1、剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit2 Its a goat.教学目的和要求:Teaching aims and demands: 学会有关动物词汇的发音,做到读音准确保证见图能说文名称,见词能反应大概是什么意思学习和掌握字母 e 的读音能用句型进行简单的对话交际用语 Whats this, Mr Li?Expressions in communication Its a goat.Its a long tail.Smile, please!This is my cat. I love it.重点词汇 a horse, a fish, a duck, a turtle, a cow, a rabbit
2、Key words and expressions a cat, a chicken, a dog, a sheep, a frog, a goat所需教具 有关动物的图片Materials for teaching 有关动物名称的单词卡将要学的所有动物缩小排列在一张纸上,并进行复印,做到人手一份若干个动物头饰,如鸭子、兔子、小鸡、大象等前面学过的有关文具的图片准备让学生做 Bingo 游戏的方格,每人一张纸,每张纸上有可以使用四次的格子如何导入教学?教师进教室以后,为了引起学生的兴趣,可以高兴地对大家说:“Do you want to play a game now? Listen care
3、fully. Listen to the sounds I make. You tell me what animal it is. OK?” 如果学生听力有些困难,教师可以说得慢一些,可以再加一些手势,但不要用汉语解释。其实,只要教师开始学羊叫 Baa! Baa! 学生就知道它是什么动物了。当学生喊出“羊”的时候,教师表示肯定说:“Yes, sheep. Its a sheep.” 接着,教师学鸭子叫,Quack! Quack! 学生说出“鸭子”后,教师说:“Yes, duck. Duck. Its a duck.” 教师用类似的方法把今天所要出现的主要动物(带声音的)先说出来,并把它们的声
4、音卡片贴在黑板上,同时把该动物的图片贴在黑板的另一边。等到所有的九个动物说完后,教师让学生将黑板上的声音和动物配对。教师对学生说:“Now, look at the blackboard. On this side, there are the sounds of the animals. But on this side there are the pictures of the animas. Who can come to the blackboard and match the sounds with the animas?” 教师可以找一个或几个学生做声配图的练习。当学生把图与声配好
5、后,教师带着学生读这些声音。同时,可以换一些练习的形式,比如教师指动物,让学生学声音;教师学声音,让学生说动物的名称等。接下来,教师拿出图片问学生:“Whats this?” 学生回答说:“Its a goat.”为了学生能学会有关动物名称的发音,教师对学生说:“Now you can ask me questions. Ill answer your questions. You ask, What is it? Ill answer, Its a goat. Do you understand? Lets try. You begin first.”教师通过手势暗示学生先问问题。学生问了一
6、遍之后,教师可以反过来问学生。类似的练习方法还有:a)一、二、三组问,四、五、六组答b)男生问,女生答c)一个学生问,全班同学答d)问的同学先站起来,问完之后再坐下,回答的同学再站起来,问完后再坐下e)全班问,一个人答总之,教师可以变换方式让学生练习达到熟练的目的。教师应让学生注意,问远处东西的时候一定要说,What is it?如果是近处的东西,就可以用 Whats this? 教师发给每个学生一张事先印有动物图的纸,让每个学生两人一组进行问答练习。这一次,学生需要用的句型是 Whats this? Its a sheep. 学生练习之后,教师可以检查几对学生,看他们练习的效果如何。单元教学
7、活动 2 Listen and number.在学生熟悉了动物的叫声后,教师就可以放录音,让学生根据听到的先后顺序在对应的动物旁标上序号。录音原文:Cluck! Cluck! Quack! Quack! Moo! Moo! Woof! Woof! Baa! Baa!Cock-a-doodle-doo! Meow! Meow! Oink! Oink! Tweet! Tweet!单元教学活动 3 Make words.在教语音的时候,教师可以首先复习一下上节课的语音内容,比如 bat, bag, hat, mat, map, dad, cat, man 等,教师不必受词的限制,可以任意拼词。接着,
8、教师让学生先听几个单词的发音。教师说:“Now, everybody, listen to me carefully, bed, leg, pen, egg, hen, wet, vet, Ben.Which sound is the same in all those words?” 教师可以问学生:“Which sound have you heard again and again? Now listen carefully. One more time.” 教师再给学生读一遍这些词,然后再继续问。当有的学生说出e的音后,教师要进行肯定,并把字母 e 写在黑板上,让大家跟着一起拼读一些音
9、。方式如同前面一课。E-be-bed, e-le-leg, 等等。在拼读单词的时候,教师要引导学生注意单词的重音,一个音节的次要重读第一个音节,而两个以上的音节,要看重音符号,但通常都重读前面的音节。比如 pencil, pencil-case, elephant.同时,教师还要提醒学生,字母 v 和 w 的发音是不一样的。发e音的时候,口形不要过大、过开。语音练习中,学生要对两个词进行辨音练习。听录音时,教师最好将这几对词写在黑板上,然后再让小朋友加深一下印象。单元教学活动 5 Listen and circle.录音原文:bed ham pen leg Dan wet Ted map单元教
