic 在可知世界中最后看见的,而且是要花很大的努力才能最后看见的东西乃是善的理念。任何人凡能在私
24、人生活或公共生活中行事合乎理性的,必定是看见了善的理念的。未来的统治者找到一种比统治国家更善的生活时,你才可能有一个管理得好的国家。真正富有的人来统治当然他们不是富有黄金,而是富有幸福所必需的那种善的和智慧的生活。Book1 further ,the state is by nature clearly prior to the family and to the individual,since the whole is of necessity prior to the part;A social instinct is implanted in all men by nature.Boo
25、k3 man is by nature a political animalBook4 for it what was said the ethics is true ,that the happy life is the life according to virtue lived without impediment.Aristotle:The Politics 探讨城邦、政体等基本理论。认为城邦是至高而广涵的一种社会团体,追求最高最广的善业。人 类是天生的政治动物, 经家庭、村坊而组成城邦。政体按其宗旨及最高统治权执行者的人数,分 为正宗与变态两大类。前者 为君主、贵族、共和 3种,后者
26、为僭主、寡头、平民 3种Cicero:On the Laws 1.自然法是与自然即事物的本质相适应的法,其本质为正确的理性。所以,自然法效力高于实在法。实在法必须 反映和体现自然法的要求。因为“恶法非法 ”,所以法律必须体现正义和公正。 “人人平等”的,这种主张也影响了日后罗马法的面貌。2.执政官为代表的君主制、以元老院为代表的贵族制和以保民官为代表的民主制的混合政体”。 实际上,西塞罗 本人是主张共和制的。其次,在国家的管理方面,他 综合了柏拉图和亚里士多德的观点,既强调法律的作用,也重视国家管理中的人的因素。It is not so much the science of law that
27、 produces litigation,as the ignorance of it.Let us begin,then ,to establish the principles of justice on that supreme law,which ha existed from all ages before any.This animal-prescient,sagacious,complex,acture,full of memory,reason,and counselFor he is the only creature among all the races.Machiave
28、lli:The Prince Thomas Hobbes:Leviathan 彻 底 唯 物 主 义 ,自然状态中人们不幸的生活中都享有“生而平等 ”的自然权利,又都有渴望和平和安定生活的共同要求,于是放弃各人的自然权利,把它托付给某一个人或一个由多人组成的集体,这个人或集体能把大家的意志化为一个意志,能把大家的人格统一为一个人格;大家则服从他的意志,服从他的判断。 利维坦,意在用以比喻一个强大的国家,借此论证君权至上,反对“ 君 权神 授 ”。政府 这个利维坦(Leviathan)有双面的性格。它由人组成,也由人来运作,因此也就具有了人性的那种半神半兽的品质,它在保护人的同时,又在吃人。所以
29、,就有了人类社会的最高理想就是把利维坦关进笼子里一说。John Locke:Of Civil Government 反对君权神授论, 统 治 者 的权力应来自于被统治者的同意,建立 国 家 的唯一目的,乃是为了保障社会的安全以及人民的 自 然 权利 。当政府的所作所 为与这一目的相违背的时候,人民就有权利采取行动甚至以暴力的方式将权力收回。洛克所描述的自然状态是一种“完备无缺的自由状态”,在自然法的范围内,人人都可以按照自己认为合适的办法,决定他们的行动, 处理与他人之间的关系,无需听命于任何其他人的意志。尽管这种状态并非美好的世外桃源,但相对于霍布斯所描述的“人对人就像是狼对狼一样”, “一
