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1、English Lexicology 英语词汇学,Carl Chang 常 亮15310917176 (公邮)English College英语学院 2010/09,常亮:副教授,87年川外硕士毕业;93-94年美国访问学者,94年四川省优秀青年骨干教师, 95-04年英语系副主任,04年日本高校管理研习,05年日本修读“中日比较英语”博士;主担课程有:词汇学、文体学、英译汉;发表有:“英语教学:教什么,如何教” ,“从-er看英语的构词和词汇”,“语法正确与地道英语” ,“试论英语词汇系统的构成”, “虚实词分类质疑”, “试析克林顿北大演讲风格”, “非谓语表探”, “英语的形素及形素

2、系统”, “当今美语时尚浅析” ,“我看词的定义”, “关于英语的偏离否定”等论文。,The teacher,Funny/interesting: official names: A. B.; Voc; Funny Chang; Jiaozi Chang; etc. Other experiences: publish or perish? Strict: attendance; (critical) thinking + hard practice; Helping; to be helped Creative/original; Personal guiding,Introduction,

3、Carls experience with words:voc;pc; Jap Words + vocabulary+ lexicology: Types, varieties, styles and their features Lexicology and linguistics Vocabulary and good English,Objectives 目标,通过讲授词汇学基本理论、并着重通过对各种实例进行构词、语义及词类分析,对学生进行词汇分析基本训练,使学生了解并初步掌握词汇学理论、基本词汇学概念和词汇框架以及各种英语词汇特征,初步学会对词汇进行正确的分析,提高学生使用和欣赏各种英

4、语词语和具体英语单词的能力、了解并关注词汇文体的意识及词汇分析能力,提高学生的逻辑思维能力、英汉语言词汇比较能力和词汇翻译能力。,The textbook,张维友 英语词汇学教程华中师大出版社 2006年,References to use,林承璋英语词汇学引论(第3版)武汉大学出版社 2005 丁建新现代英语词汇学教程重庆大学出版社 2004年 陆国强现代英语词汇学(新)上外教出版社 1999年 汪榕培英语词汇学高级教程上外教出版社 2002年 冯世梅英语词汇学中国水利水电出版社 2006年中国国际广播电台CRI The 21st Century newspaper,Requirements

5、 要求,翻译方向/专业/班次的学生必选;其他任选。 要求学生通过认真听讲、积极参与提问和讨论、读阅一些参考书、结合其它场合的语料,多多观察体会从而领会词语构成、语义、文体。完成presentation任务,期末参加含有课程论文的测试,并以此作为成绩。,Course Policy,Regular attendance: 5-score minus for each absenceClass participation award: 2-5 scores for class contributionScores: final exam 70% + regular 30%,The ways,Sele

6、ctive, 1 term, Exam To learn and use word-building ways To evaluate + appreciate word types/styles Frame work, basic ideas Focus on sample studies Lectures+discussions+questions+prezentation Observe+think samples/examples,In comparison to,Chinese lexicology and vocabulary Vocabulary translation Gram

7、mar/logic study Semantics/pragmatics Stylistics,Key topics,Word formation Word classification Word meaning Word development/change,Chap 1 Basic concepts,Word: minimal, free, meaningful, spoken:teacher, blackboard, the Vocabulary: general/given in time, space, domain, person, usage Sound & meaning: a

8、rbitrary, conventional: “母亲”,”meat/meet” Sound & form: 表音, not closely,Chap 1 Types of words(1),Basic stock: all-national, stability, productivity, polysemy, collocability Non-basic: term, jargon, slang (slanguage), argot, dialectal, archaicNeologism: mouse, internet, e-mail, hacker, web, blog/vlog,

9、 webisode, sheeple, Maos suit, fruice, Clinton-speak, soy milk, frosh, Ms, first husband, petropolitics, boob tube, stagflation, underdeveloped, washroom, earthrise, waterboarding, staycation, green collar,spoken/written words,super, awesome; realty; cell; veep(vp); subprime mortgage; foreclosure; N

