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类型外研版(一起)一年级英语上册教案 module 6 unit 2(2).doc

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    外研版(一起)一年级英语上册教案 module 6 unit 2(2).doc

    1、外研版(一起)一年级英语上册教案Module 6 Unit 2 That is a cat.教学目标 1.知识目标: Vocabulary: cat, dog, thatFunction sentences : That is a 和 This is a2.能力目标:Compare and introduce: This is a object. (near to you) That is a object. (away from you)3.情感目标: Train the students to communicate with others in real life.教学重点 Master

    2、 the words and Sentence s: Thats a 和 This is a 的用法 教学难点 How to use “That is a 和 This is a “ in real life ?教学准备 cards , picture , real things , colour chalk , paper, tape教学过程 Step 1. Warming up1. Greetings each other 2. Say the chant: Open, open , 打开! Door, door , 门; Open the door!Window, window, 窗户;

    3、 Open the window!( 采用自编的简短的小 chant ,边说边做,既轻松地复习了旧知又营造了英语学习氛围)Step 2. Presentation1. Say the chantDesk, desk, 课桌; This is my desk!Seat, seat, 座位; This is my seat!Teacher, teacher 老师; This is our teacher!Classroom, classroom 教室; This is our classroom! (在继续利用自编的小 chant 复习上节的核心词,功能句,前后结合,为新课学习做好铺垫)2. Le

    4、ts play a gameT : Show a beautiful bag and touch : Whats in my bag?S: This is a bird / panda / ball / dog / cat ; That is a( 让学生到前面去摸,把摸到的玩具展示给大家:用上节课学过的句型 This is a 向下面的小朋友介绍 ; 然后把拿到的玩具扔给远处的小朋友,老师此时帮助他 /她用今天要学的重点句型 That is a . 从而在大家互动的过程中既教会核心词 that ,并体会二者之间应用的不同。反复试读: that 和 this 中 th 这一咬舌音 )“dog“

    5、 ( frog : 青蛙 ) Dog , dog , a dog ; 汪汪 This is a dog. (教读)That is a dog. (扔给远处之后教读)“cat“ ( that , hat , cap) (实物展示)Cat,cat , a cat ; 喵瞄This is a cat. (教读)That is a cat. (扔给远处之后教读)( 采用单词的相似性进行教学和拓展,又结合带动作的小 chant 加以理解和巩固)3. Look at the picture and say: Ms Smart takes Sam and Amy to the park .Lets go t

    6、ogether.(利用情景,自然导入课文内容的教学)Step 3. Text -teaching 1. Listen to the tape with the question:T:What can they see? (他们能看到什么)S:(A cat . A dog.)2. Listen again: ask and answer each picture:T: Whats this? / Whats that? ( 简单引入为下个模块教学做好转化)cat. S: This is a (介绍近处的单个物或人)dog. cat. That is a (介绍远处的单个物或人)dog. 3. R

    7、ead the function sentence again and again (one by one)4. Open the books: listen and repeat 5. Point and say a chant ( 自编) : t his , this ( 这个) This is a cat . (指近处)that , that ( 那 ) That is a dog. (指远处 )(采用问题式展示功能句,反复听读,在利用自编的小 chant 加以理解和巩固的同时,让学生在轻松愉快的过程中学习了新知又增强了英语学习的兴趣)Step 4. Consolidate1. List

    8、en and point to the pictures in activity 2, then introduce: This is a That is a .2. Have a match: Point and say “ This is a 和 That is a “( 用这两个重点句型来对比介绍自己周围的东西,尽可能多说)3. Show the paper: Listen and circle (1) This is a cat. (分别展示两幅远近不同的图片进行听力训练选择)(2) that is a dog. (3) This is a bird.(4) that is a bal

    9、l. (5) This is a desk. Step 5. Summary: 1. T: What have you learned? (你学到了什么?)S: 单词: that, dog, hat 功能句: This is a 和 That is a 区别: 分别介绍 近处和远处的人和物。2. Say the chant again ( 帮助理解和记忆)this , this ( 这个) This is a cat . (指近处 )that , that ( 那 ) That is a dog. ( 指远处)Step 6. Homework: 1. Read and remember: 单词 : That, dog, hat 功能句 : This is a 和 That is a .2. 试着向家人和小朋友介绍自己周围的单个人和物。 板书设计 Module 6 Unit 2 That is a cat.cat. This is a (介绍近处的单个物或人)dog. cat. That is a (介绍远处的单个物或人)dog.

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