10、学活动 6 Lets play.在这部分教学中,教师可以组织学生做个游戏。教师对学生说:“Now lets play a game. Lets stand in a circle first.” 学生站好后,教师说:“Now please sit down in a circle.” 全体学生坐成一个圈。 “First let me give each one of you a picture. You hold it. We ask one student to stand and run around the circle. While he is running, he says the
11、 name of his own animal, For example, duck, duck, duck. He says it three times and suddenly he says a name of any animal. The person who has the animal should quickly stand up and catch the person who is running. If he cant catch the person, he goes on running and says his own animal name. Do you un
12、derstand?” 教师边说边做解释。其实,只要学生一开始操作,很快就会明白的。如果有头饰,效果会更好。记分的时候,教师可以按动物的种类记,比如 chicken 10 points, duck 10 point, 等等。单元教学活动 8 “Bingo” game.游戏之后,教师让学生回到座位上,然后对大家说:“Lets play another game. Do you like playing games? Please open your books and turn to page 11. You can see there are fifteen animals. You can o
13、nly put nine animals in the squares. One animal in one square. You can write the name or draw a picture in it. Do you understand? Lets do it now.” 学生写完之后,教师对学生说:“Now Ill read the names of my animal. If you hear the name of an animal, and you have got it, you cross the animal.” 教师给学生在黑板上做一个示范, “If yo
14、u have all the three names crossed, you can shout, Bingo .It means, I have got it right.” 教师可以补充一句:“只要我说的动物你都有,而且三个连成一条线,你就可以喊, Bingo! 我猜对了。 Then you can get a sticker. Do you understand?”教师做完一次宾果游戏后,可以让学生连续做四次,每次都要求学生写单词,而不许画画,这样,学生可以进行大量的单词拼写训练。教师可以分别请四个同学到前面来,把自己填的词给大家念出来,大家根据该学生的词进行检查。单元教学活动 9 L
15、ets sing.学习歌曲之前,教师让学生先听一遍歌曲,然后,再让学生跟着读歌词。读的时候将词分成一组一组的,便于学生记忆。教师可以让全体学生都站起来,跟着歌曲的节奏边唱边做些简单的动作。用此种方法重复多次,直至学生掌握为止。单元教学活动 10 Listen, number and match.第十部分是一道听音写序号的题。学生在首先听到的动物下面的小方框中写上序号“1” 。然后,以此类推 2,3,4,5 等。教师给学生解释说:“Now we are going to do listening exercise. Youll hear the animal names one by one.
16、You write the numbers according to the series of the said animals. For example, you hear, dog, you quickly write 1 under the picture of a dog. Then you hear, fish, you write 2 under the picture of a fish. Do you understand? When youve finished it, Please match the pictures with the words above.”录音原文
17、:chicken fish sheep lizard cow Duck goat dog cat答案:2,8,6,1,7,3,9,5单元教学活动 11 Lets guess.本单元的最后一个活动是游戏,需要学生猜动物。教师可以这样来组织语言:“Hello, boys and girls. Lets play one more game. I want to choose one person to come to the front. I will choose a picture of an animal. You can see it but he/she cant see it. You
18、 ask him/her, What is it? He/She will answer, Its a cat. You decide whether its right or wrong by saying Yes or No. Do you understand? Lets begin. Who wants to come here and guess the word?” 教师选好学生后便开始游戏,同时在黑板上做好小组的得分纪录。猜中的组得 20 分。五次未猜中要更换另一个组的同学。教学中需要注意的地方1、 同一种动物可以准备不同的图案,这样能够提高学生的学习兴趣。2、 一定要准备多余的“宾果”游戏纸,保证学生得到大量的拼写练习。课后作业请学生们回家后在一张 A4 纸上画一些或粘贴一些小动物,让所组成的图案像一个动物园,并在每个动物下加一句说明。如,This is my dog.天天练,描红,熟记新单词和新句型.