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1、第五章 古典学派(classical school)(),起始于1776年亚当斯密国富论的出版; 结束于1871年 W 斯坦利杰文斯、卡尔门格尔、莱昂瓦尔拉斯各自出版了阐述新古典经济理论(neoclassical economics)的著作。,1.古典学派产生的历史背景,两次“革命”的发生和发展; 1)科技革命(the scientific revolution) 在自然哲学的数学原理(Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy)一书中,牛顿万有引力定律的提出(the law of universal gravitation); 解释了包括行星运

2、动在内的物体运动的规律; 蕴含的重要意义: 一是,客观的实验证据(experimental evidence); 二是,自然规律统治的客观存在性(the universe is governed by natural laws); 三是,宇宙静态(static)认识,空间(space)、时间(time)和物质(matter)之间相互独立,运动与联系不断循环往复。,伽利略在意大利比萨斜塔做自由落体实验,怎么认识这一宗教现象?物质有几维?,对古典学派思想的影响: 牛顿的科学和“上帝”的意愿(will of God)一样完全有效地解释了自然界; 如果是“神”的意愿创造了一种不加干涉就可以和谐、自动运

3、行的机制; 封建制度、重商主义的严格限制即没有必要存在; 自由放任(laissez-faire)是处理社会事务(social affairs)的最高形式的智慧; 自然规律将引导经济体系和人们的活动; 因此,“自然规律”提供了判断财产收入是否合法的观念体系(ideology); 地租(rent)、利息(interest)和利润(profit)是对所有者和生产性财富的使用的公平回报(just reward)。,2)工业革命:the industrial revolution 开始于18世纪60年代的英国; 促进了英国工商业取得霸权地位(supermacy); 从国际自由贸易(free intern

4、ational trade)中获得巨大利益; 企业家摆脱对政府依赖; 竞争激烈 依靠产品的低价格和高质量; 自由的、流动的、低工资和努力工作的劳动力大军涌现(emerging)。 认识到“制造业、贸易、发明和劳动分工”都已取得实质性发展(substantial growth)。,2.古典学派的主要信条,经济自由主义(economic liberalism); 个人自由、私人产权、个人主动权、私人企业以及最低限度的政府干预。 1)最低限度的政府干预(minimal government interference); 好政府 管的越少越好; 自由、竞争性的市场力量; 经济的自我调节(self-ad

5、justing); 政府的公共服务职能方向(public function)。,2)自利的经济行为(self-interested economic behavior); 人类天性(human nature)的基础; 生产者和商人提供产品和服务(goods and services); 工人提供劳动服务(labor service); 消费者购买商品(consumers purchased products); 需求的满足(satisfy their wants)。,3)利益的和谐(harmony of interests); 利益的自然和谐(the natural harmony of in

6、terests in a market economy); 即在追求自身利益过程中,为实现社会利益最大化做出贡献(by pursuing their own individual interests , people served the best interests of society)。,4)强调经济资源和经济活动的重要性;importance of all economic resources and activities 国家的财富来自于(nations wealth): 所有的经济资源,土地(land)、劳动力(labor)、资本(capital)及企业家才能(entreprene

7、urial ability); 所有的经济活动(economic activities),农业(agriculture)、商业(commerce)、生产(production)及国际交换(international exchange)。,5)提出诸多经济规律与理论认知;economic laws-universal and immutable 对经济学发展做出巨大贡献(tremendous contributions); 比较优势理论(the law of comparative advantage)、收益递减理论(the law of diminishing returns)、人口理论(th

8、e Malthusian theory of population)、市场法则(the law of markets , Says law)、地租理论(the Ricardian theory of rent)、货币数量论(the quantity theory of money)和劳动价值论(the labor theory of value)等。,财富来源,财富形式,获取手段,政策主张,3.古典学派对谁有利或为谁谋利?,服务于整个社会; 科学认识经济规律,促进资本积累和经济增长(promoted capital accumulation and economic growth); 企业家(

9、entrepreneurs); 商人(businesses); 工人(workers); 国家(nations)。,4.古典学派在当时是如何成为一个有效或正确的理论体系的?,废除重商主义的各种限制(overthrow of mercantilist restrictions)是正当合理的; 依靠竞争作为经济的调节者的观点是成立的(competition as the great regulator of the economy was a tenable viewpoint); 需要政府减少贸易、经济干预(the less government intervention ,the better

