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    1、自己遇到的问题能够发出邮件,但是却收不到更改了以下项目,测试成功mynetworks =改为mynetworks = 是我公司的外网地址另外在使用 OUTLOOK 时,在配置时注意下面的一点邮件地址、 接收和发送的邮件服务器地址一定要写正确,接收和发送的邮件服务器的域名要解析成功。在域名管理的网站上添加接收和发送邮件服务器的 A 记录,添加 MX 记录.如下图所示,必须启用验证。emos 邮件系统的搭建后常见问题基于 emos 邮件系统的搭建以及常见问题

    2、实施步骤1 、解析、拓扑图邮件服务器,首先需要有解析的哦,最好先搭建 dns,否则做到后便你都不知道你是怎么挂掉的哦。我这里已经用万网的解析了。不再谈 dns 的搭建了(*_*) 嘻嘻。准备软硬件 Emos 1.4 安装系统 下载地址为:url=http:/ 、mysql(都包含在系统里边,直接用了(*_*) 嘻嘻)2 安装系统安装过程详细地址参考:url=http:/wiki.extmail.org/emos_install_howtohttp:/wiki.extmail.org/emos_install_howto/url我这里就不过多叙述了,太多的图片了。3 启动服务1、/etc/ini

    3、t.d/postfix start 启动邮件系统2、/etc/init.d/mysqld start 启动数据库3、/etc/init.d/courier-imap start 启动 imap 服务(相当于邮箱的 pop3 服务)4、更改平配置文件主要为:postfix 的主文件 main.cf更改的地方为:smtpd_recipient_restrictions =permit_mynetworks,permit_sasl_authenticated,reject_non_fqdn_hostname,reject_non_fqdn_sender,reject_non_fqdn_recipie

    4、nt,reject_unauth_destination,reject_unauth_pipelining,reject_invalid_hostname,# check_policy_service inet: 此处为注释掉,邮件规则太多header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/dspam_header_checks重新启动服务和 3 列表一样,不再叙述六:测试测试账号:账号 密码url=mailto: test最后访问url=http:/mail.extmail.org/extmail/http:/mail.extmail.org

    5、/extmail/url, 如无意外,将看到 webmail 的登陆页,不过此时还没有加正式的用户,所以不能登陆,包括url=mailto:postmasterextmail.orgpostmasterextmail.org/url也不行。必须要 登陆到url=http:/mail.extmail.org/extman/http:/mail.extmail.org/extman/url 里增加一个新帐户才能登陆。 ExtMan 的默认超级管理员帐户:url=mailto:rootextmail.orgrootextmail.org/url,初始密码:extmail*123*,登 陆成功后,建议

    6、将密码修改,以确保安全。测试 ok。错误收集把需要通过的域名加到白名单去,然后重启过滤器.重启过滤器/usr/local/slockd/slockd-init stop/usr/local/slockd/slockd-init start白名单文件/usr/local/slockd/config/whitelist用 winscp 去修改Linux 的 EMOS 邮件系统还是不错 的7、错误收集管4)配置 Postfix4.1)配置 Postfix 的主配置文件 /etc/postfix/main.cf#=BASE=myhostname = mail.test.hk #postfix 服务的邮

    7、件主机的主机名,建虚拟域时不要建这个同名的mydomain = test.hk #postfix 服务的邮件主机的域名myorigin = $mydomain #设置由本机寄出的邮件所使用的域名或主机名称mydestination = $myhostname localhost localhost.$mydomain #设置可接收邮件的主机名称或域名mynetworks = #设置可转发哪些网络的邮件,不需要认证的网段inet_interfaces = all #设置 postfix 服务监听的网络接口#relay_domains = $m

