1、,有弹性锁扣的止血钳等要将其松开。,(一)金属器械,1.灭菌前的准备,足够的数量,良好的性能,清洁。,手术刀片、缝针、注射针头等散碎小 物品应 另包后单独放置。,第二节 手术器械、物品等的准备与灭菌,用布包好或装入特制的袋内。,2.灭菌方法,高压蒸汽灭菌化学浸泡消毒煮沸灭菌法,(二)玻璃、瓷、搪瓷类器皿,注射器尽可能使用一次性的,玻璃注射器应将内栓抽出并与外筒对应编号,1.灭菌前准备,洗净,易碎品用纱布等包裹,2.灭菌方法,高压蒸汽灭菌 化学消毒剂浸泡消毒 煮沸灭菌 酒精火焰烧灼灭菌(大方盘等),(三)橡胶、尼龙和塑料类制品,1.灭菌前准备 尽可能选用一次性制品 非一次性制品洗净,纱布等包好
2、塑料制品不可高压灭菌,橡胶制品不可反复高压,2.灭菌方法 煮沸灭菌 高压蒸汽灭菌 化学浸泡消毒 环氧乙烷或甲醛熏蒸消毒,(四)缝合材料,肠线等可吸收性缝合材料为已消毒物品。 其余缝合材料应准备足够的数量,可疏松地缠绕在线板上,但不可反复高压灭菌。,(五)敷料、创巾、手术衣帽、口罩,广泛使用一次性制品,止血巾、创布等可自行制作,回收使用时,应充分洗净,高压蒸汽灭菌,包裹不宜大、包扎不宜紧、排列不宜密,Folding of a Gown for Sterilization,Hold the gown so that the outside is facing away from you. Plac
3、e the outside right and left ties into the white tab.,Fold the gown in half lengthwise twice making sure that the inside of the gown is showing.,Lie the gown on a table and fold in half lengthwise again. Then fold end to end twice.,The gown is folded in such a way that the top of the inside of the g
4、own is presented when the sterile pack is unwrapped.,Instruments are loaded into an ultrasonic cleaner for washing prior to sterilization,(六)高压蒸汽灭菌,The proper arrangement of surgical packs for steam sterilization.All packs are oriented vertically,and a small amount of space separates the packs。,0.10
5、.137MPa 121.6126.6C 30min,All instruments must be double wrapped in linen or special paper or placed in a special metal box equipped with a filter before sterilization,The white stripes on the tape change to black when the appropriate conditions (temperature) have been met.,Color indicators are also
6、 included on the outside and inside of equipment sterilized in paper packages.,(七)煮沸灭菌法,非手术室条件下使用。清洁常水煮沸35min,去除沉淀,将器械放入,第二次水沸后15min,可将一般细菌杀死,细菌芽孢则需60min。2%NaHCO3液可使水的沸点提高到102105C,并可防止金属生锈,但对橡胶制品有损害。,(八)化学药品消毒,新洁尔灭 0.1%皮肤、粘膜,浸泡器械。 0.1% 新洁尔灭1000ml,5g医用亚硝酸钠,用于长期浸泡器械。物品上不可有有机物存在,不可与肥皂、碘酊、高锰酸钾和碱类药物混用。,酒
7、精 7075%,浸泡器械,特别是有刃器械,30min以上。,煤酚皂 常用于环境消毒,甲醛 10%,金属器械、塑料薄膜、橡胶制 品、各种导管,浸泡,30min以上 40%,用于熏蒸消毒。,聚乙烯酮碘 0.75%,皮肤、粘膜消毒。 0.1%,口腔消毒。 1%,阴道消毒。 0.5%,鼻腔、咽、阴道的喷雾消毒。,Isopropyl Alcohol (70%),ADVANTAGES: Causes protein denaturation, cell lysis, and metabolic interruption. Degreases the skin. DISADVANTAGES: Ineffec
8、tive against bacterial spores and poorly effective against viruses and fungi.,Chlorhexidine Gluconate,ADVANTAGES: Rapid action Residual activity is enhanced by repeated use Less susceptible to organic inactivation than providone iodine,DISADVANTAGES:Occasional skin sensitivity.Inactive against bacte
9、rial sporesActivity against viruses and fungi is variable and inconsistent,Povidone Iodine,ADVANTAGES: Bactericidal, viricidal, and fungicidal,DISADVANTAGES: Occasional skin sensitivity Partially inactivated by organic debris Less residual activity than chlorhexidine Poor sporicidal activity,USES:,DuraPrep,Supplies a film-forming solution of iodophor and isopropyl alcohol for a final skin prep,Solution is contained within an applicator which speeds up the prep process,Solution provides long-lasting, fast, broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity,