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1、Warm-up Exercise,吉首大学的校训:以人名校,以业报国 如何理解它的含义? 怎样翻译它呢?,“以人名校,以业报国”的含义校训:是学校制定的对全校师生具有指导意义的行为准则,是对学校办学传统与办学目标的高度概括。校训是大学精神的直观表达。以人名校:与“以校名人”相对,指通过全校师生员工、所有校友努力奋斗获得声誉和影响来提高学校的名声。以人名校强调的是以人为本,以自身的努力为本,以自身的贡献为本,为学校争光添彩。在校内,学生要发奋成才,品德兼优,为校争光;管理和服务人员要爱岗敬业,为校争名;教师要教书育人,成为名师,为校增辉。在校外,要奋发自强,立业有为,回报社会,做到人在哪里,学校

2、的作用在哪里;人在哪里,学校的声誉在哪里。,以业报国:吉首大学将自己的命运与民族兴衰国家繁荣紧紧相联。学校以振兴民族、富强国家为己任,她的学生更以回报社会和国家为自己的终极价值追求。吉大人将永葆强烈的社会责任感和历史使命感,将爱校热情升华为民族荣辱观念。以此为训,旨在激发每一位吉大人的爱校热情,并将其转化为奋斗进取的不竭动力,使每一个吉大人成为一个高尚的人,一个有益于社会的人。以人名校,以业报国是一个密切联系、相辅相成的精神体系,以人名校是起点和基础,是动力和方向,以业报国是指归和目标,是价值和意义。,“以人名校,以业报国”的翻译,译文一: To Raise the Reputation of

3、 Our Alma Mater by Our Self-improvement, to Repay Our Motherland by Our Enterprise 译文二: Strive for the Reputation of Our Alma Mater, Dedicate Ourselves to Our Motherland,“以人名校,以业报国”的翻译,译文三: Strive for the Reputation of Our Alma Mater, Serve Our Motherland in Return译文四: To Add to the Reputation of Ou

4、r Alma Mater, to Render Service to Repay Our Motherland,“以人名校,以业报国”的翻译,译文五: To Honor Our Alma Mater by Our Self-improvement, to Repay Our Motherland by Our Success. 译文六: Now for Our Alma Mater, Future for Our Motherland,世界名校校训赏析,1、哈佛大学 Harvard UniversityLet Plato be your friend, and Aristotle, but m

5、ore let your friend be truth.以柏拉图为友,以亚里士多德为友,更要以真理为友,2、斯坦福大学 Stanford UniversityDie Luft der Freiheit weht (The wind of freedom blows)自由之风永远吹拂让自由之风劲吹 3、麻省理工学院 MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)Mens et Manus (Mind and Hand)既学会动脑,又学会动手。 理论和实践并重,4、普林斯顿大学 Princeton UniversityIn the Nations Serv

6、ice and in the Service of All Nations普林斯顿为国家服务,为世界服务 5、牛津大学(University of Oxford)Dominus illuminatio mea(The Lord is my light)耶和华是我的亮光(出自圣经中的诗篇第27篇)。,6、清华大学(Tsinghua University)自强不息, 厚德载物 -周易 Self-Discipline and Social CommitmentStrengthen self without stopping, and hold world with virtue.7、北京大学(Pek

7、ing University)爱国 进步 民主 科学 Patriotism, Advancement, Democracy and Science,8、复旦大学(Fudan University)博学而笃志,切问而近思 -论语Rich in Knowledge and Tenacious of Purpose; Inquiring with Earnestness and Reflecting with Self-practice9、浙江大学(Zhejiang University )求是创新 Seek Truth and Be Creative,10、中国科学技术大学(University

8、of Science and Technology of China)红专并进 理实交融Socialist-minded and Professionally Proficient, Associating Truth with Fact 11、南开大学(Nankai University)允公允能 日新月异 Dedication to Public Interests, Acquisition of All-round Capability, and Aspiration for Progress with Each Day,12、武汉大学(Wuhan University) .自强 弘毅

9、求是 拓新 Improve Yourself, Carry Forward Stamina, Seek Truth and Develop Innovations13、中山大学(Sun Yat-sen University)博学 审问 慎思 明辨 笃行 -中庸Study Extensively, Enquire Accurately, Reflect Carefully, Discriminate Clearly, Practise Earnestly,14、北京外国语大学(Beijing Foreign Studies University):团结 紧张 严肃 活泼 Be United, A