10、eutral: bailout,Chap 1 Types of words(2),Content/functional: the, around Native/borroweddenizen, alien, translation loan, semantic loan Borrowed Chinese: kungfu (martial art), tofu, kuanxi, landlord, mao-tai, yuan, yin-yang, won-ton Borrowed Jap: kimono, sushi, karate, tycoon, judo, sakura, massage,

11、 yen,Chap 2 Changing vocabu,History: 450-1150-1500-1700-1945Features: de-inflection; adaptability; heterogeneityBorrowed elements,Chap 3 Morphology,Word-building components Morph, morpheme, allomorph Bound/free Root/stem/base Root/affix Affix: derivational/inflexional Affix: prefix/suffix,Word forma

12、tion,Affixation 30%-40% Compounding 28%-30% Conversion 26% Shortening 10%Productive: un-; -yexceptions,affixation,= derivationprefixsuffix,Chap 4 Derivation: negative prefixes,productive/native/short: -y, etc.distributionun-: productive/native/shortin- (im-; il-; ir): non-proddis-: non-prodnon-: a l

13、ittle proda-: never prod,Chap 4 Examples for nega 1,inadequate/insufficient, insane, incapable, inconsistent; #in/un+advisable/adaptable/sanitary (unhealthy), indistinct/unclear, insecure, insincere, inconsiderate, incorrect, incompetent, incredulous/incredible, unhealthy, insignificant/unimportant,

14、 inaccurate/imprecise, inactive, irrational, improper/inappropriate, unequal/inequality,continued,unprofessional, unreasonable, unsuitable, ?in/unadjustable, unpopular (irregular, dissimilar), unsystematic, unsympathetic, unfamiliar, unfortunate, inedible/uneatable, unaware; inexpensive/unrich, im/u

15、npractical/unrealisticunforgettable, *unforgetful, unfaithful,continued,inexistence, un/dis/imbalanced, (interested), invaluable=priceless, unvalued=valueless, *unvaluable, infamous/indifferent, #in/un-cautious/frequent/stable dissimilarity, dismount, disgrace, disrespect, disapproval, disable(ment)

16、, dislike/unlike,continued,un-American/non-American nonbook/nonfiction/nonnovel non-hero/anti-hero unperson/unpeople non-smoker/un-smoker,continued,amoral, un/immoral, non-moral, unethicalatheist, abnormal, atypical,asymmetry(uneven), anarchy, anonymous, ascetic, abuse,?,“不够,混乱,不能,不合适,不安,不清楚,考虑不周,不健

17、康,无道理/理智,无意义,不礼貌,难忘”,Chap 4 Reversion prefixes,de-: a little productivedis-: non-prod; disposable; disproduct; disable;un-: native, very productive,Chap 4 Examples for revers,defrost/unfreeze;unfix (do, tie, pack, write, fold, roll); unrest/disorder; derail (regulate, occupy, compose, bus, control,

18、pollution, forestation); disconnect (infect, color, courtesy),Chap 4 Pejorative pref,mal- mis- pseudo-malnourish (nutritious, function, develop)misleading (diagnose, dial, giving, inform, conception)mis/decode, un/discover pseudonym/graph, (-塑料,-知识分子),?,“营养/发育不良,畸形,失灵”“假钱/肢/发/花/货/艺术家/民主/检讨”,Chap 4 D

19、egree prefixes 1,hyper: plane, sonic, mall super: jet, man, power, secret, script, port, structure(infrastructure), ette out: act, grow, live, run, do, eat, weigh, sleep, Hitler, tank, man, missile, number over: culture, exploit, cook, sleep, eat, (sur)charge, educate, dressed, tax, speed under: coo

20、k, charge, educate, develop, privileged, tax, produce, serviced sub: normal, prof, title, let, employ, prime mortgage, manager, center, cult, marine, continent,Chap 4 Degree pref 2,mini, midi, maxi: skirt, bus, order, war, radio, mini-mini-skirtmicro: mike, microminiskirt, scopemega: enterpriseextra

