1、地史学/Historical Geology,1 What is Historical Geology 2 Why do we study Historical Geology 3 How do we study Historical Geology,第一章 绪论 Chapter 1. Introduction,龚一鸣,何卫红(中国地质大学地学院,武汉) 电话:027-62569554(M); -67884892(H);-62161059,-67884520 Email: ; ,1 What is Historical Geology? 定义-对象-内容-简史,4大圈层,3个层次,Resear
2、ch objects for geohistory in space,Research objects for geohistory in time,生物史-生物圈 沉积史-气/水圈 构造史-岩石圈,基本事实 相互关系 把握现在-预测未来,O/450Ma,Research contents of Historical Geology,最接近人类的第18“代”祖先(5.3亿年前),昆明鱼,推测的人类第39“代”祖先(6百万年前),6Ma,推测的人类第1“代”祖先(38亿年前),据舒德干,2004,生物史与人类家谱,42,Outline of Geohistory,History through
3、time,Phanerozoic Proterozoic Archaean,Cenozoic Mesozoic Palaeozoic,Sed. Paleogeography-沉积古地理学 Stratigraphy-地层学 Historical tectonics-历史大地构造学,Bio-, sed-, tectono-history,Layer of time & history of environmental fluctuations,1,2,3,1,2,3,3,2,1,sedimentary sequences,Sed-paleogeography: How to reconstruct
4、 paleoenvironments,Stratigraphy: How to date geological records and establish event sequences,PTB,Orbital forcing is the bridge between anthropologic time units & GTS,History geotectonics: How to reconstruct paleoplate tectonics,What are the characters of paleontology?,What are the characters of geo
5、history?,and,古生物学-地史学 古生物学:精细、直观、具体 地 史 学:历史、综合、抽象,看-做,思-悟,concrete,abstract,intuitive,integrated,fine,historical,thinking &creating,Observing & doing,地,地史学启蒙时期(工业革命1750前;沧海桑田、三定律,将今论古)The initiative stage of Historical Geology 近代地史学建立阶段(18世纪末-20世纪中;化石层序律、灾变论、相律,生物分区,槽台,大陆漂移) The establishing stage
6、of Recent Historical Geology 现代地史学形成与发展阶段( 20世纪中-今;板块、新灾变论、层型、地球系统科学) Formation and development stage of Modern Historical Geology 地史学在中国的发展(1921年辛亥革命-今;Grabau,李四光,黄汲清,第1本地史学)Development of Historical Geology in China,地史学发展简史 Brief History of the Historical Geology as a science,地史学启蒙时期 The Initiativ
7、e Period of Historic Geology,颜真卿(AC 709-784) 沈括(AC 1031-1095); L. da Vinci (AC 1452-1519) N.Steno(1638-1686),1669; 年代较老的地层在下,而较新的地层叠覆在上 (Law of Superposition). A.G.Werner(1749-1817),水成论 Neptunism J. Hutton(1726-1797),火成论 Plutonism,将今论古的现实主义(Actualism)研究方法,“The present is the key to the past”.,沈括,近代地
8、史学建立阶段 Establishment stage of Recent Historical Geology,W.Smith(1769-1839):the father of Stratigraphy; Law of Faunal Succession; G. Cuvier(1769-1832): Catastrophism; paleontology, C. Lyell(1797-1875): Uniformitarianism (The Principles of Geology), double naming A. Gressly(1838): Facies, sedimentolog
9、y; J. Walther(1849): Facies Law (Walthers Law) A.R. Wallace(1875): Animal Geographical Provinciality; the so-called Wallaces line; A.M. Kapinsky(1889): Paleogeographical map, Historical tectonic analysis, Russian platform J.Dana(1873): Appalachian Geology, idea of Geosyncline, and the fold belt;,W.S