10、lert, Earnest and Lively15、暨南大学(Jinan University):忠 信 笃 敬 Loyalty, Credibility, Sincerity, and Piety,校训翻译小结:,1、用词精炼,高度概括,突出重点, 语言形象生动,语义丰富,能直观明了反映一个大学的精神(simple,concise, compact, representative, emphatic, vivid, direct, accurate) 2、中国大学的校训采用文言文表达,以四字两句、两字四句和四字四句等句式组成,语言上精炼典雅,易于朗诵,催人奋进。词性以动词和名词为主,形容词

11、和副词较少。语言文雅;西方国家大学的校训语言浓缩,用词少但语义丰富。语言通俗。 3、大部分中国大学的校训来源于中国古典名著,部分西方国家大学的校训则具有宗教色彩,翻译时要考虑文化上的差异 4、校训翻译三步骤:译对,译好,译美,第1章 绪论,1.1 翻译的性质和类型 1.2 汉英翻译的单位 1.3 汉英翻译的标准 1.4 汉英翻译对译者素养的要求,1.1 翻译的性质和类型,1.1.1 翻译的概念(或性质):1) 翻译是跨语言(cross-linguistic)、跨文化(cross-cultural)、跨社会(cross-social)的交际活动。Translation is a represen

12、tation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language.2)翻译的本质是释义,是意义的转换. Translation is always meaning-based.,1.1 翻译的性质和类型,1.1.1 翻译的概念(或性质):3) 美国翻译理论家Eugene A. Nida:Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source

13、-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. 所谓翻译,是指在译语中用最切近而又自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先在语义上,其次在文体上。,1.1 翻译的性质和类型,1.1.1 翻译的概念(或性质):4) Alexander Fraser Tytler: A good translation is one which the merit of the original work is so completely transfused into another language as to

14、be as distinctly apprehended and as strongly felt by a native of the country to which that language belongs as it is by those who speak the language of the original work.好的翻译应该是把原作的长处完全地移注到另一种语言,以使译语所属国家的本地人能明白地领悟、强烈地感受,如同使用原作语言的人所领悟、所感受的一样。,5) 汉译英是译者将作者为汉语读者所写的汉语文本转换成功能相似、意义相符、供英文读者阅读的英语文本的活动。 功能相似

15、:similarity in function 意义相符:correspondence in meaning,6) 翻译是科学(science),是艺术(art),是技能(craft)Translation is a kind of science because it has a whole set of rules governing it and certain objective laws to go by in the process of translating just as other sciences do.Translation is also an art, a bili

16、ngual art. Like painting, translation enables us to reproduce the fine thought of somebody, not in colors, but in words, in words of a different language.Translation is also a craft, because in translation, certain skills and technique are needed in order to attain clearness of style, and fluency in

17、 language.,1.1.2 翻译的类型 1) Direction: source language-target/receptor language (从译出语和译入语角度来看):a. from foreign language into Chineseb. from Chinese into foreign language 2) Language symbols involved (从涉及的语言符号来看):a. intra-lingual translation (语内翻译)b. inter-lingual translation (语际翻译)c. inter-semiotic tr

18、anslation (符际翻译) 3) Method of translation (从翻译手段来看)a. oral interpretation (口译)b. written translation (笔译)c. computer/machine translation (机器翻译),4) Subject of translation (从翻译题材来看)a. specialized-subject translation (专业性翻译)b. literary translation (文学翻译)c. general translation (一般性翻译) 5) Way of translat

19、ion (从翻译方式上来看)a. complete/absolute translation (全译) b. selective translation (摘译)c. edit and translation/ translation with reconstruction (编译),1.2 汉英翻译的单位,翻译单位是翻译研究和学习翻译不可忽视的问题,因为它牵涉到在语言转换过程中,在什么层级上实现翻译的标准。汉语和英语的语言层级都有词(word),短语(phrase),句子(sentence),段落(paragraph)和篇章(text)。 以篇章为翻译单位,固然最理想,有时会太大不可能操作。

