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1、第一联船员 1st Copy-Seafarer 第二联船东 2nd Copy-Ship Owner第三联船舶 3rd Copy- Ship 上海傲兴国际船舶管理有限公司船员上船就业协议AOXING SHIP MANAGEMENT (SHANGHAI) LTDSEAFARERS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT本协议已由船员本人充分阅读,并理解其权利和义务。This seafarers employment agreement(hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”) has been read and agreed by the seafa

2、rer.根据平等自愿原则,海员和船舶所属船东签订如下上船协议 According to the principal of equality and voluntariness, the Agreement was entered into between the seafarer and the ship owner of the ship .协议签订日在T he agreement is entered into on 地点at(place) 船员 THE SEAFARER姓名 Full name: 国籍 Nationality: 联系电话 Contact No.:出生日期 Date of

3、birth: 出生地 Place of birth: 受雇职务 Position of employment:海员证号码 Seamans Passport No: 护照号码 Private Passport No: 聘用港口 Port where position is taken up:健康证签发日期 Medical certificate issued on: 计划聘用日期 Estimated time of taking up position:详细家庭地址 Full home address:公司/ 船东 THE COMPANY/SHIP OWNER名称 Name: 上海傲兴船员管理有

4、限公司/Aoxing Ship Management(Shanghai) Ltd地址 Address: 中国浦东新区金茂大厦 2604 室/RM2604,JINMAO TOWER,NO.88 CENTURY AVENUE,PUDONG,SHANGHAI,PRC船舶 THE SHIP 船名 Name: 国际识别号 IMO No.:船旗 Flag: 船籍港 Port of Registry:协议条款 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS协议期限 Period of Employment: 1 months起薪日(包括)Wages from and including: 请见备注

5、 please ref. *周基本工作小時 Basic hours of work per week: 44 Hours月基本工资 Basic monthly wages: USD月超时津贴 Monthly Overtime:USD月休假天数 Number of paid leave per month: Days月休假金 Monthly leave pay: USD月奖金和津贴 Monthly Bonus and Allowance: USD月工资总额 Total Monthly Wage: USD船领薪 Pay on board amount:USD家汇款 Home Allotment:

6、USD家汇款方式 How to receive Allotment: Cash 現金 Remittance 汇款*船员上船就业协议从船员在其居住国港口登船或离开其居住国国际机场开始起算,下船之日结束。The Agreement commences from the day of the seafarers joining at a port in his country of residence or departing from the international airport in his country of residence, ceases on the day of his le

7、aving the vessel at a port.确认签署Confirmation of the agreement: 本人已阅读、理解并同意签署本协议全部条款(随附协议的标准条款和条件 )。The seafarer of the below signature, has read, fully understood and agreed to all the terms and conditions of the agreement (standard terms and conditions of agreement hereunder attached).船东或船长(标题船)签字 S

8、ignature of the ship owner (or the master of the captioned ship):船员签字 Signature of the seafarer:标准服务条款和条件Standard Terms and Conditions1 总则 General Provisions1.1 本标准服务条款和条件是船员上船就业协议的组成部分,适用于与公司签订船员上船就业协议的所有船员。Standard terms and conditions is part of the Agreement, which apply to all the seafarers sig

9、ned the Agreement with the company.1.2 本协议所提及的公司或船东指本船的船舶管理公司“上海傲兴国际船舶管理有限公司”。“The Company” or “The Ship Owner” means the ship management company of the ship-“Aoxing Ship Management (Shanghai) Ltd”.2 船员职责 Responsibilities of the Seafarer2.1 船员应遵守船旗国相关法规及海员职业道德;The seafarer shall abide by the duties

10、in the relevant regulations of the flag state and the Code of Ethics for Seafarer.2.2 船员承诺诚实遵守本协议的条款和条件;The seafarer shall faithfully comply with and observe the terms and conditions of this agreement.2.3 船员承诺胜任工作且拥有和使用的技能与所持证书相匹配,可供公司验证。Each seafarer shall undertake to serve the company competently

11、 and shall undertake that they possess, and will exercise, the skills commensurate with the certificates, which they declare to hold, which should be verified by the company.2.4 船员应服从船长及其后继者的合法指令,遵循公司各项政策,包括安全方针和程序以及与此相关的各项命令。The seafarer shall be obedient to the lawful commands of the Master or any

12、 person who shall lawfully succeed him and to comply with company policy including safety policy and procedures and any instructions given in connection therewith.2.5 船员应服从船长的指令或者船舶可能到达的管辖地国家的法律要求进行接种或采取措施保证其本人及全体船员的健康安全。 The seafarer shall submit to the order of the Master or to the laws of any cou