10、);,扫除封建制度的残余,促进了商业企业的发展(remove of the remnants of the feudal system , promote business enterprise); 工业经济的扩大再生产(the maximum possible expansion of production); 推动实现更自由的国际贸易(freer international trade)和增加城市劳动大军(urban labor force),扩大市场空间(enlarged the market)。,5.古典学派的哪些信条具有长远影响?,对那个时代的经济世界做了最好分析; 为作为一门社会科

11、学的现代经济学奠定基础; 具有长远意义的有: 1)收益递减规律(the law of diminishing returns); 2)比较优势理论(the law of comparative advantage); 3)消费者主权理论(the notion of consumer sovereignty); 4)资本积累对经济增长的重要性(the importance of capital accumulation to economic growth); 5)市场作为协调个人和社会利益的机制(the market as a mechanism for reconciling the int

12、erests of individuals with those of society)。,然而,作为一种公共政策的自由放任主义,在认识或解释一些方面问题是存在缺陷的(inadequate): 经济萧条(economic depressions); 垄断monopolies(whether natural or not); 买方垄断力量(monopsony power); 私人行为的外部效应(external effects of private action); 利益不可分割的物品(公共物品)的供给等(provisions of goods whose benefits were indiv

13、isible (public goods)。,6. 主要代表人物:达德利诺思爵士,Sir Dudley North 1641-1691; 商人,政府官员; “世界上第一位杰出的自由贸易者”the worlds first prominent free trader; 唯一一本简明小册子贸易论brief tract discourses upon trade,1691年匿名出版; “我没有想到,在这么早的时代,就有人在这本出版物中表达了如此正确的观点”李嘉图。,1)财富论discourses upon wealth 批判了财富应该由一国的贵金属存量(stock of precious metal

14、s)来衡量的重商主义观点; 财富的来源在于工商企业和积累(business enterprise and accumulation); 表现形式是商品和服务(goods and services); 即使不存在金银,劳动分工与国际贸易也会增加财富(A division of labor and international trade would promote wealth.); 不赞成“战争或征服能使一国变富(war and conquest enrich a country)”的重商主义观点。,No Man is richer for having his Estate all in Mo

15、ney, Plate, etc. lying by him, but on the contrary, he is for that reason the poorer. That man is richest, whose Estate is a growing condition, either in Land at Farm, Money at Interest, or Goods in trade: If any man, out of an humour, should turn all his Estate into Money, and keep it dead, he woul

16、d soon be sensible of poverty growing upon him, whilst he is eating out the quick stock.But to examine the matter closer, what do these People want, who cry out for Money? I will begin with the beggar: he wants, and importunes for Money: What would he do with it if he had it? buy bread, etc. Then in

17、 truth it is not Money, but bread, and other necessaries of Life that he wants.,2)自由贸易 free trade 自由放任是实现国内与国际贸易利益最大化的手段;laissez-faire as the way to achieve the maximum gains from both intra- and international trade 交换盈余;exchange surpluses 交易双方获得共同利益mutual advantage to both sides。,Trade is nothing e

18、lse but a Commutation of Superfluities; for instance: I give of mine, what I can spare, for somewhat of yours, which I want, and you can spare . He who is most diligent, and raiseth most Fruits, or maketh most of anufactory, will abound most in what others make, or raise; and consequently be free fr

19、om want, and enjoy most conveniences, which is truly to be rich, altho there were no such thing as Gold, Silver, or the like amongst them.,3)货币资本化观点 货币、金银等货币形式持有财富更加富有; 货币(财产)处于增值条件(money/estate is a growing condition)之中-资本化(capitalization); 投资于农场土地(in land at farm)、借贷资金获取利息(money at interest),投资于贸易

20、商品(goods in trade) 。,6.主要代表人物:理查德坎蒂隆,Richard Cantillon,1680-1734 ; 爱尔兰人; 他的主要经历在巴黎,而且他的经济学研究以法国为对象,因此被列入法国经济学家的行列 ; 著作论商业的性质写于1730-1734; 1755年法国出版; 第一部真正的经济学著作; 第一位真正的经济学家。,1)重新定义“企业家” “冒险者”adventurer; Businesspeople commit themselves to definite payments in expectation of uncertain receipts; 承担风险(r