20、 以段落作为翻译单位有时很长,单复句关系比较复杂,初学者不容易把握。对初学者而言,句子是较为理想的翻译单位。因为:,从意义上讲,句子能够表示一个完整意思;从功能上讲,句子表示陈述、疑问、祈使、感叹等语气;从形态上讲,句子末端有句号、问号或感叹号为标志。这些都是句子在层级上高于词和词组之处。汉语的句子,在理解时容易识别,较容易分析,在表达时又较容易重构,转换成与之对应的英语句子。必须注意的是,一个句子与相邻的句子之间存在一定语义的关联,这种关联总在以显性或隐性的方式连接在一起。正确地理解一个句子往往不仅要看它本身,往往还要依赖于与它相邻的句子甚至整个篇章,所以孤立地翻译句子而忽视句际之间的关系是

21、不可取的。,1.3 汉英翻译的标准,Criteria of translation is the plumb-line for measuring the quality of a translation and the goal for a translator to strive for.Criteria in China 1、严复(18541921):“信、达、雅” (faithfulness, expressiveness, and elegance),译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信,已大难矣!顾信矣,不达,虽译,犹不译也,则达上焉。易曰:“修辞立诚。”子曰:“辞达而已!”又曰:“言而无

22、文,行之不远。”三者乃文章正轨,亦即为译事楷模。故信、达而外,求其尔雅严复天演论.译例言“信”内容忠实于原文(faithfulness, being faithful to the original) “达”文辞畅达(expressiveness, being explicit and smooth) “雅”文采,措辞的优雅(elegance, being elegant in diction),严复译著,天演论,赫胥黎,1896年1898年 原富(即国富论),亚当斯密,1901年 群学肄言,斯宾塞,1903年 群己权界论,约翰穆勒,1903年 穆勒名学,约翰穆勒,1903年 社会通诠,甄克斯

23、,1903年 法意(即论法的精神),孟德斯鸠,1904年1909年 名学浅说,耶方斯,1909年,Evolution and Ethics and other Essays进化论与伦理学,书名翻译:进化论与伦理学VS天演论 严复译述天演论不是纯粹直译,而是有评论,有发挥。他将天演论导论分为18篇、正文分为17篇,分别冠以篇名,并对其中28篇加了按语。他在阐述进化论的同时,联系中国的实际,向人们提出不振作自强就会亡国灭种的警告。,严复译文赏析,It may be safely assumed that, two thousand years ago, before Caesar set foot

24、 in southern Britain, the whole countryside visible from the windows of the room in which I write, was in what is called “the state of nature“. (天演论片断) 严复译: 赫胥黎独处一室之中,在英伦之南,背山而面野,槛外诸景,历历如在几下。乃悬想二千年前,当罗马大将恺彻未到时,此间有何景物。,It may be safely assumed that, two thousand years ago, before Caesar set foot in s

25、outhern Britain, the whole countryside visible from the windows of the room in which I write, was in what is called “the state of nature“. (天演论片断) 科学出版社1971年版本: 可以有把握地想象,二千年前,当凯撒到达不列颠南部之前,从我正在写作的这间屋子的窗口可以看到整个原野是一种所谓的“自然状态”。,2、傅雷 :神似(similarity in spirit) 形似:指保留原文的形式,如保留原文的体裁、句型、句构和修辞手段等,即从字面上追求译文与原文

26、的对等。 神似:指译文要惟妙惟肖地再现原文中的颇具神采的意象和韵味无穷的语句,即从内涵上追求译文与原文的对等。 傅雷先生模拟我国传统的绘画理论,提出翻译应当像临画,所求的不在形似(similarity in form)而在神似,强调“重神似不重形似”。,傅雷: “译书的标准应该是这样,假设原作者是精通中国语文的,译本就是他使用中文完成的创作。” “译文必须为纯粹之中文,无生硬拗口之病”。 “任何艺术品都有一部分含蓄的东西,在文学上叫做言有尽而意无穷,西方人所谓的between lines (弦外之音)。作者不可能把心中的感受写尽,他给人的启示往往有些还出乎他自己的意料之外。”,傅雷对形似与神似

27、辩证关系的看法 神依附于形,形是神的外壳,形与神是一个和谐的整体。 “神似”与“形似”的和谐的实质在于,既表达出语言的“确定点”“显形”,又表达出语言的“未定点”“隐形”,使之既传神又达意。,35,“神似”的实现途径,“假定理想的译文仿佛是原作者的中文写作。那么原文的意义与精神,译文的流畅与完整,都可以兼筹并顾,不至于再以辞害意,或以意害辞的弊病了。”,首先,傅雷强调要审慎选择原作。 其次,要充分吃透原著,将原著的细节了然于心,将原著的精神”化为我有”。,“文章千古事,得失寸心知” “文字总是难一劳永逸,完美无疵,当时自认为满意者,事后仍会发现不妥。”,傅雷的译作: 翻译作品共33部,约600