30、切人对于一切人的战争”这一阴森恐怖的景象而言,却是“一个和平,善意,互助和保全的状态” 。Adam Smith:An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations论限制从外国输入国内能生产的货物Jean-Paul Sartre:Existentialism 存在主义的根本观点是,把孤立的个人的非理性意识活动当作最真实的存在,并作为其全部哲学的出发点。 存在主义以人为中心、尊重人的个性和自由,认为人是在无意义的宇宙中生活,人的存在本身也没有意义,但人可以在存在的基础上自我造就,活得精彩。Simone de Beauvoir
31、:The Second Sex细节:The Bible(Genesis, Exodus, Gospel According to Matthew 马太福音, Acts of the Apostles使徒行传:介绍耶稣基督升天后,他的门徒们(亦作“宗徒”)传道、殉教的事迹,其中包括 保罗门徒路加写的关于保罗的事迹。是新约圣经的第五卷书。) Bertrand Russell: Why I am Not a Christian罗素首先论述什么是基督徒,然后论证上帝是否存在,对支持上帝存在的论点,包括最初起因论、自然法则。由于基督相信地狱,罗素认为 基督不是一个真正慈悲的人。罗素认为历史上到底有无耶稣
32、其人是值得怀疑的。罗素认为基督教作为一个有组织的教会,从古到今一直是世界道德进步的主要敌人(I say quite deliberately that the Christian religion, as organized in its churches, has been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world. )罗素最后指出宗教是建立恐惧之上的,并呼吁人类要独立思考,勇敢的面对世界的一切,用知识、善良、勇气建 设一个美好的世界。What is a christianThe existence of
33、godThe first-cause argument:世界没有一个起因就不能产生的说法是毫无理由的,从另一个方面讲,我们也没有理由说为甚么世界不应该总是存在着。我们同样没有理由认为世界总要有一个起因。 ,认为万物总要有一个起因的想法源于我们想象力的贫乏。因此,也许我们不该浪费过多的时间在最初因这个论点上The character of christFear the foundation of religionWhat we must do:We want to stand upon our own feet and look fair and square at the world - it
34、s good facts, its bad facts, its beauties, and its ugliness; see the world as it is and be not afraid of it. Platos The Republic柏拉图(Plato,约前 427 年前 347 年),古希腊伟大的哲学家,也是全部西方哲学乃至整个西方文化最伟大的哲学家和思想家之一,他和老师 苏格拉底Socrates,学生 亚里士多德 Aristotle 并称为古希腊三大哲学家。让我们想象一个洞穴式 den 的地下室,它有一 长长通道通向外面,可 让和洞穴一样宽的一路亮光照进来。有一些人从
35、小就住在这洞穴里,头颈和腿脚都绑着,不 能走动也不能转头,只能向前看着洞穴后壁。让我们 再想象在他们背后远处高的地方有东西燃烧着发出火光。在火光和这些被囚禁者之间,在洞外上面有一条路。沿着路边已筑有一带矮墙。矮墙 的作用象傀儡戏演员在自己和观众之间设的一道屏障,他们把木偶举到屏障上头去表演。但是无论如何,我觉得,在可知世界中最后看见的,而且是要花很大的努力才能最后看见的东西乃是善的理念。我们一旦看见了它,就必定能得出下述结论:它的确就是一切事物中一切正确者和美者的原因,就是可见世界中创造光和光源者,在可理知世界中它本身就是真理和理性的决定性源泉;任何人凡能在私人生活或公共生活中行事合乎理性的,
36、必定是看见了善的理念的。因为,事实上,亲爱的朋友,只有当你能 为你们未来的 统治者找到一种比统治国家更善的生活时,你才可能有一个管理得好的国家。因 为,只有在 这种国家里才能有真正富有的人来统治。当然他 们不是富有黄金,而是富有幸福所必需的那种善的和智慧的生活。如果未来的统 治者是一些个人福利匮乏的穷人,那么,当他 们投身公务时,他们 想到的就是要从中攫取自己的好处,如果国家由这种人统治,就不会有好的管理。因为,当统治权成了争夺对象时,这 种自相残杀的争夺往往同时既毁了国家也毁了统治者自己。Aristotles The Politics第1、 3卷,探讨城邦、政体等基本理论。 认为城邦是至高而
