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1、如何做好翻译,主讲人:过家鼎,一、翻译包括口译和笔译,外译中、中译外;口译又包括同声传译和连续传译(consecutive interpretation)。对翻译的基本要求是“完整准确,通俗易懂”(complete and accurate, fluent and comprehensible or intelligible),即信、达(faithfulness and fluency)。“完整准确”就是忠于原文,不错不漏,既要避免自由编造(too liberal),又要避免对号入座的死译(mechanical),形式上忠实,实质上误译。“通顺易懂”即用简单的语言(simple languag


3、文的意思,使译文达到“雅”的水平,是很不容易的。这就要求译者具有很高的两种语言水平和对两种文化的深刻理解。除了中文的成语外,有必要了解和熟悉一些英文的谚语和格言,再与我国相应的谚语和成语相比较,加以全面掌握和正确使用,这样才能真正提高译文的水平。,以下举一些中英文对照的例句,中英文都是各自常用的通俗用语,既切合原意,又符合中英文各自的表达习惯。,任人唯贤 Meritocracy : Rule by persons chosen not because of birth or wealth, but for their superior talents or intellect ; a soci

4、al system formed on such basis. 任人唯亲 Nepotism 第二职业 Moonlighting (working at a secondary job) 明升暗降 Kick upstairs 大材小用 To be underemployed 编制不足 To be understaffed 超编 To be overstaffed,事后诸葛亮 Monday morning quarterback 人材外流 Brain drain献计献策(港称:头脑风暴)Brainstorming (a method of solving problems in which eve

5、ryone suggests ideas which are then discussed). A brainstorming session智囊团 Brain trust发明创造 Brainchild The project was the brainchild of Davidson. 满腹牢骚 A bellyful of complaints 经验教训 Pains and gains (instead of experiences and lessons),小道消息 Learn through the grapevine 有其父必有其子 Like father, like son. 家丑

6、不可外扬 Dont wash dirty linen in the public. 喧宾夺主 Steal the limelight 雪上加霜 Add insult to injury 智勇双全 A combination of guts and brains 我说了算 The buck stops here. (Trumans saying) 心有余而力不足 Mind is willing, flesh is weak. 一刀切 One size fits all. 过犹不及 More is less.,中英文相似的谚语和格言 (Idioms and proverbs),有志者,事竟成。Th

7、ere is a will, there is a way. 谋事在人,成事在天。Man proposes, God disposes. 患难见真知 A friend in need is a friend indeed. 本性难移。Old habits die hard 酒后吐真言。There is truth in Wine. 欲速则不达。More haste, less speed. Haste makes waste. 旁观者清。 Lookers on see most of the game. 骄兵必败。 Pride goes before a fall. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

8、Once bitten, twice shy. 千里之行,始于足下。 The longest journey begins with a single step. 或 A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step.,柳暗花明又一村(东方不亮西边亮)。When one door shuts, another opens. 或 Every cloud has a silver lining. 一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚无水吃。Every bodys business is nobodys business. 勿以恶小而为之

9、。It is a sin to steal a pin. 玩火者自焚。 If you play with fire, you get burnt. 无风不起浪。 There is no smoke without fire. 君子报仇,十年不晚。Revenge is a dish that could be eaten cold. 欲加之罪,何患无辞? Its always easy to find a stick to beat a dog. 人老了,难以接受新事物。You cant teach old dogs new ticks.,成语的直译和意译对成语(Idiom)和俗语(popula

10、r saying)有两种译法:一种是直译(literal translation);一种是意译(interpretative translation)。由于两种语言的文化背景不同,有的成语和俗语经过直译后,读者或受众不能理解,这就需要改成或补之以意译。意译一般比较简洁易懂,但必须吃透原文的意思,才能做出准确而通顺的意译。以下举一些例子。矮子里拔将军 直译 pick a general from among the dwarfs 意译 select someone for lack of a betterone; select from among the mediocre/run-of-mil