10、mith,E. Haug (1900): Austrian, stable platform and mobile geosyncline; leading to the concept of tectonic provinciality of the lithosphere development E.Suess (1909): Tethys, Gondwana, Laurasia; these terms still used widely, especially significant to the Mesozoic and Cenozoic geology and the Himala
11、yan-Alpine orogenic belt; sial(Si-Al, continental crust) and sima(Si-Mg, oceanic crust);,A.L.Wegener (1915): German Meteorologist; Continent Drifting; finally leading to global tectonics and the plate tectonics; Mobilism v.s. Fixism, a long fighting since early period in geology, but the contents ch
12、anging in each stage;,A.L.Wegener,现代地史学形成与发展阶段 Formation and development of Modern Hostorical Geology,Continental drifting (A.L.Wegner, 1915), Sea-floor spreading (Hess, 1960) Plate Tectonics(1968): W. J. Morgen, Le Pichon, Wilson Heldberg(1976): International Stratigraphical Guide (ISC) P.R.Vail(19
13、77): Seismic Stratigraphy, Sequence Stratigraphy (Exxon, 1988 ) L.W. Alwarez(1979): Event stratigraphy; K/T boundary event; extraterrestrial impact; dinosaurs extinction, mass extinction; Cyclostratigraphy, Eco-stratigraphy, Integrated stratigraphy, Environmental Stratigraphy Plume tectonics (Mayuya
14、ma, 1994), Geodynamics,地史学在中国的发展 The development of Historical Geology in China,翁文灏: 1926, Yanshanian, minister, A.W.Grabau: American, Stratigraphy, Pulsation of the Earth; Professor of Geology in Beijing University; several great books on stratigraphy of China, paleontology 李四光: The Geology of Chin
15、a, paleontology, fusulinids; minister, founder of Geomechanics, 黄汲清: Structural Geology, On major tectonic forms of China (1945); 王鸿祯: Historical Geology, Tectonics, Paleontology, Stratigraphy; tectono-paleogeography,global reconstruction of ancient continents and seas;,2 Why do we study Historical
16、Geology,沙尘暴笼罩下的北京,沙尘暴袭来时的巴格达,卡特里娜飓风登陆美国后的惨境,如何构建和谐社会,海平面上升,濒危,中美洲国家萨尔瓦多 前不久刚刚发生大地震,二氧化碳等气体的排放量增加,引致全球气温上升,造成台风频密、海平面上升。 自然灾害大量增加的结果,将使渔获失收和农作物受到破坏。 报告估计一些岛屿国家和地方,例如马尔代夫、马绍尔群岛和密克罗尼西亚等,将受到较严重的打击,在2050年前,有关气候变化所造成的损失将超过产值的10%。 欧洲在伤亡和医疗方面的损失将达219亿美元。美国在医疗和水资源管理方面的金钱将达300亿美元。,联合国环境规划署报告指出,全球气温上升将使世界各国在未来
17、50年间,每年损失共3000亿美元。,2 Why do we study Historical Geology,To see where we might be going, we must understand where we have been. Robert Tamarkin, 1993 只有深知过去和现在, 才能把握未来,显生宙的生物集群绝灭,历史性(Historical);综合性(Comprehensive),ReadingWritingThinkingCreating,What is your favorite cartoon?,3 How do we study Histori
18、cal Geology,Why dont students learn what teachers teach?“Tell me, and I forget; teach me, and I may remember; involve me, and I learn.” ( Benjamin Franklin ),Doing the minimum amount required doesnt impress anyone 高标准方能成就辉煌的人生,Involve me and I learn,References-VIR,1 地史学精品课程网上资源讲义(PDF or PPT files) 2
