1、1. What are the unique features of Microorganisms,Antoni Van LeeuwenhockThe word microorganism is used to describe an organism that is so small that, normally, it can not be seen without use of microscope.,1.1 Small size, Simple structure The living organisms of microscopic sizeMost microorganisms a
2、re unicellularSome of them are non-cellular structure,Our world is populated by invisible creatures too small to be seen with the unaided eye. These life forms, the microbes or microorganisms, may be seen only by magnifying their image with a microscope.,Microbial world,Organisms (living),Infectious
3、 agents (non-living),Prokaryotes (unicellular),eukaryotes,viruses,viroids,prions,Eubacteria,Archaea,Algae (unicellular or multicellular),Fungi (unicellular or multicellular),Protozoa (unicellular),Other multicellular organisms,The size and cell type of microbes,Most of the bacteria, protozoa, and fu
4、ngi are single-celled microorganisms, and even the multicell microbes do not have a great range of cell types. Viruses are not even cells, just genetic material surrounded by a protein coat and incapable of independent existence.,The size and cell type of microbes,1.2 High diversity,Species: bacteri
5、a ( actinomyce, cyanobacteria) archaea fungi (yeast, mold, mushroom) protozoa virus Total number: 1830000 Recorded number: 149560,1.2 High diversity,Metabolism: phototrophs chemotrophs heterotrophs lithotrophs,沙漠中的蓝细菌和地衣,能够形成一层坚实的菌壳,有力地抵抗风沙的侵蚀,Ecologic diversity,Genetic diversity,脊椎动物,C值矛盾,生物体的单倍体基因
6、组所含DNA是恒定的,称为C值(C value),是每一物种的一个特征。不同物种C值的差异很大。当进化增加了生物体结构与功能的复杂性时,基因组也相应地增大。例如,蠕虫的C值大于霉菌、藻类、细菌和支原体;真菌和高等植物同属真核生物,而后者的C值要大得多。但在某些生物中,这种规律并不适用。有些单细胞真核生物的基因组大小并不比原核生物有明显的增加,如啤酒酵母(S.cerevisiue)基因组大约由2.3107 bp组成,仅比大肠杆菌大5倍。又如两栖类的C值竟然比包括人类在内的哺乳类高了30倍!因此,从总体上说,生物基因组大小同生物在进化上所处地位的高低没有关系,这种现象就叫C值矛盾(C value
7、paradox)。,1.3 Widely distributed in various environment with large numbers,Soil: 109 CFU/g water air plants, animals, human body extreme environment, e.g. hot springs,1.4 Fast growing, easy cultivation,generation time: min, hr.,1.5 Easy mutation,2. The place of microorganisms in the living world,2.1
8、 Whittakers five kingdom concept (1969),Kingdom plantae Kingdom animalia Kingdom fungi Kingdom protista(原生生物) Kingdom monera(原核生物) *This classification system was based on nutrition, photosynthesis, absorption and ingestion.,2.2 Woeses three domains ( kingdoms),Domain bacteriaDomain ArchaeaDomain eu
9、carya *This classification is based on the similarity of 16S rRNA sequences.,The Three-Domain System,3. The scope of microbiology,Microbiology is the study of living organisms of microscopic size, which include bacteria, archaea, fungi, algae, protozoa and viruses. It is concerned with their morphol
10、ogy, reproduction, physiology, metabolism, genetics and classification.,Microbiology includes the study of their distribution and function in nature, their relationship to each other and to other living organisms, their effects on human beings, animals and plants.,Microbiology,Bacteriology,Protozool