11、l杯水车薪 直译 try to put out a carload of burning firewood with a cup of water,意译 a useless attempt;a drop in the bucket;utterly inadequate measure赤膊上阵 直译 go into battle stripped to the waist意译 take personal charge and go it alonedespite opposition;throw away all disguise and tactics;come out into the op

12、en as a result of desperation or foolhardiness此地无银 直译 The 300 taels of silver are not buried here 三百两 (a sign put up by the man in the folk taleover the place where he had hidden the money). 意译 A clumsy self-exposing performance ordenial;,A guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protestin

13、g his innocence;Protest ones innocence too much. 打肿脸充胖子 直译 Try to look fat by slapping ones face tillits swollen;Boast about ones pink cheek after havingbeen slapped.意译 Do something beyond ones means in order to look impressive;try to satisfy ones vanity when one cannotreally afford to do so.当一天和尚撞

14、直译 go on tolling the bell as long as one 一天钟 remains a monk.意译 do the minimum required or do as little aspossible to get by;do the least that is expected of one;,take a passive attitude towards ones work 隔岸观火 直译 watch a fire from the other side of a river意译 look on at somebodys misfortune with indif

15、ference;show no concern for anothers trouble 海底捞月 直译 try to fish out the moon from the bottom ofthe sea意译 strive for the impossible or illusory;a fruitless effort or futile attempt寒窗 直译 cold window 意译 hard conditions under which a poor scholar studies和尚打伞, 直译 Like a Buddhist monk holding an umbrella

16、,无法无天 there is no hair (发,a homophone for 法 law) nor heaven.,意译 defy laws human and divine;be absolutely lawless;run wild狐狸尾巴 直译 foxs tail意译 something that gives away a persons real character or evil intensions画蛇添足 直译 Draw a snake with feet added to it.意译 Ruin the effect by adding what is superfluou

17、s;Doing something entirely unnecessary.井底之蛙 直译 frog at the bottom of a well意译 person with a very limited outlook;person with a narrow vision(在我头上) 直译 Piss and shit (over my shoulder).拉屎撒尿 意译 Do whatever one pleases in a despoticmanner (against me);,Ride roughshod over me.磨刀不误砍柴工 直译 Sharpening the ax

18、e does not delay thework of a wood-cutter.意译 Making preparation is not wasting time.兔子尾巴长不了 直译 The tail of a rabbit cant be long.意译 Something wont last long;Somebodys days are numbered.,二、必须懂得政治,我们是中国人,必须维护中国的尊严、主权和政治立场。目前,在台湾问题上的斗争十分激烈,我们必须注意维护“一个中国”的立场,尽量避免引起“两个中国”“一中一台”“台湾独立”含义的译法。例如,“中国大陆”应译成”Ch

19、inas mainland”,不要用”Mainland China”。对“台湾”的提法,最好是“中国台湾”,即”Taiwan, China”。在APEC等国际组织里,“香港”的名称是”Hong Kong , China”(中国香港)。台湾的名称是“中国台北”Chinese Taipei”。APEC有21个成员,其中包括香港和台湾,因此不能说21个成员国,而只能称21个经济体(economies),21个member economies.,法理台独 de jure independence of Taiwan,最坏的是Republic of Taiwan or Taiwan。“台湾问题”不要译”

20、Taiwan issue”,而应称”Taiwan question.” 台湾不是一个”issue”,而是一个历史遗留下来的”question”。The Taiwan question has been made an issue by the Americans and the Taiwan separatists.注意中美联合公报中,“承认”一词的英文:”The U.S.A recognizes the Government of PRC as the sole legal Government of China.(美国承认中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府)。”The Governme

21、nt of the U.S.A acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.”(美国政府承认中国的立场,即只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。)”acknowledge”是“认识到”,与”recognize”不同。,“国籍”是”nationality”。“民族”不是”nationality”,而是”ethnicity”。56个民族应为56个”ethnic groups”。汉族不能译”Han nationality”,应为”ethnic Han”。民族政策是”po