28、万字 罗曼罗兰获诺贝尔文学奖的长篇巨著 约翰克里斯朵夫、贝多芬传 米开朗琪罗传、托尔斯泰传 巴尔扎克的高老头、欧也妮葛朗台 邦斯舅舅、贝姨、夏倍上校 赛查皮罗多盛衰记等十四部;,伏尔泰的哲理小说3部: 老实人、天真汉、查第格 梅里美的杰出小说嘉尔曼、高龙巴 莫罗阿的人生五大问题、恋爱与牺牲 、服尔德传 莫赛尔的罗丹艺术论 苏卜的夏洛外传 罗素的幸福之路 杜哈曼的文明 牛顿的英国绘画 丹纳的艺术哲学 全部译作全部收录于傅雷译文集,傅雷译文赏析,Of all the characteristics of ordinary human nature envy is the most unfortun

29、e; not only does the envious person wish to inflict misfortune and do so whenever he can with impunity, but he is also himself rendered unhappy by envy. Instead of deriving pleasure from what he has, he derives pain from what others have.-Bertrand Russell “The Conquest of Happiness“,傅雷译文:普通的人性的一切特征中

30、,最不幸的莫如嫉妒;嫉妒的人不但希望随时(只要自己能逃法网)给人祸害,抑且他自己也因嫉妒而忧郁不欢。照理他应该在自己的所有中寻快乐,他反而在别人的所有中找痛苦。 其他译文:在通常的人性的所有特点中,忌妒是一种最不幸的情绪。不仅忌妒者希望别人不幸,只要不受惩罚,他就会付之行动,而且他自己也因忌妒而遭受不幸。他不是从自己的所有物中引出快乐,而是从别人的所有物中引出痛苦。,3、钱钟书:“化 ” (sublimation) 他曾表示,“文学翻译的最高标准是化。把作品从一国文字转成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹, 又能完全保存原有的风味, 那就算得入于化境。十七世纪一个英国人赞美

31、这种造诣高的翻译,比为原作的投胎转世(the transmigration of souls),躯体换了一个,而精神依然故我。换句话说,译文对原作应该忠实得以致于读起来不像译本,因为作品在原文里决不会读起来像经过翻译出来的东西。”,The highest ideal of translation is “sublimation“, transforming a work from one language into another. If this could be done without betraying any evidence of artifice by virtue of div

32、ergences in language and speech habits, while at the same time preserving intact the flavor of the original, then we say such a performance has attained “the ultimate of sublimation“.,A British scholar in the 17the century, in praise of translation of this perfection, compared it to the “transmigrat

33、ion of souls“, replacing the external shell and retaining the inner spirit and style without the slightest deviation. In other words, a translation should cleave to the original with such fidelity that it would not read like a translation, for a literature work in its own language will never read as

34、 though it were through a process of translation.,钱钟书译文赏析(一),“吃一堑,长一智” A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 1. 译文押尾韵(ending rhyme),形式工整(neat and orderly in form),再现了原文的美感 2. 译文的信息和意义与原文相符,再现了原文的呼唤功能(vocative function),钱钟书译文赏析(二),Everything is the same, but you are not here; and I still am. In sepa

35、ration the one who goes away suffers less than the one who stays behind. 拜伦致情人语 白话文:“一切如常,只是你走了,而我仍在此。两人分手,远行的人总不如留下的人这么受苦”。 文言文:“此间百凡如故,我仍留而君已去耳。行行生别离,去者不如留者神伤之甚也”。(钱钟书谈艺录) 贺佐辉译文:时光荏苒,伊人不在,我心依旧,痴心等待。,4、许渊冲: “三美论”、“三化论”、“三之论”,“三美论“(three aesthetic pursuits about meaning, rhyme and form)(意美、音美、形美)是译诗