13、ntry within the territorial jurisdiction of which the vessel may enter to have such vaccination or inoculation or to undertake measures to safeguard his health and the health of the whole crew.2.6 船员承诺对本职工作克尽职守,不论是船舶还是货物,也不论是在船、在艇还是在岸。The seafarer shall be diligent in his duties relating to the vess

14、el and cargo, whether on board, in boats or ashore.2.7 对与船舶相关的岸方、当局和其他官方个人采取正当有礼有节的方式。The seafarer shall conduct himself in an orderly and respectful manner towards terminal operator, port authorities and other persons on official business with the ship.2.8 船员必须保持居住舱室和其他生活场所(诸如餐厅、卫生间、浴室、走廊和娱乐室等)干净整洁

15、,令船长满意。The seafarer shall keep his quarters and other living spaces-such as mess rooms, toilets, bathrooms, alleyways and recreation rooms in clean and tidy condition to the satisfaction of the Master.3 就业期限 Duration of Employment 3.1 船员上船就业的期限可按双方约定执行,其中干部船员协议期不超过 7 个月,普通船员协议期不超过 9 个月。因船舶停靠港口或者航行的航

16、线不方便更换船员的,工作期限可适当提前或者延后 1 个月。The seafarer shall be engaged for a period mutually agreed between the seafarer and the Company but not to exceed 7 months for the officers and 9 months for the rating, and such period may be extended or reduced by 1 month for operational convenience.3.2 船员上船就业协议从船员在其居住国

17、港口登船或离开其居住国国际机场开始起算。The seafarers employment shall commence from the day of his departure from his place of hire, i.e. when joining at a port in his country of residence or from the international airport in his country of residence.3.3 船员上船就业协议从船员下船之日结束。The seafarers employment shall cease on the da

18、y of his leaving the vessel at a port.4 工作时间和休息时间 Hours of Work and Rest Periods4.1 船员在船期间,每周正常的工作时间为44 小时,正常工作时间为周一至周五,每天8小时,星期六4小时。The normal working hours shall be 44 hours per week. The normal hours of work shall be 8 hours per day from Monday to Friday, and 4 hours on Saturday for the seafarers

19、.4.2 船员休息时间的规定如下:(1) 船员的最短休息时间不得少于:在任何24 小时时段内10 小时以及在任何7 天时间内77 小时。Each seafarer shall have a minimum of 10 hours rest in any 24 hour period and 77 hours in any seven-day period. (2) 休息时间最多可分为两段,其中一段至少要有6小时,且相连的两段休息时间的间隔不得超过 14小时。The hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods, one o

20、f which shall be at least 6 hours in length, and the interval between consecutive periods of rest shall not exceed14 hours. (3) 少于30分钟的休息不能视为休息时间。A short break of less than 30 minutes will not be considered as a period of rest.4.3 本标准的任何规定不得妨碍船长处于船舶、船上人员或货物的紧急安全需要,或出于帮助海上遇险的其他船舶或人员的目的而要求船员从事任何时间工作的权

21、利。在此情况下,船长可中止工作时间或休息时间,要求船员从事任何时间的必要工作,直至情况恢复正常。一旦情况恢复正常,船长应尽快地确保所有在计划安排的休息时间内从事工作的船员获得充足的休息时间。Nothing in this Article shall be deemed to impair the right of the master of a ship to require a seafarer to perform any hours of work necessary for the immediate safety of the ship, persons on board or ca

22、rgo, or for the purpose of giving assistance to other ships or persons in distress at sea. In such situation, the master may suspend the schedule of hours of work or hours of rest and require a seafarer to perform any hours of work necessary until the normal situation has been restored. As soon as p

23、racticable after the normal situation has been restored, the master shall ensure that any seafarers who have performed the work in a scheduled rest period are provided with an adequate period of rest. 4.4 应急演练以及国家法律法规和国际文件规定的训练应以对休息时间影响最小和不会造成疲劳的方式进行。Emergency drills and drills prescribed by nationa

24、l laws and regulations and by international instruments shall be conducted in a manner that minimizes the disturbance of rest periods and does not induce fatigue. 4.5 在船员处于随时待命的情况下,例如无人机舱,如果船员因被招去工作而打扰了正常的休息时间,则应给与充分的补休。When a seafarer is on call, such as on UMS Ships, the seafarer shall have an ade

25、quate compensatory rest period if the normal period of rest is disturbed by call-outs to work. 4.6 所有加班时间应由船长或部门长进行记录,并至少按照每月的间隔或更短的时间由海员签字。Overtime shall be recorded individually and in duplicate either by the master or the head of the department. Such record shall be handed to the seafarer for app

