1、cI|:1009null6825(2007)36null0009null020 y N# *l :2007null07null06null null * : 8 S/ ?Z9 “( “I|:982181)Te:_(1958null ), 3, V, q, v, null 030024 (1982null ), o, v V 3, null 030024朱向东null 白丽媛Knull1:从建筑组群总体布局a建筑造型结构a建筑材料a建筑色彩以及建筑装饰五方面阐述了山西历史建筑遗产的艺术价值,以使人们在了解山西古建筑艺术价值的同时,更深入地了解其所反映出的民族性和地域性b1oM:古建筑,艺术价值,
2、建筑造型,建筑色彩ms |:TUnull87DS M :Anull null 8,r, BK*?VB, i NL,$nullSy onullb v R Vn !ya (M)ar+, .dy8, / Y B yb N 9 Sy N N1 L b N1 Bq VT #, Q B, N9bTy7 N y/ = ,YVC y/ LC,7t N818CyF 98 dB;y/ + ;y ;y ;ye 2“b1nullyF 98 dByF 98 y N1Z b yZ “VC T, , ; w|M, 2“,Qs ,p bL: -, : ! ,F ,MW, ), , 1 bV87,yA ! aaT%a 4 1
3、,% T Sby7G +1 Hqa # 3 38 , 4,y ,V7 Pzv4,M/7a y,i Yae , x b| S dB, + y8“,r / BqBq N v O b2nully/ + y/ YVy4 s ( ,7 O 9 zTb+Y #Uy)t, y , T, u9 +s 3b) ,/s 2Z *M1,A a LvZb2.2null 梁架y98 !,NZ T a # 1qM,7,i T 2“, O Ob OSE9F y = bWQa,9F + b0/B ! v:,aFq , Zy +, V = ?,i erT, SEM9 b y+,y Nb2.3null 柱子0 VA1q,9 4y
4、4 j $b0ha /5 Vn; L 4$ F,b |1 jFB8;W M , e :8T, ) Bb i = : p a = ai a CbtC i =a :8, V4 BtZ b| L 4a B, P NB 6by !9 , y i,?dB FZ !,i Zvla #M“ T s u, P B_;G H |,s Fval F0 !, ,1 F VB , B1 b i = , ! Z,YV M, erT,9 b3nully yv !aa Fay/ae7b !y/ T F ? , B u !y , P $ M !y iz,r67 mE ! ,Ci W K ! b| !y O,; Py i, P
5、y $M,i Oe,1 ! P| ?, b |r, a 7,y 3,?a a b P9,vsaT Ca Oa 7HaZ B ,1 3 j $rT9M, sb Fvy a a0a a #Bteq,tFyW y W,T%Ob t Py i, V4 *t Y !aa Fb9 9 y d1Bsb BdT%y , ?z, 6 y, ,aaaa sa a,yN$1yv Pb 9 qo EsW, VTca, ;9 VT, e, e; VT 9 , : ; T+ “ama # Ye 9 L ebB P,4 y P p , H9|ye 3 bVCy +, 9 1BZ b4nully P Sy 1Fs, yai7
6、/# bW VC Z BTrTb ,y d, 7 ,1 ; ,B by 1 8 4 b 4 aa s1 V ,7a 5 b| ,/; y,;7 j $rTba a 4yP1 , 7 b :( )“ s ?,F /5, PyAs a b5nullye 2“e y VC TB,y+v yeb ye ,V“SZye be mEYawba La L, “N, = dby Ce“ CaaaC * u ?0aa aab aa%aa a a a !9 yne b svvllyv aCaa3aha, nully)mnullb null inulle Q,tm Y=db |tm F F, 3Vm,c 3VC“
7、paza fbyem) mE,B mE Y#a !a F#a Eby mE 3rT9MbCa ae, Py a E B8, Pyi , =dbVy /a a ae y N,7t C5 W k,T ?ZB., WM. b yv 8, VSZy 1= , S.d NB1Fs, Nb ID:1王建华.三晋古建筑装饰图典M.上海:上海文艺出版社,2005.6.2史向红.浅析山西古建筑的特色J.福建建筑,2001(1):55null56.3黄艺农.中国古建筑审美特征J.湖南师范大学社会科学学报,1998(5):98null99.Superficialanalysisontheartisticvalues
8、andtheirformationofhistoricalbuildingsinShanxiZHUXiangnulldongnull BAILinullyuanAbstract:From the generalarrangement ofbuilding complex, architecturalmodeling andstructure, building materials, architecturalcolor anddecoration theartistic valuesof historicalconstructionheritance inShanxiare elaborate
9、d, in order to made well understanding onthe nationalcharactersandregionality their reflected inunderstanding process ofartistic valuesof them.Keywords:historicalbuilding, artistic value, architecturalmodeling, architecturalcolornull10null 第33卷第36期2 00 7年1 2月null null null null null null null null null null 山 西 建 筑null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null