1、Sony BRAVIA II My dream house Campaign BBS Report,Date: Mar, 2, 2007,My Dream House Campaign Recap,Campaign Name BRAVIA II My dream house BBS campaignCampaign Period From Dec 18th, 2006 to Mar 31th,2007Objectives Build up brand image via demonstrate our product feature benefits and encourage target
2、user experience of our product. Step1 (Dec 18-Dec 31): Build up the brand awareness of BRAVIA via internet Step2 (Jan 01-Feb 18): Maximize exposure for dream house campaign and drive more actor Step3 (Feb 19-Mar 31): Make a great PR effect for sales,BBS Execution Plan,Traffic Summary - Top Post (Top
3、 Post: The topic released on the top position in the BBS forum.),Key words explanation: Topic: How many articles release by BBS team. Replay: How many answers by users. Click: How many people open the articles.,Remark: The performance of 万维家电网 is poor. Few user reply the thread from this site.,Remar
4、k: 泡泡s visit performs good,Traffic Summary - BBS release (BBS release: Article just release in the BBS forum.),Key words explanation: Topic: How many articles release by BBS team. Replay: How many answers by users. Click: How many people open the articles.,Remark: The performance of HIVIBBS is too p
5、oor.,Remark: The performance of CNGBA is good,Valuable feedback conclusion,Summary,Traffic In summary the total click get lower than last week,its partly caused by the long vocation of the spring festival,pcpop,51tuangou and cngba makes the top visits,some of the electric BBS performs not so good be
6、acause of the topic and activity is not so suitable for it. Valuable Replies Some people interested of the award,they asked about how can get them ,some photo provider join the discussion and warm up the topic. Problems Found and next step Because its close to the end of uploading , bbs user have le
7、ss fervor of upload discussion ,our freelancer try their best to keep the topic on the first page of the BBS. Next step ,together with our vote phases ,we will pay more attention to arrest the BBS members vote .,Topic Summary,Topic1: 20,30,40的选择,BRAVIA为你的心找一个家 Topic2: BRAVIA电视这次又搞了新活动,看上去很不错! Topic3
8、:晕,我老爸把我房间的照片传到Sony网站上去了! Topic4:哈哈,虽然人家家里华丽,但是我也有我展示理想之家的创意! Topic5:笑死我了理想家庭的演变 Topic6:我的理想之家! Topic7:喜欢张艾嘉,那是什么年代的事情了? Topic8:大家都来秀秀自己的家,有奖拿! Topic9:sony又搞活动啦很精彩哦! Topic10:sony Bravia搞得活动 Topic11:年前最后冲刺:您的梦想之家到这里集合了吗? Topic12:参加比赛,照片不是最好玩的,图文并茂应该很加分 Topic13:那个理想之家的活动好象投稿就要结束了,好希望能得奖啊! Topic14:最近在装修,结果在这个网站认识个可爱的MM Topic15:本来以为没得图片投稿就没有奖拿,没想到啊 Topic16:过年到处跑亲戚,这次是带着任务的去的,哈哈 Topic17:BRAVIA的梦想之家活动投稿进入最后冲刺了,还有屋子要晒的大家一起来啊!,Thanks,