    8、ydestination #设置可转发哪些网域的邮件 #=Vritual Mailbox settings=virtual_mailbox_base = /home/domainsvirtual_mailbox_maps = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/ldap_virtual_mailbox_maps.cfvirtual_mailbox_domains = ldap:/etc/postfix/ldap/ldap_virtual_domains_maps.cfvirtual_alias_domains =virtual_alias_maps = ldap:/etc/postf

    9、ix/ldap/ldap_virtual_alias_maps.cfvirtual_uid_maps = static:501virtual_gid_maps = static:502virtual_transport = virtualmaildrop_destination_recipient_limit = 1maildrop_destination_concurrency_limit = 1url=http:/ 18 04:11:57 mail postfix/smtp27315: 4AF5F3CC388: to=,orig_to=, relay=

    10、10024, delay=590, delays=576/0.01/0/14, dsn=4.5.0, status=deferred (host said: 451-4.5.0 Errorin processing, id=26361-06, virus_scan FAILED: virus_scan: ALL VIRUS SCANNERS FAILED: ClamAV-clamd av-scanner FAILED: CODE(099a35a0) Too many retries to talk to /tmp/clamd.sock (Cant conn

    11、ect to UNIX socket /tmp/clamd.sock: No such file ordirectory) at (eval 86) line 310. at (eval 86) line 511.; ClamAV-clamscan av-scanner FAILED: /usr/bin/clamscan unexpected exit 50, output=”* 451-4.5.0 LibClamAV Warning: * This version of the ClamAV engine is outdated. *451-4.5.0 LibClamAV Warning:

    12、* DONT PANIC! Read url=http:/ * 451-4.5.0 LibClamAV Warning: * 451-4.5.0 LibClamAV Error: cli_hex2str(): Malformed hexstring:This ClamAV version has reached End of Life! Please upgrade to解决方法一:日志文件显示的是 clamav 需要更新,上 extmail 论坛查看原因,原来是 clamav 杀毒软件造成不能接收邮件url=http:/www.extmail.org/forum/viewthread.php

    13、?tid=14413 # uncomment to DISABLE anti-virus code重启 amavis:/etc/init.d/amavisd restart邮件被 APF server 或 slockd 的 RBL 拦截linux 13 三月 2009, rootmail config# tail -f /var/log/maillog 查看日志获得过滤邮件信息:Mar 13 15:05:45 mail postfix/smtpd16447: connect from 13 15:05:45 mail postfix/smtpd16447:

    14、NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from 554 5.7.1 : Recipient address rejected: blocked using , see url=http:/bl.extmail.org/cgi/rbl?; from= to= proto=ESMTP helo=Mar 13 15:05:45 mail postfix/smtpd16447: disconnect from

    15、 13 15:06:34 mail pop3d: Connection, ip=:ffff:主要是国外的邮箱向我们的邮箱发,发不过来,但是对国内的邮箱收发 都正常, 已被 APF server 或 slockd 的 RBL 拦 截您的主机发送了过量的垃圾邮件您的主机是开放中继(open-relay) 您的主机已被病毒或蠕虫感染您的主机配置不正确或不符合 RFC 规定据说两种办法:1、加人白名单rootmail config# pwd/usr/local/slockd/configrootmail config# lsblacklist

    16、plugin.cf recip_whitelist sender_whitelistmain.cf recip_blacklist sender_blacklist whitelistrootmail config# vi sender_whitelist rootmail config# less sender_whitelist # the whitelist that wont be reject and process by any plugin# borrow from postgrey project, thanks the author!# the sample whitelis

    17、t domain## the sample whitelist domain in regexp#/extmail.org$/# the sample whitelist sender#url=mailto: the sample whitelist sender in regexp#/$/url=mailto: /usr/local/slockd/config/PLUGIN.CFdnsbl_plugin = yes 改为 dnsbl_plugin = nogreylist_plugin = yes 改为 greylist_plugin = no #dnsbl_plugin = yesdnsb

