1、Make a new image - 100 x 100 pixels - transparent background.Create a new layer. Have white as your foreground- and black as your background colour.Create a circle with the Elliptical Marquee Tool (hold down the shift-key when making the selection to create a perfect circle).Now select the Radial Gr
2、adient Tool, and fill the selection like shown in fig. 1. Figure 1Your image should now look like fig. 2. Figure 2 Your sphere is now finished. You just deselect and add some background colour on the very first layer. Or - you could spice the whole thing up a bit !Want that cool chrome look on your
3、sphere? Well - its pretty easy once you learned how :-) To get the desired effect choose Image - Adjust - Curves - and insert the values like shown i fig. 3.Experiment and add the effect you want. (To increase the contrast drag the second curve a little more down and vice versa.)Fig. 3Your sphere sh
4、ould now look like fig, 4. Figure 4Deselect and add some backround colour and you have a really cool shiny sphere :-)To my image I also added a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to colorize the sphere. Start with making a chrome sphere. Fig. 1Now select the Rectangular Marquee Tool and make a selectio
5、n similar to fig. 2. (Its easier if you use the zoom-in option 1-2 times).Fig. 2Now fill the selection with 60% black (Edit - Fill). Keep your selection and use your arrow keys to move the selection 2 picels down. (Hit the “down arrow“ 2 times).Fill the selection with 100% white. Now move your selec
6、tion up 2 pixels an fill the selection with 60% black.Deselect and your finished!To spice it up a bit add some texture to the background and apply the inset effect. Start with opening your image.Figure 1Push down the Ctrl-button and left-click the image layer to select your image.Now go to Selection
7、 - Modify - Expand - 2 pixels. (For larger images youll need to insert 3-4 pixels). Create a new layer - call it white shadow - and place it beneath your image layer.Select White as your foreground colour and flood fill your selection (choose the Paintbucket and select foreground in the options wind
8、ow on the top right side of your screen).Your image should now look like fig. 2. Figure 2Keep your selection and create a new layer over the white shadow layer and beneath the image layer and call it black shadow.Select black as your foreground colour and flood fill your selection. Now deselect (Ctr
9、l - D).Still at the black shadow layer choose Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur and insert 1,5 - 2 pixels. I used 1,9 pixels. Click ok. Activate the white shadow layer and repeat the Gaussian Blur effect - fig. 3.Figure 3Now we have to move the two shadow layers a little bit to get the wanted effect. St
10、ill at the White shadow layer select the Move Tool ( see fig. 4). Now we have to move the white shadow layer one pixel down and one pixel to the left (for larger images move 2-3 pixels). Use the arrowkeys on your keyboard to move the layer. (One touch at the down-arrow = one pixel down etc.).Now select the black shadow layer. Now move this layer one pixel up and one pixel to the right. Figure 4Finished !