1、Title 1 概述 2 结构特征 3 Title 的基本模式 4 几点具体作法 5 文题举例 6 图表题名常见的几种表达形式,1 概述 与中文题名同义 概括性强, 具体翔实, 具个性 英文文题应符合英语规范,科技论文的题名具有高度浓缩文章内容、文献编制、信息导读和类型识别等功能。题名应准确恰当、言简意赅和清楚明朗“题好一半文”,题名是论文核心内容的高度概括和集中表达,是最恰当、最简明并能反映论文最重要的特定内容的词语的逻辑组合,明白无误又简明扼要地表达出作者的研究成果或研究思路,让读者通过题名即可明了论文要表述的大致内容,使其很快便形成正确的区分或取舍判断。,一个好的命题,有利于: 引起读者
2、的兴趣 检索系统收录 关键词选定(包含较多的信息) 检索 引证,题名应避免词义叠加重复 例如: Chemical Speciation Analysis of Selenium in Biological Samples by , Selenium Speciation in Biological Samples by ,“Speciation”含义已经包括物质的各种化学形态、形态分析。“Chemical”、“Analysis”应删去。,举例 在三个升温速率下用热天平研究 煤的热解及其反应动力学, 煤的热解及其反应动力学,PES/PC 共混体系的研究, PES/PC 共混体系的力学性能; PE
3、S/PC 共混体系的相容性与力学性能,Modern Thermal Analysis,Calorimetric Measurements of Polymers,一般性原则 from: Style Guide, A Manual forAuthors and Editors. 4th printing,1996, The best time to determine the title is after you have written the text , because the title should reflect the papers content and emphasis acc
4、urately and clearly., Avoid phrases like “on the”, “a study of”, “research on”, “report on”, “regarding”, and “use of”.,On the glass transition of binary blends of polystyrene with different molecular weight, Glass transition of binary blendsof ,On the apparent phase diagram of nylon1010/nylon6 copo
5、lymers, Apparent phase diagram of nylon1010/nylon6 copolymers,通常,少用Studies on Investigation of Relationship between and “论文题目以On , Study on , Research on 开头是陈腐的表达形式,19世纪很流行,现在几乎已绝迹。” “凡是用Study on 的,十有八九是中国作者写的。”,Physical properties and structure of ion-containing polymersInfluence of the mechanical
6、properties of the dispersed phase upon the behavior of nylon/rubber blendsSingle-phase bicomponent network by random crosslinking of hydroxyl-termineted polymer,Low temperature impact-resistantthermoplastic polyester compositionHighly selective ion-exchange membranes and their manufactureMechanical
7、properties of nature rubber composites reinforced with cellulose fibers, In most cases, omit “the” at beginning of the title,The microstructure of microcrystallinecellulose Microstructure of microcrystallinecelluloseThe synthesis of a novel alcohol-soluble polyamide resin Synthesis of a novel alcoho
8、l-soluble polyamide resin,The microstructure of microcrystallinecellulose, Microstructure of microcrystallinecellulose,The synthesis of a novel alcohol-soluble polyamide resin, Synthesis of a novel alcohol-soluble polyamide resin, Avoid nonquantitative , meaningless words like “rapid” and “new”, 应全拼
9、文题的所有术语,避免使用不易懂的专业术语、符号、公式和简称(略号)。尽可能使用单词,而不用含有上下角标或其他特殊的标注。勿引用公司名称、特殊的商标或化学试剂、药物、材料或仪器的牌号名称。,DSC 法研究 P-MDI 与淀粉、复合变性淀粉的反应动力学, 文题应服务于两个目的:首先应吸引潜在的读者,其次是便于存储和检索。因此,文题应包含几个关键词,应能提供计算机文题检索的最大信息。 不提倡使用系列文题,通常无法确保多篇论文一定会连载于同一命题之下。 如提不出较短的文题,可将其分出副标题。,文题的主题应集中,不求面面俱到。例如: Calorimetric study and thermal anal
10、ysis of crystalline nicotinic acid, Calorimetric and thermogravimetric stuty of crystalline nicotinic acid,Preparation, thermal decomposition process, non-isothermal kinetics and lifetime equation of complex, Preparation, thermal decomposition kinetics of complex,Comparison between quenching and ann
