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1、海洋可是一个危险的地方,甚至拥有现代科技的船舶,仍然可以发生火灾,碰撞,火灾损坏都会导致弃船。当人们的生命处于危险时,所有的海员都要明白对自己和对同事的责任。你的船是你的最好救生艇,弃船只能在船长命令下才能执行,这是最后的手段。弃船前将船上的 cmdss 全球海上遇险和求助系统遇险功能打开,通常通过 TNMARSAT 国际海事卫星和 DSC 数字选择性呼叫,在一个或多频道发出警报。撤离者要准备在救生艇上呆一些时间,撤离前应前应多穿衣服戴上帽子,要想保持干燥,一旦救生筏放下,首要任务是离开大船,与其它救生艇会合和用海锚漂行,为保持身体水分每个人都要服晕船药。如果超过一艘救生筏应该绑在一起,这是机

2、动艇任务之一。要面对四个主要危险:第一,溺水死亡,在几分钟内致命,第二,不能保持体温,这在几小时内致命, 第三,缺水,几天后致死,第四,这支在几周后威胁生命。这样他们任务的次序是:一,保证自己防止溺水和暴露。二,帮助救助单位寻到自己的位置。三,节约食品和淡水的供给。这些首要任务总结为:保证,寻找,水和食品。救生筏提供防止溺水,故对其状况保持经常的观察和定期检查很重要,防止暴露在不同气候有不同的问题。在热天太阳会加速身体水分散失,这样会导致脱水体温升高甚至中暑死亡。在冷天应穿上救生衣,保温服撤离,防止热量散失。在全封闭式和半封闭式救生艇撤离这能很好地防止暴露,在热天如海上情况允许艇门和艇长的窗门

3、会打开通风。在冷天防止暴露是首要任务,遮盖和衣着对减少热量损失很重要,如不减少热量损失身体没有足够的热量保持体温,结果使体温过低。首先逃难者手不能动,然后是手臂和腿,冷漠,失去知觉到失去能力最后死亡。防止暴露的第一道防线是衣服,它使身体保暖,其材料的小气孔可以保持热量,此保暖作用会因强风而大大减小,如果有水会更严重,因为同一温度下水中的热量损失是空气中的 26 倍,如果衣服潮湿就会失去保暖作用,潮湿的衣服要脱下尽量拧干再穿。救生筏的进口必须关闭,撤离者要尽量保持干燥和互相保暖,在逃生时寒冷是仅次于溺水的杀手,救生筏中的水必须用勺子或海绵吸去,保留一海绵不碰海水用来吸取凝结水,一经弄干如果筏底是

4、可以充气的在寒冷的气候或水中应充气,成员应挤在一起保暖,但要确保伐的稳定性不至于翻侧。撤离者会遇到休克,体温过低和无法抵御的抑感,神志迷乱,绝望和恐慌。撤离者的生还机会与他们的训练,设备和求生意欲,指挥者的影响很大。意志坚强常比身体强壮重要,觉得做得对的人要肯定自己,使大家有事干和组织起来,从救生手册中查阅资料和指引,应建立值班制度,至少一人负责筏内,一个人负责筏外,要保持 24 小时制。应频繁换班特别是筏外值班,内部值班检查伤员和筏的情况,定期点名是个好主意,这有助于检查撤离者有没有体温过低或二氧化碳过量。二氧化碳很快聚集需要定期通风,筏外值班要保持寻找救助船和飞机或任何遇难者,他负责第二项

5、首要任务,一.寻找雷达应答器和 VHF 将有助于救助单位发现撤离者,但筏外值班可能在救生筏被发现前先看到他们,故撤离者要常备好所有信号卫星 EPIRB 的设计是向救助单位报警,并提供撤离者准确位置,EPIRB 就是无线电应急示位标,因它对救助单位的重要作用是你船最重要的安全设备之一。按照 GMDSS 的要求 EPIRB 成为船舶需携带设备的一部分。GMDSS 包括两个卫星系统:INMARSAT 系统和SARSAT 搜索卫星系统及分别的地面站包括海岸电台。救助协调中心及所有船舶从 EPIRB 发出的求救信号,无论是 EPIRB 或 INMARSAT EPIRB 传送到地面站经陆地线路到最近的救助

6、中心。SARSAT 和 INMARST EPIRB 的设计是:当船沉没是能自由漂浮再自由启动,即使无人发求救信号仍能够报警。两能 EPIRB 都能在船启动遇险警报,用 INMARSAT 系统岸上收到紧急信号是 2 到 3 分钟,准确度为 1 到 2 海里,用 SARSAT EPIRB 平均收到时间为 90 分钟准确度为 10 海里,当然救助单位的赶到这的时间要根据当地地的情况。SART 是船舶 GMDSS 设备的另一部分它要带上救生筏并开启,它保持被动直到被雷达搜寻间要放在至少在海面 1 米以上,使它有适当的范围很多救生筏装有支架。SART 会帮助救助单位准确的找到救生筏。看到救助单位前不要用