22、licy towards ethnic minorities.”“国内外”与“海内外”有区别,一个是”at home and abroad”,一个是”at home and overseas”(包括港、澳、台)。华侨是Chinese nationals (中国籍的华人)。华人是overseas Chinese(包括美籍华人)。“唯一合法政府”应译为”sole legal government of China”。“合法”一词应译为”legal”,意谓”sanctioned by law or in conformity with the law”。其他用语均不够有力,如”lawful”,其意c

23、lose to “allowable or permissible” or to “rightful or proper”. ”Legitimate”更不妥,因为it only implies recognition or acceptance by custom, tradition or the proper authorities or logical admissibility.,“Safety”和”Security”含义不同。”Safety”是指“人身安全”,”security”则包括“政治安全”。“民族”应译”Nation”还是”people”?犹太民族如译成”Jewish nat

24、ion”,就有“犹太国家”的含义。 “pretext”与”excuse”中文同为“借口”,但含义不同。“Pretext” is a fictitious reason given in order to conceal the real one ,a specious excuse, a pretense.“Excuse” is an explanation offered in defense of some fault or offensive behavior or as a reason for not fulfilling an obligation. “sorry”与”apolog

25、y”的不同:在美方撞机事件中,我方要求美方道歉,美方不肯用”apology”一词,只能用”sorry”一词。”sorry”有两种意思,一种是”apologizing to someone for something that you have done which has upset them or caused them difficulties”;另一种是”feel sadness , regret or disappointment about a situation”。为求得妥协,我方接受了美方用的”very sorry”,中文表达为“深表歉意”。,三、加强学习,与时俱进,不断 提高知

26、识和语言水平,科学发展观 Scientific Outlook on Development 中国特色社会主义 Socialism with Chinese characteristics; Chinese Socialism; Chinese-style Socialism 小康社会 moderately prosperous society; a well-off society 宏观调控 macro-economic regulation 节能减排 conserve energy and reduce emission; energy conservation and emission

27、reduction 稳健的财政政策和从紧的货币政策 a prudent fiscal policy and a tight monetary policy 又好又快发展 sound and fast development,经贸金融,A股市场 A share market, 即人民币普通股票shares issued for Chinese only and purchased or sold domestically AA制 (Arithmetic Average) Dutch treatment; go Dutch CPI (Consumer Price Index) 居民消费价格指数 I

28、PO (Initial Public Offering)首发或初发的股票;股票的初次或者首次公开发行 IPR (Intellectual Property Right) 知识产权 次级抵押贷款 (次级房贷;次贷) subprime mortgage在美国,抵押贷款市场分为“次级”(subprime)和“优级”(prime),是以借款人的信用条件作为划分界限的。根据信用的高低,放贷机构对借款人区别对待,从而形成了两个层次的市场。信用低的人申请不到优惠贷款,只能在次级市场寻找贷款。次级市场的贷款利率通常比优惠级抵押贷款高2%-3%,宰人(敲竹杠) rip-off, 如”The local shop

29、keepers were all trying to rip off the tourists” 连体别墅 town house 外包 outsourcing 高校后勤外包 outsourcing college services to independent suppliers,大公司名称,中石化(中国石油化工集团公司)SinoPec (China Petro-Chemical Corporation) 中石油(中国石油天然气集团公司)Petro China(China National Petroleum Corporation,CNPC) 中国移动通讯公司 China Mobile 中海油(中国海洋石油公司) CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Corporation) 中国网通 CNC; China Netcom 中国联通 China Unicom 中国移动 China Mobile 联想 Lenovo,中国国家电网公司 State Grid Corporation of China 纳斯达克 NASDAQ 美国全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统 (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) 中国国际航空公司 Air China,


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