36、的本体论。三美之中,最重意美,音美次之,最后是形美,也就是说翻译是美的创造,所以神似胜于形似,要在传达原文意美的前提下,努力做到三美齐备。 “三化论”(深化、等化、浅化)是译诗的方法论。分别利用加词、换词和减词等方法,通过意译来努力达到神似的境界。 “三之论“(知之、好之、乐之)是译诗的目的论。知之是使人理解,这是翻译的基本要求;然后要求好之,能使人喜欢;最高的境界是乐之,能使人愉快。,翻译代表作品,翻译代表作品,唐宋词选一百首,中国古诗词三百首 ,汉魏六朝诗,法文译著代表作,许渊冲译文赏析: (1)许渊冲译毛泽东诗词昆仑而今我谓昆仑,不要这么高,不要这多雪,安得倚天抽宝剑,将汝裁为三节:一节

37、赠欧,一节赠美,一节还东国。I would give to Europe your crestAnd to America your breastAnd leave the orient the rest.,(2)中华儿女多奇志,不爱红装爱武装(毛泽东为女民兵题照) Most Chinese daughters have a desire strongTo be battle-dressed and not rosy-gownedTo face the powder and not powder the face. 许渊冲把“红装”译为“powder the face”(涂脂抹粉),把“武装”

38、译为“face the powder”(面对硝烟),恰好表现了“红”与“武”的对应和“装”的重复,滴水不漏,堪称妙绝。,(3)许渊冲贺杨振宁新婚振宁不老松,扬帆为小翁多寒情更热,花好驻春风The ageless wont grow oldYou sail with your young bridelove will warm winter coldspring will ever abide.,(4)无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来The boundless forest sheds its leaves shower by shower;The endless river rolls its

39、wavers hour after hour. “草字头”用重复sh(sheds,shower)的译法,“三点水”则用重复r(river,rolls)的译法。音义双绝,闻者称美。,(5)翻译小练习,海内存知己, 天涯若比邻。If youve a friend who knows your heart,Distance cannot keep you two apart.As long as you live in each others heart, distance cant keep you apart.,Criteria in West 1、泰特勒的三条翻译基本原理 2、奈达的“功能对等

40、论” 3、纽马克的“语义翻译”和“交际翻译”,1. Tytlers Three Principles of Translation,18世纪英国爱丁堡大学教授、翻译理论家泰特勒(Alexander F. Tytler)在论翻译的原则(Essay on the Principles of Translation, 1791)一书中提出了三条翻译基本原理:1. A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. 译文应完全再现原作的思想。2. The style and manner

41、of writing should be of the same character as that of the original. 译文的风格与笔调应与原文的一致。3. A translation should have all the ease of the original composition. 译文应像原文一样流畅。,In short, a translation should fully represent 1) the ideas and 2) style of the original and should3) possess the ease of original co

42、mposition.,How can a translator meet the requirements of the first principle?,A translator should have a perfect knowledge of the language of the original and a competent acquaintance with the subject of which it treats.,How can a translator meet the requirements of the second principle?,On the seco

43、nd principle Tytler said: “A good translator must be able to discover at once the true character of his authors style. should have the capacity of rendering the character equally conspicuous in the translation as in the original.”,If the translator wants to imitate the style and the manner of the or

44、iginal, he should always imagine how the author will represent himself when the original is written in target language. He should seriously take into account the characteristic of languages of both original and translation.,How can a translator meet the requirements of the third principle?,A transla

45、tor cannot use the same color as the original, but is nevertheless required to give his picture the same force and effect. He is not allowed to copy the touches of the original but by touches of his own to produce a prefect resemblance. A translator must strive to adopt the very soul of his author,

46、which must speak through his own organs.,2. Eugene A . Nidas Theory of Functional Equivalence,Eugene A. Nida has been acclaimed as a pioneer of the linguistic approach to translation studies. His work became the basis upon which a new field of investigation in the 20th century the “science” of trans

47、lation was founded. His main research interest lies in: Bible translation functional equivalence (dynamic equivalence),Nidas definition of translation,Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning

48、 and secondly in terms of style.翻译在于,在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现源语信息,一要再现意义,二要再现风格。,What is Equivalence?,If a specific linguistic unit in one language carries the same intended meaning/message encoded in a specific linguistic medium in another, then these two units are considered to be equivalent. The domai

49、n of equivalents covers linguistic units such as morphemes, words, phrases, clauses, idioms and proverbs.,Find equivalents,书 book 以牙还牙 eye for eye 入乡随俗When in Rome, do as the Romans do.,近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. 一燕不成夏。 偏不概全。 One swallow does not make a summer. 他进退两难。 He is between the devil and the deep sea. 他需要拿出一个绝招来。 He needs to pull a rabbit out of his hat.,


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