21、isk taking); 获得利润补偿(remunerated by profit); 竞争使企业家的服务价值降低到正常利润水平; 经济生活中扮演角色“不可或缺”,emphasized the role of this figure in economic life。,2)对经济运行的一般性分析 阐明经济如何运行(economy operating); 深入分析了生产交换的循环过程。,3)价值与价格理论:a theory of value and price 商品价格-可供出售的产品与人们愿意为之支付的金钱的比例决定(fixed by the proportion between the pr

22、oduce exposed for sale and money offered for it)-市场价格(market price); 商品内在价值(intrinsic value)-生产所需要的土地和劳动力数量(the quantity of land and labor); 市场的供给与需求; 商品内在价值不变动(never a variation in intrinsic values)价格变化。,成为古典经济学的直接先驱!,4)货币理论 古典货币理论的奠基者; 对富饶的金矿和银矿的发现与开采; Discovery and exploitation of rich mines of g

23、old and sliver 商品的出口盈余(surplus of exports); 将提高国内的价格、租金和工资水平; 货币作用的国际贸易传导; 货币流出money flow out of the country; 货币供应量减少; 国内生产陷入停滞工人、制造商损失; “硬币流动机制”,5)人口论观点 如果人们的生存手段不受限制; If men have unlimited means of subsistence “人们会像谷仓里的老鼠一样繁殖众多”; They multiply like mice in a barn 古典经济学家马尔萨斯持有类似观点。 The classical ec

24、onomist Thomas Malthus held a similar view,6)利息论观点 view of interest 货币贷出-承担风险-补偿与回报; Interest as a reward for the risk taken in lending; 进入生产领域; Entry into the field of production 企业家借贷-投资-利润。 Based on profits that the entrepreneurs can make by borrowing and investing.,6.主要代表人物:大卫休谟,David Hume,17111

25、776; 英国(苏格兰)哲学家; 出生在苏格兰的一个贵族家庭; 曾经学过法律,并从事过商业活动;成为有名望的经济学家源于其1752年出版的政治论丛(political discourses)中发表的经济学论文; 其思想与亚当斯密最接近(closest to the ideas of Smith)。,1)价格铸币流动机制(price specie-flow mechanism) 基于重商主义的出口盈余-积累货币(accumulate specie); 过多硬币增加; 国内商品价格上升(price would go up); 进口增加(import would increase); 为支付进口商品

26、,金银将被运往国外(shipped abroad); 国家的贫困(poverty)和产业经济的破产(bankruptcy); 因此,政府应该防止货币过剩(prevent the excess of money); 但是,不受政府干预的自由的“国际均衡机制”将使贸易实现平衡。 The mechanism of international equilibrium that would operate without government intervention.,蕴含价格机制作用; 但是,价格水平将滞后于货币量的变化;price-level changes initially would lag

27、 behind the changes in money; 货币量的一次性增加会促进消费、生产和就业;for a time an increase in money would boost spending , production , and employment 但最终会转化为价格水平的上涨; But eventually the influx of money would be fully absorbed as an increase in the price level;,货币量的一次性减少将抑制消费、产出和就业; A decrease in the supply of money

28、would first depress spending ,output , and employment ; 最终会转化为价格水平的降低; Lowered the price level 结果会增加出口; 进口出口。,对价格铸币流动机制的完善; 国家取消金本位;the full gold standard has been abandoned everywhere; 中央银行控制货币(纸币?)供给;Central banks control the supply of money 贸易平衡外生于(exogenous)货币量; 价格与工资将处于非自然状态下的浮动变化; 但是,他提出,当两国间货

29、币(纸币?)的汇率(exchange rate)可以自由浮动(free to fluctuate)时,贸易的不平衡将可自我纠正(an imbalance of trade tends to correct itself)。,2)关于“需求弹性”elasticity on demand 如果降低酒类的税收;If duties on wine are lowered; 政府就会获得更多的收入;the government will collect more revenue. ? 3)关于“劳动力工资”wages of labor 工人消费商品征税-传导效应; Taxes on workers ge

30、t passed on to the landowner in the form of higher wages and reduced rent; 劳动力供求关系决定(wages of labor depend on the supply and demand for labor , not on taxes.)。,第六章 古典学派(),亚当斯密及其经济学贡献; Adam Smith (17231790); 18世纪英国古典政治经济学的杰出的代表和理论体系的建立者。,1.生平(biographical),出生于苏格兰的港口(seaport)和制造业(manufacturing)城镇克尔科迪;

