1、Practical TranslationLecture 5 Wu Weixiong,第四章 句法特点与译文处理 第一节 严谨结构与简练译文 英语惟其结构严谨,表示语法关系词语多,文章往往较长,而汉语则往往没有连接词,文章比较简练。有人发现这样一种情况:在联合国的文件中,各种联合国使用的语言文本齐备,那页数较小的较薄的本子,就是中文本。请看下边这个句子: The worth of a thing is best known by the want of it. 英文整句13个词,而汉译7个字就明白晓畅了 缺时方晓有时贵。 “英国人写文章,往往化零为整。” “中国人写文章,往往化零为整。”,An
2、 adequate supply of minerals calcium, phosphorus and fluorine and of vitamines especially D and C as well as not to great proportion of carbohydrate food appears to be conductive to dental health. 这句英文有第一主语,又有由并列连词as well as 引导的第二主语,还各有一串附属成分。第一主语后第一个介词短词of minerals 为其定语,而这个介词的宾语minerals又有calcium, p
3、hosphorus and flourine词组为其同位语。第一主语还有第二介词短词 of vitamins 为其定语,而这个介词宾语 vitamins 也有D and C为其同位语。第二主语又有介词断语 of carbohydrate 为其定语。层次虽然复杂,脉络却很分明。我们只要化形合为意合,就不难顺利地得出汉语译文,An adequate supply of minerals calcium, phosphorus and fluorine and of vitamines especially D and C as well as not to great proportion of
4、carbohydrate food appears to be conductive to dental health.译为汉语, supply忽略不宜,原主语变定语,原定语变主语:足够的钙、磷、氟等矿物质和维生素,尤其是维生素D和C,以及比例勿太大的糖类食物,似乎对健齿有益。,第二节 灵活句序与互译处理英语和汉语的行文习惯不同。英语一般把重要的事情放到最后,汉语则放到最前。英语列举事物,先小后大,汉语先大后小;英语行文先总提,后列举,汉语则先个别,后总结。根据不同的习惯或原则,互译时可灵活处理。如:汉语:市属7个县境内,北有超山,南有天目山。溯钱糖江而上,有富阳鹳山,铜庐瑶琳仙境、桐君山、严
5、子陵钓台,建德灵栖三洞,新安江“千岛湖”等名胜,形成一个西湖为中心的广阔旅游区。 英译的时候,就根据”先总提、后列举”的原则来处理:,The beauty spots in the seven nearby counties form a vast area for tourist, with the West Lake as its center. To the north of Hangzhou stands Chao Hill, and to the south Mount Tianmu. Going up the Qiangtang River one finds oneself at
6、 Stork Hill near the Terrace where Yan Ziling, a hermit of the Eastern Han Danasty(25-200), loved to go angling by the Fuchun River in Fuyang County. Nearby are the Yaolin Wonderland in Tonglu County, Tongjin Hill and the three Lingqi Caves in Jiande County, and Thousand-Islet Lake at the source of
7、the Xinan River.(郭建中译),七星岩景区景观简介 七星岩景区是第一批国家重点风景名胜区星湖风景名胜区的重要组成部分,是久负盛名的旅游胜地。七星岩景区分为四大游览区,其中中心游览区、仙女湖游览区是景区的精华所在,共有景点50多个。中心游览区又分为红莲游览小区、石室游览小区、玉屏游览小区、阿坡游览小区等四个小区。 七星岩景区以岩峰、湖泊、溶岩地貌为主要景观。七座岩山排列状如天上北斗,镶嵌在广阔的湖面上,其岩峰挺秀,湖水清澈,山环水绕,相互映衬,绰约多姿。摩岩石刻,历史悠久,雕刻刀功,令人叹为观止,为国家重点保护文物。仙女湖充满仙气、灵气、古朴自然;灵鸟仙鹤,展翅飞翔。“禾花仙女”、
8、“出米洞”等传说故事,美丽动人;“卧佛含丹”等天然奇景,尉为壮观。登高远眺,湖山秀色,尽收眼底。水上泛舟更是快意悠悠,船在水中行,宛如画中游,如梦如幻。七星岩被誉为“岭南第一奇观”、“人间仙境”。 七星岩景区景观简介().doc,七星岩景区景观简介 七星岩景区是第一批国家重点风景名胜区星湖风景名胜区的重要组成部分,是久负盛名的旅游胜地。七星岩景区分为四大游览区,其中中心游览区、仙女湖游览区是景区的精华所在,共有景点50多个。中心游览区又分为红莲游览小区、石室游览小区、玉屏游览小区、阿坡游览小区等四个小区。注:要灵活处理一下几个“区”的译法,以体现逻辑关系: 风景名胜区 七星岩景区 游览区 游览
9、小区,A Brief Introduction to the Seven Star Crags Resort The Seven Star Crags Resort (SSCR) is a well-known tourist destination and a major part of the Star Lake National Park, which has been designated among the first group of the key National Parks of China. SSCR is divided into four attractions wit
10、h the Central Tourist Attraction and the Fairy Lake Attraction being the prime ones where there are over 50 scenic spots. And the Central Attraction includes four tourist sections, namely, Red Lotus, Stone Chamber, Jade Screen and Abo.,七星岩景区以岩峰、湖泊、溶岩地貌为主要景观。七座岩山排列状如天上北斗,镶嵌在广阔的湖面上,其岩峰挺秀,湖水清澈,山环水绕,相互映
11、衬,绰约多姿。摩岩石刻,历史悠久,雕刻刀功,令人叹为观止,为国家重点保护文物。 SSCR features main scenes of crags, lakes and grottoes. The seven richly green crags, in shape of the Big Dipper in the sky, are scattered on the vast clear lakes with the crags and water adding much charms to each other. Lasting for a long history, the inscri
12、ptions and poems engraved in a masterpiece style on the precipices is a key cultural relics protected by the State.,仙女湖充满仙气、灵气、古朴自然;灵鸟仙鹤,展翅飞翔。 The Fairy Lake, where wonderland atmosphere is prevailing, is primitively natural and simple. Birds, including red crowned cranes, are flying and dancing. “禾
13、花仙女”、“出米洞”等传说故事,美丽动人;“卧佛含丹”等天然奇景,尉为壮观。登高远眺,湖山秀色,尽收眼底。 It is the very place where the beautiful legendary stories on the Rice Fairy and Rice Cave were born, and a good place for the tourists to admire the wonder view given by nature that the red sun kisses the Buddha lying on back. Standing high and
14、viewing afar, tourists will have a birds eye view of the charming water and fantastic hills.,水上泛舟更是快意悠悠,船在水中行,宛如画中游,如梦如幻。 Boating on the lake is all the more enjoyable as if boating in a picture, in a dream or in a fairyland.七星岩被誉为“岭南第一奇观”、“人间仙境”。 The Seven Star Crags Resort has been reputed for the
15、 No. 1 Wonder in South China and a Fairyland on Earth.从郭教授风景名胜的佳译,到七星岩风景的含义,除按所述原则,符合英语行文习惯之外,还体现了译者对各景点方位、历史人物和地点的熟悉。这是笔者一贯主张“翻译地方资料,地方译者应积极参与,非当地译者先要熟悉所译地方情况”的缘故。,第三节 非最高级形式与最高级意义 P 89 1-3第四节 邻近政策与靠拢原则 P 89 邻近政策,也称“就近原则” 三种靠拢处理待译的文字,如果光照原文文字翻译不能说清楚,需要增加背景交代和必要的说明。请细读下例,把中英文抄出来,如有必要修改,请改正,并说明该的原因。这是作业。,