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3、p:/ 【论文内容】根据沥青混凝土在水利工程中的应用前景以及阳离子乳化沥青在公路上广泛应用,本文提出了以乳化沥青为基料的水工防渗材料的研究,因为用乳化沥青施工具有重要的意义(一)节约能源。使用乳化沥青施工比用热沥青施工节省了大量的能量。(二)节省资源。阳离子沥青乳液与酸性和碱性骨料都有好的粘附效果,从而扩大了骨料的来源,可就地取材,减少材料费用。(三)延长施工季节。在阴雨或者低温季节,乳化沥青也能施工,从而延长施工时间,缩短工期。(四)改善了施工条件,减少环境污染。乳化沥青防渗材料是指用乳化沥青与矿料拌和而成的材料。乳化沥青掺入矿物胶体乳化剂并与无机物填料拌和成的材料就称为乳化沥青防水涂料;乳
5、公路工程的乳化沥青混合料试验方法选出矿料的级配及配方、乳液用量、拌和用水量,然后按顺序拌和成混合料并成型,最后在养护条件下养护,测其空隙率。检测结果不满足水工防渗的技术要求,因此确定公路上所用的矿料级配及配方不能直接用于水利工程。本文用与热沥青混凝土类比的方法选定矿料的级配、沥青用量以及水泥用量(根据需要),并拌和成乳化沥青混合料,成型马歇尔试件和条形试件,测其变形性能以及渗透性能。通过对本课题的研究得出:乳化沥青防水涂料可以作为水工防渗材料;而普通乳化沥青混凝土不能作为防渗层材料,水泥乳化沥青混凝土需要进一步研究确定其能否作为水工防渗层材料。【英文摘要】 According to appli
6、cation prospect of bituminous concrete in hydro-project and wide application of positive emulsified asphalt in highway engineering, studies that emulsified asphalt is used as fundamental material of water proof material for hydrostructure are brought up in this article, because it is important sense
7、 of using emulsified asphalt construction. First, practise sources of energy: using emulsified asphalt construction saves plenty of sources of energy by comparison of using hot bituminous concrete construction. Secondly, practise resources: positive emulsified asphalt has good effect of adherence wi
8、th acidic aggregate and basic aggregate, and to expand resources of aggregate, use indigenous raw materials, cut down expense of material.Thirdly, delaying construction season: in rainy and lower temperature season, using emulsified asphalt can construct too, and prolong construction time, and short
9、en construction period. At last, improve construction condition and lessen environmental pollution.Water proof materials of emulsified asphalt point to the material that using emulsified asphalt mixed with aggregate. When mineral emulsifier is adulterated into emulsified asphalt, materials that emul
10、sion mixes with filler are called as water proof paint of emulsified asphalt, while , materials that emulsion mixes with aggregate and filler are called as mixture of emulsified asphalt. Proportion of water proof material of emulsified asphalt, mixing processing, and characteristics are carrying on
11、studying, and the details are as follows:(1)Bituminous emulsificationQuality of emulsified asphalt affects very largely characteristics of water proof material of emulsified asphalt. Accordingly, in the article, the method of bituminous emulsification in the laboratory is elected, and we elect multi
12、ple emulsifier and groped emulsified conditions. In these emulsified conditions, we emulsify emulsified asphalt of different concentration, and verify their characteristics to ensure qualification of bituminous emulsion characteristics.(2)Water proof paint of emulsified asphaltEmulsified asphalt, bi
13、n milk and cement are elected as raw material of water proof paint of emulsified asphalt. water proof paint are mixed by way adding material as follow: at first, adulterate emulsified asphalt, secondly, adulterate bin milk, at last, adulterate cement. Water proof paints of emulsified asphalt of diff
14、erent proportion are carried on experimenting of various term of characteristics to test the result of emulsion, especially testing shear strength, strength of adherence and coefficient of permeability.(3)Mixtures of emulsified asphaltAt first, grade and proportion of mineral aggregate, dosage of em
15、ulsion and water dosage of mixing are elected by experimental method of mixtures of emulsified asphalt for highway engineering, secondly, to mix them into mixtures in order and mould samples, finally, samples are maintenance in curing condition and void fraction are tested. Result of testing isnt ac
16、cord with technological need of hydraulic structural water proof, accordingly, grade and proportion of mineral aggregate using for highway engineering cant use in hydro-project. In the article, grade of mineral aggregate, bituminous dosage and dosage of cement (according to needing) are elected by m
17、ethod of comparison with hot bituminous concrete, and we mix mineral aggregate, emulsion and cement into mixtures of emulsified asphalt, and mould samples of Marshell and rectangular volume, in addition, characteristics of deformation and permeability are be tested.From studies of this article, draw
18、ing a conclusion: water proof paint of emulsified asphalt can be water proof materials of hydraulic structure, ordinary concrete of emulsified asphalt cant be materials of waterproof layer, cement concrete of emulsified asphalt need being further studies to ensure that it can or cant be materials of
19、 waterproof layer of hydraulic structure .由于篇幅所限,以上题目对应的毕业论文范文请到【伯乐论文网】查阅,另外,你可以根据自身需求定制毕业论文写作服务,在线咨询何老师 qq【149-1529-079】如果您还在为论文的写作烦恼,立刻搜索“伯乐论文网”获得在线写作指导,数百名在线论文辅导专家等着您。【伯乐论文网专注于】:论文在线辅导、论文抄袭检测、格式整理、论文原创写作服务、论文润色与修改。如果您对自己写作的论文还不满意,或者根本无从下手时,更或者不知道如何修改应对老师时,立刻咨询伯乐论文网的在线辅导老师,你将获得全面的写作建议与指导。如果你已经着手开始
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