1、1阅读:英语学习中高级阶段之重一、英语学习的中高级阶段:阅读量的大小决定成绩 读可以促说促写:说不好写不来之根源 无话可说或言之无物、有话不会说。 Alexander: The most efficient way to improve your speaking and writing in English is to read more and recite more, because when we are speaking or writing, we are, more often than not, consciously or unconsciously repeating wh
2、at we have heard or read before. 阅读方法:尽量不查生词;快速浏览,以培养象读重庆晚报那样的英语阅读习惯;随手摘录 Nice Expressions & Inspiring Ideas。二、推荐读物1. 21st Century2. Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen: Chicken Soup for the Soul3. British LiteratureKingsley Amis: Lucky JimJane Austen: Pride and PrejudiceLewis Carroll: Alices Adventu
3、res in WonderlandD. H. Lawrence: Sons and LoversGeorge Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-four4. American LiteratureTheodore Dreiser: Sister CarrieMargaret Mitchell: Gone with the WindJ. D. Salinger: The Catcher in the RyeJohn Steinbeck: The Grapes of WrathMark Twain: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(注:文学经典名
4、著改编的 英文电影(52 部) 本院在线视频资源)5. Chinese Culture2Gu Hongming (辜鸿铭): The Spirit of the Chinese PeopleLin Yutang (林语堂): My Country and My People三、极力推荐阅读网站 1. 经典英语文学作品在线:http:/www.online- Inspirational Stories:http:/spiritual-endeavors.org/stories/http:/ 英语学习、应试资料大全: (http:/ (英语考试网 )http:/ (沪江英语) (普特英语)http:/ (好听力) (我爱 E-书)http:/ (译心译意) (20051001)附 1:治学、人生三境界王国维提出治学有三种境界,完全可以看作“人生奋斗的三种境界” ,即:1、 “独上高楼,望尽天涯路” (晏殊蝶恋花 )2、 “衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴” (柳永的凤梧桐 )3、 “众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。 ”(辛弃疾青玉案 )附 2:四等人者,君何在?3论语季氏有云:“生而知之者,上也。学而知之者,次也。困而学之,又其次也。困而不学,民斯为下矣。 ” 生而知之为天才;学而知之为常人;逼而学之乃有望;逼而不学是混蛋!