26、roval every month or at shorter intervals.5 加班 Overtime5.1 周一至周五每天8小时及星期六的4小时工作以外时间,周日以及法定节假日工作的时间都为加班时间。船员进行上述常规指定的工作时间以外的所有工作应获得超时津贴。Any hours of duty in excess of the 8 (eight) from Monday to Friday and the 4 (four) on Saturday, and any hours of duty on Sunday or a holiday, shall be paid for by o

27、vertime.5.2 超时津贴应不低于基本时薪的125% 。Overtime payment shall not be less than 125 percent (125%) of the hourly basic wage.5.3 船长和高级船员每月按照固定超时津贴支付,普通船员保证按照103个小时超时津贴支付。Monthly overtime allowance payable for the master and officers are fixed as well as guaranteed overtime 103 hours payable for the ratings. 5

28、.4 在经船长判断认为直接影响船舶、乘客、船员或货物安全的紧急情况下,或者安全演习,或救助其他船舶或人员的情况下,所产生的工作时间都不计算加班费。Any additional hours worked during an emergency directly affecting the immediate safety of the ship, its passengers, crew or cargo, of which the Master shall be the sole judge, or for safety drills or work required to give assi

29、stance to other ships or persons in immediate peril, shall not count for overtime payment. 6 节假日和休假 Holidays and Leave6.1 如果法定节假日在周六、周日,则下一个相应的工作日为节假日时间。If a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, the following working day shall be observed as a holiday.6.2 船员无论何种原因,在合同结束时,每工作1个月享有不少于 2.5天的年休假,不足1月的按比

30、例计算。计算年休假的船员服务期包含了船员为上船工作所花的履行时间以及海员从国外到适当的返回港之间的遣返时间。合理的缺勤不应被视为年休假。禁止达成放弃享受年休假的任何协议。Each seafarer shall, on the termination of employment for whatever reasons, be entitled to payment of not less than 2.5 days leave, for each completed month of service and pro rata for a shorter period. The service

31、period for calculating the annual leave should including the travelling period of the seafarers joining and leaving ship. Reasonable absence from the duty should not be calculated as annual leave. Any agreement to forgo the minimum annual leave with pay shall not be allowed.7 薪酬和薪酬支付 Wages and Payme

32、nt7.1 船员月薪应每月发放,包括船领薪、银行转账或家汇款部分,直至根据第十四条规定协议终止。The seafarer shall be paid his wages monthly, including on board payment, bank transfer or home allotments until the termination of his employment pursuant to article 14 of this Agreement.7.2 船员工资收入包括:基本工资、超时津贴、年休假金、奖金和津贴。The monthly payment of wage fo

33、r the seafarer is including basic wage, overtime payment, annual leave pay, bonus and allowance. 7.3 船东每月一次将船员的船领薪外的工资通过银行汇入船员本人指定的银行账户, 且不收取船员的任何服务费。The ship owner shall transfer the seafarers wages except the on board payment to the bank accounts designated by the seafarers on monthly basis, and t

34、he cost is on the owners account.7.4 船东应定期向船员提供月薪酬清单,该清单应包括薪酬结构和扣减内容。双方可自行约定清单签收方式。The ship owner shall provide the seafarers with the list of wages on a monthly basis, and the list shall include the deductions if any. The two sides are free to agree the way to sign the list.7.5 为计算工资和津贴方便,每月按实际日历天数

35、计算。For the purpose of calculating wages, a month shall be regarded as actual calendar days per month.8 社会福利和保险 Social Security and Insurance 8.1 船东或船员用人单位按照国家法律法规的规定为其招募的船员办理社会保险,社会保险包括养老保险、医疗保险、工伤保险、失业保险、生育保险等,以及双方约定的其他商业保险。The ship owner or the manning company shall participate in social security

36、and insurance in accordance with the relevant provisions of the P.R.C law. The social security and insurance may include pension insurance, medical insurance, work-related injury insurance, unemployment insurance, maternity insurance as well as the other commercial insurance agreed between both part

37、ies if any.8.2 船员个人应当缴纳的社会保险费用,由船东或船员用人单位依照法律法规的规定从其本人工资中代扣代缴。代扣代缴金额需在每月工资单上列明。The premiums of the seafarers portion in respect of his social security and insurance shall be paid by the seafarer himself, or withheld from his monthly wage and paid by the ship owner or the manning company each month i

