1、敗血症治療實證醫學研討會(Current EBM information on Sepsis )日期:民國 九十五 年 二 月 十八 十九 日 ( 週六、日 )地點:中國醫藥大學附設醫院立夫大樓 21 樓國際會議廳主辦單位:中國醫藥大學附設醫院麻醉部;重症醫學專科醫師聯合甄審委員會教育積分:(申請中)重症醫學專科醫師聯合甄審委員會、急救加護醫學會、重症醫學會、胸腔暨重症加護醫學會(2 天共 12 分)、內科醫學會、外科醫學會、麻醉醫學會(10 分) 、急診醫學會、外傷醫學會、老人急重症醫學會、感染醫學會、腎臟醫學會、疼痛醫學會、急重症護理學會負 責 講 師 名 單 (按演講序)吳世銓中國醫藥大
2、學附設醫院麻醉部部主任張家昇中國醫藥大學附設醫院外科加護病房主任 胡為雄台中榮總急診內科主任陳瑞杰中國醫藥大學附設醫院管理中心主任、外傷醫學會理事長楊美都中國醫藥大學附設醫院臨床營養科主任王任賢中國醫藥大學附設醫院感染科主任、衛生署疾管局顧問余忠仁台灣大學附設醫院內科加護病房主任柯文哲台灣大學附設醫院外科加護病房主任吳清平三軍總醫院急診重症醫學部部主任、重症醫學會理事長張文瀚台北馬偕醫院急診部主任、老人急重症醫學會秘書長尹彙文台北榮總外科加護病房主任邱艷芬國立陽明大學護理學院院長、急重症護理學會理事長Day 1:民國九十六年二月十八日(星期六)Seminar 13:00-18:00 地點:立夫
3、大樓 21 樓國際會議廳 時間 題目 主講人13:00-13:20 Registration13:20-13:30 Course Introduction 吳世銓13:30-14:20 Early Prevention, Prophylaxis and Early Management of Septic Shock演講內容摘要:(1) Introduction to sepsis. (2) Pathophysiology of sepsis. (3) Current EBM guideline for sepsis management(4) Steps to stop sepsis. (5
4、) Initial resuscitation of sepsis.張家昇14:20-15:10 Current Concept in BP, HR and Pump Management during Septic Shock 演講內容摘要:(1) Hemodynamic change in sepsis. (2) Goals of hemodynamic management. (3). Inotropics usage. (4). Vasopressors usage. (5). EBM guideline for hemodynamic management in sepsis.胡為雄
5、15:10-15:30 Coffee Break15:30-16:40 Blood Product Administration and Fluid Therapy in Trauma Related Sepsis演講內容摘要:(1). Optimal hemogram and Albumin supplement in sepsis. (2). EBM guideline for blood product administration. (3).Crystalloid and colloid application. (4). Fluid challenge in MODS. (5). E
6、BM guideline for fluid therapy in sepsis.陳瑞杰16:40-17:30 Current Concept in Metabolic Support in Sepsis演講內容摘要:(1). New concepts of metabolism in sepsis. (2). Glucose control. (3). Nutrients supplement. (4). Nutrition management in sepsis related MODS. (5). EBM guideline for metabolism control in seps
7、is. 楊美都17:30-17:50 Q&ADay 2:民國九十五年二月十九日(星期日)Seminar 08:00-18:00 地點:立夫大樓 21 樓國際會議廳 (Lecture)& 立夫大樓第二討論室 (Hand on Demo)時間(Time) 題目(Topics) 主講人(Speaker)08:00-08:20 Registration08:20-09:10 Infection Control and Antibiotics Usage in Sepsis演講內容摘要:(1). Diagnosis about Infection.(2). Antibiotics usage in se
8、psis. (3). Source control of Infection. (4). Pitfall during Dx, ABx usage and source control. (5). EBM guideline for infection control and ABx usage.王任賢09:10-10:00 Current Concept of Steroid Usage and DIC Treatment in Sepsis演講內容摘要:(1). EBM for steroid usage in sepsis and sepsis related ALI/ARDS. (2)
9、. Role of endothelium in sepsis. (3). Coagulation change in sepsis. (4). EBM guideline for APC usage. (5). Current opinion for septic related DIC management.余忠仁10:00-10:20 Coffee Break10:20-11:10 Current Concept of Blood Purification and Acid-Base Therapy in Sepsis演講內容摘要:(1). Sepsis related renal an
10、d liver impairment. (2). New concepts about blood purification therapy. (3). EBM guideline for renal replacement in sepsis. (4). Management of acid-base problems. (5). EBM guideline of bicarbonate therapy for septic related metabolic acidosis.柯文哲11:10-12:00 Respiratory Mechanical Ventilation in Sept
11、ic Patient演講內容摘要:(1). Patho-physiology of sepsis related ALI/ARDS. (2). Recruitment therapy and lung protective strategy. 吳清平(3). Monitoring of MV related complication. (4). Ventilator setting for ALI/ARDS. (5). EBM guideline of MV for ALI/ARDS.12:00:13:20 Lunch Meeting :立夫大樓第二討論室 (Hand on & Demo)Ha
12、nd on ERGT Hemodynamics & CRRT, Demo of APCEward, Lilly, Smile13:20-14:10 Application & Monitoring in Sedation, Analgesia and NMB of Septic Patient演講內容摘要:(1). Rationality for sedation, analgesia & NMB. (2). Indications & contraindication. (3).Drug of choice & mode of delivery. (4). Monitors for seda
13、tion & NMB. (5). Protocols for application.吳世銓14:10-15:00 Sepsis in Elderly Patient(1). Characteristics of sepsis in elderly patients. (2). Monitoring of Medication and fluid supplement. (3). Rationality and endpoint of sepsis management. (4). EBM in elderly sepsis. (5). Cost-benefit evaluation.張文瀚1
14、5:00-15:5015:50-16:10EGDT: STOP AND MUST, BEST and MOST演講內容摘要:(1). Sepsis related MODS. (2). EGDT for sepsis. (3). Pitfalls about EGDT. (4). Support treatment for MODS. (5). EBM guideline of EGDT for sepsis.Coffee Break尹彙文16:10-17:00 DVT prophylaxis and Ethical Concept in ICU演講內容摘要:(1). Nursing care
15、 for DVT prophylaxis. (2). Limitation of supportive care. (3). Palliative care and communication in ICU. (4). Ethic conflict in ICU.(5). Role of Nursing care in ICU.邱艷芬17:00-17:50 PBL Scenario Discussion 尹彙文17:50-18:00 Q&A報 名 費 用教學演講 (Seminar only):含點心、2/19 午餐、講義一月二十七日前 一月二十八日後 1200.00 1500.00 報名方式:即日起填妥報名表擲寄 404 台中市育德路二號 中國醫藥大學附設醫院 麻醉部或傳真:04-22052121-3598報名費請以匯款方式:華南銀行(台中分行) 帳號:420-20-0465881 潘健成報 名 表姓 名服 務 醫 院職 稱聯 絡 地 址電 話 醫院: 家:備 註 午餐 葷 素歡迎影印本表作報名用