11、ogy,Parasitology,Microbial Morphology,Mycology,Virology,Phycology or Algology,Microbial physiology,Microbial taxonomy,Microbial genetics,Molecular biology,Microbial ecology,4. Why do we study microbiology?,Microorganisms affect the well-being of people in a great many ways. They occur in large numbe
12、rs in most natural environments. Some of them are beneficial and others are detrimental.,4.1 The beneficial aspects,In Agriculture Microbial fertilizer Biological control SCP Microbial energy: methane gas for rural consumption,In food production yoghurt cheese wine(alcohol fermentation) food ingredi
13、ents Mushroom (fruiting body),In environment protection treatment of waste materials to decompose materials: pesticides, herbicides, cellulose, lignin, xenobiotic compounds (recalcitrant compounds): DDT, 666, PCB, PCP, Plastics,Aerobic-Anaerobic Bioreactor,Bioreactor Program,Gas Collection to Genera
14、te Energy,Air Injection,Groundwater Monitoring,Liquids Storage,In Biochemical industry Antibiotics enzymes Amino acids organic acids,In medicine Vaccine Antibiotics: penicillin, streptomycin, kanamycin, tetracycline,GMO Recombinant DNA technologyMicrobial plasticsMicrobial pesticidesMicrobiosensor 传
15、感器Microbial fuel cells 微生物燃料电池Microbial DNA chip 微生物DNA芯片Exploitation of microorganisms in extreme environments,The potential applied areas of Microbiology,微生物燃料电池(MicrobiologicalFuelCells)并非刚刚出现的一项技术。早在1910年,英国植物学家马克比特首次发现了细菌的培养液能够产生电流,于是,他用铂作电极,把它放进大肠杆菌和普通酵母菌培养液里,成功制造出了世界第一个微生物燃料电池;1984年,美国制造了一种能在
16、外太空使用的微生物燃料电池,它的燃料为宇航员的尿液和活细菌,不过它的放电率极低;近几年,利用微生物发电的技术出现了更大的突破,宾夕法尼亚州立大学环境工程系教授布鲁斯洛根是新型微生物燃料电池研制小组的负责人,他说,“传统的燃料电池是利用氢气发电,但从来没有人尝试使用富含有机物的污水来发电。”,微生物传感器 生物传感器是一门集微电子学、材料科学、生物技术等学科为一体的高新技术。它由分子识别元件(感受器) 和与之结合的信号转换器件(换能器) 两部分组成的分析工具或系统。前者可以是生物体成分(酶、抗原、抗体、激素、DNA) 或生物体本身(细胞、细胞器、组织) ,它们能特异地识别各种被测物质并与之反应;
17、后者主要有电化学电极、离子敏场效应晶体管( ISFET ) 、热敏电阻器、光电管、光纤、压电晶体(PZ) 等,其功能为将敏感元件感知的生物化学信号转变为可测量的电信号。 生物传感器按所用分子识别元件的不同,可分为酶传感器、微生物传感器、组织传感器、细胞器传感器、免疫传感器等;按信号转换元件的不同,可分为电化学生物传感器、半导体生物传感器、测热型生物传感器、测光型生物传感器、测声型生物传感器等;按对输出电信号的不同测量方式,又可分为电位型生物传感器、电流型生物传感器和伏安型生物传感器。微生物传感器是生物传感器的一个重要分支。1975 年Divies 制成了第一支微生物传感器,由此开辟了生物传感器
18、发展的又一新领域。 在不损坏微生物机能情况下,可将微生物固定在载体上制作出微生物传感器。微生物传感器与酶传感器相比,它有以下特点: (1) 微生物的菌株比分离提纯酶的价格低得多,因而制成的传感器便于推广普及; (2) 微生物细胞内的酶在适当环境下活性不易降低,因此微生物传感器的寿命更长; (3) 即使微生物体内的酶的催化活性已经丧失,也可以因细胞的增殖使之再生; (4) 对于需要辅助因子的复杂的连续反应,用微生物则更易于完成,4.2 The detrimental aspects Cause diseases: human beings, animals, Plants spoil food
19、deteriorate materials: iron pipes, wood, cloth,make full use and exploitation of the beneficial aspects; avoid and control the detrimental aspects,Objectives,教材: 沈萍主编微生物学北京:高等教育出版社,李阜棣. 微生物学. 北京:中国农业出版社,2000周德庆著微生物学教程 北京:高等教育出版社,2002 尼克林著,林稚兰译微生物学科学出版社,2000 Madigan、Martinko、Parker. Brock Biology of Microorganisms (9th Edition) Prentice Hall,2000,参考书,