38、n accordance with the relevant provisions of the State. The deductions withheld should be listed in the monthly wage payment.9 伙食、物料及供给 Victualling, Stores and Provisions9.1 船东根据航海标准和惯例为在船船员提供生活物资。The seafarer shall be provided by the ship owner with subsistence consistence with good maritime standa

39、rds and practices while on board the vessel.9.2 为船员准备的物料和供给只供船员在船使用,未能使用或消耗的物料和供给应作为船东的财物留船,船员不能带上岸、出售、毁坏或拿走这些物品。All stores and provisions issued to the seafarer are only for use and consumption on board the vessel and any unused or unconsumed stores or provisions shall remain the property of the sh

40、ip owner. The seafarer shall not take ashore, sell, destroy or give away such stores and provisions. 10 船员财物 Crews Effects10.1 因船舶沉船、搁浅、弃船或者火灾、洪水、碰撞,船员个人财物遭受全部和部分损失、损坏,船员有权得到赔偿,金额最高不超过 3000 美元,因船员个人错误或者因偷窃或侵吞而导致的损失、损耗除外。When any seafarer suffers total or partial loss of, or damage to, their personal

41、 effects whilst serving on board the ship as a result of wreck, loss stranding or abandonment of the vessel, or as a result of fire, flooding or collision, excluding any loss or damage caused by the seafarers own fault or through theft or misappropriation, they shall be entitled to receive from the

42、company compensation up to a maximum of US$3000. 10.2 船员应保证关于财产损失所提供的任何信息尽量真实。The seafarer shall certify that any information provided with regard to lost property is true to the best of their knowledge. 10.3 船东应采取措施保护生病、受伤或死亡船员在船上的财产,并将财物归还本人或亲属。The ship owner shall take measures for safeguarding p

43、roperty left on board by sick, injured or deceased seafarers and for returning it to them or to their next of kin. 11 服务于战区、疫区、海盗活动区 Service in Warlike Operations Areas/ Infected Areas / Piracy-prone Areas11.1 战区、疫区的界定以船东互保协会的最新通告为准。The parties to the IBF shall determine a warlike-operations area.11

44、.2 如果船员所服务的船舶需驶往战区、可能严重威胁生命的传染疾病疫区或者海盗活动区域,船东应当及时向船员提供该地区的全面情报信息、本轮的航线和抵达港口,以及必要的防护措施和知识。Where a ship enters into a war zone, epidemic area or piracy region, a seafarer shall be given full information of this zone, ships voyage, port of call and necessary protective measures.11.3 船舶需要驶往战区、疫区需要征得船员的同

45、意,如果船员拒绝前往,船东应当安排该船员遣返并支付遣返费用。During the assignment a seafarer shall have the right not to proceed to a war zone or epidemic area, and in which event the seafarer shall be repatriated at ship owners cost.11.4 船舶进入战区、疫区,船东每天向船员支付100% 基薪的特殊津贴。不足五天的,至少按五天计算。Where a ship enters into a war zone or epidem

46、ic area, the seafarer shall be paid a bonus equal to 100% of the basic wage for the duration of the ships stay in such area subject to a minimum of five days pay. 11.5 船舶驶经海盗活动区域,船东应参照国际规定,给予船员补偿。船员因海盗袭击受伤或死亡,应比照战区条款给予补偿或赔偿。Where a ship enters into a piracy region, the seafarer shall be paid a bonus

47、 according to the regulations of Chinese Maritime Safety Administration or international organizations.12 遣返 Repatriation 12.1 船员在船工作期间,有下列情形之一的,可以要求遣返:When serving on board, a seafarer may ask for repatriation in any of the following circumstances:(1) 船员的劳动合同终止或者依法解除的;The seafarers contract expires

48、 or is terminated in accordance with law;(2) 船员不具备履行船上岗位职责能力的;The seafarer is incompetent to perform the duties of his post on board;(3) 船员配偶、子女、父母死亡或病危的;The seafarers spouse, or child, or a parent has died or has fallen dangerously ill;(4) 船舶灭失的;The vessel is lost;(5) 由于破产、变卖船舶、改变船舶登记或者其他原因,船东不能继续履

49、行对船员的法定或者约定义务的;The ship owner is unable to continue to fulfill its legal or contractual obligations for its seafarers by reason of bankruptcy, sale of the vessel, change of vessels registration or other reasons;(6) 由于不可抗力造成的其它应当遣返的情况。In the event of force majeure12.2 船员可以从下列地点中选择遣返地点:A seafarer may choose the place of repatriation from among the following places:(1) 船员接受聘用的地点或者上船任职的地点;The place where he is recruited or he first assumes his post on board;(2) 船员的居住地、户籍所在地或者船籍登记国;The place of residence or registered perma


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