1、面试实战技巧,Sam Victor ,专业人事是如何综合评价应聘者,第一印象,21世纪外企面试新趋势,更加自信并具有进攻性 通过更多的测试 英文水平笔试 论文(Essay Exam) 行为面试(Behavior Interview) 性向测试(Aptitude Test) 小组讨论(Group Discussion) 案例面试(Case Interview) 给面试官小组留下出色印象 现场演练,如演讲(Presentation)、案例分例,21世纪外企面试的基本类型,传统一问一答式 是每一轮面试 它的目的不是为了找出谁是期望中的员工 是为了剔除一些素质相对较差的应聘者 即使在面试中出现一些小差
2、错,无关要紧 除非面试考官表示面试结束,否则决不要放弃 再现出你的优点,起码也要显示一下你的精神,传统一问一答 成功面试者与失败面者?,传统一问一答 成功面试者与失败面者?,简历怎么写?,简历包括哪些内容? 个人基本信息 职业目标 教育背景 所受奖励 校园及课外活动 兼职工作经验 培训 实习及专业认证 兴趣特长,毕业生的简历怎么写?,什么样的简历可以在上千份简历中获招聘人青睐? 求职目标清晰明确。 突出你的过人之处 用事实和数字说明你的强项 自信但不自夸 适当表达对招聘单位的关注及兴趣,面试官最不能容忍的几种简历,文章式简历 不用数字说话 不清晰的复印件 没有Career Goal 装饰过于精
3、美 手写简历 书法好,是外企要的人才吗?,简历怎么写?,Resume你觉得简历该如何写?,毕业生简历要有针对性!,什么是有针对性?简历的内容一定要针对你自己,写出自己的特点、特长和特别经历;另一方面,简历一定要针对你所面试的公司和所面试的职位,切忌千篇一律。,如何写好有针对性的简历,STEPS 职业选择 设定自己的目标职业范围,以便集中精力,有的放矢 自我评估 将自己的性格特点与过去的经历有机结合 素材选择 选择哪些与目标职业相关的技能与经历 撰写简历 用最适合的简历形式、最得体的风格、最恰当的词汇,让公司知道简历是你精心设计的,7Steps 选择使用哪种类型的简历 时序型 技术型 拟订简历的
4、框架 决定突出自己的哪些方面 撰写细节 压缩与包装 听取别人的意见 修改!修改!再修改!,如何写好有针对性的附信,附信与简历的区别 简历传递的是关于你的技能、素质的信息 附信包含更独特的信息,如: 你如何利用具备的技能帮助公司发展; 你和其他申请者有何不同; 你对行业和公司的独特见解;简历使用片语,附信却要用标准的书面语写出,附信的通用结构,抬头和日期 收信人姓名和职务 公司名称 公司地址 称呼语 第一段:得体的开门见山 第二段:申请的背景 第三段:主题 第四段:得体的结尾 签名 ENCL:(内附简历),获得面试的其他有效途径,启 示,怎样对目标公司进行调查,对公司的调查,我们需要了解以下这些
5、信息 公司的生日 公司的业务范围 公司规模 公司的最新动向 行业动态,直接主动的信息搜索方式,信息采访(问你的朋友) 你最近正在忙什么项目? 你桌上厚厚的文件是有关什么的? 你最典型的一天是怎样的? 你从开始这份工作以来,工作有没有大的变化? 你最喜欢你工作的哪些方面?哪些是你不太满意的 你认为这项职业的前景如何? 你是怎样获得这份工作的? 如果我非常想进入这个行业,应该如何有效地准备? 你认为什么人可以给我提供进一步的信息?,简历被拒,还有机会吗?,找准HR的心理软肋扣准时间联系方法说些什么?,接到面试通知,我该穿什么?,女装版 咨询会计类行政类市场公关类,带些什么?,带上你的简历的附件 补
6、充从开始申请到面试期间你的新经历和取得成绩; 弥补申请表或简历中的不足甚至错误 努力使它成为面试的提纲 带上可以证明你任何成就的证书和作品 带上体面的笔记本和铅笔 带上计算器 最后带上口香糖,面试时,记些什么?,面试考官司的姓名和你在公司接触到的名字 面试考官对你满意的几点 任何你在面试中没有妥当处理的问题 面试考官对于你提出的问题的答案 关于下一轮面试的安排 千万不要忘记在面试结束时索要面试官的名片,面试,你的行为举止,NO.1 按时赴约 表情 握手 坐姿 熟悉环境 眼神 交谈,面试中的形体语言,面试中的形体语言,面试中的形体语言,面试的座位安排,小组面试,Specialist,HR,Int
7、erviewer,Candidate,面试程序,面试开始面试过程面试尾声面试结束,谁是公司要找的人?,分析能力 商业敏感性 快速学习的能力 沟通能力 正直 人际交往能力 领导能力 自我激发的能力和旺盛的精力 量化分析的能力 团队精神 好奇心 应对模糊的能力,面试常见问题,工作期望 教育背景 有关职位和公司的了解 学习成绩 工作经历 地理偏好 面试其他工作的情况 职业目标 课外活动 优势和劣势 工资期望,透过现象 看本质,面试中常见问题,EDUCATION Why did you select your major area of study? Why did you select your u
8、niversity? If you were starting college again, what would do differently? Why? What subjects were most/least interesting? Useful? Why? What subjects do you do well in? Why? What subjects were difficult for you? Why? Other than the courses you studied, what is the most important thing you learned fro
9、m your college experience? What did you learn from extracurricular activities? What would be your advice to an entering college student regarding participation in extracurricular activities? What elective coursework did you take? Why did you select these courses? What does it mean to you to have a c
10、ollege degree? How did you finance your college education?,面试中常见问题,Experience (one)Describe each of your work experiences? What do you see as your strengths as a employee? You say that a strength you have is _.Give me some indication, perhaps an example that illustrates this strength. Describe the e
11、mployee you most enjoy working with. Describe the employee you least like working with. What is a ideal boss like? What traits in a boss do you least like? What were the best/worst aspects of your last job?Do you see yourself as a leader of people? Explain your answer. What kind of work situations w
12、ould you like to avoid? Why? What skills are needed to be successful as a _? What are some of the pressures youve encountered in your work experience?,面试中常见问题,Experience (Two) How have you worked to manage these work related pressures? In considering potential employers, what are the most important