21、: ordinary, money, marital, ET大中小号衣服(XL, L, M, S); 特大、大中小型(企业)ultra:violet, marine, left, modern, sound,Chap 4 Attitude prefixes,Anti: social, aircraft, missile, cancer, body, gas, material, dote, climax, American, pollution, hero, novel, knock, magnetic, apartheid, skid, phrasis, euro, (耐/防火/水)coun

22、ter: revolution, intelligence, act, part, example, ctu反时针?pro: euro, Japco: chair, heir, owner, ?wife, ed, existence, op, colleague, compact/patriot/fort/bine, contract/tact, correlation,Chap 4 Locative pref,inter: view, lude, provincial, act, disciplinary, change, com, dept, cooler intra: personal,

23、 tele: com, conference, school, diagnose trans: oceanic, racial, vertist跨国公司/婚姻,跨文化,多国部队,国际刑警,Chap 4 Time prefixes,ex: girl friend, serviceman, 前总统?; fore: tell, see, stall, runner, closure;ante: room, cedent, date, meridian, type, natal; post: modern, war, pone, treatment, modifier, neonatal, 911,

24、Olympic, quake, industrial,(code); pre: conference, lib, lude, view, marital, (antenuptial), payment, history, cancer, sort; re: write, ?say, call/collect/cycle, cover, sign, act, lay, claim, play, inforce, charge, fill; 婚前/后,再婚/复婚,前言;,Chap 4 Number prefixes 1,semiconductor (diameter, prof, circle,

25、cylinder); hemiparasitic (cycle); demilune unicycle (axial, lateral, versity);monogamy (log, morpheme, theism, graph, plane, poly) bigamy (ennial/annual); dialog (meric, phthong, oxygen) tripod (o, mester, jet/dent, nity, lingual) multinational (pole, shift); polysemy (gamy, gon, valent, center, uri

26、a, thene) trilingual, bilingual, American?,Chap 4 Number prefixes 2,centimeter (grade, pede, tury) kilogram millimeter (liter, ennium, microsecond) quartette; pentagon, quinquennial; hexameter, sextet; September; octavo; nonagon; decimal,Chap 4 Conversion prefixes,awake (foot, fire, float, bed, ware

27、, like, board, glaze) befool (madam, witch, ware, calm, devil) encage (cash, bank, circle, joy, kindle, shroud, roll, brace, slave, throne, force, lighten),Chap 4 Miscellaneous prefixes,neolithic (classic) autonym (nomy, alarm, maker, cide); self-denial (service meal, buffet) pan-American (orama, oc

28、ea, SISU?) prototype (word, language, history, virus) vice-dean (associate/assistant prof, a mayor, deputy minister, sub-manager, assistant secretary, under-secretary, deputy-assistant) bio-chem; eco-cide; e-friend; cyber-time perennial,Chap 4 Suffixes,n. + -er等 = n.v. + -er 等= n.n. + 其它 v. + 其它其它 +

29、 其它其它,Chap 4 -er,bedder, N.Y.-er, Chongqinger, villager, old-timer, officer, jobber, double-decker, pre-schooler, fiver, porker, liner, 1st-timer, footer, back-hander, trafficker, soccer, partner, toddler, lawyer, netter, 3-pointer, wheeler, X-er, SISUer, finger, weather, matter, shower; sampler, st

30、apler, healer, mere-sayer of -, singer, free-lancer, server/ant, informer/ant, helper, watcher, cooker, sucker, eye-opener,Chap 4 -er (continued),West-Pointer, cottager, bowler, golfer, second-grader, f-/b-baller, foreigner; thriller, silencer/muffler, shutter, drawer, sawyer, fucker, feeler, diner,

