1、Unit 8 Economic Growth is a Path to Perdition, not Prosperity,Qingdao University of Science and Technology XD,Rigorous,strict , rigid , precise , severe , tight Our teacher is so rigorous that he seldom lets up on us. 我们的老师很严格,他很少放松对我们的要求。,Meticulous,过分注意细节的;谨小慎微的 口语过细的,非常细的,非常注意细节的,一丝不苟的,严谨的 I am s
2、ure under you meticulous care these trees will flourish day by day. 我相信,在你们细致的照料下,这些树木每天都将茁壮成长。,Prose,n. 散文;平铺直叙的文体 Please turn this piece of prose into verse. 请把这段散文改写成诗歌。vi. 1. 写散文: prosing or versing写散文或作诗 2.乏味地讲话(或写作): He listened to the old man prosing away.他听着那老人唠唠叨叨讲个没完。,Hone,vt. (在细磨石上)磨;珩磨:
3、 He was honing his razor although its very sharp. 尽管他的剃刀十分锋利了,可他还是不停地磨它。磨炼,锤炼;使精通: He runs every day to hone his stamina. 为了增强耐力,他每天都进行跑步锻炼。,On the Origin of Species,Volume,书,书籍 (一套书中的)一卷,一册,一本 容积,容量,体积 大量,许多 数量;总额 音量,响度;强度,Natural selection,Natural selection is the gradual process by which biologic
4、al traits become either more or less common in a population as a function of the effect of inherited traits on the differential reproductive success of organisms interacting with their environment. It is a key mechanism of evolution. The term “natural selection“ was popularized by Charles Darwin who
5、 intended it to be compared with artificial selection, now more commonly referred to as selective breeding.,自然选择(Natural selection)也称为“物竞天择”,指生物的遗传特征在生存竞争中,由于具有某种优势或某种劣势,因而在生存能力上产生差异,并进而导致繁殖能力的差异,使得这些特征被保存或是淘汰。 基因是遗传特征的基础,也是自然选择的单位,自然选择则是演化的主要机制。经过自然选择而能够称成功生存,称为“适应”;当一个物种中的不同族群因为自然选择而产生生物分类学上的差异时,则
6、称为“物种形成”;若是族群因为不受自然选择青睐而导致族群规模缩小进而消失,则称为“灭绝”。 这个理论最早是由达尔文在1859年出版的物种起源中提出,其于早年在加拉巴哥群岛观察了数种动物后发现,岛上很少有与邻近大陆相似的物种,并且还演化出许多独有物种,如巨型的加拉巴哥群岛陆龟,达尔文于开始以为,岛上的燕雀科鸟类应与南美洲发现的为同种,经研究,十三种燕雀中只有一种是与其大陆近亲类似的,其余皆或多或少发生了演化现象,他们为了适应岛上的生存环境,改变了鸟喙的大小(虽然当时人们还不知道“演化”这个词,事实上,演化一词就是由此次观察之结果得来的),并因此广为人知。这个观念也衍生出一些特例。例如性选择(简称
7、性择)解释有性生殖生物的某些遗传特征得以保存的原因;人工选择(简称人择)则将自然选择概念应用在受人类圈养的生物上,例如家畜、宠物与农作物的育种。此外自然选择中,与性选择、人工选择无关的部分,则称为生态选择。,It was the survival of the fittest.,Choppy,(海、湖等)波浪起伏的,波浪滔滔的 忽行忽止的,急动的;不连贯的,支离破碎的;没有条理的 裂缝多的;有皱纹的,Church of England,英格兰教会(英语:Church of England),或译为英格兰国教会,又称英格兰圣公会,是圣公宗(安立甘宗)的教会之一,16世纪由英格兰君主亨利八世时期开
8、始由托马斯、理查德胡克等改革家们改革并作为英格兰的国教。教会的辖区是今天英国(联合王国)中的英格兰地区,不包括苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰,后者分归苏格兰圣公会、威尔士教会与爱尔兰教会管理。 英格兰圣公会的最高主教为坎特伯里大主教,副手是约克大主教。此外英国君王拥有英格兰教会最高领袖(Supreme Governor of the Church of England)的头衔。,Orthodox 正统的,正宗的 信奉早期基督教义的 (手段、方法)惯常的;标准的 东正教(会)的,Divine 上帝的,神(?)的;神性的 天的,天上的 口语(上了年纪的女性)漂亮的,美妙的,极好的,极可爱的,有魅力的,有
9、吸引力的,很合心意的女性加强语意用词 Divine comedy . 神曲(意大利诗人但丁作的叙事诗),Unflinching,不畏缩的,坚定的,果敢的 unflinching courage 百折不挠的勇气 Unflinching Resolve 决意 Its not simply an unflinching belief in our highest ideals. 这并不是简单的只是我们最崇高理想中一个永不退缩的信念。,Establishment 建立,设立,开设;缔造,创立,创办;确立;确定;证实,制定;规定 建立的东西;已确立的社会秩序;既成(社会)体制,现存社会体制,既有体制;传
