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    1、26 6 2009 M 12 3DJournal of Biomedical Engineering Vol.26 No.6December 2009k ?9 HW+# h $李 媛 综述 杨志刚 审校(四川大学华西医院放射科,成都 610041)K1 B ZEklS 4。 ?9 HW Q ? 3+1,9 kl ?9 HW, 1N。 M ,sO qCT(High resolutionCT, HRCT) C T(M ulti-detector row CT, M DCT) ?9 HW | BtZ,“k ?9 HW+# h $TB8 。1oM k ?9 HW sO qCT CT h ms | R3

    2、18.5;R814.4 DS M A cI| 1001-5515(2009)06-1388-03CharacteristicsandPathological BasisofTumor DoublingTime inLungCancerLiYuan YangZhigang(Department of Radiology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China)Abstract It is difficult to make a definite diagnosis of lung cancer only ba

    3、sed on the morphological features.Asthe tumor doubling time is a good index of tumor grow th, the diagnosis of lung cancer can be substantiated by meas-uring the tumor doubling time.Recently, the researches using high resolutioin CT (H RC T)or multi-detector rowCT (M DCT)to calculate the tumor doubl

    4、ing time of lung cancer and the clinical applications have made some pro-gress.In this paper, we review ed the pathological basis and characteristics of tumor doubling time in lung cancer.Keywords Pulmonary nodule Tumor doubling time High resolution CT (HRCT) M ulti-detectorrow C T(M DCT) Pathology1

    5、 “5C T_CT k?Ckl,h ?、 o,D = BG。 ( vl、 =、Hh1)ZE ?T, kl PsO qCT(H igh resolution CT,H RC T)g 4。N H,YVC T6,1 8M,9 ?9 HW,kl1N。 M ,H RC TLECT(M ulti-detector row C T,M DCT)8E N ?9 HW “5 | BtZ,C8 。2 k ?9 HWZE 1 “5NZE。YV1 QYT。E-mail:yan gzg1117y _ H8M 9 ? 3 。9HW 89FB HW。V XL CTkL,| 89 TV=/6ab2,9 HWVDT=tlog2

    6、/log(Vt/V0),7 p ?9 HW1 。XL L79 ?8 CT(+Y H RCT)L 。 “ -MDCT8 / 2 7 , ?1 8, 9 HW 。 , #k 、 #H 5h1 H,M DCT8EB ,N HC TLEz。9 ,MDCT8% , k , “ -KDZE,+Y akl64, r 。3 k ?9 HWs f V XL 9 HW,B6 。 k ?9 HW+# h $ k ?9 HW30 400 d,l30 d4 U$,7v400 d ? hM。|k ?9 HWv150 dB 3 ?,7l150 dB y 3 ?。XL k ?9 HW,kF223d, $104 d,l%k80

    7、 d,v%k79d; k212 d, k119 d, k126 d, k149 d。 ,CTk ?9 HWs f XL T vs,M V .d4,+Y C TnQ?C7XL A UklF, ?9 HW 1,8 。H esegaw a14 CT k,?CC T ?9 HW: j 813 d, 457 d, L8149 d; ?9 HW292 d,7 607 d,A U VF ? y 3;l10 mm536 d,1015 m m466 d,16 20 mm325 d,v20 mm299 d,4U ?v, ? 3 y;XL ?A U ?250 d, ?A U536 d;F533 d,$129 d,l

    8、%k97 d。4 Yk ?9 HWh $k ?9 HW h 3+、F sy M1。B ,kF $、l%kF 9 HW1;szk ssk9 HW; ? L8 3(Hilic grow th) C T 3(Lepidic grow th) ?9 HW1 。 M ,4 CT * k “5C T_ ?Ch1l,+Y klF(20 mm), j “ (Ground-glass opacity, GGO), Vi LM L8s,h GGOV ?%k C 3, H =c k F9,10 。F99 $7Knk。Noguchi11236 20mmlFFh 4, ? 3+?C6:A: Kk ,7.2%;B: Kk

    9、 k J,7.2%;C: Kk89 3,59.7%;D:sF,18.6%;E:5F,3.8%;F:hF 3,3%。ABklF %M, 5 M 3i q100%,$ * ;C A、BB?Z,* ;D、EFklF lZ ?, “5 。A 、BC ? C T 3 ?,7D、EF ? L83 ?。kCTVC h 3+ MM1。Yang 12,13YV594 CTA UklFH RCTh Fv,?C i :BGGO,31%,vl(10.73.7)m m,CT(-59090)H u,h VC ?%k C 3,k J。 ( ,25%,vl(11.33.3)mm ,CT(-36090)H u,h VC ?%k

    10、C 3, k J。 HGGO,17%,vl(15.23.6)mm ,CT(-440130)H u, u-150 H u,Hu-610 Hu。h VC ?8893,k J,H u ?%C T 3,k J。 ( F ,27%,vl(14.52.7)mm,CT(1030)H u,h VC ? L8 3,c k F。YangH RC Ts N oguchiklFh zB, 94%A ?VC,71%B ?VC,29%C ?VC,50%C ?VC,100%D、E#F ?VC。kCTVC+B V U “5。Yang12 N F ?9 HWf ,?CA、B ?cGGOs, ?9 HWv1 M, ? 3;7D、

    11、EF L8s, ?9 HW lB M, ? 3。Kim14 227 5k #F,GGOz,z, TA UGGO1 %M、)M ?M1(PsY0.017、0.0070.020)。Aoki 1517 lFGGO1 50%, %M ?。9,lFH RCT GGOs1 ,h ?%k C 3s(1nA、B), ?9 HW, %M q, “5 z。Q,cGGO1 ,h 1 L8 3(nD、EF), ?9 HW , %M q, “5M 16,17 。13893D 26 5 ?9 HWkNCT k “5CT_?Ckl,h ?、 o, D = BG18,19 。B ,CT ?Cl, n5 H RCT , m)

    12、, y。vl、 、H、 =(GGO、 b 5 )、CT#HkFf 8s, VT,HlkQH RCTB 4,64。6 #4W HW4。5 1,BZ 1h h 6#XL 4 , 6BZ 1*lk,#H m M“,4h 5 M 3i q。 ?9 HW %6 HW SZE,BGGOR4 6C T,7GGOi L8zR2 3CT,B L8R1 2CT。N, 9Y ?9 HW,yN kR1 2CT,7 R3 4CT。CT6,O9vvlM 9,Pk,yp m M“。9, “/ ?,k ?9 HWF% ,M V k ?9 HWs M。* klFH RC T BGGOzGGO, ?9 HW ,v400 d, “

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