1、英美概况,专八-人文知识-英国政体,政治概况,(1) Constitution 宪法 (2) Constitutional Monarchy 君主立宪制 (3) Plitical Parties 政党,Constitution,Britain has no single document of constitution. British constitution is made up of statute law, common law and convention.,(2) Constitutional monarchy,The UK is a constitutional monarchy
2、, and the head of state is a king and queen. It is governed, in the name of the Sovereign by his or her Majestys government. Parliament has the authority to make law, and the judiciary determines common law and interprets statutes.,King or queen国王或女王,The king or queen is the head of state(国家元首). Que
3、en Elizabeth II is the current Queen and Head of the commonwealth. The queen or king is only the symbol of the whole nation,parliament议会,Consists of the Sovereign(君主), the House of Lords (上议院) and the House of Commons (下议院) the House of Lords acts as a non-elected House of revision, complementing bu
4、t not rivaling the elected House. The House of Common consists of 651 members and has the ultimate authority to make law, and with a maximun duration of 5 years.,The cabinet and ministry内阁 内阁部长,Her Majestys Government is the body of ministers responsible for the conduct of national affairs. Cabinet
5、is presided over by the Prime Minister(首相) and Cabinet members hold meetings under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister for a few hours each week to decide Government policies on major issues Ministers are responsible collectively to Parliament for all Cabinet decisions.,Justice and law 司法,There i
6、s no single legal system in the Britain. The sources of laws include: statutes, common laws, equity law and European Community law. (欧共体法),(3)pilitical parties 政党,There are mainly two parties in the UK: the Conservative Party(保守党) and the Labour Party(工党). The leader of the majority party, which win
7、s most seats at a General Election(大选), is appointed Prime Minister and the party which wins the second largest number of seats becomes the Official Oppositon(官方反对党) to help fomulate policy, criticize the Government and debate with the government.,真题测试,Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
8、 A, The British constitution includes the Magna Carta of 1215. B, The British constitution includes Parliamentary acts. C, The British constitution includes decisions made by courts of law. D, The British constitution includes one single written constitution.,解析,关于英国宪法的描述,D 提到英国有一个独立的成文宪法,不正确。 据了解,
9、英国宪法与绝大多数国家宪法不同,不是一个独立的文件,它由成文法(statute law)、习惯法(the common law)、惯例(conventions)组成。 主要有大宪章(Margna Carta)、人身保护法(1679年)、权利法案(1689年)、议会法(parliament act)以及历次修改的选举法、市自治法、郡议会法等,真题测试,The Prime Minister in Britain is head of: A, the shadow cabinet B, the Parliament C, the Opposition D, the Cabinet,解析,英国首相主持
10、内阁事物,负责分配大臣们的职能,定期会见女王,向女王报告政府事务。,真题测试,The Head of State of New Zealand is: A, the governor-general B, the Prime Minister C, the high commissioner D, the monarch of the United Kingdom,解析,新西兰国家元首,新西兰以前是英国殖民地,它的国家元首是英国的君主(the monarch of the United Kingdom), 而总督(the governor-general) 代表英国君主行驶管理权。众议院普选产
11、生的多数党的领导人就是总理(the Prime Minister),真题测试,The Head of the executive branch in New Zealand is: A, the President B, the Governor-General C, the British monarch D, the Prime Minister,解析,英国女王是新西兰国家元首,女王任命的总督作为其代表行使管理权。总督与内阁组成的行政会议是法定的最高行政机构executive branch, 内阁掌握实权,由议会多数党组成,而多数党的最高领导人当选总理 the Prime Minister
12、,真题测试,The Head of State of Canada is represented by A, the Monarch B, the President C, the Prime Minister D, The Governor-general,解析,加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰都是英联邦的成员,它们的国家元首都是英国国王或女王,但代表者为总督Governor-General,故本题选D,真题测试,The Parliament of Australia consists of the House of Representatives and A, the House of Commons B, the House of Lords C, the Senate D, the General,解析,澳大利亚议会主要由众议院(the House of Representatives)和参议院(the Senate)组成 各国的议会组成: 英国:上议院和下议院 美国:参议院和众议院 加拿大:参议院和下议院 澳大利亚:参议院和众议院,人文知识测试内容,第一部分:主要英语国家概况 第二部分:英语语言文学第三部分:英语语言学,