7、烟火信号它的供应是有限的,使用前要认真阅读说明书每个烟火信号都装在单独的防水盒内,上面有清楚地说明,它们本身都有点火系统。降落伞烟火信号应在日间或夜间看到有船时使用,此信号要能升空 300 米和燃烧至少 40 秒,所有救生筏均配有 4 支。烟雾弹在白天为船舶或飞机用,救生筏内应有 2 支,在平静海面能烧 3 分钟并抗沉,它在 6级以上风力时不很有效。手提烟火信号因为短距离用艇上有 6 支,它至少能烧 1 分钟,根据制造厂的说明它燃烧的灰渣不会损坏救生筏。另一个信号是日光反射镜,此简单反射阳光的用具有效范围至少 5 里。当保证和寻找任务已经安排好要关心伤病人员,最好由受过专门训练的人去管,如果没

8、有熟练人员要想法止血和保护休克或暴露者。急救箱内有绷带,杀菌膏,止痛片和急救说明。休克是一种崩溃状态在受重伤后出现,病人要保暖躺平,如果清醒要常让他喝水,除了胃部受伤者外。在很冷的天气里可能会冻伤,它出现在肉体冻僵时,其后果严重。遇难者应常亲自己和别人,这就是为什么筏外值班要常更换要戴保暖帽。保持活动致使血液循环,需要时进行按摩,一支暖手能暖和小面积,大面积如脚可放在同伴的衣服裹暖和,血液循环会疼痛,可服用止痛药。在冷天应使用艇内的下水服及保暖服。另一首要任务是淡水供应。为调整身体水分平衡,在开始的 24 小时不要喝水,除非是失血或烧伤者。可用收集来补充应急箱的水。第一次从暴露的顶篷来的水要倒

9、掉,它含盐或被染料滑石粉污染。所有收集的水都要检查,如不适合饮用要倒掉,可能有大量的沉淀。应用没有盐的海绵去收集,有的救生筏有除盐装置,但是只能净化一定容量的水,有的配有携带式逆渗透泵,使用前一定要阅读说明书。首个 24 小时内每人都要大便一次,那时还有足够的体液去润滑。在筏内你会逐渐熟悉同伴。24 小时候每天可供给 0.25 或半升水,建议每天分次配给,在日出,中午,日落时给每个遇难者。分配的水应该慢慢的引用,在吞入前将水含在口里,清除身体的盐分需要的淡水,永远不要和海水喝尿,因为会起反作用会比慢慢的脱水更快的致死,水分减少尿色会变深色,不要消耗食品,除了配在救生筏内的碳水化合物和足够的淡水

10、供应,一个营养好的人可以在不吃的情况下生存一个月或更长,应担心的是水而不是食物,酒不能解决体温过低或任何困境,如果带上筏要倒掉,用瓶子装雨水,吸烟会出现问题,它是艇筏潜在的危险,同时不吸烟者也会反对,艇长应坚持集中吸烟者的香烟,以防供应时得不舒服感觉,虽然在救生筏会不舒服,但是得救的可能性比在水里面高。对单独在水里的遇难者,保证和寻找仍是他们的首要任务,主要危险是溺水和热量损失,除非水温在 33 摄氏度以上,负责在水中会失去热量,尽量少动,不要去脱鞋或靴子,它提供保暖不要浪费力气去脱它,当进入冷水会遭受冷衡挚,会有五分钟呼吸急促心跳加快,不要游泳尽量少动等,过后收集衣服腰带,颈部和裤腿以保持体


12、险,只有傻瓜不怕海,只有傻瓜不作准备,不用良好的训练和适当的设施去对付最坏的不测事件。阅读你船的训练手册,再看此片!遇难时你要对自己和你的同伴负有责任,要肯定你能完成它!Ocean is a dangerous place, even with modern technology of ships, still can fire, collision, fire damage will lead to abandon ship.When peoples life is in danger, all seafarers to understand about themselves and the

13、 colleagues responsibility. Your boat is your best lifeboats, abandon ships can be carried out in the captains orders, this is the last resort. Abandon ship before the ships CMDSS global maritime distress and help system distress function, normally through the open TNMARSAT international maritime sa

14、tellites and DSC digital selective call, in one or more channel alarms.Evacuees to prepare in the lifeboat stay some time, before leaving should be put on more clothes before hat, want to keep dry, once life raft down, primary task is from the ship, with other lifeboats meet with anchor drift lines

15、and to maintain the body moisture everyone will serve seasick pills. If more than a ship life raft should bound together, this is one of the motor boat task. To face four major risk: the first, drowning death in a few minutes deadly, second, keep warm, this in a few hours, third, deadly shortage of

