1、,2011年“国培计划”学习简报 (第3期)班级:湖北武汉初中英语02班主编:李卫民 日期:2012年1月6日,“国培计划(2011)”湖北省初中英语学科 第二次专家视频网上答疑活动掠影(1),“国培计划(2011)”湖北省初中英语学科 第二次专家视频网上答疑活动掠影(2),优秀教学设计 武汉市黄陂区五岭中学龚旭东,人教版新目标八年级上册Unit2 Whats the matter? 1.设计思路 本课教学内容包括学习人体部位词汇,几种常见的疾病名称以及询问病情时Whats your matter?和表达建议时 should/ shouldnt 等句型。先通过听并吟唱有关人体部位的歌曲,创设了
2、和谐轻松的课堂氛围,期间还有小组活动, 培养学生的能力。 2.教材分析:本单元的话题是健康,主要学习如何表述身体的种种不适以及如何提供、接受建议,使学生养成健康的生活方式。 在掌握学习身体部位词汇的基础上,学习几种病痛的表达和针对病痛可采取的措施的几个短语等。学会用Whats the matter?/ I have a cold/ you should (shouldnt)等句型, 使学生进一步提高语言运用能力, 学会自我保健与关心 他人。 3.教学目标设计: (1) 知识目标 a. 词汇:人体部位名称如arm,ear,head等, 身体疾病名称如stomachache, sore throa
3、t, fever, illness 等以及 其他相关词语。 b. 句型: Whats the matter? I have a cold. You should/ shouldnt (2)能力目标 a. 能掌握询问疾病与表示身体不适的话语。 b. 能口头与他人对话健康问题并给出合理建议。 (3)情感态度目标 通过询问病情与提供合理建议,培养关心他人、助人为乐的美德。,4.重点难点设计: 本单元的话题是Health,功能是谈论健康问题与提出建议。根据学生的认 知发展规律,制定了本课的教学重点: (1)词汇:人体部位名称如arm,ear,head等,身体疾病名称如 stomachache, sor
4、e throat, fever, illness 等以及其他相关词语. (2)句型: Whats the matter? I have a cold/You should/ shouldnt (1) should/ shouldnt 的灵活使用. (2) 在模拟情景中有效使用所学的词组与句型. 5.教学策略与手段: 本课采用任务型教学模式,培养学生以说为主的语言运用能力。从学生的 学习兴趣、生活经验与认知水平出发,创设多种情景激发学生的兴趣, 通过小组合作让学生有了参与的欲望,点燃了他们思想的火花。任务的 设计由简到繁,循序渐进,强调在做中学,在做中练。采用了歌曲、竞 赛、游戏、表演等多种教学
5、方法,使课堂多样化,充分发挥了学生的主 动性。,6. 教学过程: Step 1 Warming-up Let students listen to Body-Song and sing the song together: Why can we see with our eyes? Why can we hear with our ears? Why can we speak with our mouth? Why can we smell with our nose? Why can we write with our hands? What can we walk with our leg
6、s? Why? Why? Why? Will you tell me why? 设计说明: 通过听并吟唱有关人体部位的歌曲,创设了和谐轻松的课堂氛围,让学 生融入英语课堂,同时唤起学生对身体部位词汇的记忆。 Step 2 presentationShow a picture of a baby on the screen and teach the words of body parts. Read and repeat the following words loudly: head, eye, ear, nose, throat, neck, mouth, arm, stomach, ha
7、nd, back,leg, foot. 设计说明: 借助多媒体上的娃娃图片,边介绍边跟读各身体部位单词。图片与 单词结合能使学生初步感知和快速理解单词。 Step 3 Competition Draw two persons on the blackboard and choose two students to the blackboard. They need to find the cards with body words and stick more on the body parts quickly and correctly in thirty seconds. The stud
8、ent who stuck to them more and correctly is the winner. 设计说明: 在黑板上展示两个人物简笔画,要求学生在规定时间内贴上身体标签。这种紧张 而富有挑战性的竞赛激发了学习兴趣,同时也巩固了单词。,Step 4 Game: Poly says T: Poly says touch your head/foot All students stand up and touch their body parts. If they do wrong, they have to sit down. 设计说明: 通过游戏让全体学生动起来,寓教于乐,进一步
9、掌握所学词汇,以 便下一步的知识铺垫。 Step 5 Presentation T: (打喷嚏与用纸巾捂鼻子)Today Im not feeling well. Whats the matter? Oh, I have a cold. (板书Whats the matter? I have a cold.) Then show the pictures of other common illnesses and repeat the new words. Make sure every student knows the meaning and can read them.(板书 heada