10、统社会;习俗社会,Bedrock,n. 扎实的基本功;(坚固或坚实的)基础 基本原理,基本原则;基本事实 底部 【地质学】基岩 adj. 真实的;扎实的 根本的,基本的 These ideas have of course become the bedrock of modern Christianity. 当然这些思想已成为现代基督教的基石。,Fundamentalist 信奉正统派基督教的人 原教旨主义者,Proponent,n. 支持者;建议者;提出认证遗嘱者 He was an early proponent of the theory that life on Earth may h
11、ave come from Mars in rocks ejected by asteroid and comet impacts. 他是这项理论早期的支持者:地球生命也许来自火星,通过小行星和彗星冲撞而由岩石喷射而出。,Stymy,n. 妨碍球;困难的境地(等于stymie) vt. 完全妨碍;从中作乱 The web will continue to work, but future growth would be stymied. 互联网会依旧工作,但是未来的发展会受到限制。,drum into,反复向某人灌输 drum sth into sb 反复诉说 drum into sbs he
12、ad 教学 Standard examples were drummed into students heads. 标准的例子被反复灌输到了学生的脑中。,Blip,(在雷达屏幕显示出的)物体光点 一点儿,微量,少许 old blip 旧失误 ; 旧昙花一现 Blip Blup 炫动光点 collision blip 碰撞标志,Aberration,失常;离开正路,越轨 chromatic aberration 色差 ; 色像差 ; 染色单体畸变 ; 色散 Spherical aberration 球面像差 ; 球差 ; 曲面像差 ; 球面差 Optical aberration 像差 ; 视差
13、 ; 光学像差 ; 指其像差,Stumbles,n. 错误 v. 蹒跚;结巴 to stumble into the water 失足落水 to stumble into leading a wrong way 误将引入歧途 He stumbled and failed from grace. 他不仅犯罪而且作恶多端。,tax breaks 税收减免;税额优惠,Keynesian economics,Keynesian economics (/kenzin/ KAYN-zee-n; or Keynesianism) is the view that in the short run, espe
14、cially during recessions, economic output is strongly influenced by aggregate demand (total spending in the economy). In the Keynesian view, aggregate demand does not necessarily equal the productive capacity of the economy; instead, it is influenced by a host of factors and sometimes behaves errati
15、cally, affecting production, employment, and inflation. The theories forming the basis of Keynesian economics were first presented by the British economist John Maynard Keynes in his book, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, published in 1936, during the Great Depression. Keynes co
16、ntrasted his approach to the aggregate supply-focused classical economics that preceded his book. The interpretations of Keynes that followed are contentious and several schools of economic thought claim his legacy.,Keynesian economists often argue that private sector decisions sometimes lead to ine
17、fficient macroeconomic outcomes which require active policy responses by the public sector, in particular, monetary policy actions by the central bank and fiscal policy actions by the government, in order to stabilize output over the business cycle. Keynesian economics advocates a mixed economy pred
