1、1,长篇阅读 介绍,郑树棠 北京 2014年5月24日,外研社各套主教材 长篇阅读介绍,一、出版背景,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,三、长篇阅读(第二版)结构与特色,外研社各套主教材 长篇阅读介绍,一、出版背景,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,三、长篇阅读(第二版)结构与特色,4,一、出版背景,大学英语四、六级题型调整,注:关于大学英语四六新题型的说明全国大学英语四、六考试委员会 2013年8月14日,长篇阅读,外研社各套主教材 长篇阅读介绍,一、出版背景,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,三、长篇阅读(第二版)结构与特色,6,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,相同点:,1. 占四、六级分值比例与原快速
2、阅读一样(10%),2. 对阅读速度要求相同,3. 篇章长度和难度不变,7,长篇阅读实际上是限时长篇阅读,与过去的快速阅读在阅读速度上有相同的要求。长篇阅读属于“阅读理解”一栏,考试时间共 40 分钟,40分钟之内要完成选词填空 1 篇、仔细阅读 2 篇、长篇阅读 1 篇。长篇阅读 10 题应在 12 分钟左右完成。,2. 对阅读速度要求相同,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,长篇阅读四级样题文章长度大约 1050 词(不含 10 个题目, 文章长度 A4 纸 2 页多一点),加上题目大约 180 词, 总量约达到 1230 词, 以 12 分钟完成计,有效阅读速度为每分钟 100 词左右。长篇阅
3、读六级样题文章长度大约 1245 词(不含 10 个题目,文章长度 A4 纸 3 页不到一点),加上题目大约 200 词,总量约达到 1425 词,以 12 分钟完成计,有效阅读速度为每分钟 120 词左右。,2. 对阅读速度要求相同,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,9,“原快速阅读理解调整为长篇阅读理解,篇章长度和难度不变。”(注:关于大学英语四六新题型的说明全国大学英语四、六考试委员会 2013年8月14日),3. 篇章长度和难度不变,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,不同点:,1. 考试操作形式不同,2. 篇章段落数增多,3. 题型改为段落匹配题,4. 出题的顺序完全打破文章的前后顺序,二、长
4、篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,11,原快速阅读由监考老师现场单独发考题单页,限时阅读,按限时收卷。现在长篇阅读与阅读理解其他部分考题一同发放,阅读理解共 40 分钟,由学生自己分配各题型阅读时间。,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,1. 考试操作形式不同,12,调整后的长篇阅读,更加突出快速阅读理解的要求。四、六级样题显示单篇文章长、段落多。四级样题一共 9 段,六级样题一共 14 段,而且不是每一段落都出题,有的段落可出 2 题,有的段落不出题。以前快速阅读没有那么多段落,也一般不会一个段落出 2 题。,2. 篇章段落数增多,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,I) (48) Most Americans
5、recognize that universities contribute to the nations well-being through their scientific research, but many fear that foreign students threaten American competitiveness by taking their knowledge and skills back home. They fail to grasp that welcoming foreign students to the United States has two im
6、portant positive effects: first, the very best of them stay in the States andlike immigrants throughout historystrengthen the nation; and (55) second, foreign students who study in the United States become ambassadors for many of its most cherished (珍视) values when they return home. Or at least they
7、 understand them better. In America as elsewhere, few instruments of foreign policy are as effective in promoting peace and stability as welcoming international university students.,13,例1,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,14,48. The enrollment of international students will have a positive impact on America rather tha
8、n threaten its competitiveness. (I) 55. When foreign students leave America, they will bring American values back to their home countries. (I),二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,15,四级样题答案: 46. D 47. C 48. I 49. E 50. C 51. H 52. G 53. F 54. A 55. I (9段出10题:B段没有出题;C段、I段各出2题; 其它段落各出1题)六级样题答案: 46. F 47. K 48. D 49. A 50.