31、 speaker, layer, window-shopper, face-lifter, second-guesser, woman-hunter, lady-killer, sit-inner, stay-a-whiler; poker, Webster, shower, upper, supper,Chap 4 -er vs others,weaponeer, rocketeer, routineer, pamphleteer; youngster, rhymester/er/ist, receiver/ist; author, doctor, actor, survivor, elev

32、ator, educator, monitor, sector, liberator, sailor, tailor, translator, professor, sensor; beggar, scholar, liar; pedlar/er, interpreter, observer;,and,Informer/informant, servant/server; Rhymer/rhymist; feminist, sexist, racist; Evacuee, refugee, payee, interviewee, nominee, referee, addressee(*see

33、ee, *layee,), committee, fiance, divorcee (*deceasee), retiree, absentee;,Chap 4 -ess vs “female”,actress, poetess, princess, tigress, manageress, authoress, ?stewardess 女英雄,女生,女大学生,女朋友,女医生,母猫,Chap 4 “小”,piglet, islet, pamphlet, flatlet, playlet;duckling, professorling, underling;superette, undergra

34、duatette,Other suffixes,Cognates: Link/linkage; waste/wastage; drainage; leakage*ing; -ry: 1. Rivalry; 2. forestry ; cookery 3. peasantry/officialdom;membership/adulthood/adultery;/neighborhood Apply(ance/ation); Denial, rehearsal, arrival; original, influential, presidential, governmental; Clearnes

35、s/clarity; activeness/productivity; Real (ity, *ness, ty, tor, ize, ism, ist, istic); Differ(n., -ence, ential, entiate);,and,Erroneous, cautious, courteous; mountainous/hilly; Bushy, woody (wooded), hairy, fiery, pushy, picky, jerky, goofy, funky, handy (hanky, dolly, goody); -iness; -lessness;,and

36、,Sustainable, feasible, visible (ity); Scandalize, commercialize, advertise(ment), publicize (ity), computerize(ation), disable(ment)(ity); Beautify/uglify, electrify, simplify, diversify; (Amplify), broaden (widen, enlarge(ment) (ing), soften, lighten (lighter, lightning, enlighten(ment); Stimulate

37、, evaporate, automate, 解放;,Suffix review,Cognates: rhyme/receive; sex; leak; clear; real; apply; exhaust; publi- 女权主义者;裁判;离婚者;未婚妻;委员会; 排练;有影响的;政府的; Nouns: Active; productive; -ful/less/y; 成熟的; 多山的;话多的;无价的;可行的;可见的;可持续的;小心的; 丑化;电(脑)化;固/气/汽/液化;自动化;多样化;硬/软化;拴牢;扩/放大;解放;区分;致残/聋;消音;激活/化;成熟;名词化?,Chap 4 N Co

38、mpounding,n + n = n: 1. 地点;2. 时间;3. 所属;4.目的;5. 方式;6. 比拟;7. 主宾;8. 主谓;9. 动宾; morning post, weekend news, field work, seat/safety (safe) belt, laptop, kitchen knife, doorknob, bottleneck, moonlight, snake egg, school bus, egghead, steam engine, air-/hand-brake, steel plant, gas/spot light, industry/gov

39、ernment management, industrial production, haircut, book review, birth-control/family-planning, self-defense, sunflower, frogman, dragonfly;,continued,(主谓;动宾) sunset, youthquake, heartbeat, toothpick, lipstick, pickpocket, call girl, watch dog, knitwear, turntable, searchlight, flash light, new-wed,

40、 Bushspeak, Clitonspeak; (定名) cross-talk, funny man, long leg (left-hander), gray-collar, blue beret, red cap, first husband, reverse discrimination, reverse harassment;,continued,sleeping pill/bag/car/dog, walking stick; sun-bathing, word building, back swimming, handwriting, house-warming; dish-wa

41、sher, gun-bearer, beauty-hunter; be-in, gay-in, teach-in, call in, kick-back, kick-off, pile-up, carry-on, carry-away, take-out, pickup, crackdown, blackout, makeup, havent; win-win, see-saw, walkie-lookie, hit-or-miss, hit-and-run, wash-and-wear, wait-see, hip hop, tick-tock; ha-ha-ha, touch-me-not