37、广涵的一种社会 团体,追求最高最广的善业。人类是天生的政治动物, 经家庭、村坊而组成城邦。政体按其宗旨及最高统治权执行者的人数,分为正宗与变态两大类。前者为君主、 贵族、共和 3种,后者为僭主、寡头、平民3 种。Book1 further ,the state is by nature clearly prior to the family and to the individual,since the whole is of necessity prior to the part;A social instinct is implanted in all men by nature.Book
38、3 man is by nature a political animalBook4 for it what was said the ethics is true ,that the happy life is the life according to virtue lived without impediment.第2卷,批驳取消私有财产和家庭的主张,评析当时的各种政制。第 4、5、6 卷, 论述现实中的平民、寡 头、共和等政体的具体形态、变革原因及其防范措施,提出以中产阶级为主体的共和政体是最稳定的政体。Ciceros On the Laws马库斯图留斯 西塞罗(Marcus Tull
39、ius Cicero),公元前106年1月3 日 前43 年12月7日。古 罗马著名政治家、 演说家、雄辩家、法学家和哲学家。论法律其写作系模仿柏拉图的法律篇,以对话体写成,其内容总体上可看作是论共和国的发挥和补充。该书共分为三部分:第一卷论自然法:第二卷论宗教法;第三卷论官职。1.自然法思想。 西塞思认为 ,在实在法,也就是各民族制定的各种法律之上有一更高的适用于一切民族永恒的自然法。自然法是与自然即事物的本质相适应的法,其本质为正确的理性。所以,自然法效力高于实在法。实 在法必须反映和体现自然法的要求。因为“恶法非法”,所以法律必须体现正义和公正。据此,西塞 罗还提出了“人人平等”的主 张
40、, 这种主张也影响了日后罗马法的面貌。2.国家理论。首先,西塞罗认为理想政体应该是混合政体,他继承了亚里士多德的理论将政体分为执政官为代表的君主制、以元老院为代表的贵族制和以保民官为代表的民主制。他认为这三种政体各有其偏失,所以他主张在这三种政体基础之上加以综合而建立一“混合政体” 。实际上,西塞罗本人是主张共和制的。其次,在国家的管理方面,他综合了柏拉图和亚里士多德的观点,既 强调法律的作用,也重 视国家管理中的人的因素。在世界法学发展史上的地位及影响It is not so much the science of law that produces litigation,as the ig
41、norance of it.Let us begin,then ,to establish the principles of justice on that supreme law,which ha existed from all ages before any.This animal-prescient,sagacious,complex,acture,full of memory,reason,and counselFor he is the only creature among all the races.Machiavellis The Prince14 :that which
42、concerns a prince on the subject of the art of the war君主在军事方面的责任 君主必须把军队的重视放在首位。第十五章:concerning things for which men,and especially princes,are praised or blamed论使世人特别是君主受到褒贬的原因尽量拥有那些好的品质,但在必要的时候需要采取有效的恶性争取幸福和安全。在一群不善良的人当中时,必 须懂得如何运用有效的而不是正义的手段进行对付。第十六章:concerning liberality and meanness 论慷慨于吝啬慷慨不同于