11、ealing and influence of free surface on morphology in thin films of symmetric ABA triblock copolymer: a Monte Carlo simulation, Structure and morphology of quenched and annealed of symmetric ABA triblock copolymer : a Monte Carlo simulation,文题应尽量表达论文的新意Thermal analysis kinetics studies on the dehydr
12、ation of calcium oxalate monohydrate,Application of non-isothermal kinetics of multiple rates to kinetic analysis of dehydration for calcium oxalate monohydrate,CaC2O4 H2O 的失水反应早已有人测过,主题明确 Blends of the novel bismaleimide and cyanate containing naphthalene, Curing and thermal stability for blends of
13、 the novel bismaleimide and cyanate containing naphthalene,1 概述 2 结构特征 3 Title 的基本模式 4 几点具体作法 5 文题举例 6 图表题名常见的几种表达形式,2 结构特征 偏正名词短语中心词 such as:PreparationSynthesisPolymerization (Copolymerization)Reaction (Interaction)ModificationSeparationDesign(Elementary) Model,Method Characterization Identificati
14、on Analysis Comparison Evaluation AssessmentStructure Composition,Property BehaviorMagnetic propertiesIrradiation degradationActivityOxidation ThermostabilityCompatibility,Application ProgressStudy 中心词会因学科而异在中心词前加以限定、修饰,和通过介词of, to, in 等构成后置定语,或通过 using, under 等引出采用的实验手段、实验条件等。,已如上述,应避免 study on 之类的
15、词。再举一例:Study on the thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of poly(ether-sulfone)/poly(phenylene-sulfide) blends, thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of poly(ether-sulfone)/poly(phenylene-sulfide) blends,但当在这类词前有限定成分时,则应予保留。 如: MTDSC and atomic force microscopy studies of morphology and rec
16、rystallization in polyesters including oriented films.Thermal degradation studies of some aliphatic polyamides using simultaneous techniques (TG-MS, TG-FTIR).,当有介词by时, 应保留investigation 之类的词。 Investigation of phase behavior of polymer blends by thermal methods.A study of rate constants for two-phase
17、electron-transfer reaction by A.C. impedance A.C. impedance study of rate constants for two-phase electron-transfer reaction,不应将一长串的前置词作一个词的修饰词Thermal decomposition kinetics of the complexes of light rare earth bromides with alanine by DSC method,DSC study on kinetics of thermal decomposition for th
18、e complexes of light rare earth bromides with alanine,另外,此文的中文原标题为:“ DSC研究溴化轻稀土甘氨酸的热分解动力学” 这是一个省略主语“我们”,具有主(省略)、谓(研究)、宾结构的句子。通常,文题用短语,而不用句子。,图、表和分节标题也应避免使用无主语句 例如:应用列表 应用一览表 用DSC测试热效应 热效应的DSC测试用TGA-MS分析分解产物分解产物的TGA-MS分析检查材料性能 材料性能检测,8.2.2 If using a continuous-scan programme若使用连续扫描法8.2.2 If using a
19、stepwise-scan programme若使用步进扫描法,连续扫描法 步进扫描法,分节标题应注意上下层次和隶属关系热分析应用手册第一章 热分析导论1.1 概论,第一章 热分析概述1.1 前言,问话形式的文题,通常较为少见What has brought on the effects of number-average molecular weight on the spinodals in polymer mixtures ?,文题通常不用标点,但也并不尽然。 如:“小说,就应该是艺术品” 访著名旅美华人作家聂华苓,通常也不以句子命题,但并不尽然。如:2008-04-05 纪念周总理11
20、0诞辰举办的怀念敬爱的周总理大型情景音乐会你是这样的人,1 概述 2 结构特征 3 Title 的基本模式 4 几点具体作法 5 文题举例 6 图表题名常见的几种表达形式,3 Title 的基本模式以“中心词”为基础所做的展开(限定词)中心词 后置定语 补充说明of byto atBetween inwithUnderoveronto,1 概述 2 结构特征 3 Title 的基本模式 4 几点具体作法 5 文题举例 6 图表题名常见的几种表达形式,4 几点具体作法字数通常不超过12个单词(或1015个词,或75字母以内)去掉如 Preliminary Investigation of 之类自
21、谦词等多余的词。,大小写3种形式:(1)全大写PHASE BEHAVIOR OF POLYMER BLENDS (2)每个实词的首字母大写,但冠词、连词和通常由4个以下字母组成的介词(如:the, and, in, at, on, by, via, for, from, over, with, near 等)小写,Intermacromolecular Complexation Due to Specific InteractionComparison Between Chinese Biological Abstracts and Biological Abstracts(3) 题名第一个单