16、water, a few days after her death, fourth, this one in a few weeks life-threatening.So they task order is: one to keep yourself to prevent drowning and exposure. Two, help salvage unit find my position. Three, saving food and water supply. These primary task summed up as follows: guarantee, searchin

17、g, food and water.Life raft to prevent drowning, subject to its status in regular observation and regularly check is very important, prevent exposed to different climate has a different question. On a hot day the sun will accelerate body moisture loss, this can lead to dehydration increased body tem

18、perature even heatstroke death. Y: in cold weather should put on a life jacket, heat preservation, prevent heat dissipating served evacuated.In the fully closed and semi-enclosed lifeboats evacuate this can prevent exposure, on a hot day such as sea situation allows boat doors and Windows will open

19、the TingChang ventilation. Y: in cold weather to prevent exposure is the primary task, cover and clothing to reduce heat loss is very important, if not reduce heat loss body without enough heat to keep them warm and the result of hypothermia. First dust bowl fugitives hand not active, and then is th

20、e arms and legs, indifference, losing consciousness to lose ability and death. To prevent exposure to the first line of defence is dress, it makes the body warm, its material of angelica archangelica can keep heat, the heat preservation effect due to strong wind and greatly decreased, if there is wa

21、ter will be more serious, because the same temperature water in the heat loss is the air 26 times, if clothes wet will lose heat preservation effect, wet clothes to take off as far as possible, twist dry wear it again.Life raft of imported must be closed, evacuees to try to keep dry and warm in each

22、 other when cold is second to escape drowning killer, the water must use ladle life raft or sponge blotting, keep a sponge not touch water to drain condensate, once dry if raft bottom can be inflated in cold climates or water should be inflatable, members shall crowded together to keep warm, but to

23、ensure the stability of the double side unapt simvastatin. Evacuees will shock, hypothermia and can withstand the suppression of feeling, was confusing, despair and panic.Evacuees survival opportunities and their training, equipment and survival to the commanders influence. Tough-minded often than p

24、hysically strong important, think to do so people must affirm oneself, make everyone to do and organize, from life-saving manual to access information and guidance, we should establish the duty institution, at least one person is responsible for the raft, a person responsible for within raft outside

25、, should keep 24-hour system. Should be frequent shifts especially raft outside on duty, internal duty check the wounded and raft, regular roll is a good idea, which helps to check the evacuees have hypothermia or carbon dioxide to excess. Carbon dioxide soon gathered need regular ventilated, raft o

26、n duty to keep looking for the salvage ship and aircraft or any victims, he is responsible for the second priority, a transponder telemetry. Looking for radar and VHF will help salvage unit discovers the evacuees, but the duty may be in life raft raft was found before seen them, so the evacuees to r

27、egular good all the signals satellite EPIRB design is to salvage unit alarm, and provide the evacuees precise location, EPIRB is shown a mark, radio emergency for its important role for rescue unit is your ships most important safety equipment one. According to the requirements of GMDSS EPIRB become

28、 part of ships in need carry equipment. GMDSS includes two satellite system: INMARSAT system and SARSAT search satellite system and the sites including coast stations respectively. Rescue coordination center and all ships from EPIRB issued distress signal, whether or EPIRB INMARSAT EPIRB teleport to

29、 relay the land route to the nearest rescue center. SARSAT and INMARST EPIRB design is: when the ship sink is free to start, even if free floating again no send distress signal will still be able to call the police. Two can EPIRB can in the ship start distress alert INMARSAT system, using shore rece

30、ived an emergency signal is 2 to 3 minutes, the accuracy is 1 to 2 miles, with SARSAT EPIRB receives an average of time for 90 minutes accuracy is 10 nm, of course, relief agencies arrived this time according to the local land. GMDSS equipment SART is ship another part of it will take life raft and

31、open, it remained passive radar search until at least should be placed between 1 meters above the sea to make it a proper range many life raft equipped with stents. SART will help salvage unit accurately find life raft. See relief agencies before dont use smoke signal, it supplies are limited, read

32、the instructions carefully before use to each smoke signal are loaded in separate waterproof box, there is clearly shows that, they themselves have ignition system. Parachute smoke signal should be in the daytime or at night to see a ship used when the signal to launch 300 meters and combustion at l

33、east 40 seconds, all life raft are equipped with four teams. Smoke flare at daytime for ship or aircraft use, life raft within 2 teams in calm, should the sea can burn 3 minutes and resistance to sink, it in magnitude 6 above wind not very effective. Portable smoke signal for short distance with six teams yachts, it can at least 1 minute, according to burn of manufacturing explains it burning ash not damage the life raft. Another sign is daylight reflector, this simple reflected sunlight appliances effective range to


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