1、1 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials,BB Shielding Improvement Report Made by: QS Team 2007.05.22,2 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials,QUESTION: Project: Quicksilver Part Name: BB Shielding When: B1 Where: Nokia Beijing What: fraction defective for complanarity = 10% H
2、ow Much: 1200PCS (Nokia Complanarity requirement0.10mm),3 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials,BB Shielding Picture,Lid,Frame,BB Shielding,4 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials,BB Shielding Process,Frame stamping(one tooling)Lid stamping+Frame material tape=Assembly(one
3、tooling)CleaningInspection (all parts by gauge and eye) PackingDelivery,5 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials,Question analysis,Stamping 模具的稳定性不高, 导致共面度的良率水平低(90%) Cleaning 产品极易变形时仍然采用无挂具的清洗方式及烘干方式,导至产品变形 Inspection 检出率低,作业员全检,采用塞规目视作业,作业方式无法保障将不良品全部检出 Packing 人工使用吸笔将产品放入载带内,过程中用力大小无法
4、控制, 易使产品变形 Rework 因全检后产品数量不够客户要求,而当天又要出货,故采用作业员对不良品重工,重工后产品在运输途中回弹导致不良产生,6 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials,模具对策,Frame 改变产品落料方式, 从三次内部大孔落料改为六次,以减轻产品在落料过程中的挤料变形 对产品内部R角加大处理,减少落料时产品与模具的磨擦力 对所有定位及冲子镶件重新测量,对精度较低之零件重新制作 Lid 周边拉伸凸包太高与Frame孔干涉,故降低到0.2MM,并重新作所有冲子 平面上的Z形凸包太高,导致平面度变差,故降低高度到下
5、差,采用半剪方式进行 加大周边的折弯角度到92度,以使产品更易装配 重新制作压花镶件,使压花时产品不会挤料变形Assy 调整产品组配时冲模间隙(缩小内间隙,加大外间隙) 调整产品组配时下模弹簧弹力,使产品装配后升起时不会变形,7 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials,B1 Inspecting &Packing,100% un-go gauge on flat surface + eye inspection CMM (3-dimension instrument): pick out 4 pcs an hour, get 10
6、points from the parts and calculate the complanarity Principle: get the intersection point of the two longer lines as benchmark, the probe get point one by one by constant distance (calculated by speed and time). Machine error is 0.003mm. Theoretically we can ensure the accuracy of the inspection. H
7、owever, the testing cycle will be around 1mins, including the time to fix the part, we can not get all the parts inspected by this machine. Package: manual operation with absorber.,8 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials,BB Shielding,Plan for improvement temporarily: 100% un-go gauge on
8、 flat surface + eye inspection For S1.3, when the quantity is not too big, less than 200, we will pick out parts for CMM inspection by statistical method. Make special jig to fix the part. Use automatic robot to pick and place the part for package on line,9 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd /
9、Initials,Will buy a Shielding Flatness Inspection system introduced in the attached file. 100% inspection (testing cycle is less then 3s) Instrument is planning to reach BYD end of July Use automatic robot to pick and place the part for package on line,Mass production inspection method,10 2005 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / yyyy-mm-dd / Initials,Mass production package improvement,Manual operation with absorberRobot,