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    (人教pep)五年级英语下册教案 unit 2(14).doc

    1、(人教 PEP)五年级英语下册教案Unit 2 My favourite seasonPEP Book6 Unit2 My favourite season Part(A)Read and write语言知识 语言技能 情感态度学习目标四会句子:Which season do you like best? I like winter best. Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.根据实际情况替换句型熟练运用 seasons weather; seasonal activities培养学生对于四季的总结:气候变化,着装及在各个季节中的

    2、所喜爱的运动.重点 掌握四会句子:Which season do you like best? 及其答句 I like winter best .难点 对各个季节的特征及在不同季节进行的活动进行综合表述。教具 录音机及录音带,单词卡片.教学过程环节 师生活动 设计意图Preparation准备活动1. Lets sing.让学生听几遍后逐渐跟唱。教师在播放录音时让学生有感性的认识,从而也提高学生学习的兴趣。教师也可制作一些图片,在听歌曲的同时教师把这些图片逐一贴到黑板上。2.Free talk.(口语练习 )Which season do you like best?Fall. Its alw

    3、ays sunny and cool. Which season do you like best?Winter. I can play with snow.I dont like winter. Its too cold.音乐节奏感强,学生乐于接受,并能训练学生的乐感及听说技能。感觉与欣赏并存;放松与紧张并重。让学生在唱歌的同时对歌曲的内容有大概的了解,对歌曲中的单词有所认识,为下面知识的学习做好铺垫。学习相关的内容可以锻炼学生合理地组织语言及运用语言的能力。P re-reading阅读前活动1.Lets start: Superstar“风采明星”2.Lets learnA: season

    4、 and months(季节与月份)spring summer fall winter3-5 6-8 9-11 11-2-What do you like to do in summer?-I like to swim in the sea.B: introduce characters of fall in Canada.(介绍加拿大秋的特色)C:Thanksgiving and HalloweenD:up and down上联:北上城下联:南下乡横批: up and down感觉与欣赏并存;放松与紧张并重。合理的情境可以让学生正确理解单词的意义。并通过各种有效的途径去强化其在学生脑中的印像

    5、。语言的主要目的在于交际,有交际的句子才是真正有用的语言.彼此交换这种思想,那么,我们每个人将各有两种思想”(萧伯纳语) 的双赢效果。同时,它也给学生“学会合作”提供了良机。Linyin is a nice place. There are four seasons in a year. In spring,its warm and sunny. In summer,its hot. In fall, its always cool and windy. In winter, its cold. I can play with snow. I like cold days and bright

    6、 sunshine. So I like Linyins winter best. What about you? Which season do you like best?11 月 1 日11 月第四个星期四In Canada, fall is beautiful. The sky is blue and the leaves are colourful.如:go up north;swim up;go down south; go down to my villageIn-reading阅读中活动1.General reading 略读简单判断:The sky is blue and t

    7、he leaves are colorful. ( )Winter is beautiful, I like it very much. ( )2.Detailed reading 细读细读文章,并选择中下列问题的正确答案:-Which season do ZhangPeng like best?- _.A: Spring B: Summer C: Fall D:Winter-Which season do ZhangPeng like best?- _.A: Spring B: Summer C: Fall D:Winter-Which season do ZhangPeng like be

    8、st?- _.A: Spring B: Summer C: Fall D:Winter3.Read and write 读写、is Summer good, but favourite fall is my season(.)、is beautiful, but its Winter too for cold me(.)4.Listen to the tape 听音看录像,听出主句型。模仿。5.Read aloud 朗读个人自由朗读小组合作朗读全体学生齐读通过简单判断,给与学生阅读的自信并通过快速阅读理解语篇的大意。培养学生获取信息、处理信息的能力。落实到写。阅读前可布置书上的填空题或教师设计

    9、的书面练习.强调书写句子时,首字母应大写,加强指导。通过看录像或听录音听模仿语音语调。大声朗读培养朗读能力、增强语感。Post-reding阅读后活动1.表演2.Write a report about Canada.(写关于加拿大的报告)在阅读后的扩展活动环节,要求学生全体参与,在真实自然的任务型活动中扩展运用阅读信息。整理成语言,形成一定的语言系统。以学生喜爱的竞赛形式激发学生学习并运用语言的兴趣。让学生展现自我风采,超越自我。板 书设计Unit2 My favourite season Part(A)Read and write教学反思Canada is a nice place. Th

    10、ere are( )seasons in Canada. In spring,its ( ). In summer,its hot.We can( )in the sea. In fall, its always cool and windy. The sky is ( )and the leaves are ( ).Why do they like fall best? Because( )and( ).In winter, its cold. I can play with snow. 11 月 1 日11 月第四个星期四Which season do you like best?I like summer best.Summer is good, and fall is my favourite season.

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