    18、l_plugin = no# set soft_reject to yes will reject the client with 450 instead# off 5xx smtp error codednsbl_soft_reject = no# rbl server list, using postfix style configurationdnsbl_server_list =,cbl.anti-,sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org,# the Modified SPF and combined Black list plugin“plugin.cf” 111L, 3200C

    19、written rootmail config# /usr/local/slockd/slockd-init stopStopping spam locker daemon: slockdrootmail config# /usr/local/slockd/slockd-init startStarting spam locker daemon: slockdrootmail config# service postfix restartShutting down postfix: OK Starting postfix: OK 解决方法二:url=mailto: to= proto=SMTP

    20、 helo=Apr 23 13:21:54 mail postfix/smtpd6418: disconnect from 23 13:24:56 mail postfix/smtpd6468: connect from 23 13:24:56 mail postfix/smtpd6468: warning: connect to Connection refusedApr 23 13:24:56 mail postfix/smtpd6468: warning: problem talki

    21、ng to server Connection refusedApr 23 13:24:57 mail postfix/smtpd6468: warning: connect to Connection refusedApr 23 13:24:57 mail postfix/smtpd6468: warning: problem talking to server Connection refusedApr 23 13:24:57 mail postfix/smtpd6468: NOQUEUE

    22、: reject: RCPT from 451 4.3.5 Server configuration problem; from= to= proto=SMTP helo=connect to connection refused 这个错误很明确的提示你,连接到10030 的端口被拒绝,而 10030 正是 slockd 的监听端口,可以推断 slockd 进程死掉了,您重新启动 slockd 应该就可以解决这个故障了。由于 slockd 阻止邮件太过于严格,现已停止使用它。停止它的办法 是在 postfix 的main.cf

    23、里将 check_policy_service 注释掉,然后 service postfix reload.postfix+extmail+slockd 的时候,很多邮件全收不到,那是因为 slockd 给阻止了。所以要加白名单。rootmail # vi /usr/local/slockd/config/sender_whitelist (好像是这个文件)照 此格式,添加。不用重启 slockd,也不用重启 postfix,就可以生效!还有就是最好通知下公司人员,把常用的客户的邮箱地址收集下,做个白名单,或者给员工群发个邮件说明这个问题,客户邮件有可能发送不过来,请将地址 转给你,你添加后就

    24、OK 了,不用重启 slockd 服务,更不用重启 postfix,添加后立即生效,十分爽歪歪在一种更新病毒库当我试着手动启动 clamd,出现如下错误rootgzidc-mail root# service clamd startLibClamAV Warning: *LibClamAV Warning: * This version of ClamAV engine is outdated. *LibClamAV Warning: * Please update it IMMEDIATELY! *LibClamAV Warning: *LibClamAV Warning: *LibClam

    25、AV Warning: * This version of ClamAV engine is outdated. *LibClamAV Warning: * Please update it IMMEDIATELY! *LibClamAV Warning: *解决:一、 停止服务:rootmail /#cd /etcrootmail /#service clamd stoprootmail /#service postfix stop二、增加 dag (注意,1。5 版本的 EMOS 要先转移/etc/yum.repos.d 目录下的 EMOS-update.repo 文件到别的地方,否则报错

    26、!)rootmail /#vi /etc/yum.repos.d/dag.repo三、在 dag.repo 中增加以下代码:dag name=Dag RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux baseurl=http:/apt.sw.be/redhat/el$releasever/en/$basearch/dag gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 四、执行命令:rootmail /# rpm -import url=http:/ rootmail # yum update clamav五、 修改 clamav.log 所有者和所有组:rootmail# cd /etcrootmail etc# mv clamd.conf clamd.conf.oldrootmail etc# mv clamd.conf.rpmnew clamd.conf如果没有 clamd.conf.rpmnew,必须用新的rootmail etc# chown clamav:clamav /var/log/clamav/clamd.logrootmail etc# service clamd start六、更新病毒库:rootmail /#freshclam七、Databases Server1、

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