13、characteristics? What is the most important? What frustrations have you encountered in your work experience? How have you handled these frustrations? What aspects of your last job were difficult for you? Sometimes a work assignment frequent travel. How do you react to the prospect of frequent travel
14、? How would you evaluate the progress you made in your last job? Do you think the progress you made in your last job is representative of your ability? Why ? Why not? How can a boss help an employee develop his or her capabilities? What areas has your boss suggested you improve? What did you do to i
15、mprove? Most employees and bossed have some disagreements. What did you do to improve? What does it take to be a good leader?,面试中常见问题,Position & Company Why did you select this company? Why did you decide to apply for this particular position? How do you see yourself being qualified for this positio
16、n? What about this position is especially attractive to you? What do you see in the position that is not attractive to you? Why should I hire you? Tell me what you know about our company? Are you willing to relocate?,面试中常见的问题,Self-Evaluation Tell me a little bit about yourself. Describe yourself? If
17、 you could relive your life, what might you do differently? What do you see as your strengths? Good qualities? Talents? How do you know that you possess these? Give examples of each. What do you see as your weak points? Areas for improvement? Things you have difficulty doing? What have you done to d
18、eal with these? In what area of work do you lack confidence? Explain. What are you doing about these? In what areas of work are you most confident? Describe a specific work problem you had. Tell what you did to solve this problem. What traits or skills are most important to being successful? Why? Ev
19、aluate yourself in relation to these traits or skills. What do you consider to be your greatest work achievement? Why? What does it mean to you to be a self-starter? Do you see yourself as a self-starter? What factors in a work situation provide motivation for you?,面试中常见的问题,Goals Where do you see yo
20、urself being in your profession in five years? In ten years? How did you establish these goals? What will you need to do to achieve these goals? What are your salary expectations for this position? Starting salary? Salary in five years? Elaborate on the career objective you presented in your resume.
21、 What has influenced you most select your particular career goal?,提问频率最高的15个问题回答技巧,Tell me about yourself? What types of prospective job tasks do you enjoy the most? Which prospective job tasks do you least care do? What is your greatest weakness? What do you plan to be doing give years from now? Wh
22、y would you like to work for our company? How would you react if I asked you to revise a nine-page report for the third time? What college subjects did you like best and least? Why? What is your class rank? Your grade point? Why are your grades so low? What are your interests on outside work? What c
23、ampus or community activities have your been involved in? What adjectives would you use to describe yourself? How do you deal with someone in your group who isnt pulling his or her weight, or disagrees with your goals? What position do you normally take on a team? Tell me what youre most proud of on your resume? What is the worst mistake youve ever made?,面试中不可儿戏的游戏,道具: 1张A4白纸; 1个小小的透明塑料袋 1小团棉花 十几根棉签 1卷胶纸 3只鸡蛋 要求: 你得在10分钟内利用这些道具,让鸡蛋从1米高处掉下来而不碎。,如何应对不同类型的考官,年经健谈型 缺乏经验型 慈祥祖母型 位高权重型,实际演练,临阵磨枪 面试前夜 出场亮相 序幕 时刻不能忘记的准则 注意倾听 语言表达 非语言的交流 礼节 努力留下深刻的印象 轮到你提问了,祝各位前途光明、前程似锦,Sam Victor ,