9、M 51. I 52. B 53. J 54. E 55. H (14段出10题,C、G、L、N、O段都没有出题;没有段落出2题; 其它段落各出1题),二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,16,原快速阅读的题型一般为判断题、填空题或选择题。长篇阅读的题型为段落匹配题:每一篇文章出 10 个句子,要求学生找出与每个句子所含信息相匹配的段落,即确定每个句子对应哪个段落。,3. 题型改为段落匹配题,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,17,段落匹配题的特点:句子是针对文章中某个信息点或观点的匹配。一般不出推理、推断、暗示等类型的题目。,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,18,段落匹配题的特点:句子是针对文章中某个信
10、息点或观点的匹配。一般不出推理、推断、暗示等类型的题目。句子绝不是简单照抄文章中的原句,而是要变换措辞。(例2),二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,D) Universities are also encouraging students to spend some of their undergraduate years in another country. In Europe, more than 140,000 students participate in the Erasmus program each year, taking courses for credit in one of
11、 2,200 participating institutions across the continent. (46) And in the United States, institutions are helping place students in summer internships (实习) abroad to prepare them for global careers. Yale and Harvard have led the way, offering every undergraduate at least one international study or int
12、ernship opportunityand providing the financial resources to make it possible.,19,例2,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,20,46. American universities prepare their undergraduates for global careers by giving them chances for international study or internship. (D) (注:2013年公布的四、六级长篇阅读样题),二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,21,段落匹配题的特点:句子是针对文章中
13、某个信息点或观点的匹配。一般不出推理、推断、暗示等类型的题目。句子绝不是简单照抄文章中的原句,而是要变换措辞。(例2)句子可以是对文中某一句话的变换措辞,也可以是某几句话的概括总结。(例3),二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,I) Most Americans recognize that universities contribute to the nations well-being through their scientific research, but many fear that foreign students threaten American competitiveness b
14、y taking knowledge and skills back home. They fail to grasp that welcoming foreign students to the United States has two important positive effects: first, the very best of them stay in States and-like immigrants throughout historystrengthen the nation; and (55) second, foreign students who study in
15、 the United States become ambassadors for many of its most cherished (珍视) values when they return home. Or at least they understand them better. In America as elsewhere, few instruments of foreign policy are as effective in promoting peace and stability as welcoming international university students
16、. (针对文章中一部分内容,即红色部分,出一个试题),22,例3,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,23,48. The enrollment of international students will have a positive impact on America rather than threaten its competitiveness. (I) 55. When foreign students leave America, they will bring American values back to their home countries. (I)(注:2013年公布的四、
17、六级长篇阅读样题),二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,24,段落匹配题的特点:句子是针对文章中某个信息点或观点的匹配。一般不出推理、推断、暗示等类型的题目。句子绝不是简单照抄文章中的原句,而是要变换措辞。(例2)句子可以是对文中某一句话的变换措辞, 也可以是某几句话的概括总结。(例3)出题的句子可以是针对文中某一段落的主题句。(例4),二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,E) Globalization is also reshaping the way research is done. One new trend involves sourcing portions of a research pr
18、ogram to another country. Yale professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator Tian Xu directs a research center focused on the genetics of human disease at Shanghais Fudan University, in collaboration with faculty colleagues from both schools. The Shanghai center has 95 employees and gra
19、duate students working in a 4,300-square-meter laboratory facility. Yale faculty, postdoctors and graduate students visit regularly and attend videoconference seminars with scientists from both campuses. The arrangement benefits both countries; Xus Yale lab is more productive, thanks to the lower co
