1、智课网IELTS备考资料雅思词汇词根学习之ced(e), ceed, cess入门字process (n.) 过程 (v.) 处理pro/ cessforward/ go进阶字1. cede (v.) 让出,割让cedegoBy bowing to the merger bid, the business tycoon ceded control of his company to his former rival.这位商界大亨向并购案低头,拱手让出公司的控制权给从前的对手。2. antecedent (n.) 先行词ante/ ced/ entbefore/ go/ 名词字尾A pronou
2、n must refer to one and only one antecedent to avoid vagueness or ambiguity.代名词必须有一个,也只能有一个先行词,以免造成模糊或模棱两可。3. concede (v.) 承认,让步con/ cedetogether/ go“This impeachement business has gone too far,“ concedes a Republican Senator.一位共和党参议员承认:“这件弹劾件闹得太过火了。 ”4. intercede (v.) 介入inter/ cedebetween/ goMark T
3、wain was about to embark on a career as a steamboat poilot when the Civil War interceded.马克吐温正要展开汽船驾驶员的生活,结果内战从中作梗。5. precede (v.) 局先,走在之前pre/ cedebefore/ goThe Leo meteor shower was preceded and followed by scattered shooting stars.在狮子座流星雨之前与之后都有零星的流星。6. recede (v.) 退回re/ cedeback/ goFlood waters r
4、eceded, and the rooftops emerged.洪水退了,屋顶逐渐出现。7. secede (v.) 脱离se/ cedeapart/ goThe South seceded from the Union upon Lincolns election to the presidency.南方在林肯当选总统时脱离国家独立。8. unprecedented (a.) 史无前例的un/ pre/ ced/ ent/ ednot/ before/ go/ 形容词字尾Under a booming economy, the Dow Jones industrial index is h
5、eading for unprecedented highs.在繁荣的经济下,道琼工业指数正走向史无前例的新高。9. exceed (v.) 超出ex/ ceedout/ goPrices fall when supply exceeds demand.供过于求就会跌价。10. proceed (v.) 前进,向前走pro/ ceedforward/ goWhen you have finished here, you may proceed to the next window.这里办完了,就可以前往下一个窗口。11. succeed (v.) 继之后suc(sub)/ ceedafter/
6、 goWhen the queen dies or steps down, the prince will succeed her as monarch of the kingdom.女王去世或下台时,王子就会继任为王国的君主。12. access (n.) 管道 (v.) 接触ac/ cessto/ goAn extensive network of clinics and hospitals provides patients with sufficient access to medical care.广大的医疗网让病人有足够的管道就医。13. accessory (n.) 配件 (a.
7、) 附属的ac/ cess/ oryto/ go/ 名词字尾形容词字尾The Gap is a chain store famous for its low-end cloting and accessories.“盖普”是家连锁店,以低价位服装与配件著称。14. ancestor (n.) 祖先an(te)/ ces/ torbefore/ go/ one whoHumans and monkeys are probably descended from a common ancestor.人与猴子可能源自共同的祖先。15. concession (n.) 让步con/ cess/ iont
8、ogether/ go/ 名词字尾To buy international good will, North Korea made the big concession of development.为了换取国际善意,北韩做出重大让步,暂停开发核能。16. excess (n.) 超过 (a.) 过多的ex/ cessout/ goThe national defense budget is well in excess of the amount spent on education, science and culture.国际预算远超过在教育,科学与文化上的花费。17. excessiv
9、e (a.) 过度的ex/ cess/ iveout/ go/ 形容词字尾His health is deteriorating after years of excessive drinking.在多年饮酒过度之后,他的健康开始走下坡。18. inaccessible (a.) 无法取得的in/ ac/ cess/ iblenot/ to/ go/ ableThe information you require is classified and therefore inaccessible the general public.你要的资料是机密,所以一般民众无法取得。19. predece
10、ssor (n.) 前任pre/ de/ cess/ orbefore/ away/ go/ one whoSome believe that it was our predecessors who laid the foundations for the prosperity we enjoy today.有人认为是因为前人打下的基础我们才得以享受今天的繁荣。20. processing (n.) 处理,加工pro/ cess/ ingforward/ go/ 名词字尾Urban sewage is first channeled to this processing plant before being discharged into the river.都市污水先导引到这个处理厂,再排到河里。21. recess (v.) 休会re/ cessback/ goCongress is in recess for the holiday season.国会在假期期间正休会中。22. successive (a.) 连续的suc(sub)/ cess/ iveafter/ go/ 形容词字尾The stock market suffered huge losses on two successive days.股市连续雨天蒙受重大损失。