22、词的首字母大写,其余均小写,常用于CONTENTS, REFERENCEHeat capacity measurements under high pressureWest R. Impact factors need to be improved. British Medical Journal, 1996,313:411,标点英文题名,主副刊名以冒号连接Acta Pharmacologica Sinica: Striding Forward Towards World(中国药理学报迈步走向世界),1 概述 2 结构特征 3 Title 的基本模式 4 几点具体作法 5 文题举例 6 图表题
23、名常见的几种表达形式,5 文题举例 (1) 中心词 of 这是最简单的基本形式,例如:Synthesis, Properties and Catalytic Activity of Rare Earth Complexes with Noncyclic Polyether-phenylalanine Schiff Base,(2)当文题已出现“of”,被测物质(试样)前常用 “in”或“for”Enthalpy Distribution and Densities of States in Linear PolymersAn NMR Study of Mobility in a Crystal
24、line Side-Chain Comblike Polymer,Analysis of Solvent Diffusion in High-Density Polyethylene Using NMR Imaging TechniquesRheological Properties and Foam Processability for Blends of Linear and Crosslinked Polyethylenes,(3) 由固定词组组成文题 如:Correlation between Mechanical Adhesion and Interfacial Properties
25、 of Starch/Biodegradable Polyester BlendsEffect of on Influence of on Effect of Thermal History on the Deformation and Failure of Polyimides,(4) 注意文题中的介词用法 固定搭配Progress in Membrane for Gas SeparationStructure and Morphology Developmentin Syndiotactic Polypropylene during Isothermal Crystallization a
26、nd Subsequent Melting, 在表示汉语类似“的”的“所属”关系时,应注意诸如:on, in, to, with 等的习惯用法onAn Advanced Treatise on Physical ChemistryTreatise on PhotoelasticityInternational Symposium on Plastics Testingand StandardizationProceedings of the International Conferenceson Thermal Analysis,toAn Introduction to Classical a
27、nd Statistical ThermodynamicsIntroduction to Statistical MechanicsThermal Analysis: Fundamentals and Applications to Polymer Science,InDevelopments in Polymer DegradationAdvances in Polymer Science Progress in Separation and PurificationExperimental Techniques in Low TemperaturePhysicsViscoelastic P
28、roperties in PolymersWithEngineering Design with Rubber, 有时介词全部用小写Crystallization Behavior of Polypropylene with or without Sodium Benzoate as a Nucleating Agent 由介词by, with 等 将文题做进一步扩展Reversible and Irreversible Heat Capacity of Polycarbonyl(ethylene-co-propylene) by Temperature-Modulated Calorimet
29、ry,有时介词并非一种搭配方式 (A) Study of (on)Studies on (of),但 study不与 for 搭配,下例不合适 The study for relationship of initial strength of reactive hot-melting adhesive and hot tack index,眉题(running title)少于45个印刷符号(包括每个单词间的间距)(1) 主要词,去掉次要部分及冠词等Structure effect on vinyl polymerization initiated with aromatic tertiary
30、 amine polymerization initiated with amine,(2) 化合物名称用代号A new peak (T4) in the 13C-NMR spectrum of polybutadiene peak (T4) in 13C-NMR spectrum of PBD,(3) 词的缩写 Studies on vinyl polymerization with initiation system containing amine derivatives vinyl polymn with amine containing initiation system,(3) 词
31、的缩写 Studies on vinyl polymerization with initiation system containing amine derivatives, vinyl polymn with amine containing initiation system,(4) 按文意重新命眉题 Research on the polycondensation kinetics of -amino-acids POLYAMIDATION OF -AMINO-ACIDS,(4) 按文意重新命眉题 Research on the polycondensation kinetics of