18、ominantly private sector, but with a role for government intervention during recessions. Keynesian economics served as the standard economic model in the developed nations during the later part of the Great Depression, World War II, and the post-war economic expansion (19451973), though it lost some
19、 influence following the oil shock and resulting stagflation of the 1970s.The advent of the global financial crisis in 2008 has caused a resurgence in Keynesian thought.,凯恩斯主义经济学,凯恩斯经济学(英语:Keynesian economics),或凯恩斯主义(英语:Keynesianism),凯恩斯理论(英语:Keynesian theory),是根据英国经济学家约翰梅纳德凯恩斯的著作就业、利息和货币通论的思想基础上的经济
20、理论,主张国家采用扩张性的经济政策,通过增加总需求促进经济增长。,凯恩斯的经济理论认为,宏观的经济趋向会制约个人的特定行为。18世纪晚期以来的“政治经济学”或者“经济学”建立在不断发展生产从而增加经济产出,而凯恩斯则认为对商品总需求的减少是经济衰退的主要原因。由此出发,他认为维持整体经济活动数据平衡的措施可以在宏观上平衡供给和需求。因此,凯恩斯的和其他建立在凯恩斯理论基础上的经济学理论被称为宏观经济学,以与注重研究个人行为的微观经济学相区别。 凯恩斯经济理论的主要结论是经济中不存在生产和就业向完全就业方向发展的自动机制。这与新古典主义经济学所谓的萨依定律相对,后者认为价格和利息率的自动调整会趋
21、向于创造完全就业。试图将宏观经济学和微观经济学联系起来的努力成了凯恩斯通论以后经济学研究中最富有成果的领域,一方面微观经济学家试图找到他们思想的宏观表达,另一方面,例如货币主义和新兴凯恩斯学派经济学家试图为凯恩斯经济理论找到扎实的微观基础。二战以后,这一趋势发展成为新古典主义综合。,prime1 praim,adj. 首要的;首位的;主要的 最好的;第一流的;最上等的 基本的;基础的;原有的 【财政学】最优惠的 prime minister 首相,总理 prime time 黄金时间 deputy prime minister 副总理;副首相 prime number 素数 prime mov
22、er n. 原动力;发起者,churn1 t:n,n. (炼制黄油用的)搅乳器,奶油制造机 剧烈的搅动 vt. 搅拌制造(黄油): The farmer churned the cream to butter. 这个农民把奶油搅拌成黄油。 churn out 艰苦地做出;大量炮制 He has been churning out detective stories for more than ten years. 十多年来,他一直在大量粗制滥造侦探小说,spin spin,vt. 纺(纱等):to spin yarn on the spinning wheel 使成线;使成纱:The mach
23、ine spins nylon thread. 使旋转:to spin a basketball on a single finger 在一个手指上旋转篮球 Lets spin the coin to decide whether to go or not. 咱们转硬币(以正反面)来决定去还是不去。 spin out 消磨;拖延时间 spin in 上床;睡午觉,1. “ times 形容词 / 副词的比较级 than ”例如: Line AB is three times longer than line CD. 线段 AB 是(线段) CD 的三倍长。 This hall is five
24、times bigger than our classroom. 这个大厅比我们的教室大 5 倍。 2. “ times +as + 形容词 / 副词的原级 as ”例如: This table is three times as long as that one. 这张桌子是那张桌子的三倍长。 3. “ times + the + 名词(如: size, height, weight, length, width 等) of ”例如: The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球的体积是月球的 49 倍。 4. “ times + more 名
25、词 than ”例如: He earns five times more money than he did ten years ago. 他现在挣的钱比十年前挣的多 5 倍。,5. “ times +as many (或 much )名词 as ”例如: Weve produced twice as much cotton this year as ( we did ) ten years ago. 今年我们生产的棉花比十年前多了一倍。(汉语中的多一倍实际上也指两倍一样多。) 6. “ times + what 从句”例如: The price of the meat is twice wh
26、at it was last year. 肉价是去年的两倍。 7. “ times + up on (或 over )”例如: He is three times up on your age. 他的年龄是你的 4 倍(或:比你的年龄大 3 倍)。 8. “ +by + times ”例如: Compared with last year, our coal output has increased by three times. 与去年相比,我们的煤产量增长了 3 倍。,9. “ times + compared with 被比较对象”例如: The number of the studen