31、 14岁入格拉斯哥大学(Glasgow college),17岁被推荐去牛津大学学习道德与政治科学(moral and political science)、语言学(languages),1746年毕业;17481750年任爱丁堡大学讲师,先后讲授修辞学(rhetoric)、英国文学(literature)、法学和经济学; 1751年任母校逻辑学(logic)教授,1752年改任道德哲学(moral philosophy)教授。内容包括自然哲学、伦理学、法学(jurisprudence)、政治经济学; 1759年4月在伦理学讲义基础上出版了道德情操论(the theory of moral s

32、entiments);,1764年初任布克莱希公爵的私人教师,陪同前往法国,拜会了魁奈、杜尔阁等,对斯密的经济思想产生深远影响; 1766年斯密回到伦敦,一面修订道德情操论,一面为写作政治经济学著作搜集资料; 1767年回到家乡,专心从事政治经济学理论研究和写作; 1776年出版国民财富的性质和原因的研究(an inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations),该书对当时政府的经济政策产生了一定的影响。,2.道德情操论 the theory of moral sentiments,基本主题:讨论道德力量,它约束人们的自私,

33、并把他们结合在一起构成一个可以运转的社会;discussed the moral forces that restrain selfishness and bind people together in a workable society; 与国富论关系; 不读国富论不知道应该怎样才叫“利己”,读了道德情操论才知道“利他”才是问心无愧的“利己”。 美1976年度诺贝尔经济学奖得主 米尔顿弗里德曼 (Milton Friedman),1)关于“同情”of sympathy 同情可以战胜自私;overcomes even selfishness “同情”使我们与别人的命运相关,并且使别人的幸福成

34、为我们的必需;sympathy interests us in the fortune of others and makes their happiness necessary to us. “幸福的感染,痛苦的分担”; 通过推理和判断对他们所处情形的自我认识。Our awareness of their situation through our own powers of reason and judgment.,北京人大附中,2)情感的划分 非社会性情感和社会性情感(unsocial and social passion) (1)非社会性情感 憎恶和仇恨(hatred and rese

35、ntment); 基于同情在感受到同情的人与同情的对象之间的利益对立性上; (2)社会性情感 慷慨、人道、仁慈、怜悯、友谊和尊重。 Generosity , humanity , kindness , compassion , and mutual friendship,3)“社会人”society-people 人只能生存于社会之中;people can exist only in society; 繁荣幸福的社会(flourishing and happiness); 波澜不惊的社会; 担惊受怕的社会。,4)对自私的约束和控制 人性中内在的“元物质”(prima material); 原始

36、的激情; 追求利益“情无他顾”; 道德力量制定各种行为准则(moral faculties prescribe rules of conduct); 限制自私行为(restrain the action of selfishness); 准则(rules)神的命令和规则(commands and laws of the deity); 上帝促进了人类的幸福(God promotes the happiness of human beings)。,3. 国富论(wealth of nations),国民财富的性质和原因的研究; an inquiry into the nature and cau

37、ses of the wealth of nations 1776年出版; 确立经济思想史中最重要的经济思想家之一的地位。,3.1 劳动分工(division of labor),“劳动生产力上的最大增进,以及运用劳动时所表现出来的更大的熟练、技巧和判断力,似乎都是劳动分工的结果。” The greatest improvement in the productive powers of labour , and the greater part of the skill , dexterity , and judgment with which it is any where directe

38、d or applied , seem to have been the effects of the division of labour.,劳动分工的产出数量提高:the division of labor increases the quantity of output 一是,每个工人在重复完成专一某项任务过程中提高了灵巧程度;each worker develops increased dexterity in performing one single task repeatedly; 二是,如果工人不需要从一项工作转换到另一项工作,就可以节约时间;time is saved if

39、the worker need not go from one kind of work to another; 三是,一旦各项工作由于劳动分工而被简化和程序化,就有可能产生有利于提高生产率的机械发明。Machinery can be invented to increase productivity once tasks have been simplified and made routine through the division of labor.,3.2 国际分工绝对利益理论 the theory of absolute advantage,每个国家根据自身的自然条件和技术条件;