43、奢侈,宁愿要节约 ,失去慷慨之名也不要浪费17 :concerning cruelty and clemency,and whether it is better to be loved than feared 论残酷与仁慈,受人 爱戴是否强 于令人畏惧第十八章:concerning the way in which princes should keep faith 论君主应该如何守信因为人不是忠诚不渝,因此才不必对他们恪守诺言;君主不可能具有一切良好品质,但必须极力表现出这种品质;君主不应背离善良之道,但必须懂得在必要时为非作歹;君主慎言,不可从口中流露缺乏美德的只言片语。Thomas H
44、obbes Leviathan第一部分开宗明义宣布了作者的 彻 底 唯 物 主 义 自然观和一般的哲学观点,声称宇宙是由物质的微粒构成,既非人所创造,也非人所能消灭,一切物 质都于运动状态中。第二部分是全书的主干 ,主要描述自然状态中人们不幸的生活中都享有“生而平等”的自然权利,又都有渴望和平和安定生活的共同要求,于是出于人的理性,人们相互间同意订立契约,放弃各人的自然权利,把它托付给某一个人或一个由多人组成的集体,这个人或集体能把大家的意志化为一个意志,能把大家的人格统一为一个人格;大家则服从他的意志,服从他的判断。第三部分论基督教国家旨在否认自成一统的教会,抨击教皇掌有超越世俗政权的大权。
45、第四部分论黑暗的王国,其主要矛头是针对 罗 马 教 会 ,大量揭发了罗马教会的腐败黑暗、剥削贪婪的种种丑行劣迹,从而神的圣洁尊崇,教会的威 严神秘,已经在霍布斯的笔下黯然失色。 英 国 资 产 阶 级 革 命 时期的政治思想家 托 马 斯 霍 布 斯 于 1651 年出版了他以怪兽 Leviathan 命名的著作- 利维坦,意在用以比喻一个强大的国家,借此论证君权至上,反对“ 君 权 神 授 ”。政府这个利维坦(Leviathan)有双面的性格。它由人组成,也由人来运作,因此也就具有了人性的那种半神半兽的品质,它在保护人的同时,又在吃人。所以,就有了人类社会的最高理想就是把利 维坦关进笼子里一
46、说。John Lockes Of Civil Government政府论分为上下两篇,上篇主要是针对英国当时一位非常有名的 作 家 菲尔默所持“ 君 权神授 论”的论战, 带有很强的针砭时弊之意味,可归之为“破”,洛克在下篇的重点是“ 立”,阐释了他主要的政治思想。洛克在政府论下篇提出 统 治 者 的权力应来自于被统治者的同意,建立 国 家 的唯一目的,乃是为了保障社会的安全以及人民的 自 然 权 利 。当政府的所作所为与这一目的相违背的时候,人民就有权利采取行动甚至以暴力的方式将权力收回洛克所描述的自然状态是一种“完备无缺的自由状态”,在自然法的范围内,人人都可以按照自己认为合适的办法,决定
47、他们的行动,处理与他人之间的关系,无需听命于任何其他人的意志。尽管这种状态并非美好的世外桃源,但相对于霍布斯所描述的“人对人就像是狼对狼一样”, “一切人对于一切人的战争”这一阴森恐怖的景象而言,却是“一个和平,善意,互助和保全的状态”。Adam Smiths An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations第二章 论限制从外国输入国内能生产的货物以高关税或绝对禁止的办法限制从外国输入国内能够生产的货物,国内从事生产这些货物的产业便多少可以确保国内市场的独占。社会全部的产业决不会超过社会资本所能维持的限度。Jean-P
48、aul Sartres Existentialism存在主义的根本观点是,把孤立的个人的非理性意识活动当作最真实的存在,并作为其全部哲学的出发点。 存在主义以人为中心、尊重人的个性和自由,认为人是在无意义的宇宙中生活,人的存在本身也没有意义,但人可以在存在的基础上自我造就,活得精彩。 让 保罗 萨 特 的格言: “存在先于本 质” (lexistence prcde lessence)。意思是说,除了人的生存之外没有天经地义的道德或体外的灵魂;道德和灵魂都是人在生存中创造出来的;人没有 义 务 遵守某个 道 德 标 准 或宗教信仰,人有选择的自由;要评价一个人,要评价他的 所 作 所 为 ,而不是评价他是个什么人物“他人是地狱”。这一观点看似与“人有选择的自由”观点相矛盾,其实每个人选择是自由的,但对于选择后的 结 果 ,每个人有无法逃避的 责 任 ,人在选择的 过 程 中,面对的最大问题就是他人的选择,因为每个人都有选择的自由,但每个人的自由就可能影响他人的自由,所以称“他人是地狱”。Therefore ,let us say that,for the papercutter,essence-that is,the ensemble of both.Simone de Beauvoirs The Second Sex