19、 刘本培,全秋琦,地史学教程,地质出版 社,1996, 1-277(有电子版) 3 Wicander, R., Monroe, J. S., Historical Geology (third edition).Pacific Grove(CA): Books/Cole, 2000, 1-580 4 龚一鸣摘编,Historical Geology, 2004, 1-207,地大主页课件资源地史学,地史学教程目 录第一章 绪论 第一编地史学的基本概念与方法 第二章 地层的沉积相及沉积环境 第三章 地层系统和地质年代 第四章 地层沉积组合类型与历史构造分析 第二编地球时期史及前寒武地史 小引 第
20、五章 太古宙 第六章 元古宙 第三编古生代地史 第七章 早古生代地史 第八章 晚古生代地史 第四编中、新生代地史 第九章 中生代 第十章 新生代地史 第十一章 地史发展中的一些基本问题及展望 附录,刘本培,全秋琦,地史学教程,地质出版 社,1996, 1-277(有电子版),Wicander, R., Monroe, J. S., Historical Geology (third edition). Pacific Grove (CA): Books/Cole, 2000, 1-580,古生物地史学 概 论杜远生 童金南 主编中国地质大学出版社 1998,Historical Geology
21、,References-1,1 刘本培, 地史学教程,地质出版社,1986,1-408 2 王鸿祯,刘本培,地史学教程,地质出版社,1980, 1-352 3 吴瑞棠,张守信,现代地层学,中国地质大学出版社,1989,1-213 4 吴瑞棠,王治平,地层学原理及方法,地质出版社, 1994,1-131 5 王良忱,张金亮,沉积环境和沉积相,石油工业出版社,1996,1-273 6 金性春,板块构造学基础,上海科学技术出版社,1984,1-283 7 全国地层委员会,2001,中国地层指南及中国地层指南说明书。北京:地质出版社,59页。 8 萨尔瓦多,A 主编,1994,(金玉干等译,2000)
22、,国际地层指南-地层分类、术语和程序。地质出版社。,References-2,1 Levin, H. L. The earth through time. Philadelphia: Saunders College Publishing, 1988, 1-593. 2 Doyle, P, Bennett, M R. Unlocking the Stratigraphical Record-Advances In Modern Stratigraphy. Chichester: John Wiley (P562/Y22) 6 Skinner, B. J., Porter, S. C. The
23、Dynamic Earth. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1989, 1-541.,References-3,1 Reed Wicander et al, 2003. Historical Geology: Evolution of Earth and Life through time(4th edition). Thomson Books, 576pp. 2 Robert J. Foster, 1990. Historical Geology. 324pp. 3 Brookfield M E, 2004. Principles of Stratigraphy.
24、 Blackwell Publishing, 340pp。 4 Levin H L, 2003. The Earth through Time (7th edition). John Wiley & Sons Inc.1-563 5 Einsele G., 2000. Sedimentary basinsEvolution, facies, and sediment budget (2nd, completely revised and enlarged edition). Berlin: Springer, 792pp,课 程 安 排,13次讲X3学时=39 6次实习X2学时=12 教师:龚
25、一鸣,何卫红,学生讲课,师生点评 06-05-10(三)9-11节 地史学 课程学习设计,1 内容要求 1.1 课程内容概括与分类(附参考文献,3篇/部,包括英文文献1篇/部) 1.2 我最感兴趣的内容和章节,为什么? 1.3 拟采取的学习和投入方式(越仔细越好):听课,实习,作业,讨论,查文献,阅读,上网,写小论文/读书报告等, 兴趣小组,出野外 1.4 预期的学习目标和效果及质量监控措施(自检和他检) 2 形式:A4页面,5000字+(包括文,图,表) 3 组成和成绩评定(占课程成绩的30%+)设计-I :课程开始(15%)设计- II:课程结束 4 举例,作业,地史学课程学习设计-I,罗
26、彦军 地球科学学院基地班,010041-01 2006-05-15 (一),正文,参考文献 1 刘本培,全秋琦。地史学教程。北京:地质出版 社,1996, 1-277。 2 Wicander, R., Monroe, J. S. Historical Geology (third edition). Pacific Grove(CA): Books/Cole, 2000, 1-580. 3 龚一鸣,殷鸿福,童金南。 地史重大转折期环境变化综述。 地质科技情报, 1998,17(4): 101-106。 4 Jackson, J. B. C., Johnson, K. G. Measuring
27、past biodiversity. Science, 2001, 293: 24012403.,地史学课程学习设计-I,补充说明,光盘名: 010041地史学课程学习设计-I 文件结构: 010041地史学课程学习设计-I (总文件夹名) 0100401罗彦军-I (文件夹/文件名)0100402刘函-I; ,学习委员和班长负责将全班每位同学的课程学习设计-I汇总电子文件刻成光盘于2006-05-15 (一)在综合楼207教室交龚一鸣/何卫红。 若经济上有困难,可提前与龚一鸣联系,把每一件简单的事情做好就不简单, 把每一件平凡的事情做好就不平凡 细节决定成败; 选择成就人生,与你 共勉,The End,