40、专门生产他们具有优势的产品(specialize in producing goods for which they have an advantage ); 交换自由贸易(trade for); 其他国家生产的具有优势的产品(goods for which other nations have an advantage); 实现国民财富增加交换双方均有利。 存在缺陷-?,3.3关于货币的理论,流通中的金银一国资本重要组成部分(the gold and silver coins that circulate are a valuable part of the capital of the c

41、ountry); 但是,货币本身并不增加一个社会的产出或财富(money itself does not add to the output or the wealth of a society); 作为静止的存货,不产生任何“东西”(they are dead stock ,producing nothing); 交换的媒介(medium of exchange)、支付手段(mean of payment); 非生产性的(money is not productive); “淡化”货币财富的重要意义; 纸币(paper money)替代金银货币。,3.4 价值理论,1)两种价值认识,two

42、kinds of value 使用价值特定物品的效用; Value in usethe utility of some particular object. 交换价值取得其他物品的购买力。 Value in exchangethe power of purchasing other goods 使用价值与交换价值的关系; The relationship of use in value and exchange “水与钻石的价值悖论” The value paradox of water and diamond,2)什么决定商品的交换价值? 商品的相对价格(relative price)问题。

43、 生产成本(the cost of production)! (1)原始社会的劳动价值论(labor theory of value in a primitive society) 一种商品的相对价值由生产该商品所必须的劳动数量决定; The relative value of a good would be determined by the amount of labor necessary to produce it. “可支配劳动的价值理论”。 Labor command theory of value,(2)发达经济中的价值理论(value theory in an advanced

44、 economy) 除了劳动投入,商品生产过程依托于资本投资和土地资源(capital investment and land resources)等; 生产成本(cost of production)蕴含工资(wages)、利润(profit)和地租(rent)等。,3.5 自然价格与市场价格,1)自然价格natural price 资源与要素自然律(natural rate)每个社会或地区存在着普通的或平均的工资率、地租率和利润率(there are ordinary ,or average, rates of wages, rent, and profit in every societ

45、y or neighborhood); 商品自然价格出售; 其收益(revenue)恰能支付自然率的工资、地租和利润; 自然价格是一种长期价格(long-run price)。,2)市场价格(market price) 商品售出的实际价格(actual price); 围绕自然价格上下波动(fluctuate around the natural price); 取决于短期供给和需求的变动(depend on the aberrations of short-run supply and demand)。,3)对商品真实价格和货币价格(名义价格)的认识,the real price ,mone

46、y price , nominal price 社会中货币存量的增加会引起商品或资源的货币价格上升; Increase in the stock of money in the society can cause the money price of products and resources to rise. 商品真实价格=可支配的劳动; The real price of a commodity is its command over labor , not its command over money.价格商品数量 劳动投入工资,3.6 工资理论 wage theory,1)工资总水平

47、 the aggregate level of wages 资本总额=工资基金+其他资本; 短期内工资基金固定; Wages fund is fixed in the short run; 年平均工资=工资基金工人数量; Average annual wage = wages fund / number of laborers,2)工资随时间的增长率 the growth of wages over time 工资率=最低工资率+(Kt )0; Kt 为资本增长速度; 最低工资率:维持工人及其家庭生存并能不断提供劳动供给。 高工资的激励效应高工资效率(economies of high wag

48、es)或效率工资(efficiency wages); 工资决定的谈判机制(bargaining play)。,3)工资结构 the wage structure 完全自由的社会;a society with perfect liberty 每个人自由选择和改变职业;all were free to choose and change their occupations 每种工作的利与弊相等或趋于相等差异均等化;the advantages and disadvantages of every type of employment would be equal or tend toward e

49、quality-equalizing differences 不同工作的实际工资率工资结构;actual wage rates for different jobs-the wage structure.,受五个方面的因素影响: 一是,工作的舒适性;agreeableness of the occupation 二是,为获得必要的技巧和知识所付出的成本;cost of acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge 三是,工作的规律性;regularity of employment 四是,承担信任与责任水平;level of trust and re

50、sponsibility 五是,成功的可能性与不可能性(概率)probability or improbability of success。,3.7 利润理论 profit theory,总利润=收入(revenue)成本(cost); 总利润(the gross profit)=损失补偿(compensation for loss)+企业家剩余(surplus)=纯利息收入+风险收入; 净利润或净收益(net or clear profit)=剩余( surplus); 企业间的竞争将会降低净利润率(competition among businesses lowers the rate of profit);,


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