1、成型基础 Basic of Molding杜邦工程塑料 Presented by Donny Zhang,成型工艺原理 Principle of processing,Principle of processing,推动熔胶进入一型腔中以给其定形,尽可能快地冷却/结晶此熔胶,注塑机构件 Components of injection machines,射嘴 Nozzle 接合器 Adapter 机筒 & 螺杆 Cylinder & Screw 加热圈 Heating bands 加热料斗 Hopper,注射单元 Injection unit,模具固定&移动部件 Mold fixing & mo
2、ving parts 柱塞 Piston 顶出系统 Ejector system,注塑机构件 Components of injection machines,锁模单元Clamping unit,注塑机构件 Components of injection machines,机械 & 液压系统 Engine & hydraulic system,注塑机构件 Components of injection machines,液压,取得高品质产品的最重要的成型参数是什么? What are the most important processing parameters to achieve goo
3、d quality parts?,成型参数 Moulding parameters,五项最重要的成型参数 The five most important processing parameters,1. 融体温度 Melt temperature,4. 保压时间 Hold pressure time,5. 模具温度 Mould temperature,2. 温度设定 Temperature profile,3. 保压压力 Hold pressure,其它五项重要的成型参数 Another five important processing parameters,6. 注射充填速度 Inject
4、ion fill speed7. 注射-保压的切换 Change over to hold pressure8. 背压 Back pressure9. 螺杆的转速 Screw speed10. 保压的设定 Hold pressure profile,熔融质量 Melt quality,结构良好 Good structure,熔融质量 Melt quality,影响 Influence on:,熔融质量 Melt quality recommended melt temperature,熔融温度 Melt temperature,怎样正确的测量熔融温度? How do you measure t
5、he melt temperature correctly?,什么时候测量它? When should you measure it?,熔融温度 Melt temperature,使用高温计测量熔融温度,PYROMETER,当出现问题的时候 When you have a problem当起用新的模具时 On start-up of a new mould当转工作班时 On shift change,熔融质量 Melt quality 机筒温度分布 Cylinder temperature profile,建议熔融温度,料斗,前段区,中间区,后段区,一付模具有两项功能 其一是给产品几何形状 A
6、 mould has two functions. One is to give the geometry of the part. 其二是什么? What is the other?,对产品的影响Influence on part?,热交换 Heat exchanger,模具温度 Mould temperature,模温 Mould temperature,模具温度对产品的影响 Mould temperature - influence on part,模具温度组织构成 Mould temperature - Structure,薄的结晶层Fine-crystalline (weak) sk
7、in较差的表面Bad surface appearance内应力Internal stresses,好的纹理 差的纹理,太低的模温 Too low mould temperature:,为什么保压压力和保压时间 对结晶塑料很重要? Why is hold pressure and hold pressure time so important for crystalline plastics?,保压压力和保压时间 Hold pressure and hold pressure time,保压 Hold pressure,保压时间对质量的影响 Hold pressure time - Influ
8、ence on quality,机械性能 (空洞)Mechanical properties (voids)表面外观(缩水)Surface appearance (sink marks)收缩(尺寸稳定)Shrinkage (dimensional stability)变形 Warpage,HPT影响: The HPT influences the:,好的组织 差的组织 (pressure lines),产品中有空洞 Voids in the part,怎样设定一零件的最佳的保压时间? How do you establish the optimum hold pressure time of
9、a part?,设定保压时间的方法 Methods to establish the hold pressure time,1) 理论上采用图表Theoretically by using tables,3) 计算机辅助技术Computer aided techniques,2) 实践中用重量曲线Practically by weight curves,实践中用重量曲线的方法 Practically by weight curves,0,10,20,30,40,80,85,90,95,100,1,1,5,2,2,5,3,3,5,秒 sec.,重量% Weight in %,收缩 % Shrinkage in %,收缩 Shrinkage,控制总收缩的可能方法 Possible ways to control the total shrinkage,模收缩,后收缩,后结晶 Post crystallisation,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,0,8,1,2,1,6,2,2,4,2,8,3,2,3,6,4,模具温度 C,收缩 %,后结晶回火 Post shrinkage - Annealing Delrin 500, Du Ponts reg. trade name,谢 谢!Thanks for you attention!,