10、che, toothache, stomachache, fever, sore back, sore throat) 设计说明: 通过老师形象的表演与自述,引出主要词汇与句型随后通过图文展示 让学生直观形象地理解重点知识。 Step 6 Pair work Ask students to look at the pictures of illnesses on the screen and practice the conversations like 1c. After that, have several pairs of students act out their conversat
11、ions to the class (one student answers and mimes the illness). Choose the best pair. 设计说明: 学生两人对话操练巩固了本课的目标语言,为下面看病会话扫除了语言障碍。边 说边用身体语言表演来操练新句型,能在情景中进行较真实的交际。,Step 7 Group work 1.T: I do exercise every day but today I cant. Can you guess why I cant? Ss: Maybe you have a cold/ T: You are so clever. I
12、have a fever. What should I do? Please give me some advice.Ss: You should/ You shouldnt (老师边板书边引导学生使用本句型) 2.T: Lets guess (choose two or three pieces of paper from the box 咨询箱 ) and give advice. The group discusses together and chooses a leader to present their advice on the slide. The group who giv
13、es more and better advice is the winner. (The whole class has been asked into groups of six to discuss and make possible advice cooperatively based on common illnesses before class )(板书书上主要的建议) 设计说明: 给学生分组准备提建议的话题, 有助于激发学生的参与意识,培养其自主探究 与合作学习的能力。在总结建议的过程中,能激活学生已有的词汇与学习本单元中的新知识。 Step 8 Role play Imagi
14、ne the classroom is the doctors waiting room. Get several students as magic doctors. Ask about illnesses and give advice for different illnesses. S1(the doctor): Whats the matter (with you)? S2(a patient): Im not feeling well. I have a stomachache. (mime the illness) S1: You should take some medicin
15、e/ You shouldnt eat too much, etc. S2: Yes, I think so./ Thats a good idea. S1: I hope you feel better soon. 设计说明: 模拟生活中的真实情景, 调节课堂气氛,有效调动学习兴趣,再次复习了本课的主要句型,锻炼 了口语表达能力。,Step 9 ConclusionT:All of you did a good job!Before we call it an end,lets go over what we learn today.设计说明: 把黑板上的知识点再复习一遍,再次巩固知识。 S
16、tep 10 Homework 1 Revise the words and phrases. 2 Interview a sick person(your friend etc)and give advice, write down the conversation. 3 Surf more common illnesses and relative advice on the internet. 设计说明: 布置的作业可满足不同层次学生的需要,可以巩固本节课内容与培养学生关心他 人的品质。 7.反思:本课设计充分体现了新课程理念,体现了以学生为发展中心,构建互动的师生关系,重视学生学习方
17、式的转变,使学生在学习中体验生活,学会合作,相互激励,真正体现学生的主体性。在课堂活动中, 用所学的语言知识去解决生活中的实际问题,达到学为所用的目的。本课紧紧围绕主题,设计由浅入深 的教学环节,同时优美的音乐,形象生动的图画,激烈的小组讨论与竞争都有利于教学效果的呈现。在 开展多种教学活动中,发挥多媒体等多种辅助优势,创设愉悦和谐的课堂交际氛围。同时关注学生的情 感发展,注意激发他们学习的兴趣,开拓他们的视野。本课注意采用情景化教学,突出交际性与启发性。 8.板书设计 Unit 2 Whats the matter ? A: Whats the matter (with you)? The
18、parts of body B: I have a_ (illness) Cold fever stomach toothache sore throat sore back A: You should You shouldnt,国培作业未完成情况通报 (截至2012年元月5日止)第一次作业(专题2处)未交人员名单(共6人): 李海英、高建文、潘莉、梁学蕾、喻灿、任雪梅第二次作业(专题5处)未交人员名单(共9人): 李海英、高建文、潘晓菲、潘莉、梁学蕾、陈丽君、黄安、李琴琴、喻灿、第三次作业(专题13处)未交人员名单(共8人): 王娟、高建文、潘晓菲、潘莉、徐艳珍、殷伟、梅丹、喻灿、老师们,辛苦了!请未交作业的教师克服重重困难迅速提交作业,以免影响教师结业和个人评价,谢谢合作!,