42、, forget-me-not, God-knows-what, whatyacalit, Mr Gobbledgook;?antiestablishmentarianism;,Chap 4 A Compounding,man-eating/-eaten, face-lifting, mouth-watering, far-reaching, good-looking; order-/custom-made, hand-made, home-made, new-born, sun-struck, far-fetched, hard-won, well-meant, poverty-strick

43、en, quake-hit; home-sick, customer-friendly, pitch black, bee-busy, care/tax-free, class-conscious, Sino-Jap; long-term, apple-pie, first-hand, ten-minute, 24-hour/round-the-clock, 3-legged, good-willed, warm-hearted, under-the-weather, middle-of-the-road; face-to-face, hand-in-hand, mouth-to-mouth,

44、 shoulder-by-shoulder;,Chap 4 复合(汉译英),方便面,火锅,保健食品,笔记本电脑,救生衣,墨镜,隐形眼镜,家用电器,速记,速冻,空运,人造,转基因食品,禽流感,高血压,中暑,高压锅,综艺节目,边缘科学,差生,选修课, 素质教育,义务教育,对口支援,环境友好型,科技含量高,教徒,红娘,黄粱美梦,白日梦,梦话,梦游,划时代的,期盼已久的,外贸,外办,留学生,畅通工程,二环路,和平共处,春蕾计划,城市规划,差额选举,小康社会,保税区,保值储蓄,社会保障,搬迁户,按揭贷款,轻轨/快轨,红绿灯,不可再生资源,不良贷款,第三产业,粗放式管理,大专,彻头彻尾,职场,待业,二次创

45、业,倒计时,电视直销,传销,吊销执照,豆腐渣工程,法轮功,Reference translation,Instant noodles,hot pot, health-care food, notebook, life jacket, dark/sun glasses, contact lens, home appliances, short-hand, quick-frozen, air-borne, man-made, genetically-modified food, bird flu, high blood pressure, sunstroke, high-pressure cook

46、er, variety show, boundary science, slow student, optional/selective course, qual-edu, compulsory edu, one-to-one support, environment-friendly, hi-tech-intensive, church-goer, go-between/match-maker, fond dream, day dream, sleep talk, sleep walk,continued,epoch-making, long-awaited, intl trade, for

47、eign affairs office, intl student, smooth project, 2nd Ring Road, peaceful co-existence, Spring Buds Program, urban planning, competitive election, well-off society, low-tax, tariff-free zone/bonded area, inflation-proof bank savings, social security, re-located household, mortgage loan, E.T., traff

48、ic lights, non-renewable resources, non-performing loan, tertiary industry/service sector, extensive management, junior college, out-and-out, work field/job market, job-awaiting, start a new undertaking, countdown, TV home shopping, multi-level marketing/pyramid-selling, revoke license, jerry-built

49、project, Falun Gong Cult,Chap 4 Conversion,to nounsto verbsto adjectivesto others,eg of conversion,Top and tail the turnip; belt/seat/cap/bandage/mask(unmask) sb; Code? (encode/decode) ; head? QQ/ACD sth/sb; on the move/go; have the say; survey/contact/加油(v./ n.); face-to-face (converted/compounded?

50、); 有何区别(converted); 2份辣的;看得清楚(see clear);牙齿咬;偷盗;,Shortening(缩短词),Chap 4 blending (拼缀词),Octoburst, blog, vlog, botel, lumper, spork, slurb, stag/slumpflation, psy-war, confriction, sci-fi, hi-fi, po-sci, Interpol, phys-ed, slanguage, Chinglish/Japlish, lansign, Chindia, Amslan, Amway, Amtrak, advertistics, slimnastics, youthquake, vegiburger, Californiaburger, bio-chem, eco-cide, geo-politics, astropolicy, Oxbridge, womens lib,


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