1、Book 10 Module 6 Unit 1,Well see lots of stones.,学校:青岛洛阳路第二小学,江 静,China,long,old,wall,stones,beautiful,Qingdao,stones,old,circle,mystery,Listen and answer:,1.What will they see?,Listen and answer:,1.What will they see?,Theyll see lots of very big stones.,Read and find the answers.,Whats Stonehenge l
2、ike?,Its a very old place.,They are in a circle.,Some stones are on top of others.,Its a mystery.,mystery,Listen and answer:,2.How will they get there?,3.How long will it take?,Listen and choose:,2.How will they get there?,By car.,Listen and fill in the blanks:,3.How long will it take?,It will take
3、.,three,hours,Read and fill in the blanks.,Amy:On Saturday were going to see Stonehenge. Lingling:Whats that? Amy:Its a very old .Its five thousand years old. Lingling:Thats very old! will we see there? Amy:Well see lots of very big stones.They are in a .Some stones are on top of others.,place,What,
4、circle,Read and fill in the blanks.,Lingling:Its very interesting.Why did people this? Amy:Its a mystery.No one knows. Amy:Youre clever. Maybe you will solve the mystery! Lingling:I so! Lingling: will we get there? Amy: .It will take three hours.,hope,How,By,car,build,will you ?,see do play eat drin
5、k ,What,Where,When,How,How long,?,I will go to Old Stone Man with my families. Well go on May Day.Well go there by car.It will take three hours. Well see the beautiful sea and lots of stones. Why does it look like an old man?Its a mystery for me.We will take photos and have lunch.We will eat seafood
6、 and drink juice. We will have a good time.,在崂山脚下临海断崖南侧,距岸百米处有一座17米高的石柱,形如老人坐在碧波之中,人称“石老人”。老公公以手托腮,注目凝神,每天晨迎旭日,暮送晚霞,伴着潮起潮落,历尽沧桑,不知度过了多少岁月。这个由大自然鬼斧神工雕凿的艺术杰作,已成为石老人国家旅游度假区的重要标志,也是青岛著名的观光景点。 石老人是我国基岩海岸典型的海蚀柱景观。千百万年的风浪侵蚀和冲击,使崂山脚下的基岩海岸不断崩塌后退,并研磨成细沙沉积在平缓的大江口海湾,唯独石老人这块坚固的石柱残留下来,乃成今日之形状。从西北方向望去,这块海中奇石极像一位老人
7、,唯妙唯肖,有关这块奇石的一个个美丽动人的传说也吸引了许多游人来此观赏。,历史传说 相传,石老人原是居住在崂山脚下的一个勤劳善良的渔民,与聪明美丽的女儿相依为命。不料一天女儿被龙太子抢进龙宫,可怜的老公公日夜在海边呼唤,望眼欲穿,不顾海水没膝,直盼得两鬓全白,腰弓背驼,仍执著地守候在海边。后来趁老人坐在水中拄腮凝神之际,龙王施展魔法,使老人身体渐渐僵化成石。姑娘得知父亲的消息,痛不欲生,拼死冲出龙宫,向已变作石头的父亲奔去。当姑娘走近崂山时,龙王又施魔法,把姑娘化作一巨礁,孤零零地定在海上。从此父女俩只能隔海相望,永难相聚,后来人们把这块巨礁称为“女儿礁”。,Beautiful Qingdao
8、,Beautiful Qingdao,Beautiful Qingdao,Beautiful Qingdao,Beautiful China,Beautiful China,Beautiful China,Beautiful China,Beautiful China,Beautiful China,will you ?,go see do play eat drink ,Where, When,How,How long , What , Why,?,Interview for your trip.,Make a plan for our school trip.,Well go to . Well get there . Well see there. Well . Well . Well have a good time.,Places: Underwater World Zhongshan Park Olympic Sailing CenterMountain Lao,Activities: take photos, play eat drink,Todays homework,必做 :1.Listen and imitate.,选做 :2.Make a plan for school trip.,