32、 -amino-acids, POLYAMIDATION OF -AMINO-ACIDS,1 概述 2 结构特征 3 Title 的基本模式 4 几点具体作法 5 文题举例 6 图表题名常见的几种表达形式,6 图表题名常见的几种表达形式图表名与文题在结构、表达形式等方面有某些相似之处,但毕竟隶属文题之下,应注意简洁和自明性。 例Table 2 The time kinetic study of catalyzation by glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) Time kinetics of catalyzation by Time-kinetic data
33、of catalyzation by ,6 图表题名常见的几种表达形式图表名与文题在结构、表达形式等方面有某些相似之处,但毕竟隶属文题之下,应注意简洁和自明性。 例Table 2 The time kinetic study of catalyzation by glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), Time kinetics of catalyzation by Time-kinetic data of catalyzation by ,在已明确讨论的前提(从文题、关键词、摘要等获知)条件下,涉及的标题化合物较为单一,而其命名又较为复杂时,也常采用sample
34、s, compounds, system 之类较为笼统的字眼。如不十分复杂,应具体写明。,(1)以“的”偏正词组形式这是常见而简单的形式,例如:Fig.4 DSC curves of Zn2+-coating film cured at80 for different timeFig.3 curves of catalysts with different composition,Table 1 2values and relative intensities of theXRD patterns of the reaction between and Fig.X The equilibriu
35、m of two different conformation of porphyrin dimmers in solution Fig.1 XRD patterns of the resulted TiO2powders prepared at different temperaturesFig.5 Grain sizes of rutile TiO2 crystals changing with c(HNO3),(2) 示意图、图、照片 可有以下几种表达形式: Schematic representation Illustration Diagram (Phase diagram) Gra
36、ph (Three-dimension graph) Plot Picture Photo Photograph Image Curve (Thermogram curve) Spectra (Absorption spectra, Emission spectra),Fig.1 Schematic representation of TS-1 synthesis Fig.3 Picture showing the coordinate bridgingeffect of Fig.5 Illustration of lamellar liquid crystal ofmixture syste
37、m of Fig.2 Plots of the vs Fig.X X-ray diffraction patterns of ,Fig.5 TEM photos of Fig.2 the cross polarizing optical photographsof Fig.3 Cyclic voltamme gram of Phase diagram Absorption spectra emission spectra,(3) y与x 的关系 Fig X Dynamic viscosity () and modulus ( G ) for SBS as a function of time
38、at 166Fig 3 Relationship between the IR band intensity at 960 cm-1 of TS-1 samples and their crystallization time(Relations between and ; Correlation between and ),Table 3 Effect of treatment conditions on conversion of AL(OH)3 containing trihydroxide into NH4AL(OH)2CO3 and properties of AL2O3 at n(
39、HCO3-)/n(AL3+)=0.75( Influence of on ),Table 3 Comparison between experimental and calculated results of catalytic activity of the optimized catalystFig 3 Comparison of reaction temperature (Tr) and adiabatic temperature (Ta),Fig.4 Variation of interfacial tension with temperature for silicone oil s
40、ystem( Variety of on )Fig.3 Response of the system to only input signal (A) and only input noise (B),有的图题,可抽出其中的主要词进行重新整合Fig.2 The corresponding curves of temperature and the conversion for the dehydration of CaC2O4H2O at different heating rates The conversion-temperature curves for CaC2O4H2O at dif
41、ferent heating rates,有的图题,可抽出其中的主要词进行重新整合Fig.2 The corresponding curves of temperature and the conversion for the dehydration of CaC2O4H2O at different heating rates, The conversion-temperature curves for CaC2O4H2O at different heating rates,IR和IR分光器的对象领域 IR 和IR分光器所处的波长和波数范围 IR 和IR分光器所处的波段,130下光强度对固化的影响,光强度对固化的影响(130),110的样品温度和1.12mW/cm2的光强下紫外光曝光时间对固化度的影响,曝光时间对固化度的影响(样品温度110, 紫外光光强1.12mW/cm2),文题 ABCAccuracy 准确Brevity 简洁Clarity 清晰文题应做到: 吸引读者,给读者打“烙印” 有利于文献追踪或检索,