27、ts in our school has increased for times compared with 1980. 我们学校的学生人数比 1980 年增加了 3 倍。 10. “ times + that of + 被比较对象”例如: In this workshop the output of July was 3.5 times that of January. 这个车间七月份的产量是元月份的 3.5 倍。,oxymoron ,ksim:rn n. 【修辞学】矛盾修饰法,逆喻,cease si:s,vi. 停止,终止;中断: The present system of reaping
28、 without sowing should cease immediately. 目前这种不劳而获的制度应当立即废止。 vt. 停止;结束;不再: Our factory has ceased producing bicycles. 我们的工厂已不再生产自行车。,upshot pt n. 结局;结果;结论 (论证等的)要点 So what is the upshot of all this? 那么这一切的结果会是什么呢?outcome , product , result , conclusion , event,inherent inhirnt adj. 内在的,固有的,天生的inhere
29、nt quality 固有性质 inherent law 内在规律 inherent characteristic 固有特性,realm relm n. 王国 领域;范围 【生物学、生态学】地域;圈;带;界 短语: in the realm of 在领域里,exploit,n. 功绩,功勋,业绩,辉煌成就 英勇事迹,英勇行为,壮举 vt. (尤指为利益而)利用:to exploit a business opportunity 利用商业机会 (为发挥人或事物的效能而)利用:We must exploit every opportunity to learn new things. 我们必须利用
30、一切机会学习新事物,foul faul,adj. 令人恶心的;讨厌的;恶臭的 (管道、道路等)淤塞的,堵塞的;船底被海藻、贝壳等附着的 (食物)腐败的;腐烂发臭的 (语言、举动等)淫秽的,亵渎的,下流的 邪恶的,无耻的,罪恶的,道德败坏的,vt.使肮脏,弄脏,弄污,污染: Factory chimneys foul the air with smoke. 工厂烟囱的烟尘污染了空气。使丧失名誉,玷污(名誉等),败坏: The scandal fouled her reputation. 流言蜚语玷污了她的名声。阻塞,塞满;使堵塞: Grease fouled the drain. 油污堵塞了下水
31、道。,breakneck breiknek,adj. 会折断脖子的;很可能出事的,非常危险的,极快的(速度) 极陡的A spate of Chinese films, plays and television shows have raised the question: What is love in an age of breakneck economic growth? 许多中国影片,戏剧和电视节目提出了这样一个问题:在一个经济飞速发展的年代,爱情是什么呢?,strain1 strein n. 种;族 血统;血缘;世系,家系 (植物、动物的)品系,系;品种;种类,类型(内在或继承的)气质
32、,素质;品质,品格,性格;个性特点 (文学作品等的)格调,情调;笔调,口吻,语气,拉紧,扯紧,抽紧:to strain a rope 拉紧绳子竭尽的全力;尽量使用: He strained his ears to catch the sound. 他竖起耳朵去听那声响。 Reaching at the top of the mountain,he strained all his strength. 爬上山顶时,他已经耗尽了气力。使(物资)耗尽,使紧张: The supply of oil has been strained. 石油供给几乎到了危机的边缘。 the situation stra
33、ined between the two countries 两国之间的局势紧张把滤干:to strain the water from spinach 把菠菜滤干,subset sbset n. (组成大套的)一小套 【数学】子集,untenable ,ntenbl,adj. (对论点、命题等)无法防守的;站不住脚的 不宜占据的;不宜居住的 I find your theory is untenable and it must be rejected. 我觉得你的理论是站不住脚的, 必须予以摒弃。indefensible,deplete dipli:t,vt. 使(资金、资源、精力等)大为减
34、少;使贫乏;耗尽,用尽,损耗:The fire had depleted the game in the forest. 那场大火使森林里的鸟兽濒临绝迹。(逐渐)耗尽的资金(或资源、贮存物、精力等);使枯竭,使空虚:Extravagant spending soon depleted her funds. 挥霍无度不久就使她的资金告罄。把(全部或部分)弄空,出空,倒空:The room was depleted of its furniture. 房内家具都搬空了。,liquidate likwideit,清偿,了结(债务、损失费等): to liquidate a debt 清偿债务 to
35、liquidate a mortgage 清偿抵押借款清理(账目);确定(负责或损失的)数额;清算(破产的公司等):They have decided to liquidate the corporation by the end of the next month. 他们已经决定在下月底之前对公司进行清理。将(资产等)变换成现金,变卖: He was compelled to liquidate his securities. 他被迫将债券变换成现金。 肃清:消灭;杀戮;清洗: Innocents were brutally liquidated by thousands. 数以千计的无辜者