20、sts of conducting research in China, and Chinese graduate students, postdoctors and faculty get on-the-job training from a world-class scientist and his U.S. team.,25,例4,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,49. The way research is carried out in universities has changed as a result of globalization. (E)(注: 2013年公布的四、六级长篇
21、阅读样题),二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,27,段落匹配题的特点:句子是针对文章中某个信息点或观点的匹配。一般不出推理、推断、暗示等类型的题目。句子绝不是简单照抄文章中的原句,而是要变换措辞。(例2)句子可以是对文中某一句话的变换措辞, 也可以是某几句话的概括总结。(例3)出题的句子可以是针对文中某一段落的主题句。(例4)出题的句子也可以是针对细节或内容(快速阅读一般不问文章的细节)。(例5),二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,C) Of the forces shaping higher education none is more sweeping than the movement acro
22、ss borders. (47) Over the past three decades the number of students leaving home each year to study abroad has grown at an annual rate of 3.9 percent, from 800,000 in 1975 to 2.5 million in 2004. Most travel from one developed nation to another, but the flow from developing to developed countries is
23、 growing rapidly. The reverse flow, from developed to developing countries, is on the rise, too. Today foreign students earn 30 percent of the doctoral degrees awarded in the United States and 38 percent of those in the United Kingdom.,28,例5,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,And the number crossing borders for undergr
24、aduate study is growing as well, to 8 percent of the undergraduates at Americas best institutions and 10 percent of all undergraduates in the U.K. (50) In the United States, 20 percent of the newly hired professors in science and engineering are foreign-born, and in China many newly hired faculty me
25、mbers at the top research universities received their graduate education abroad.,29,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,30,47. Since the mid-1970s, the enrollment of overseas students has increased at an annual rate of 3.9 percent. (C)50. Of the newly hired professors in science and engineering in the United States, twe
26、nty percent come from foreign countries. (C)(注: 2013年公布的四、六级长篇阅读样题),二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,31,段落匹配题出题的顺序需要完全打破文章的前后顺序。而快速阅读一般按文章的前后顺序出题。,4. 出题的顺序完全打破文章的前后顺序,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,32,四级样题答案: 46. D 47. C 48. I 49. E 50. C 51. H 52. G 53. F 54. A 55. I (文章A段的题出在第54题,而第46题即第1题则出在D段),例6,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,总结提示:调整后的长篇阅读,主要题
27、型为段落匹配题。 出题特点:出题的顺序完全打破文章的前后顺序, 而且不是每一段都出题,有些段落不出题,有些段落可出2题。 出题内容:可以针对文中某一段落的主题句,可以针对主题句的支撑细节或内容,或可以针对文章中某个信息点或观点的出题。 出题方法:针对原文中某一信息点变换措辞后出题。,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,外研社各套主教材 长篇阅读介绍,一、出版背景,二、长篇阅读与快速阅读的异同,三、长篇阅读(第二版)结构与特色,35,三、长篇阅读(第二版)结构与特色,结构:,1. 题型设计,2. 单元设计,3. 试题库,1. 题型设计,题型1:段落匹配题;参照四、六级样题 题型2:信息填充题;参考研究
28、生题型和华约自主招生英语试题 题型3:原快速阅读 7+3题型:7 multiple choice+ 3 Blank Filling(注:后两种题型作为补充,体现阅读题型的多样性以及对阅读能力的综合考查。),三、长篇阅读(第二版)结构与特色,37,2. 单元设计,长篇阅读共四级,每级 8 个单元,供一个学期使用。每个单元有 3 篇文章,其中 2 篇练习题型为段落匹配题(考试题型),1 篇练习题型为信息填充题或多项选择题。,三、长篇阅读(第二版)结构与特色,3. 试题库,试题库均为段落匹配题型,每个单元2篇,每级共 16 篇。,三、长篇阅读(第二版)结构与特色,特色:,1. 紧扣四、六级考试题型,
29、2. 注重培养阅读能力,3. 提供配套网络课程,三、长篇阅读(第二版)结构与特色,1. 紧扣四、六级考试题型,长篇阅读编者团队认真研读和分析四、六级长篇阅读样题文章体裁、语言难度及出题思路,对选篇进行了精心筛选,充分体现四、六级长篇阅读文章特征:以说明文和论述文为主,涵盖人文、科普报道等多个领域。同时,根据四、六级长篇阅读题型,制定了严格的编写原则与规范,对各级别选篇难度、题目数量、顺序、出题点等进行了明确规定,从而保证编写的质量。,三、长篇阅读(第二版)结构与特色,2. 注重培养阅读能力,长篇阅读题型不仅包括四、六级的段落匹配题,还包括信息填充题和多项选择题等,从而加强对学生阅读理解及分析判断能力的全面训练。长篇阅读特别提供“长篇阅读技能指南”, 帮助学生培养良好的阅读技能与学习策略,也有助于教师教学参考。,三、长篇阅读(第二版)结构与特色,3. 提供配套网络课程,为实现个性化、自主式学习的要求,长篇阅读提供配套网络课程,方便学生自主训练、教师监控、管理学生的学习进程和学习结果。,三、长篇阅读(第二版)结构与特色,