36、遭到残忍地杀戮。,culprit klprit n. 刑事被告,被控犯罪的人;未决犯 罪犯,犯人Principal Culprit 首恶 accessory culprit 从犯 prisoner , zek,feat,n. 功绩,功勋;丰功伟绩;壮举,伟大的事业 非凡的武艺,超群的技艺 adj. 适宜的,合适的 整洁的;(穿着)整齐的 灵巧的,机敏的n. 功绩,壮举;技艺表演 merit , exploit adj. 合适的;灵巧的 becoming , shaped , applicable , likely , possible,Faustian,浮士德是一部长达一万二千一百一十一行的诗
37、剧。全剧没有首尾连贯的情节,而是以浮士德思想的发展变化为线索。这部不朽的诗剧,以德国民间传说为题材,以文艺复兴以来的德国和欧洲社会为背景,写一个新兴资产阶级先进知识分子不满现实,竭力探索人生意义和社会理想的生活道路。是一部现实主义和浪漫主义结合得十分完好的诗剧。 浮士德是德国传说中的一位著名人物,相传可能是占星师或是巫师。他为了换取知识而将灵魂出卖给了魔鬼。许多文学、音乐、歌剧或电影都是以这个故事为版本加以改编的,如歌德的浮士德1、浮士德2。 浮士德的五大追求:追求知识,他满腹经纶,却于事无补;追求爱情,爱情被保守思想和封建礼法扼杀;追求政治,为封建王朝服务,却因爱上海伦而葬送自己的前程;追求
38、艺术,追求古典美,也以幻灭告终;社会理想追求,建造人间乐园,却在呐喊中倒地而死。,Faustian bargain,1.) A pact with Satan in which the initiators soul is exchanged for some worldly desire. 2.) The willingness to sacrifice anything in order to quench a limitless desire for knowledge or power.,play out,把(戏等)演完;把表演到底;把(比赛)进行到底: The game was pl
39、ayed out althongh the light was bad. 虽然光线不佳,比赛还是坚持到底。结束,完结: The long struggle between the strikers and thier employers is ont yet played out. 罢工者与雇主之间的这场长期斗争尚未结束。使(变得)精疲力竭;耗尽;用光: Im always played out by the time I finish work on Fridays. 到了星期五干完工作的时候,我总是精疲力竭。无用,过时:The old type of family party is pla
40、yed out, young people demand something more exciting nowadays. 老一套的家庭聚会已经过时了,而当今年轻人需要更刺激的东西。,Skew,adj. 偏斜的,歪的 【机械学】斜交的 【数学、统计学】非对称的,(分配)(偏)斜的,vi. 歪斜,倾斜,走偏;偏斜而行: to skew off the line 偏离航线 侧转,扭身:to skew back 向后转身 斜视,侧目而视(at): She always skews at me. 她总是不拿正眼看我。 vt. 使偏斜,使歪斜: to skew ones body down 弯下身子
41、使有偏见;曲解,歪曲: to skew the meaning of 曲解的含义,The lions share 大部分 ; 最大份额 ; 狮子的份额 ; 万兽之王,crumb krm,n. 面包屑;糕饼屑 少量,少许,点滴 复数(糕点的)装饰配料面包心 俚语讨厌的人;无价值的人 crumb rubber vt. 在上裹上面包屑 捏碎,捣碎 除去(面包屑):The waiter crumbed the table. 服务员清除桌上的面包屑。,Ingenuity,机灵,机智,心灵手巧,足智多谋;富于创造天赋 (设计、安排、行动的)巧妙,精巧 精巧的装置;巧妙的设计(或发明) 古语坦白,直率,Ec
42、lipse,vt. 使黯然失色;形成蚀 n. 日蚀,月蚀;黯然失色solar eclipse n. 天日食 total solar eclipse日全食 total eclipse 天日全食;月全食 lunar eclipse 天月蚀 partial eclipse n. 偏食,日偏食,Ramp,n. 斜坡,坡道;敲诈 vi. 蔓延;狂跳乱撞;敲诈 vt. 敲诈;使有斜面,Perpetual,adj. 永远的;永恒的;长期的 (职位)终身的;无限期的 四季花开的;连续开花的 连绵不绝的;不断的 n. 多年生植物(尤指四季开花的蔷薇);多年生草 永不还本的投资Perpetual bond永久债券
43、 ; 永续债券 ; 永久性公债 ; 永久债券不设到期日的债券 perpetual calendar万年历 ; 永久日历表 ; 万年历表 Perpetual Annuity永续年金 ; 永久年金,Desperate,adj. 不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的I was desperate to hear someone call my name or the digging machine start up, but there was only silence. 我极度渴望听见有人呼喊我的名字,或是听见挖土机起动的声音,但周围一片寂静。,Ratchet,n. 棘轮;棘齿vt. 安装棘轮于;松脱 渐变,一步步变动: The rate of population increase has been ratcheting downward. 人口增长率一直在步步下降,